Deeper Underdark

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Jan 23, 2025 8:57 pm
Brewner will take this opportunity to during downtime join the dwarves as retainer and blacksmith, "I hope all of you great adventures and fortunes.".
He will give the Dungeoneers Map Case to Oliver and the Eavesdropper's Medallion to Stee
Eavesdropper's Medallion- While wearing this medailion you have advantage on hearing tests and can hear through barriers you are next to.
Dungeoneers Map Case-This magical case records your travels on any scroll placed within it.
The map records locations as the bearer experiences them so distant locations are recorded vaguely with details added as they are learned.
Additional notes and detail can be added with a thought after a days of practice with the scroll case.
Jan 23, 2025 11:32 pm
"Thank you Brewner. It has been a pleasure adventuring with you and you are always welcome if you get the itch again." Stee will place the medallion over his head and shake Brewner's hand.
Last edited January 23, 2025 11:33 pm
Jan 26, 2025 3:28 pm
You have a wonderful two weeks (or so) visiting the city of Brahdhavehl. Yoci proves a good host, showing you around the city and its various highlights. There are several shops featuring various dwarfish and gnomic wares, all of amazing craftsmanship. You also find several different places that have great food. You do have to spend a couple days worth of time (spread out over the visit) talking to city officials, giving them intel on your part of the surface and your journey's down. In fact, they request to see the results of the magic map and make copies of it. As payment for that, they provide you a copied and stylistic (though still quite functional) map of your journey from the descent to the city.

After being informed of the true nature of the Matrix Node, Fannir takes a keen interest in it. Working with a couple of his assistants, they figure out how to move the tiles, but still don't know how to activate or use it directly. Despite that, through their testing, they do find the pattern for this Node. Fannir lets you examine the pattern, but not write it down, saying "We can't risk the Duergar finding this! However, as long as you can remember it, you will be welcome to return."

As you get ready to leave, Gimurt brings you to the Matrix Node. "You are always welcome to return to Brahdhavehl as long as you come in peace. If you also bring trade, so much the better! Fannir tells me you have memorized the pattern, so we do hope you will come visit at some point. If you are to send others, please make sure one of you comes with them for introductions. Do know that this entire area around this dias will look nothing like it does now. While it is unfortunate we will have to completely reconstruct this grotto, we've enemies enough we will need to treat this as and entry point, not a sitting area. Hopefully Fannir and his team will be able to also magically lock it."

You all say farewell to Brewner and Yoci, with hugs all around. You set onto the dias and Ealdwig activates his gem ...
Jan 26, 2025 3:39 pm
The next thing you know you are on the Matrix Node beneath New Paphos. You can see that it appears to be much, much more secure that it has been in the past. Where there had been tents before, there are now actual stone buildings and the entire area feels much more finished than it had been before. They really have been taking measures since that goblin attack.

You are confronted by four guards who initially level spears at you, with the leader saying, "How did you get here? Fiznik has protections on this and you shouldn't be able to get through without his permission!" However, before you can say anything, a familiar guard comes out due to the noise and says, "Stand down! They are friends. I don't know how they bypassed the protections, but they are ours, so they are OK."
OK, at this point you have a few options of what you want to do. You can go up to New Paphos, do a little shopping, and whatnot. However, Ealdwig is going to want to go to the Manor shortly, and that is where I'll need you to be. But you have time for a little shopping or hob-nobbing if you wish. I am sure the Clerk will have some minor rewards, and I am sure you can sell some of your artifacts if you wish ...
Jan 26, 2025 6:06 pm
Now being a Ranger I can't wear chainmail right?
Jan 26, 2025 9:43 pm
I'm not the one to decide that, but I'm quite sure that's more of a dnd rule. In fact, even in dnd I think that's for druids, not rangers.
Jan 26, 2025 10:41 pm
During their shop tour of dwarvish and gnomic wares, Oliver asked around for new ideas or recipes to broaden his alchemical horizons. Anytime he found a shop which might have an alchemical expert inside, his pitch went something like...

"Good twilight to thee! I am Oliver Otter, alchemist extraordinaire ᶦⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵃᵏᶦⁿᵍ. I am most certain there must be some unique knowledge to be found in Brahdhavehl. Things not commonly known in the not-so-deep underdark. Would you be willing to trade knowledge for knowledge, or maybe for other kind of coin, fellow connoisseur? Behold, for these are the secrets I know."
Jan 27, 2025 7:46 pm
mathias0077 says:
Now being a Ranger I can't wear chainmail right?
None of that stuff matters in Tiny Dungeons. All that matters is what Traits you have and what you call yourself. You can wear chainmail and call yourself a Ranger if you so desire. Besides, even the armor is mostly cosmetic until you take Traits or Proficiencies to make use of them. Actually, that reminds me: I have to ask Psybermagi what the final armor rules were ...

As for Oliver, let's say you find two more "recipes" that you are able to trade for. Most are stand-offish because 1) Surfacer, 2) Anthropomorphic animal, 3) Trade secrets. You do find two willing to trade, however. We'll have to figure out what recipes you do have and what the new ones are in your character thread.
Jan 27, 2025 9:09 pm
Alrighty! I will follow through in that thread!
Jan 27, 2025 10:48 pm
[ +- ] Flavor justification for Spell-Touched
The days went by and they were so entertaining that Oliver nearly forgot to ask Yoci for his Sling back. But eventually, the day to leave Brahdhavehl had to arrive. And arrive it did.


"Farewell, Brewner. You leave a really big hole in our team that will be hard to fill, both literally and figuratively. Let us share our adventures next time we meet."

Waves and hugs all around, they stepped into the node and activated the gem to pop back to Base.
Jan 27, 2025 11:39 pm
Stee will follow Oliver onto the node and nod one more time to Brewner.
We can talk armor in the character thread.
Jan 30, 2025 3:07 pm
You are now back at New Paphos.
The story continues HERE.

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