Journey to Lands Far Far Away (RP)

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Jun 7, 2024 8:29 pm
Lille surveys the scene and the bear, weighing her options and clearly liking none of them. "I will try to wake it and get it to go that way." She points in the direction she had originally tried to get the bear to go. "But with... whatever is effecting its mind, it may need stronger persuasion." She indicates three spots that form a sort of back wall. "If it comes towards you, or I point, you can start making a lot of noise." She considers a moment longer. "A small fire would also help, but I don’t want to clear and burn any more of the forest than we have to."
Jun 8, 2024 10:00 am
''Do you think it would come in our direction if the 6 of us start clearing bushes here? Maybe we can wake the bear with our noise and drive it in the opposite direction? Of course you know more about what state it is in...''
Jun 9, 2024 1:32 pm
Ezmaray collects herself as she breaks down camp and does her best to avoid staring at Lille as the crew makes their way to the infected hives. She'd never seen a woman who moved like this, like she were somehow a part of the wilderness itself, nor had she met another who spoke with such blunt assertion.

Once they arrive at the site, the trapper gets the lay of the land, then squats, studying the bear from a safe distance while the others discuss their options. "It looks ill," she pipes in. "I do not think it will mess with us..." She straightens, turning to the group. "I would like to see how ... Lille ... communicates with this beast. We will do our part to deter it from staying or attacking." She nods to the Roald. "It is as I said to you earlier. Do not run from predator. Show it you are boss. Assertive noise is good, but remain calm and firm. Leave your packs on. Swing arms wide or use cloak to make yourself look larger. Keep weapons ready, but they are last resort." She steps closer to the group. "Stay together," she advises the men. "Bear is more likely to attack individual than large group."

She pulls out her hunting knife, then nods toward Lille to continue.
Jun 9, 2024 8:33 pm
Lille only nods back to Ezme, the action summing up an agreement with her thoughts and approval of her advice. She glances at the men to see that they are ready, then turns from the adventurers towards the bear. She approaches it from the side, stepping with purposeful noise on dry leaves and cracking twigs.

When Lille is just close enough, she kneels on one knee, and reaches out a hand to the bear’s shoulder. She gives it a firm little rub before quickly withdrawing her hand and reaching out for it’s mind. You must go, she tells it, sending the same images and sensations of the peaceful pines and cool gurgling stream. She hopes that the repetition will both make the point stronger and identify her as the safe ally from earlier. You cannot stay here. She gives the sensation of pricking thorns and the buzz of angry bees as she watches for its reaction.
Lille is ready to switch to body language if the bear opens its eyes. She is also in what we’d recognize as the runner’s starting position, so she’s ready to bolt if this goes badly.


Convincing the bear to move w/CHA - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Jun 10, 2024 3:47 pm
Roald watches how Lille approaches the bear. He is curious and worried at the same time.
She looks like she knows what's she is doing though.
He glances at Ezme who seems to be totally ok with it.
Roald opens his cloak and spreads it out, as if he was a soaring bird.
It's kinda clumsy holding both his sword and the cloak, but if it comes to a fight with the bear, holding up the cloak will be the last of his worries.
Jun 10, 2024 4:58 pm
- Lille -

The bear has just gone to sleep and is impossible to wake, its body and mind thrum with glucose-energy, but it has overdosed on honey and is in something like a sugar-coma. This is not good for its health, but not your immediate issue.

As you make buzzing sensations you draw the attention of the hunter-shadow-wasps —out seeking for more beehives— and they come to investigate. The others in your party do not notice them yet, they have not the experience you do with side-eyeing the little horrors. Even you do not realise there is danger till someone slaps a hand to an exposed body-part as they are stung.

What do you do?
Any volunteers to be the first to be stung by the shadow-wasps? Else we can experiment on an NPC.
Jun 10, 2024 6:18 pm
Oooh pick me!! :D
Albert slaps his left upper arm "Ouch that stings!" He says in frustration and looks at his hand where a dead wasp can be seen. The feeling of the wasps venom is not what he's used to. For a brief moment he feel like he's back at the strange temple. "Aunt Mertle?" He snaps back to reality and finds Daryl staring at him. "Who's Mertle?" He asks. Albert quickly brushes off the comment. "Hmm? Oh, no matter. I just got stung by a wasp, look." He rolls up his sleeve and shows a red spot the size of a blueberry.

He turns to Lille "What are these things? You mentioned tainted hives, but I get the feeling they are tainted by something we've encountered before." He shakes his head. "This is not good, Roald. What if the temple's influence is spreading?"
Last edited June 10, 2024 6:18 pm
Jun 10, 2024 6:27 pm
Roald decides the danger of being stung by a wasp outweighs that of being mawled by a sleeping bear and tightens his cloak again. He also puts his hood over his head.

''Let's hope this is all just a coincidence, but if the wasps poison the honey we should keep a close eye on that spot on your arm. Let's tend to it as soon as possible.''

Roald starts clearing the bushes and dead wood, anything that could spread the fire in the wrong way has to go.
Jun 10, 2024 7:49 pm
- Albert -

You were definitely stung —you have the mark to prove it— and you thought you saw a wasp under your hand, but when you try to show it to Daryl you can not find the insect. It probably just fell to the ground... right?

What do you do?
Jun 11, 2024 8:20 am
Lille turns in slight surprise, when Albert reacts to her buzzing instead of the bear. She tries to recover quickly, but inwardly kicks herself for the mistake. It is good I will travel with them now. I must sleep more tonight, and not make these mistakes again.

She stops the buzzing immediately, leaves the bear, and hurries over as Albert demonstrates his sting mark. She looks for the wasp, and any stinger or other ‘unseen’ deposit it might have made on his arm or nearby. "I don’t know what these things are or do." She almost looks relieved that they seem to recognize the insects or their effects. "The bear seemed obsessed with the bad honey, and had a kind of.. block on thinking of other things. Very hard to shake off." She seems both sad for the bear and concerned for Albert, as if a bit of pain is the least of his worries.

Lille also motions Ezme over. "You must look for the wasps without seeing them," she tells the other woman, although she’s openly sharing the technique with all of them. "Do not look straight at them, but just at something else nearby. Like the difference between staring at the surface reflection of a pond or focusing deeper into the water." She’s not sure if her explanation makes sense, but it’s the best she can put the indescribable into words.
Jun 11, 2024 10:19 am
'' You mean like when you want to see a not so bright star, you have to look at the darkness just beside it. I'll give it a try''
Jun 11, 2024 9:33 pm
Albert thinks as he rubs his arm. "Should we start clearing the area then?" He asks Lille. "The sooner we get started, the sooner we're done. Did you manage to remove the bear?"
Jun 11, 2024 10:17 pm
FYI I’m hoping to see if there’s a wasp (dead or alive) near Albert’s sting, or the stinger left in his arm. Or other things that Lille has the most experience spotting. Gotta decide if we should panic about his arm before we start leaf clearing.
Jun 12, 2024 12:47 am
The bear sleeps.

Roald tries to 'look beside' the wasps, and thinks he sees many dark shapes headed their way, as though drawn by the killing of one of their own. But he can not be sure as his eyes automatically try to follow the movement.

It is harder when there is no movement, but, if she is willing to squint hard and take her time, Lille would spot a little dark stinger pumping unseen poison into Albert's arm. The man seems oblivious to it and ready to work.

What do you all do?
Jun 12, 2024 1:46 am
Ezme watches the lethargic bear and sighs. "What would bears be without bees...?" she recites under her breath, to no one in particular. "... Just ears." She finishes the joke quietly, her expression slightly dreamy and melancholic, as if she were recalling something from long ago. She blows a raspberry, watching Lille and the bear intently until Albert smacks his arm and curses.

Her brow quirks when the blue-vested man mentions some sort of temple. There's a story there, but it will have to be inquired about later. She swings her pack around to her front as she approaches Albert and Lille, her expression determined.

"Your gift, wood nymph, was well timed," she asserts.

Ezme digs into her pack, pulling out the bulbs that Lille had left for her the night prior. She tosses one to Lille and to each of the men standing by, nodding to them to do as she does.

"Allium Ursinum," she introduces as she peels away the papery white exterior of the bulb. Using the hilt of her hunting knife, she crushes a clove and gently rubs the juices onto Albert's sting. Its pungent smell brings to mind a delicious savory dish. "Garlic," the trapper elaborates with a smirk. "... Does more than just taste good. Antibacterial. Antifungal. Reduces swelling, and relieves pain from stings, but also..." She shares a long look with the group. "... bee repellent, when juice is rubbed into exposed skin. If used against hive directly, it can be toxic, killing bees and larvae." Ezme turns to look at the nearest hive. "Granted, these are not average bees. However, it is worth trying... if you do not mind stinking to high hell.... I doubt we have enough to treat all hives, but it might cut back amount we need to burn." She shrugs.
Last edited June 12, 2024 2:15 am
Jun 12, 2024 2:39 am
"Stop!" Lille pushes Ezme’s hand away. The other woman’s rubbing exposed the embedded stinger enough that Lille could finally see it. "Give me your knife and tie his arm. The stinger is poisoning him!" She holds out one hand for Ezme’s hunting knife, her other holding Albert’s arm near the shoulder, trying to pinch off his blood vessels.
Jun 12, 2024 2:41 am
- Albert -

You don't feel 'poisoned', it was just a little sting. This strange girl may be overreacting?

What do you do?
Jun 12, 2024 5:48 am
Roald isn't waiting for 'permission' to clear the area and keeps on working. Every now and then he scans his surroundings.
He notices a light shadow between 2 big trees... Or maybe not...
He squints his eyes and tries to look at the tree next to it.
There it is again!
'' Lille... What's... That.''
He points at the trees.
Jun 12, 2024 7:06 am
"Knife?" Albert tries to jerk back but Ezme's grip makes that very difficult. "Can we talk about this first? I feel fine, really. It's just a wasp."
Jun 12, 2024 7:36 am
Although her face is already drawn with concern, when Lille sees the swarm her expression turns to horror. "They’re coming!" Not waiting for anyone to react, she snatches the knife out of Ezme’s hand. "They know he was stung, the swarm is coming. Get away from here!" she commands the others, keeping her one hand clamped on Albert. "Hold still," she orders him, and bends close to dig the stinger out with the knife tip.
Let me know if I need a roll to get the stinger out. Next up is running away!

Also I noticed Gen said "Ezme’s grip". Did you mean Lille’s grip? I know Ezme was rubbing garlic in, but Lille tried to fend her off and was also trying to restrict his blood flow. Probably works either way, probably also doesn’t matter much, yet.

Also also, I checked with Kara and she thought it was feasible that Lille might be able to snatch the knife out of her hand.
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