Journey to Lands Far Far Away (RP)

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May 17, 2024 11:58 am
Upon entering the street and seeing the distracted state of the angry mob, Ezmaray puts some space between herself, Albert, and Theo. She clenches her fist and still approaches the mob with haste, but from a slightly different angle, hoping to disguise the fact that she is associated with the delivery men.

She waits to act further until she learns more.
May 17, 2024 4:53 pm
Albert steps forward and tries to get in front of the men "What's going on here, guys?" He asks. "This man is to be my coach driver. What did he do?" He tries to look as clueless as possible.
May 17, 2024 5:01 pm
- Albert -

Intent on their task, the mob don't seem to notice you and push past, not hearing the question over the angry shouts.

"Help me!" Humphrey calls, his hand outstretched in your direction, you don't know if he saw you or is just begging for help from anyone in general. But there is no reasoning with an angry mod.

What do you do?
May 18, 2024 12:56 pm
Albert takes a deep breath. Annoyed by the way these people are ignoring him he decides to make his voice boom as he has heard many times in the past from the priests in the temple of Raynor. They had a special technique to fortify their voice to be heard clearly when talking to large crowds. Hopefully he's still got it.

"Stop this madness at once, in the name of Raynor, god of conquest!"


Booming voice (+STR?) - (2d6+1)

(46) + 1 = 11

May 18, 2024 1:03 pm
- Albert -

The mob comes to a puzzled stop. "Who?" Someone asks, but you have their attention.

"Yay!" Humphrey voice comes from above. "Yes, Rayner! I was on a mission from god!"

There are some angry mutters at this statement, and the crowd turns to you.

"Are you with this... this villain?" A red-faced, angry man with large arms and blood on his apron demands. His tone suggests you better be very careful how you answer.

What do you do?
May 18, 2024 2:03 pm
Roald steps closer to Albert, hand on his sword.
''Well,... 'With' is putting it too strongly but he is supposed to drive us from this town''
Roald's tone is friendly, not aggressive. ''Why are you parading him around like that? If I may ask. ''
May 18, 2024 2:18 pm
- Roald -

The people (suddenly the term 'mob' might apply less) look worried about the sword at your side. They are not armed and were all brave when they outnumbered Humphrey, but are less sure now that there are more of you and you are bearing weapons.
Did you wake and bring Daryl, in his armour?
"Um..." The butcher says. "... he is to be ... punished?" Though it definitely sounds a lot more questioning than their previous statements. "For... for 'corrupting our women-folk."

They look awkward holding Humphrey on their shoulders, but don't seem to want to go into details of his offence in front of the whole town, though it looks like all the locals implicitly understand what is going on.

What do you do?
May 18, 2024 3:04 pm
Watching unnoticed from the sidelines, Ezmaray snorts. She unfolds her arms, builds herself up, and strides forwards aggressively.

"And no one will give sounder whooping than his loving wife!" she growls. She reaches out to grab Humphrey roughly by the hair.

"Hello, darling..." she snarls threatening. She turns to the men holding him up. "I will handle from here."


How convincing is she? (+ charisma) - (2d6+1)

(43) + 1 = 8

May 18, 2024 4:14 pm
- Ezme -

Humphrey panics, looking around for his wife. "Not again!" He exclaims plaintively before seeing that Tina is nowhere near. He looks at you, dumbfounded. "I don't know her!" He protests.

The townsfolk look on somewhat sympathetically, impressed by your physique and wondering at the story that put you and the coach driver together. Some of them, however, look puzzled, unfortunately you can't know this, but many here know Humphrey and have met his wife before.

"I demand justice." The butcher shouts, but then is unwilling to go into details about what he is demanding justice for, and the crown disperses, telling him is it over. From the look on his face it is not over.

You have Humphrey dangling from your hand. He tries to turn a smile your way. "Uh, hello gorgeous." He says hopefully, eyeing you up and down... a few times, obviously not disappointed with what he sees.

What do you do?
May 18, 2024 6:01 pm
"Do not 'hello gorgeous' me!" the trapper yells, landing a loud smack across his face with her muscled arm.

Ezmaray does not intend to cause Humphrey much in the manner of harm. That said, she does not have to try very hard to act offended. She has never been looked at or spoken to in such a fashion, and something inside bristles with discomfort.

She turns abruptly to the butcher. "Rest assured. When I am done with him, he will not be seeing straight!" Ezme turns and starts dragging the hapless man down the street by his hair. Though she barely knows the fellow, a small part of her experiences some schadenfreude as the apparent womanizer yelps and squirms.
May 18, 2024 6:56 pm
The butcher watches as Ezme drags the squirming Humphrey down the street. While he is obviously please by the pain being inflicted, he still looks like he might want more —and more personal— retribution later.

- Albert and Roald -

Ezme's actions have defused the current situation, but do you let her haul your driver around like this, with just the word of an angry mob that he has done anything wrong? Theo watches all this with huge eye, confused about who the girl is and why she is taking on so much authority.

What do you do?
May 18, 2024 7:04 pm
"Trust me, gentlemen. There is no worse punishment than to be handed to your wife. See how he's squirming even more than when you were dragging him off?" He looks the guys one by one, giving them a knowing look. "Now, how about we discuss this over a pint, huh? And we'll make sure Humphrey here never does it again. Whatever it was."
Last edited May 18, 2024 7:05 pm
May 18, 2024 8:24 pm
- Albert -

Most of the core mob have already dispersed, of them, only the butcher stands glaring at you and your friends. "You should have let us have him." He says, spitting at your feet. "She could have had what was left." He turns his back on you, not interested in sharing a pint with anyone who styles themselves Humphrey's associates.

Several of the onlookers, however, are more than happy to gossip about it if you are buying the pints.

What do you do?
May 18, 2024 10:29 pm
Ezmaray drags Humphrey around a corner and out of view of the public, then dumps him unceremoniously on the ground. She squats next to his prostrate form and, brows raised, she gives him a long, serious look.

"I stepped in to help you. Man who messes with other man's wife -- he does not deserve tarring and feathering. But he does deserve good smacking, and I do not apologize for that."
May 18, 2024 10:39 pm
- Ezme -

"Wow." Humphrey says looking up at you and trying to turn his position in a casual lounge, coking a leg and resting his head on his hand —though he would rather be rubbing his smarting hair.

"Who are you?" He gives you a grin that he hopes is charming, doing the best he can under the circumstances.
Let's wait here and see if Albert is coming after you or going for drinks fact finding, and what Roald is doing.
May 19, 2024 3:52 am
Roald watches the spectacle with a grin on his face. He knows of Humphreys reputation so he is quite certain Humphrey is getting what he deserves. The best thing to do now is getting back on the road and out of this town as quick as possible.
He has no interest in spending the...
''What time is it ? How long did I sleep?''
... Noon? in a bar.
'' Theo, can you accompany Albert? I will check on Ezme. Let's meet back at the inn in an hour. I'll ask the innkeeper for some food for the road, and then we can be on our way''

Roald is leaving out the part that he is not sure if he still wants Humphrey coming along. That man is trouble...
May 19, 2024 4:12 pm
Albert wouldn't mind getting to know a thing or two about the town and what Humphrey has been up to. Besides, he hasn't had breakfast yet so he needed to return to the inn anyway. "Alright fellas." He points at the now much smaller group of locals. "I'll buy you a drink each if you can let me know what's been going on." He'd of course take advantage of the situation to tell these locals about Raynor.
I'm happy to do this as a narration instead of playing it out. Not sure if it would take up too much time otherwise. Whatever you prefer, vague.
May 19, 2024 4:20 pm
Stepping around the corner, Roald sees Humphrey getting scolded at by Ezme. He takes a step back so they wouldn't be disturbed by his presence. Again he can't keep himself from smiling.

Ezme is looking as if she can go on till evening. When the show is not amusing anymore Roald walks into sight and tells them everybody is meeting at the inn in a short while.
May 19, 2024 5:44 pm
Unsettled, Ezme narrows her eyes in response to Humphrey's question about who she is.

Everything about his body language is strange to her. It didn't seem like he was mocking her. But if he wasn't, it meant he was lumping her in with all the other ladies he presumably fooled around with, which means...

Was this place really as Richie had suggested? From her observations, the ladies in these parts still seemed to dress more "womanly" than she did, but they also acted bolder, went out on their own, and generally had more independence than back home... (Goddess knows, none of her sisters would ever be in a situation where someone like Humphrey would have the opportunity to make moves on them!)

Did Humphrey actually think she was attractive? Despite her outrage over his demeaning behavior, it was a flattering idea -- the thought that someone could view her in that light. But then, thinking back on Aarov's deceit...

She shoves the hope away, snuffing it to the best of her ability. Best not to trust anything...

"Call me Ezme. House Felder. I am trapper from Dalhurst, hired to help your crew travel... But know this: I will not fall for rakish man with big smiles and batting eyes. Now up with you." She steps back, allowing him space to rise, then glances over to see Roald approach.

She nods and walks with Roald and Humphrey toward the inn, suggesting they avoid any main streets so as to not attract any unnecessary attention to Humphrey. She subtly glances at Humphrey, trying to read his response to her rejection.
May 19, 2024 6:16 pm
- Albert -

There are more than fifty people wanting to join you for free drinks, and that is all your purse can bear. You don't know what arrangement Humphrey made with the innkeeper, though. (Do you enquire?)

Away from the angry butcher, people are more than willing to share their gossip, which boils down to: "Baker" —after a bit of confusion it turns out 'Baker' is the butcher, 'everybody knows that'— "was away on business, arrived back early to find his new wife in bed with ... ", "No, he was not in bed, he was climbing from the window", "No, he was hiding in the closet.", "Well, anyway, caught him and was going to enact 'justice' upon him." "Bad temper on that man." "Long temper, too."

What do you do?
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