May 9, 2024 8:15 pm
The party has been summoned by King Alexandros and has been given their quest. Each party member is given 3 potions of greater healing, which provide 20 healing when consumed with an action, and 1 potion of stone to flesh, which reverses petrification to a creature that still has its head when poured over the head. The king provides one of his ships and a crew to man it. It will take a week to arrive near the island of Hythonia, known as the island of stone. All but the last days are uneventful, likely due to most monsters sensing the strength onboard and avoiding the group.
Use this thread to roleplay amongst each other. This is optional. on Monday, I will post Chapter 1, which is when something bad happens. Unless someone says something to a crew member or the captain, this is mostly just for you all to talk to each other in character. Remember, you all know each other already and have fought together.