Journey to Lands Far Far Away (RP)

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Jun 27, 2024 3:51 am
''hehe, a bear...''
'' My stomach actually sounds like one at the moment!''
Roald finds a nearby stump and takes a minute to rest. He hears the women's conversation but the words don't get through to him.
'' What are you doing Albert?''
Jun 27, 2024 3:57 am
Ezme glances at the others to gauge their reaction to Lille's odd behavior.

"See here, Little Creature..." she says to Lille, working hard not to sound condescending. "This is no jollyride. We are doing job. Earning income. What is it you think you are doing?" She squints and cocks her head. ".... Are you looking for cut?"

The trapper has little interest in reducing her share, and really, what new skill could this girl hope to contribute?

(Or is the real cause of Ezme's hesitation the fact that she feels slightly uncomfortable in Lille's presence, given the nature of their first encounter....?)

A tad bit self-conscious, the trapper straightens proudly and folds her arms as she waits for Lille's answer.
Last edited June 27, 2024 3:58 am
Jun 27, 2024 5:46 am
"I'm collecting some of this leftover black stuff from the bees." Albert answerd Roald. "I think it might come in handy for our research."

"You are?" Albert asks Lille, a bit confused, after she announces her plan to join the group. "Are you worried about the dark forces too?"
Jun 27, 2024 7:57 am
Lille looks a bit confused. "I’m not trying to get cut, or go for a... ride. I don’t know anything about dark forces," she admits to Albert. "But I can help keep a watch for you, for danger," she says, regaining her typical determination and gesturing to the burnt hives. "And I can hunt with you," she tells Ezme. She blushes briefly, perhaps also recalling their previous encounter, then hurries on.

"I will help you do the job. I don’t need any money for it," she declares, with all the confidence of someone who’s never paid for anything. "I am going to Learn About The World." Lille turns to Ezme and adds, "And I can bring you more garlic. For your anti Buy-a-trick."
Jun 27, 2024 8:10 am
Roald, finally paying attention, thinks Lille's proposal through in his head.
She seems trustworthy... And she knows her away in the woods...

'' I don't see a problem with Lille joining us, and if she is a good hunter, even less.''
Jun 27, 2024 2:37 pm
So, she doesn't want money. She doesn't want to fight dark forces. All she wants is to "Learn About the World" by joining a semi-random group of individuals she hardly knows? Ezmaray's brow furrows suspiciously.

"Where are your... people? Why are you not with them?"
Jun 27, 2024 6:26 pm
"Jordash is.. dead." Lille almost gets through the sentence without a hitch, and seems surprised by the sudden emotion. She swallows and draws herself up. "It was just us two. He said I must leave, that it wasn’t safe." She grips her staff and cloak unconsciously harder, as if trying to draw the strength of their previous owner from the inanimate objects.
Jun 27, 2024 9:26 pm
"I see...." The pieces suddenly fall into place in the trapper's mind. She politely averts her eyes, pretending not to notice Lille's show of emotion, and pushes ahead down the road.

Something about seeing the other woman tear up... Suddenly, the trapper is walking a little taller.

"...Very well, then," she consents
Jun 28, 2024 4:34 am
'' Since you will be joining us, I think it's time for a proper introduction. Ezme you know apparently, the old geezer with the bad lungs is Albert, he used to own a bar but after it burned down, he devoted his life to Raynor... You might too when you see his power... Then there is Theo, he is de son of a mayor and is tagging along to get some life experience before going to university. So he's the smart one. Am I right Theo?
The knight in shining in armor over there is Daryl. He is a force to be reckoned with, one of the best knights in the land.''

Roald winks at Lille and watches Daryl's reaction from the corner of his eye.
'' And I am Roald, butcher's son and former frequenter of Albert's bar''
Jun 28, 2024 7:00 am
Albert steps forward and offers Lille a handkerchief that's still got a few unused looking spots. Unfortunately, he had been too busy lately to clean things properly. He'll get round to it some day, though.

He nods when Roald introduces him. "That's settled then." He smiles. "We've got more company on our way to Necusle." With the hives burned and the bear nowhere in sight, it seems it's time to pack up and leave. Albert gets to work putting things back into his backpack. "It was a short night, so let's take it slow today and have plenty of rests."
Jun 28, 2024 7:22 am
Theo tries to demure at Roald's calling him 'wise', but he seems a bit tongue-tied for the last few days.

Daryl beams at the praise, especially coming from Roald who's expectations he wants to live up to, he is doing his best to make you proud.

You clean up and pack up get your loads settled between you and make a leisurely way along the road North as it winds inland and then back towards the coast ...

Continues in The Fellowship Grows, the Journey Continues ...

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