Journey to Lands Far Far Away (RP)

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Jun 24, 2024 10:11 am
- Lille -

The bear awakes, frightened and angry, it takes a swipe at you but you are expecting it and are fast enough to get out of the way. The fire in your hand puts it off a bit, and it turns instead to the nearest other human and lumbers in their direction ready to take a bite out of them in retaliation.

What do you do?
Jun 24, 2024 10:24 am
"Rraaaaagh!!!" Lille yells out loud at the bear, and tries to circle around and get between it and the other humans. She draws her knife and brandishes the torch in front of her, trying to keep the bear at a distance.
I imagined that Lille would have arranged the others to be behind her, but maybe the bear side stepped around a tree to get past her. In case it matters, Lille’s arm is no longer bound, and her sling is stashed in her belt as usual. She left her cloak with Albert and gave her staff to Ezme, though not necessarily expecting her to wield it as a weapon; just keep it handy. Lille is going light, in case she has to run.
Jun 24, 2024 12:44 pm
Ezme stands ready as Lille "communicates" with the bear.

She's starting to conclude that the young women is delusional about these supposed animal-speaking superpowers. Maybe she was good at communicating with animals, the trapper would grant her that, but so far the nymph hadn't done anything that Ezme wouldn't have also done to try to get the right message across. Ezme smirks -- maybe she should start telling folks she has wildspeach.

Oh, &#*(!

Ezme steps forward, spreading her blanket wide to increase her size and roaring in unison with Lille as the bear lumbers toward the group. In her left hand, she still clings to the torch; in her right she holds the staff.


SURVIVAL Roll to dissuade bear from approaching - (2d6+1)

(55) + 1 = 11

Jun 24, 2024 12:48 pm
Oh, &#*(! the bear thinks Make yourself look big!

It stands up on its hind-legs to try match Ezme but is intimidated by the woman's size.

It won't take much to push the bear's morale over the edge and make it flee.

What do you do?
Jun 24, 2024 1:05 pm
"Be gone, you lard-arse!" Ezme bellows loudly as she brandishes the torch. She notes what she hopes is hesitation in the bear's eye.

"That is right. YOU ARE ONE BIG FAT MESS OF BEAR!" she yells in insult to discourage it further. "... I will not sugarcoat, because you would just eat that, as well!"
Jun 24, 2024 1:41 pm
Albert watches from a short distance. He didn't want to get closer because that might startle the bear even more than it already is. He shuffles slowly over to where he had put down his torch earlier while clearing some leaves and picks it up. Trying to stay out of the bear's 'radar', he tries to make his movements slow and insignificant to it. If a fight breaks out, he will at least be ready to scare it away with fire.
Last edited June 24, 2024 1:41 pm
Jun 24, 2024 3:14 pm
Remembering Lille's instructions from their previous bear encounter, Roald too tries to make himself as big as possible.
He stands at Ezme's left side and spreads his cloak.
Exposing himself to the bees once again...


Hey bear +cha - (2D6+1)

(64) + 1 = 11

Jun 24, 2024 7:37 pm
Lille circles around to stand by Ezme. Though she is much shorter, next to each other they will represent a larger threat than alone. With another incoherent roar, Lille thrusts the torch towards the bear, waving it so the smoke goes to its nose.


Get tough with the first one +CHA(0) - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Jun 25, 2024 6:54 am
- Lille -

Reassaulted by the the smoke that woke it, the bear lashes out at the smallest person who is also the one cause it the most trouble. You can't say you weren't expecting this, so you can try to dodge out of the way or avoid the paw.

What do you do?
You can probably make a roll +DEX (unless you are feeling crazy and want to roll with something else:) do avoid the blow.
• On a 10+ you easily avoid getting hit and the bear gives up and leaves.
• On a 7-9 you have the choice of avoiding the blow but still having an unsatisfied bear to deal with, or taking a glancing blow that leaves you rattled and confused for a while but satisfies the bear, which leaves.
• On a 6- you take a hard blow. We can roll 1d6 damage (you only have 5) and the bear leaves; or you can choose to take a glancing blow and be out of the fight and the others will need to deal with the bear on their own.
Jun 25, 2024 8:31 am
As the bear turns on her, Lille tries to fend off the blow with the torch and dodge to the side.


Dodging w/DEX - (2d6+3)

(52) + 3 = 10

Jun 25, 2024 8:37 am
The bear harrumphs irritatedly, then turns 'casually' —trying to make it look like it is not intimidated by the group and just has better things to do— and 'saunters' off without looking back.

The shadow-bees are also, mostly, under control, and the area is as clear as you are going to get it. It is time to lite the fires and deal with the corrupted trees.

What do you do?
Jun 25, 2024 9:32 pm
When the bear finally lumbers out of sight, the ferocious light in Lille’s eyes also extinguishes, although it takes a few moments more than you might expect. A slightly sad expression passes over her features before she becomes resolute again and turns to the others.

"We should light all the hives at the same time," she says, motioning with her torch. "The others should stay well back. Once I light that one, I will go near the pile of berries. Everyone else should stay together to pool as much torch smoke as possible. If something goes wrong, I will smash the berries and we should all run." She indicates with her free hand the hive she will light and a safe direction for the others to stand. Without waiting for much response, she turns to begin accomplishing the plan.
Jun 25, 2024 9:53 pm
Albert watches the display between his companions and the bear. For a split second it looks like it will all go wrong. He gathers the resolve to fight this beast, but something inside him makes him wait. Moments later the bear is simply walking away. He exhales a breath that's been in his lungs for far too long.

After hearing the plan, he nods, not minding to take direction. "I'm ready when you are." He tells Lille. "May Raynor guide the fire to root out the evil that infests these hives." When the sign is given, he holds the torch to the spot Lille has marked and gets ready to make a run for it.
Jun 26, 2024 12:37 am
Ezme pauses momentarily, her lit torch spitting eager beside her as if ready for violence.

Were these bees in fact "evil"? She and her companions knew nothing about them, besides the fact that they were aggressive and their honey seemed to sicken those who ate it. Were they an omen of something? A warning? A consequence? Might they attract negative attention or create a bigger problem by eradicating them?

Before she has a chance to voice these concerns, her companions are already at work, setting fire to the hives…
Last edited June 26, 2024 12:37 am
Jun 26, 2024 3:49 am
All the corrupted trees go up at the same time. It takes a little while for the shadow-bees to realise the assault, and by the time they do, it is too late and most are caught in the flames. A combination of the smoke and the smashed berries confuses those outside the hives, you see from your back-off-distance that they are trying to sting the berries rather than going after your party.

As the last tree burns through to the core, the dark bodies all simultaneously evaporate into smoke and vanish. There is no sign of them left. Instead of honey, there is a dark tarry residue in the trees, you don't think anything will be tempted to eat it anymore.

You set your fires hot enough that there is little but ash afterwards, but inside the ash and underground there are probably glowing coals. If it rains tonight —and you think it will— these should be extinguished, but they do pose some small risk of spreading the fire if the coals are uncovered by wind —of which there is currently little. Pouring enough water (or even sand) onto them to fully extinguish them now will take many hours, and the locals may become curious about the fire and smoke if they spotted it. Do you want to have to answer questions about what was done here today?

You are all also hungry, your meager leftovers from the meal you brought from the inn made an inadequate breakfast and that was hours ago, before running all over the place and extensive manual labour. If you want to get away from here and find a place to camp and hunt so you can eat tonight, you probably need to get moving.
Most of you don't know Lille. You have helped her with her 'regional problem' and probably expect to leave her here while you head off to dangerous lands unknown.

What do you all do?
Jun 26, 2024 4:28 am
Lille stands up from squatting by the smoking remains of a hive. "These should be fine from here. I will get my other things and rejoin you at the road. We won’t make a lot of progress today, but any distance from here should help improve the hunting." She gives Ezme a nod and turns to be on her way.
At this point, Lille would have gotten her staff back from Ezmaray and her cloak back from Albert.
Jun 26, 2024 8:05 am
Albert hands back Lille's cloak. He rubs his shoulder, where he got stung. "I don't know what that was, but there was definitely something not right about it. Let's hope we've cleared the place from corruption."

As they are inspecting the effectiveness of their actions, he takes the time to gather some of the dark tarry residue. As a container he uses a few large acorns that he hollows out with the tip of his dagger. After putting the top back on, he ties it together with a length of ivy vine. He adds it to his backpack.

"I'm so hungry right now, I think I could eat a bear!" He says to Lille with a wink to lighten the mood.
Jun 26, 2024 9:16 am
"I do not think that’s a good idea," Lille says, the joke sailing over her head faster than a shadow bee. "It would mean far more meat than we could easily carry." She folds the cloak over her arm, apparently giving the idea some serious thought. "But that pole carrying thing might work, if you didn’t already have a large package on it."
Jun 27, 2024 1:15 am
Ezmaray looks on, puzzled. While Albert's jest may be sailing over Lille's head, the entire dialog about the bear flies under Ezme's radar as the trapper attempts to figure out how the nymph came to be here and why she seems to think that she is coming with them now. Was this woman... following her? If so, why?

"You live... near here...?" she asks Lille, her eyes darting around, confused.
Jun 27, 2024 1:42 am
"I lived in the woods, some distance outside of Olmsford," Lille says vaguely. "Now I am coming with you," she announces. Although she’s speaking mainly to Ezme, she glances at the rest of the group to include them in her statement.
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