1. Can Dead Rats Die?

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May 15, 2024 3:21 pm
"Necromancy. It's a school of magic that largely focuses on death and disease. The classic necromantic trope is raising the dead as mindless zombies or skeletons. They're wondering about your affliction, wondering if it's a spell or a curse perhaps," Kif explains to Bertrum.



May 15, 2024 3:23 pm
"Great We Might know why I gonna die! But still gonna die."

He says sarcasticly as be tries to look at his neck see if there is anything on it.
May 15, 2024 3:24 pm
"Does anybody know how to check a pulse? For all we know this guy could already be Undead and just does not know it yet." Points out Mazdu
Last edited May 15, 2024 3:24 pm
May 15, 2024 3:26 pm
"If we know why you're going to die, we might be able to keep you from dying," Kif reminds the man. "But to my earlier question... have you seen a Cleric at least? What did they say?"



May 15, 2024 3:26 pm
"Undead like not gonna die?
Wait still dying?
Why would big sky man care b'out me?"

For the first time in the conversation Bertrum looks hopeful, as he fights to get his head into a position where he can see his neck.
+1 Medicine Modifier is sufficient to check Bertrum's Pulse
May 15, 2024 3:34 pm
"I can check his pulse."

I put my finger over his carotid.
May 15, 2024 3:48 pm
Bertrum has a pulse if somewhat weak and Unsteady.
May 15, 2024 3:52 pm
MaJunior says:
"If we know why you're going to die, we might be able to keep you from dying," Kif reminds the man. "But to my earlier question... have you seen a Cleric at least? What did they say?"
May 15, 2024 3:53 pm
"Already brain dead." Warin mutters to himself.



May 15, 2024 4:34 pm
"Wait, I did see Magic Healer Guy... He couldn't help me unless I made big donation."
May 15, 2024 4:55 pm
"Hmm... may have been the cost for the spell... could have been trying to fleece you," Kif muses. "We should go talk to him again. I feel like you need an advocate, Bertrum."
May 16, 2024 2:27 am
"Did the healer mention anything about your issue was, also how much are talking about when you say big donation?" Asks Mazdu
Last edited May 16, 2024 2:47 pm
May 16, 2024 3:36 am
Gworgi listened to the exchange with barely concealed frustration. This Bertrum fellow wasn't the sharpest tool in the drawer, and Gworgi was becoming dumber in his vicinity. He backed away from the undead-not-undead man.

The others seemed overly concerned about Bertrum's family and daughter and kept questioning him about it, but Gworgi just looked up to the ceiling and groaned. "Someone take Gworgi's life—Gworgi dying from talk talk talk! Let Gworgi shoot someone!" He nocked an arrow—the flare arrow—and pointed it back and forth between John and Bertrum. "Gworgi want murder!"



May 16, 2024 10:55 am
"More than I had, If I don't die rats won't pay for school anyway."

Though he still looks with fear at Gworgi.
May 16, 2024 11:09 am
"Unruffle your scales, Lizard. Let 'em finish what they're doing."
May 16, 2024 1:32 pm
"That's not an answer. I am sure there was a number," Kif urges.



May 16, 2024 1:48 pm
"No number, Large Donation is what he said, I don't have Large Amount of Money"
May 16, 2024 1:59 pm
"Yeah, definitely just brushing you off," Kif replies, clucking his tongue. "Poor form for a Cleric. We should at least go and get some solid answers when we're done here."

He turns his attention back to John. "Alright John, you've had some time to think about your previous answers. They were correct, but incomplete. Would you care to rectify that situation, or does the small dragon get to eat you?"

He pauses, looking to Gworgi and back to the leader of this little band of Rats with a shrug. "To be honest, I don't care either way. You determine your own fate at this point."
May 16, 2024 2:27 pm
"This is going nowhere. We have the information, and Bert isn't gonna stop dying while we discuss the finer points of economics."

Henson bends down and takes the vials from John.

"We can hold on to these for safekeeping. Your boss wants em, and you'll not do well to return empty handed. Take your boat or help us out. Either way, we gotta do something."

He looks the wide eared idiot up and down.

"I'm sure we can find an arcanist willing to dispel the funk you're steeped in. The Rats might pay that tuition, or they'll pocket the coin once you're dead. Who owes money to a dead man?"

He shakes his head and hobbles towards the back exit.

"Either way. I'm off to find a solution. Come if you want."
May 16, 2024 2:43 pm
It's not too hard to find Bertrum a healer who can actually help him when you know what's going on, the healer is confused muttering something about this being the third case of whatever this is and he'll have to look into it more later but won't say any more than that.

John doesn't return, and it doesn't take Seline long to find, but weather Gworgi followed him and ate him, or he sailed off is uncertain. Sometimes it's best to not ask too many questions.

The third Criminal, having not spoken is turned in to the Neverwinter Citizen Milita Department (N.C.M.D.) as a way to explain why Pyle disappeared midday, and what you were doing there in a believable way.
Welcome to Level 4!
Before I Get questions about Feats, Yes they are allowed

Part 2 will be up soon.

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