1. Can Dead Rats Die?

Lord Neverember


May 7, 2024 2:03 pm
🕰️ 12:31pm

Things change fast in Neverwinter on minute you're sitting around a table playing cards the next you're rapidly preparing for Lord Neverember's arrival. Nine Minutes. That's how long you have until he show up to get the place looking like you do work here, Dr. Brevard pins a map of the city to the wall, while Seline attempts to pit strings on the Instruments that's supposed to be sitting out from in case anyone were to ask what this place is.

Barry spends his time trying to clean up after the signs that you were just sitting around and each of you take time to strap on your gear, after all he's coming to give you you're very first mission.
🕰️ 12:40pm
Neverember strides in, not even bothering to shut the door behind himself, in fact he seems a little peeved he had to open it, something Barry and Seline both note down on a small notebook.

He looks first at Barry, "I'm sure you've been keeping an eye on the restaurants that were attacked by the Dead Rats Gang."

It's not a question which is a good thing because he hasn't been, that seemed like something that the citizen Milita could deal with, so he hadn't bothered.

"We'll they struck another two taverns this morning the Beached Leviathan and that place with masks, they came begging me to hire some Merc's to deal with the problem so I thought what better time to use you folks, after all Nobody's found their hideout before so perhaps with some professionals I thought we could wipe out the dead rats completely.

We'll I have a meeting in four minutes, so I've got to be on my way."

And with that he turns and walks out, leaving the door open behind him once again on the way to his 12:45 meeting.
Lord Neverember
May 7, 2024 2:21 pm
Time to hunt rats, eh?
May 7, 2024 10:51 pm
• Meeting highty mighty lordy tooty Neveremberemverembereverrrrr

• Not pass interview for new job

• Kick Authority

Gworgi wasn't sure why he bothered showing up to work lately, but today would be different, so he came in prepared. Decked out in his finest adventuring gear, his excitement was patched on his sleeves. He ruffled Barry's hair, and winked at Seline, but avoided eye contact with Dr. Brevard. Things were still rough there. Still, he wouldn't let that ruin his morning.

His excitement was multiplied tenfold after the meeting, pleasantly surprised at the brevity of it. He found he quite liked Lordy Neveremembernevembererrr.

"Yes yes Authority, time to hunt rats. Not real rats, real rats nice, sometimes tasty... Forget Gworgi said that aloud. Rats good friends, help Gworgi sometimes. But yes, time to hunt rats. Dr. Brevard. Barry. You have more info, yes? You big brains, spill all about Dead Rats."
May 7, 2024 11:32 pm
Mazdu rolls his eyes, "Despite his interesting vernacular, Gworgi does make a very good point. I've we are to track down the Dead Rats base we will likely need more information, does anyone know anything that might be useful. Even just enough to find or capture a single member would work, after all my magic can be very persuasive." Mazdu's eyes glow for a second.
Last edited May 7, 2024 11:32 pm
May 8, 2024 12:11 am
As the pompous prick leaves, Henson looks around the room before calling in his personal assistant.


A tiny notebook zooms across the room and flips to the front where a doodled face beams at him.


He nods towards the open doorway.

"What do we know about Lord Neveremver?"

The page flips to a face of kind concern.

"You mean Lord Neverember, right boss?"

He furrows his brow.

"Are you correcting me?"

The page quickly flips to a face of panic.

"What? N-no. Never! I uh, just misremembered!"

He crosses his arms.


The pages flip to a pondering expression.

"So.. I'll not mess that name up again!"

He pinches his temple, losing patience.

"No damnit! What do we know about the person!?"

The pages speed to a bullet list with two neatly written statements.

"Oh! That he's boss's boss, and hates doors!"

He sighs heavily.

"So, not much. What about this Dead Rat gang?"

A new page flips into view with only one bulleted point and a rough sketch of a frowning face with downward slanting brows circled several times.

"They aren't actually rats! Also, they are mean! I scribbled a grumpy face and circled it!"

He glares at the notebook.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me Paige, seriously?!!"

The panicked face flips back.

"Sorry boss! I uh, got distracted!"

He snatches the pad out of the air, shaking it.

"By what?!?"

The pages turn to an adorably toony drawing of Gworgi writing frantically in a journal of some sort.

"The widdle dragon sir! Look at him, so adorable!"

Cyclopses the world around would be jealous of Henson's eyeroll. He releases the notepad and falls back into his seat

"Fantastic, so we got a doodle, and no information."
Last edited May 8, 2024 12:28 am
May 8, 2024 12:22 am
Cute picture of ya tho, lizard. I say jokingly.

Dr. Brevard


May 8, 2024 12:58 am
Dr. Brevard turns to the map pointedly not looking down at Gworgi as his eyes pass over his location.
He hands Barry a box of pins and a list of locations.
[ +- ] Map
Dr. Brevard
"We know who their targeting, at least for now. They've raided several Taverns Including, the Beached Leviathan,and the Moonstone Mask, we could Investigate those locations though it isn't likely we'll find anything there, as they pretty much just gave over money.
We could attempt to determine the location of their base based off the location of their strikes but Taverns are all essentially the same area, well aside from the shard of the moon, which I would guess is their next location."

Paige rises eagerly hoping for a change at redemption,

""Yes we knew that too Boss! Or most of that! That is we knew about the Taverns!"
May 8, 2024 1:09 am
"It picture of Gworgi, of course it cute!" Gworgi snapped at Authority, but stretched on his toes to take a peek.

His eyes widened, and he gave the notebook a toothy grin. "Gworgi like your style—not you." He squinted his eyes at the dwarf. "Treat nice book better, grumpy head."

Turning to the map and pins, Gworgi scratched his head. "Why you think Shard of Moon next target? It far away.
May 8, 2024 1:19 am
Maybe the rats figure the other nearby locations are being watched, Lizard. That's a risk you run if you hit too many places in the same area. They'll hit some place far away, so they can avoid the city watch. Could even be that was their plan all along.



May 8, 2024 1:52 am
As Henson contemplates his chances of getting away with strangling a kobold. Paige flips to an empty entry and summons to herself a floating quill with a feathered end that shifts in color.

"Oh gosh! I didn't expect this!"

Rapidly and with perfect lines a bashful expression is doodled and turned to Gworgi.

"Y-you think so? Could I maybe..if it's not a big deal..I don't have to have it, but I'd really like it if you.."

The quill flips around to add more blushing lines. Paige turns away before flipping back to the toon image and rushing in close to the kobold.


Henson stands up and snaps his fingers.

"That's enough Paige! We need to focus."

The pages flip back to panic.

"Sorry sir!"

She zips back to Henson's hand where he nabs the quill and starts writing down information manually.

"Bunch of thugs suddenly changing tactics and hitting up taverns for coin? This seems like a shift in management if you ask me."
Last edited May 8, 2024 2:01 am
May 8, 2024 4:30 am
"Grumpy head just big bully. Gworgi sign your paper later, okay?" He winked at the notepad, and scowled at the bully.

"Bah, shift in management, hit new place far away. Too much thinking. You big-brain-little-snout people figure it out. Just point the way for Gworgi."
May 8, 2024 11:39 am
We could put a watch on the four places that haven't been hit yet, but there's only five of us. So unless it's just surveillance and we intend to try to follow them after the hit, I don't know that it's practical. Probably better to pick one if we're going to try to stop them or take a prisoner.
May 8, 2024 11:47 am
Dr. Brevard

"It's quite simple actually..." Dr. Brevard says "Warrin makes a fine point about it not being near any of the locations they've previously struck, and the Citizen Milita is getting warry of them so they'll have done things to prepare, but on top of that it's the last prominent location they've left to strike, The House of a Thousand Faces is a poor target as it's practically the home of the Harpers which means it should be well defended The Fallen Tower's Money more likely than not already goes to the Dead Rats on some Capacity and if you compare Pyle's and The Shard the Shard has far more valuable takings..."

Seline Placard
"It depends on what their goal is," Seline Cuts in, "If they want to get business to close out of fear then they would go for the Shard if the other businesses here the Shard has been hit, in rapid succession with everywhere else they've been targeting they'll begin to wonder if it's safe to be up and running at all, but if they hit Pyle's they can draw it out potentially rake in more cash before people close out of fear."
May 8, 2024 12:22 pm
Which one is closer to where they've been operating? The further they go from base, the more risk.
May 8, 2024 2:43 pm
"I have my doubts this is about money, or at least, not with these attacks alone."

Henson finishes writing down what information was available. He flips the page and forms a miniature crime board. On it he writes in the two attacked establishments and the possible next targets.

"This Shard seems a safe enough bet for a stakeout. With no other leads we need to get lucky."

He stands and points at the location on the map.

"Even if we are off target, we learn more about the criminal pattern. Taverns are possibly being hit because of their popularity. If for instance fear instead of coin is the goal, attacking these establishments will do the trick."

He closes the notepad and releases it to hover beside him.

"Or it is new management, and they are being sloppy. Regardless, we need more to go on."
May 8, 2024 2:49 pm
I agree. Just saying I think we can expect them to try not to get caught, and that will affect their targeting.
May 8, 2024 3:03 pm
Kif, who sat quietly through everything so far with his feet up on a desk, finally chimes in.

"Too many variables to survey a single location. But... it sounds like we can narrow it down to two. Split into teams and watch both. Capturing a Rat would be ideal, but trailing them to their base of operations wouldn't be bad either if you don't think you can win."
May 8, 2024 3:18 pm
I can go along with that.
May 8, 2024 3:39 pm
Henson eyes Kif for a second before shrugging.

"Fine, but I'll not be taking on a large group if things go sideways. So long as we're cool with that, I'll volunteer to watch this Shard place."

He grabs his staff from the side of the chair and assists himself up.

"So, who's all going where?"
May 8, 2024 3:47 pm
Who's going where, how are you splitting up the group?
load next

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