May 14, 2024 8:48 pm
System: D&D 5th edition with some homebrew
Players: Four Level 5 Adventurers, your choice of make your own or pre-generated
Posting frequency: Aiming for 5 posts/week in private game forum
Who can play: All experiences, backgrounds, LGBTQ+ friendly
Length: One-Shot Adventure
Rating: PG to PG-13
How to apply: Please post interest below according to application information, players chosen based on application and then random dice roll
Game Details

You are adventurers, hired by local townsfolk to protect them from the wrath of the great red dragon Cinderhowl, who has recently left her lair to terrorize those nearby and no one knows what has awoken her and brought forth her wrath. You were enticed by both gold and the town’s famous hot wings. Come along for a one-shot adventure!
Hello, I’ve been enjoying being part of this site and finally feel confident enough to try GMing my first game. We will be exploring the Lego one-shot adventure collaboration between Lego and Wizards of the Coast. This is definitely an adventure that is more designed for beginners or a younger crowd, expect PG to PG-13 content and humor. LGBTQ+ friendly! All levels of experience and all backgrounds welcome!
Searching for four Level 5 adventurers. We can finalize character info during session zero. Aiming for posting 5 times a week and a private game, but if the interest posts indicate people prefer differently, I can adjust for the group. I do tend to post more often on weekdays than weekends. The game provides pre-generated characters and you can play one of those if you like, but I think it’d be fun to allow for people to make their own characters and backgrounds, limiting to Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron, and Xanathar’s Guide. To help give an idea on what kind of skills may be expected in the game, the pre-generated characters include an orc rogue, an elf wizard, a dwarf cleric, and a gnome fighter.
I may be making it tough on myself, but since we do not have the advantage of using the Lego set to set the scene, we will be doing some homebrewing. Once per scene/thread, players will have the option to "build" something to help with the situation like the Lego movie. You can build a catapult with bricks in the scene to get over the castle wall or a rickshaw to quickly transport an NPC. You may also earn inspiration for an additional build or to re-roll a poor result by providing especially creative solutions in the game or making pun-tastic quips! I will try to provide some images as well to help set the scene.
All puzzles/fights will have the potential for a non-combat solution, but please feel free to deal with each situation as you please! We are working together to create a fun story for all!
As this is my first game to GM, the game may not flow like you are used to, but it also gives you the opportunity to give lots of feedback on what works for you. I would like to do a quick "Lines and Veils" along with the session zero. I also plan to include a "Stars and Wishes" thread and check-ins halfway through and at the end of the adventure. If you are not familiar with the "Stars and Wishes" system, players have the opportunity to talk about what they like in the game (star) like "I really like the puzzle difficulty so far" or "Player X did a great job staying in character during this section of the game." They also have the opportunity to give recommendations to improve enjoyment of the game (wish) like "I wish the game included more combat, specifically with zombies."
Application Info: If you are interested, please check out the game details and include in your interest post below: 1) what type of game you are hoping for (more roleplay, more combat, more exploration?), 2) what would you build with Lego bricks if you could, and 3) when posting would be best for you (times per week, weekdays vs weekends, etc.).
Planning to close recruitment by Monday, 05/20. If we are fortunate enough to have interest of more than 4 players, invitations will be based on application and then dice roll.
Players: Four Level 5 Adventurers, your choice of make your own or pre-generated
Posting frequency: Aiming for 5 posts/week in private game forum
Who can play: All experiences, backgrounds, LGBTQ+ friendly
Length: One-Shot Adventure
Rating: PG to PG-13
How to apply: Please post interest below according to application information, players chosen based on application and then random dice roll
Game Details

You are adventurers, hired by local townsfolk to protect them from the wrath of the great red dragon Cinderhowl, who has recently left her lair to terrorize those nearby and no one knows what has awoken her and brought forth her wrath. You were enticed by both gold and the town’s famous hot wings. Come along for a one-shot adventure!
Hello, I’ve been enjoying being part of this site and finally feel confident enough to try GMing my first game. We will be exploring the Lego one-shot adventure collaboration between Lego and Wizards of the Coast. This is definitely an adventure that is more designed for beginners or a younger crowd, expect PG to PG-13 content and humor. LGBTQ+ friendly! All levels of experience and all backgrounds welcome!
Searching for four Level 5 adventurers. We can finalize character info during session zero. Aiming for posting 5 times a week and a private game, but if the interest posts indicate people prefer differently, I can adjust for the group. I do tend to post more often on weekdays than weekends. The game provides pre-generated characters and you can play one of those if you like, but I think it’d be fun to allow for people to make their own characters and backgrounds, limiting to Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron, and Xanathar’s Guide. To help give an idea on what kind of skills may be expected in the game, the pre-generated characters include an orc rogue, an elf wizard, a dwarf cleric, and a gnome fighter.
I may be making it tough on myself, but since we do not have the advantage of using the Lego set to set the scene, we will be doing some homebrewing. Once per scene/thread, players will have the option to "build" something to help with the situation like the Lego movie. You can build a catapult with bricks in the scene to get over the castle wall or a rickshaw to quickly transport an NPC. You may also earn inspiration for an additional build or to re-roll a poor result by providing especially creative solutions in the game or making pun-tastic quips! I will try to provide some images as well to help set the scene.
All puzzles/fights will have the potential for a non-combat solution, but please feel free to deal with each situation as you please! We are working together to create a fun story for all!
As this is my first game to GM, the game may not flow like you are used to, but it also gives you the opportunity to give lots of feedback on what works for you. I would like to do a quick "Lines and Veils" along with the session zero. I also plan to include a "Stars and Wishes" thread and check-ins halfway through and at the end of the adventure. If you are not familiar with the "Stars and Wishes" system, players have the opportunity to talk about what they like in the game (star) like "I really like the puzzle difficulty so far" or "Player X did a great job staying in character during this section of the game." They also have the opportunity to give recommendations to improve enjoyment of the game (wish) like "I wish the game included more combat, specifically with zombies."
Application Info: If you are interested, please check out the game details and include in your interest post below: 1) what type of game you are hoping for (more roleplay, more combat, more exploration?), 2) what would you build with Lego bricks if you could, and 3) when posting would be best for you (times per week, weekdays vs weekends, etc.).
Planning to close recruitment by Monday, 05/20. If we are fortunate enough to have interest of more than 4 players, invitations will be based on application and then dice roll.