Journey to Lands Far Far Away (RP)

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Jun 20, 2024 9:09 am
- Everyone -

Your whole group is back together. With the knowledge of the smoke and the torches you are fairly confident you can control the bees to a some degree, and should be able to move around carefully.

If you can find something sweet to distract them you can easily make you way back to the hives undisturbed, else you can try to move slowly, using the smoke to open a path and the flame to deal with any that get past.

But, the stings don't seem that bad? They sting (no pun) a little at first, but you could just choose to ignore them and make your way with haste back to the contaminated trees.

What do you do?
Jun 20, 2024 7:05 pm
"Would berries do the trick?" Albert ask Lille when the group is back together and doing ok. "I think I saw some earlier, but they might not be the sweet kind. They were about this big and dark blue." He explains, trying to be helpful.
Jun 20, 2024 7:36 pm
Ezmaray's brows rise. She is pleased to see Roald and the others return not only alive and well, but also surprisingly prepared to ward off the nigh-invisible pests that had cornered her crew. Perhaps Albert was right... Maybe she had underestimated Roald and the others. Standing by with torch now in hand, she eyes her returned companions with appreciation and renewed respect. Her distracted gaze travels up and down Roald and lingers on his face for a moment before dancing back to Albert after he shares his observation about the berries.

"Unless they were close, it may be more effort to harvest said berries than to just make our way carefully back to hives to burn them," she notes in response to the older gentleman.
Jun 20, 2024 10:12 pm
Lille nods in agreement with Ezme’s suggestion. "Perhaps if we see enough berries on the way, we can try. We will have to move slowly anyway, to avoid as many stings as possible. Then clear and burn the hives, and be done with this place."
Jun 21, 2024 7:16 am
Albert nods, relying on the knowledge of the ones who clearly know a thing or two about the outdoors. "Let's go."
Jun 21, 2024 6:05 pm
Regrouped and under control, you make your way back to the burn site.
Everyone give me a roll.
Maybe it is an 'attack' roll to fend off the shadow-bees, maybe it is a roll to find and gather sweet berries, or something else. We will aggregate all the rolls too see how you are fairing when you get back.
Jun 21, 2024 6:56 pm
2d6+1 anything but +con


Mystery roll - (2D6+1)

(26) + 1 = 9

Jun 21, 2024 8:37 pm
Ezmaray does her best to keep the bees away as they proceed.


Warding off bees with torch - (2d6+1)

(52) + 1 = 8

Jun 21, 2024 8:43 pm
When they pass Albert’s berry spot, Lille tries to dart around and collect as many berries as possible.


Quick berry grab +DEX - (2d3+3)

(21) + 3 = 6

Jun 21, 2024 9:26 pm
Umm well that was the wrong dice. Once more, with feeling.


Quick berry grab with DEX - (2d6+3)

(61) + 3 = 10

Jun 21, 2024 10:15 pm
Albert tries to keep an eye out for bees and direct the others to any incoming ones.
I think my awareness skill would apply here.
Last edited June 21, 2024 10:16 pm


Keeping an eye out (+int?) - (2d6+1)

(34) + 1 = 8

Jun 22, 2024 8:31 am
By the time you all make it back to your burn site almost everyone has one has been stung a bit. (Distribute 7 stings amongst the party of 6 however you wish.)

You managed to collect a sizable stack of sweet berries.

What do you do?
Jun 22, 2024 9:30 am
Lille can have one or two. She was doing something extra dangerous, but also rolled well.
Jun 23, 2024 7:54 am
Back near the corrupted hives, Lille sets the hard earned berries carefully off to one side, on a large leaf. She reaches for a new tender spot on her neck, just where it meets her right shoulder. Her expression is grim as she eyes all the new stings on the rest of the group.

"I’ve set the berries downwind of us. If something goes wrong, someone should smash them with the rock beside them and then run. The bear shouldn’t bother us while we work, but I will keep an eye on it. When we finish clearing, I will try again to wake and move it. Whatever you do, don’t make any bee sounds. Also, don’t head that way," she says, nodding her head to the side, "because there’s an untainted hive that we don’t want to agitate and attract these ones."

Lille only gives the others a moment to respond before heading off to clear the ground nearest the bear.
Jun 23, 2024 8:07 am
The bear sleeps on.

You use smoke and the lure of sweet berries to control the shadow-bees, and that mostly allows you to work without harassment on clearing the area of combustible materials so you can set your fires.

Poor Daryl has had a hard time and complains about the need to move around which irritates his stings. He continues to work, though, but is looking very lethargic by the time the clearing is done, and sits down to take a drink and splash water on his face and neck.

It is time to light up the corrupted trees and be done with this.

What do you do?
Jun 23, 2024 8:31 am
Lille waits for the others to get to a safe distance, then approaches the bear from the side as she did beforehand. She kneels again, touching it firmly on the shoulder before suggesting in its mind that it move on to the cool stream. The main difference is that her other hand now has a smoky torch, extended back as far as she can get from the bear and her suggested direction.
Jun 23, 2024 9:01 am
- Lille -

The bear is near comatose from glucose overdose, it is in a state akin to hibernation until the reserves of sugar in its system return to levels that make it think about feeding again. It is hard to communicate with it in this condition, your body-language is useless and you know it does not care much for words.

Its nose does twitch at the first smell of smoke. This is a delicate balancing-act. Too little smoke and it will not wake, too much and you will have a bear awaking from hibernation in a panic.

What do you do?
Seems like a roll is called for, probably +CHA but you motivate for another Stat if you prefer.
On a 10+ you can wake the bear and get it to move off a little, at least far enough that it is completely out of the fire area.
On a 7-9 you will have a choice of startling it awake and having to deal with a rampaging bear, or leaving it to sleep and hoping you can continue to work around it.
On a 6- it wakes, but is not happy about the whole situation.
Jun 23, 2024 9:22 am
"Stay back," Lille calls to the others. "I need to scare it off, and it will likely be confused and angry. Use your torches and what I told you before, if it comes near." Lille casts a lingering gaze on Ezme, hoping that the other woman will guide the others. Then she turns to focus on her dangerous task, waving the torch slowly nearer to the bear’s nose.
If the difficult part of this is getting the right amount of smoke due to torch location, it sounds like a physical task, with DEX to finesse the torch just right. If the difficult part is doing the right scary (but not too scary) dance when it awakens, then CHA sounds like the thing that’s happening. If I’m intimidating it, we can ignore the bonus since my CHA is 0.


Bear herding w/DEX - (2d6+3)

(41) + 3 = 8

Jun 23, 2024 7:29 pm
Lille cautious actions turn to sweeping aggression as she thrusts the torch forward and snarls out loud. "Be gone!" she says with her actions, when the bear becomes awake enough to see her.
Lille does not fancy a panicked, possibly also on fire bear later. Better a grumpy bear now.
Jun 24, 2024 10:08 am
What does fate have in store?

On a 6 it flees, on a 1 it is angry and wants to fight.


Die of Fate - (1d6)

(3) = 3

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