Deeper Underdark

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May 16, 2024 8:48 pm
Going down ...
After passing through the known caverns with the Matrix Node, the group is now at the top of the chasm that leads down to the deeper underdark.
You can start the process of climbing down once you are done with your tasks at the Base. While I did post a note in the old Underdark thread, it is simply to be a pass-through to this thread. We start the adventure here!
May 16, 2024 11:27 pm
Oliver, let’s leave some alcohol here at the mouth of the chasm. Back in his element, Grin hammers two pitons into the rock (one is a backup), ties a pulley to them and threads a rope though the pulley.

Right, if it’s alright with you lot, I’ll go down first. We’ll be rappelling into the chasm, one at a time. Brewner, hold this end of the rope tightly and let me down slowly. We’ll use the communicators if I need you to stop. I’ll tie this end round me like this.

He shows them how to attach it to their climbing gear.

Ealdwig should come next, I’ll counter his weight on the way down. Then Ealdwig and I can together counter the larger folks until we’re all down. We’ll leave this rope here so we can get back.

Grin uses the echo amulet to give him a sense of the shape and size of the chasm. Lighting a torch, he intends to hold onto it for as long as possible, dropping it below him if he needs both hands at any difficult points.

He turns to the group and says: For Frodo.

If there aren’t any objections, he starts down into the chasm.
Sorry, I don’t really know how the climbing gear works. Let me know if you want to do something different.
Last edited May 16, 2024 11:52 pm
May 17, 2024 12:08 am
Ealdwig pauses at the mouth of the cavern. Repelling already, great. Ok, let's do this. Hearing Grin call up from the bottom, Ealdwig starts to climb down the rope.
How exactly should I do this? Can I use the rope caster for this or should I retcon a climbing kit for this?
May 17, 2024 12:19 am
combine the rope caster with the Infinite Spider Silk and become Spiderman
May 17, 2024 12:42 am
Sweet! Let's do that! Assume that's what Ealdwig did, swinging the whole way down!
May 17, 2024 12:59 am
advantages of being smaller, less mass 😁
Maybe test it first and see if DM allows it before jumping off a cliff 😵
May 17, 2024 6:51 am
"Good plan, i have an extra climbing gear, if needed"
Brewner holds the rope firmly
May 17, 2024 2:13 pm
Ealdwig takes Brewner up on his offer and puts on the gear quickly. Thanks. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he grabs the rope and goes for it. He's screaming in his head the whole way down.

Finally hitting bottom, Ealdwig swoons a little, and finally exhales. With small shaking hands he unhooks himself.

Holy Hells. Ealdwig exclaims quietly to himself. Calming down and steadying himself, Ealdwig smiles excitedly pretty great. I can get used to that, just like when I started with acrobatics. Ok Grin, that's the first one. Not too bad. Just need some practice. I've never done that before. Ealdwig looks up, wow, that's high.

I should have taken some time to practice with the rope caster. Only used it the one time Skeeve showed me how.
Ealdwig takes it out to study it. Seems good for going up, maybe even crossing a chasm, but going down? Ealdwig scratches his head trying to figure out how to do that. Do I wrap it around me then shoot up and attach it to something, then drop down with it? Hum...

I wonder if the spider silk could hold my weight?
May 17, 2024 2:14 pm
Ealdwig takes Brewner up on his offer and puts on the gear quickly. Thanks. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he grabs the rope and goes for it. He's screaming in his head the whole way down.

Finally hitting bottom, Ealdwig swoons a little, and finally exhales. With small shaking hands he unhooks himself.

Holy Hells. Ealdwig exclaims quietly to himself. Calming down and steadying himself, Ealdwig smiles excitedly pretty great. I can get used to that, just like when I started with acrobatics. Ok Grin, that's the first one. Not too bad. Just need some practice. I've never done that before. Ealdwig looks up, wow, that's high.

I should have taken some time to practice with the rope caster. Only used it the one time Skeeve showed me how.
Ealdwig takes it out to study it. Seems good for going up, maybe even crossing a chasm, but going down? Ealdwig scratches his head trying to figure out how to do that. Do I wrap it around me then shoot up and attach it to something, then drop down with it? Hum...

I wonder if the spider silk could hold my weight?
May 17, 2024 2:25 pm
Well done, Ealdwig! You’re a natural!

Grin uses the communicator to silently describe them pulling up Brewner’s climbing gear so he can use it on his way down. Realizing that they all have climbing gear, he suggests they all use the rope to steady them and come down when they are ready - no need to go one at a time.

He places his torch down, steadying it to be a beacon of sorts for the team as they rappel down. He uses the echo amulet again to determine the shape and size of the cavern they’ve landed in.
May 17, 2024 4:04 pm
"Oliver are you ready? the last one to reach the bottom have to pay a round of ale for the whole group next time in town" Brewner says in good spirit
May 17, 2024 4:12 pm
Ealdwig pulls the chromacloth out and puts it on, like a headband. He commands, light and the headband starts to glow dim light. He looks at Grin and grins not bad right?
How far can he use it to see?
May 17, 2024 4:19 pm
[ +- ] Chromacloth
updated it to state 25' or less
May 17, 2024 7:33 pm
Felix glanced at the pitons as the others descended into the chasm, making sure they didn’t budge.
So Felix is standing there with Oliver and Brewner after Ealdwig and Grin climb down? Am I missing anyone? And there is no character sheet for Brewner so not sure who/what he is.
Hmm, are we playing Rock, Parchment, Shears for the last trip down? Or is it more of a race at this point. I’m almost broke, and I owe 25G for this climbing harness, and probably triple that for this magic brain crystal….so I’m libel to just jump to get out of that bar bill

Felix grins at the ridiculousness of his situation, and readies his rope, leaning over the edge, with his spade and sword swinging a bit more freely from his back.

For whomever Frodo is!
May 17, 2024 8:00 pm
Psybermagi says:
[ +- ] Chromacloth
updated it to state 25' or less
May 17, 2024 8:22 pm
@Nuttyartist don’t worry about cost of things right now. We’ll get lots of money on this trip. Also, take a look below at the TinyInfo tab under the "Rolls" section. Select the Characters & Players drop-down to scroll through relevant character info.
May 17, 2024 8:26 pm
The climb down was both awkward and tricky, but not exceptionally difficult as they came prepared.
I.e. no die rolls needed for this.
Once they got into the pit, they saw it was not completely vertical, but at a slop initially. However, after the initial 10 feet or so, it's incline increased steeply to a near vertical drop. The craggy tunnel also narrowed, then expanded, ranging in size between 2 and 20 feet and back again. After a bit, Grin found himself needing to extend his rope to make it to the bottom. All told, the entire drop ended up being around 80 feet down.

Once Grin made it down, the others were able to follow. Ealdwig followed first, then both Oliver and Felix followed behind Ealdwig. Brewner waited for the others to make it down, before untying all of the ropes except for the one Grin initially used. (There was no reason to just leave all of their ropes hanging in case they needed them later.) Once the other ropes were released, Brewner followed on Grin's ropes.

When they reach the bottom, they found themselves in a cavern more than 10 times larger than any you have seen before. You realize there is a dim ambient light, enough to see forms move in the darkness, as well as the general outline of most stones. Small patches of lichen or fungus emit a soft blue/gree light. In the distance the light is a bit brighter, but the air seems oddly milky from the glow as if mist or dust fills much of the cavern.

You hear scratching noises, like claws on the stone surfaces. Grin and Ealdwig can hear it coming closer, but as Oliver and Felix land, the sounds of movement stop. As the noise of Brewner's descent reaches the wary ground, the movement starts up again, but it recedes into the distance, soon becoming inaudible.

Once sure that whatever was making the noise is gone, the group starts investigating the huge cavern once more. Now that they are quiet so that they can hear the receding noise more clearly, they can hear the occasional sound of wind, though the are feels still and stagnant. As you look out, you can see the cavern floor is rough, and there are frequent stalagmites and stalagmites throughout.
What do you want to do in this new cavern, and how do you want to investigate it?
May 17, 2024 9:10 pm
Well friends, we’ve made it. And we’re not alone. What should we do? Perhaps head towards the light in the distance?
May 17, 2024 9:27 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:
Well friends, we’ve made it.
*sniff* The optimism is so endearing ...
May 17, 2024 9:36 pm
Huzzah, you made it down a steep incline. Class 3 climbing tops. Of course getting down is always easier. :)
now all you have to do is remember where you parked, don't get lost in the press, find and negotiate with foreigners who don't like tourists, or want to fleece them. Good luck with that :) I leave you to the tender ministrations of the almighty DM (underdark version 2.0)
May 17, 2024 11:33 pm
Woohoo! It’s Co-GM’s playground now. We will miss you Psybermagi! Maybe you can play the chess piece?
May 18, 2024 8:49 pm
Back to the cavern at hand. You are in a giant cavern, the biggest you've seen thus far. It's around 100 feet wide, and even the echo amulet can't feel how long it is. You know something was about, but it seems to have left now.

Whatcha doin'?
May 18, 2024 9:32 pm
Felix packed away his climbing gear and adjusted his Lamp Helmet. It's light was very helpful, though it drown out the soft glow of the natural fungi.

This place is huge ... never seen anything like it. My lamp doesn't even reach any of the sides - apart from the one I just climbed down.

Felix wandered around a little, stepping carefully and keeping an eye out for whatever made that strange sound. He found a stalagmite formation and ran his fingers across it.

Such a strange thing. Hard and smooth but looks like a half used candle.
Last edited May 18, 2024 9:33 pm
May 18, 2024 11:04 pm
Wow, such a beautiful cave! I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen one so big. And never so beautiful.

He lights his lantern and inspects the stalagmites with Felix. Let’s make our way slowly towards the brighter light in the distance. And keep an eye out for whatever was making those noises.
Roll to see if there are traces of whatever made the sounds.
Last edited May 18, 2024 11:05 pm


Investigation/survival/tracking - (2d6)

(64) = 10

May 19, 2024 12:01 am
Going in the direction of where Grin thought he'd heard the sounds, he finds tracks that look like they were created by a large lizard. Not one of those bipedal feathered lizards, but a more traditional one that moves on all four legs. The tracks lead off to one side of the cavern in a fairly straight line.
You don't know this, but it's a monster the prior pair ran into and it got stomped. It saw Grin and Ealdwig and thought, "Lunch!" But then Oliver and Felix showed up and it decided it wasn't that hungry anymore.
May 19, 2024 12:25 am
Grin keeps the knowledge about the lizard to himself, telling the group that they are okay for now, but should probably stick together at all times. He leaves a morsel of food on the ground by the tracks. He uses the echo amulet consistently as they go and does his best to shine his lamp in every direction to get a good look at the cavern.

Oliver, take a look at this bioluminescent lichen!
Last edited May 19, 2024 12:26 am
May 19, 2024 9:00 am
Brewner will try to listen, see if there is anything ahead or near them that is hidden by the darkness.


Listen test with Eavesdropper's Medallion - (3d6)

(545) = 14

May 19, 2024 11:37 pm
Felix could barely make out the soft glow of light in the distance; he even thought about extinguishing his own lamp to make it more visible. But he didn’t, he knew which direction to go, and he didn’t want to trip on the uneven ground.

So, I’m to understand you never came this far before? We didn’t encounter much trouble to reach this point - did you on the first trip?

Felix tried to walk lightly, not wanting to stumble, but was pretty nonchalant about it. He couldn’t really see much, just a little reflected light, so he really perked his ears up.


Listening real hard - (2d6)

(56) = 11

May 20, 2024 1:24 am
The others getting really quiet and listening stops Grin from talking .

He turns around, seeking a sign of whatever caused the group to stop.

He whispers: What is it? What did you hear?
Last edited May 20, 2024 1:25 am
May 20, 2024 9:00 am
Oliver looks around at the immense cave in awe, taking a deep breath.

"I have never witnessed a closed space that smelled so much like open air. It is... truly remarkable."

He approached the small patches of bioluminescent lichen that Grin was pointing at, and poked his nose in, trying to understand the source of its light. "No doubt this should be handy in some manner later." And he grabbed a large sample, which he stuffed in three flasks. "I know it might be a total waste, but I wonder what would happen if you extracted this light-producing substance and mixed it with the darkmist gland fluid of the Darkmantle. I still have one last flask here." And he showed it briefly. "That's a question for later today."
Last edited May 20, 2024 9:01 am


Alchemy - Understanding shiny lichen - (2d6)

(62) = 8

May 21, 2024 2:43 am
Ealdwig, feels a little out of his elements. He's never been this deep underground. And he is still trying to gather himself and get his bearings. He decides to stay close to the guys with Underdark experience.

He is in total awe of the size of the cavern and the plants that light by themselves. Is it some kind of magic that makes them light up? Ealdwig reaches out to touch it.

Surprised by Oliver's comment, Oliver, you have "still" gland fluid from the Darkmantle? So you've used some already? What did you do with it?
May 21, 2024 4:32 am
"Oh, you know, I slam it on the ground and make a big puff of darkness. One time we escaped some goblins with it, and another time we engaged some feathered lizards within the darkness. That one was fun. They were so disoriented, and I just smacked around blindly."
May 21, 2024 6:03 am
I apologize for not posting on Monday. I will get things to the next point Tuesday. RL is knocking me around a bit, but we'll keep this all moving!
May 21, 2024 12:24 pm
when life knocks you down get back up. Then get your friends, take it out back, and teach it not to mess with the wrong people. We got your back 😁
May 21, 2024 1:36 pm
Psybermagi says:
when life knocks you down get back up. Then get your friends, take it out back, and teach it not to mess with the wrong people. We got your back 😁
Ha! Good one. No worries whatsoever.
May 21, 2024 2:37 pm
Thanks for the encouragement!
The large cavern does odd things to noise. A sound like wind is sometimes heard but the air is mostly still and stagnant. Moving out but close to one of the cavern walls you make your way over the rough cavern floor. After a couple hundred feet, Grin's amulet finally finds the far side. Many minutes after that, you come to another opening, this time in the floor. Cool air is felt emanating from the narrow passage leading further underground.
I'm gonna assume you head down.
After a short survey of the area the group begins their descent. Using their climbing equipment when necessary they are able to climb down. The passage is often steep but most sections are easy enough to walk or climb. After descending for well over half an hour, you notice the air becoming noticeably colder and more moist. Another ten or fifteen minutes later and you come out into another large cavern. The echo amulet does not detect the full size, but you get the impression that this is a truly gargantuan cavern. The passage ends in a cave mouth high on the cavern walls. The traces of light are barely enough to let you know that the cavern contains a massive subterranean body of water. As you look around the cave you spy a point of light drawing closer on the water surface. Watching a moment you can tell now that you are about 40 feet above the water level. Looking down you see a small shoreline or shelf of rock above the water level directly below you. Off to one side of the shore below is a small pier. The light on the surface reveals itself to be a ship with lanterns illuminating it and the water around it.
May 21, 2024 3:15 pm
[ +- ] Shamanic interlude
May 21, 2024 3:22 pm
Grin gets down on his stomach and turns off his lantern. In the Communicator he indicates the party should douse their lights.
Can you remind us what we know of this place from the other characters? Do we know there are undead down here?
May 21, 2024 4:52 pm
One of the prior two to get this far flew out to see what was on the ship. They saw undead that seemed friendly, but they weren't willing to get close to find out. At that point, they pulled back and went back to the base. You are now treading unknown ground (and water).

While fearing and being wary around undead makes a lot of sense, sometimes you have to take risks. From what you could see, it looks like where you are ends at the shore. To get to the other side (or even see if there is an other side), you will need to either swim or take a boat over. They conveniently have a boat ...
May 21, 2024 4:57 pm
You hear two ominous notes repeated but the sound can only be Heard in your soul. 😁
Dun dun. Dun dun.
May 21, 2024 5:05 pm
No wimping out on the first test! Can't find the cool stuff if you back away from the first test!

... he says hypocritically, as I am pretty sure Skeeve "noped" out of a couple adventures he was supposed to take ...
May 21, 2024 6:05 pm
Sprawled on the ground, by himself, Grin communicates to the others: What should we do? Are those the dead-looking, yet somehow also friendly-looking sailors?
May 21, 2024 6:52 pm
very friendly just look at this grins
Ok I be query now.
May 21, 2024 9:11 pm
Brewner looks worried
"I am not sure about dealing with the undead, we may talk with them, but if something looks weird.." He makes a motion with his Warhammer."What do the rest of you think?"
May 22, 2024 3:08 am
Psybermagi says:
[ +- ] Shamanic interlude
What are you gibbering about Flor’ ? Are you saying you can’t trust your own self now? You’re doing some heavy loitering around my…your…my sword.

Felix receives a message and turns off his head lamp. Examining the boat below, he marvels at the existence of an underground lake.

I cannot believe, I travelled a mile underground, and still managed to find another boat.

Whispering - You guys think those people on that boat are dead? Or undead? I can barely make them out from here. You got some intel I don’t?

Felix squinted at the stony shore below, trying to make out who was piloting the boat.

I wonder where they’re going. I don’t see any Taverns.
May 22, 2024 7:13 am
Hmmm, a tavern would be nice indeed! Well, let’s get a closer look. Maybe talk to the sailors? Grin prepares his climbing equipment. Oliver, let’s leave an alcohol flask here for you to track so we can find the exit.
May 22, 2024 1:20 pm
Our heroes find that hearing stories of an undead ship on a subterranean lake is one thing, but actually seeing it themselves is quite another, the group hesitates on their perch. While apprehensive about what they might find, they realize that there is no reason to turn back after finding exactly what they were told they would find. With a renewed sense of adventure, they head down to the shore to get a better look.

As they approach the shore, they get a much better look at the ship. It is a sail ship with billowing canvas. As they look, they realize that the air is still. What wind is pushing it? The ship had been out a ways and to your right, but heading in your direction when you first spotted it. As it gets closer, you can see that there are crew on board going about their duties. There are a couple of crew near to the wheel. One seems to point in your direction, and the other then raises what appears to be a spyglass for a better look. Lowering it, he proceeds to wave in your direction.

As they proceed down to the shore, they can now clearly see that the shore is not terribly wide, only about 50 feet side-to-side before it ends into the cavern walls. If they want to progress, they will need access to a boat of some kind. They also note that there is a short pier extending into the water for about 12 feet or so. You have no idea where the wood for the pier ever came from, but while it appears to be ancient, it also appears to be in passable condition.
What do you do? Do you try to attract their attention even more. They have obviously spotted you coming down to the shore. Do you relight a lantern or just stay dark?
May 22, 2024 1:44 pm
In back of your souls you feel a song coming on
[ +- ] Yo ho all together
I don't think I ever read the first verse to that song before

This is why I don't usually read threads I'm not directly involved in. The urge to comment is too strong. 😁
May 22, 2024 8:24 pm
Felix says:
I wonder where they’re going. I don’t see any Taverns.
"True. .. no tavern would appear to be nearby. But then again, that right there is a pier. Let us double check..."
Oliver adjusted his Drunkard Circlet, blinked and pointed in the direction indicated by the circlet.

Option A, if circlet points upwards or diagonally upwards:
"And indeed, the closest alcoholic beverage is in that direction, likely a tavern in the surface."
Grin says:
Oliver, let’s leave an alcohol flask here for you to track so we can find the exit.
"Ah! You cheeky genius, that's a brilliant idea. Still got a couple wine extracts. Let's put them right away so we don't get lost."

"Now, what about that ship? Part of me is curious to approach, but I'm not sure I would trust otherwordly entities who are not joyful enough to drink alcohol in this gargantuan abyss."

Option B, if circlet points horizontally, or downwards or diagonally downwards:
"However, the closest alcoholic beverage is in that direction, so even in this abyss there might be a tavern. Who would have guessed!" Oliver appears to be excited at this prospect.
Grin says:
Oliver, let’s leave an alcohol flask here for you to track so we can find the exit.
"Ah! You cheeky genius, that's a brilliant idea. However, I think it's best if we find where the currently tracked alcohol beverage is, rather than messing with our only compass by making wine. What do you say?"

"Regarding that ship... Now I'm a bit less scared of whatever otherwordly entities are in there, considering that they might share the joy of a hearty ale. Let's greet them! What's the worst that could happen?

Gotta love this pick-a-story vibe.

DARYEN, @daryen , please let us know if it's option A or B.
May 22, 2024 8:39 pm
Ealdwig uses his command word to turn off the chromacloth head band. He sees the lights on the boat but not much details. At Grin's suggestions he tilts his head, gives the command word again for light and follows him down toward the water.

When he gets to the bottom and the "shore" he picks up a rock. Walking over to the pier, Ealdwig uses his foot to test it, seeing how steady it is before walking on it. He wanders toward the end and drops the rock into the water. Wanting to see if he can get a feel for the depth, any living... or dead, um undead(?) creatures or any unusual characteristics.
May 22, 2024 10:56 pm
The circlet points you to the ship itself.

The pier appears to be sturdy enough. Ealdwig barely causes a flex in the wood. Brewner or Felix will likely elicit some groaning from the wood. However it will support their weights with no issue.

Dropping the rock into the smooth water illicits no response other than the simple splash when it hits the surface. The water below the pier does not appear to be very deep.
May 23, 2024 12:38 am
Oliver’s Option B
Very good, Oli! New friends and a hearty meal! We’ve barely started our adventure and it seems that we’ll be traveling in comfort!

Grin lights up the lantern and wills his cloak, Veilstitch, to make him look extra fancy. Seeing Ealdwig’s experiments with the water, Grin follows him and takes a handful of water in his hand. He smells it, then if it doesn’t smell off, he’ll taste it.
Is the water salty or fresh?
May 23, 2024 4:35 am
Felix watched Grin - You have a drinking problem, my friend. Not every drop of liquid out there is meant for … sampling.

For his part, Felix licked a finger and lifted it above his head, feeling for any air movement.

I’m not a boat technician, but I do wonder what could be propelling such a craft down here. It’s like a whole separate world.

The ship approached silently, Ahoy there!?
May 23, 2024 7:05 am
When the ship comes close enough Brewner going to listen again, trying to figure ou if the undead sailors are speaking to each other.
Brewner will also try to perceive how many sailors there is on the ship


Listen test with Eavesdropper's Medallion - (3d6)

(364) = 13

Perception - (2D6)

(61) = 7



May 23, 2024 2:34 pm
Brewer feels his chess piece stirring in its stored location for the first time in a while. The King says, "If you go on that ship, do not take anything from them or the ship, unless it is freely given to you. Do not eat or drink anything that you do not already have, even if it is freely offered."
May 23, 2024 2:56 pm
The water is fresh water. It does taste a bit odd, like it has too much minerals or sediment in it, but it is not salt water and it is drinkable.

While there was a pretty noticeable breeze up higher where the entrance to the cavern was (because of the temperature and humidity differences), down here by the water, the air is surprisingly still and quiet. There is no air movement. However, since the air is also cool, it is not unpleasant or uncomfortable. Despite all of this the ships sails always seem to be billowing as if there is a strong breeze hitting them.

The ship is far enough that Brewner can't hear anything too specific, but he does clearly hear that they are talking to each other, and that it sounds like normal "ship talk". The only phrases he can hear most clearly are the orders given for heading, sail trimming, or for someone to get their lazy self moving.

The group's efforts to attract the attention of the ship has worked. The ship heads in their direction, but stops a bit away from the pier they are now all standing on. The sails were billowing as they approached, though they go slack once the ship comes to a halt. The ship lowers a rowboat with two people on it, which then rows over to the pier. As the rowboat gets closer, the group is finally able to get a much better look at the two crewmen. They look like two relatively normal sailors, though their clothes are obviously old and out of style, like from a storybook. They are unkempt looking, though not completely out of control. Despite the seeming normality, there is still something completely off-putting about them that you can't put your finger on yet.

"Ahoy!" calls out one of the the crewmen. "Are ye looking for passage to yon farther shore?"
May 23, 2024 3:47 pm
Ealdwig looks around at the group and then at the sailors. Um, yeah I think so. He turns around to the group and in a lower voice asks, right?
May 23, 2024 5:13 pm
Nuttyartist says:
Felix watched Grin - You have a drinking problem, my friend. Not every drop of liquid out there is meant for … sampling.

Gosh! You’re right, Felix! What if the drink they have is not meant for sampling?! That is a terrible drinking problem!
Ealdwig looks around at the group and then at the sailors. Um, yeah I think so. He turns around to the group and in a lower voice asks, right?
Grin looks to Ealdwig and shrugs, wishing he had the translator crystal device to speak to these strange sailors.

Loudly and slowly he says:
…Ahey-ho-hoy, boat friend! Forsooth! Uhhh, we do seek passage to Yon on the far shore. We are peaceful explorers from the surface world above. Please, what do you call this place? Are we in Yon now? Is there a tavern here with beverages for drinking?
Last edited May 23, 2024 9:34 pm
May 23, 2024 7:04 pm
Ealdwig does have a communication device. Valpip made seven in what I assumed was a single grouping. Grin got four for his old team, plus Felix. Ealdwig got two and gave one to Arc. Seeing one last one sitting by itself, Skeeve bought it. Now, you can't talk with Arc or Skeeve because they are out of range. (And the opposite is true, too.) But all five of you have a communication device. He's just not used to using it.
The crewman not manning the oars says, "It costs one gold coin per person for passage." He looks back at the oarsman, smiles, and turns back to the group. "Sure, we have food and drink we can share back on our ship. The drink is high quality!"
I realized I should have used a different font for better effect. I updated the prior speaking post to match!
May 23, 2024 7:42 pm
Sorry, Grin’s comment about the translator was about the translation device he wanted but wasn’t ready yet - he thinks the sailors are speaking a weird language.
May 23, 2024 8:39 pm
Ah, I see. Gotcha.

Well, you all getting on the boat and coughing up the gp each?

Also, I hope Brewner provides the warning he received before temptation sets in ...
May 24, 2024 1:13 pm
"No food or drink!" Just passage.."

He whispers to his friends "Don't take anything from them in the boat. I have.. a feeling"

He takes a moment to rub the hidden chess piece as comfort
May 24, 2024 1:33 pm
daryen says:
Brewer feels his chess piece stirring in its stored location for the first time in a while. The King says, "If you go on that ship, do not take anything from them or the ship, unless it is freely given to you. Do not eat or drink anything that you do not already have, even if it is freely offered."
What does the phrase "that you do not already have" mean?
Grin copies Brewner by touching his own pocket, but doesn’t feel anything special. He’s just as hungry as he was a second ago.
It’s going to take more than that to stop Grin from accepting food and drink, so be ready for the chaos to come. Remember, grin sipped from the elemental pool, enjoyed the goblin nasty food, and his first instinct with the water in this sea was to taste it.
May 24, 2024 4:01 pm
Grin, may need to see someone about that behavior.
Thinking to himself, Ok, Brewner seems to know what he is doing. That is probably something I should listen to. So don't take anything! And don't eat or drink anything. Got it! Hope it's not a long trip, that's not going to be easy. Ealdwig notices all the pocket touching, wrinkles his brow and also touches his pocket. Why is everyone touching their pockets? When in Hells is going on? He shakes his head and stops, silliness.

Grin seems to eat anything and everything. He even drank this water.
Ealdwig wrinkles his nose. This might be a bad idea getting on this boat.

To Brewner Ealdwig quietly replies Ok, thanks for the heads up. I'll follow your lead.
May 24, 2024 4:23 pm
I could argue that its ambiguity is intentional, but "that you do not already have" means that you can eat and drink anything that you carried onto the ship. You just can't eat or drink anything that you find on the ship. If you do then, dun dun DUN!

Also, if Grin can't resist, then I will have to modify the curse some and make up how to deal with it. But, I guess that's part of the fun!
May 24, 2024 4:43 pm
Accepting the offer and terms, the group enters the row boat one by one, each one handing over a single gp each. As you board the boat, you finally notice that each of the two crewmen appear to be soaking, with drips occasionally falling from them onto the ground. However, after landing, the moisture seems to evaporate quickly leaving the surface it landed on no wetter than it was before. The speaker helps anyone who seems to be unstable, his touch cold and clammy. "Take a seat so we may proceed."

The row boat quickly moves away from the pier and towards the ship. The water's surface is smooth, except for the movement of the oars. The boat itself makes a small wake, but that quickly smooths out much faster than it should. It makes the group wonder whether it is just the crew and ship that is unusual, or if it is the entire lake. Once they make it to the ship, two lines are lowered to the row boat, attached to either end, and the row boat is lifted out of the water and up to the ship's deck. The occupants all board the ship and the row boat is stowed. The group turns around to see the captain walk up to them.

The captain is an impressive figure. She was once beautiful human, and that beauty still shines through, however it obscured by the patches of lichen on her skin and the seaweed entangled in her wet hair. Her black eyes glisten as her piercing gaze passes over you. "It has been a long time since we have entertained passengers. Welcome aboard. We will take you to the far side. You may make yourselves comfortable on deck, but stay out of the crew's way."
May 24, 2024 5:29 pm
"Good to meet who keeps this fine crew working so well.. Captain what can we expect on the other side? and what's your name madam captain?"
Brewner his still very suspicious but he tries to be friendly
May 24, 2024 6:10 pm
daryen says:
…if Grin can't resist, then I will have to modify the curse some and make up how to deal with it. But, I guess that's part of the fun!
It’s okay, I’m sure there are easy ways to avoid his stupidity, but, also, it might be interesting to find a solution to a curse if it does happen?
May 24, 2024 10:52 pm
Felix followed everyone onto the rowboat. He looked back to the pier as it shrunk into the distance. Whelp, I hope we cross paths again, Sir Pier

The sailors were exceptionally creepy, unnaturally wet and dripping. Seeing them up close made Brewner's warning a no-brainer. Yeah, I don't think I'll be accepting any "death soup" from these fellows.

Up on the ship everything seemed functional, straight forward - even the "stay out of the crews way" was familiar.

Thank you captain. No need for entertainment, I have some dice, that'll keep me busy.
Last edited May 24, 2024 10:53 pm
May 24, 2024 11:13 pm
daryen says:
"It has been a long time since we have entertained passengers. Welcome aboard. We will take you to the far side. You may make yourselves comfortable on deck, but stay out of the crew's way."
Grinfletch raises a hand. Uhhh, Captain? I have a question! We like to stay warm and dry, but everyone here seems wet and cold. How do we keep from getting wet and cold?
May 25, 2024 2:13 am
Ealdwig, smiles, giggles and shakes his head at grin. Putting his arm around Grin, Grin, let's not waste the Captain's time. She an important person with important things to do. We should be able to keep ourselves dry. Put on a jacket. He looks back and up at the Captain. Thanks for your time and hospitality Captain. We'll look after each other.

To Grin, I think I have some dice as well. He rummages through his pack. Common, I'll take all your money.
May 25, 2024 2:17 am
Grin has been successfully distracted.

He whispers to Ealdwig: I’m just saying: maybe if they weren’t so cold and wet, they’d have more passengers… He trails off and gets caught up in the gaming.
Can we play an actual game of dice? Like roll and whoever wins gets money from the other gamblers. I want to come clean and say that I do not condone drinking or gambling IRL, but this is kind of fun. I understand if it’s a bit too silly though.
Last edited May 25, 2024 2:21 am
May 25, 2024 8:30 am
LOL, that was quality roleplay
Oliver decided to heed Brewner's warning just in case, but how could such hospitable lads be a danger to them?

"We are honored at your hospitality, Captain. If we may, what is it that makes you wander these great underdark waters?"

Out of sheer curiosity, Oliver checked which direction pointed to the closest alcoholic beverage. He sure wasn't going to accept anything, but he just wanted to know where it was held. He repeated the old otterfolk proverb to himself: What good is a warning if it stops you from playing with fire.

On similar lines, the proverb about otterfolk was much simpler: Curiosity killed the otter. But Oliver chose to ignore that one.

Thunder_Lungz says:
Can we play an actual game of dice?.
If we find a canteen within the ship, let's gamble a few 1gps, and find out if winning something from a crew member counts as "freely given"...
At least, that is what Oliver would say, to experiment with the boundaries of Brewner's warning, but it might be best to not listen to the otter. Ealdwig got your money anyway.
Last edited May 25, 2024 8:39 am
May 25, 2024 3:16 pm
Tales of old from a bygone or alternate reality seem to echo in your mind 'each silver piece lost to the dead is a sliver of your soul lost forever. How much is your soul worth?' . . . Who want to play dice with my undead? Maybe the ones you met are less diabolical :)
May 25, 2024 5:44 pm
The captain answers a few of your questions. "The crew knows their duties. We have not have new recruits in ages. So, I have time to explain whatever you might ask.

"I am the incomparable Captain Celeste Bloodbane!"
Her name is not one any of you remember hearing before. She waits for a few seconds to see if she got a reaction, and when she doesn't, she continues, "There was a time when hearing that name sent people into a panic, even before I died! Unfortunately, that time has apparently long since passed.

"Since we are stuck on this lake, we do what we can to keep busy. It is a large lake, but not nearly large enough for our true needs. There used to be more needing passage, but with the wars going on down deeper, no one has need for our services, anymore. I wonder if they even remember we exist."
She looks a bit wistful with that last part, though you can't tell for sure.

"The other side is another landing with a pier we will let you off onto. Nothing special. No town or settlement or anything. Just a pier for our use and that's it. No one bothers with this lake except to try and cross it. There are only two entrances to the lake, and both are rocky and narrow, as you saw on the side you came from. When you get off, you'll have to travel a while to find anything organized. I have no idea of anything specific, just what we have heard said in the past. There is no way for us to check it out.

"Water is a hazard of being on a ship. You learn to deal with it.

"As for why we are even here and wander, that's a longer story. We are supposed to be on the open seas, but with the Cataclysm, we ended up trapped down here. Fortunately, the lake is big, but it isn't the vast expanses of the seas, and so it still feels confining. Oh for the day we can be free of this limited space!"

You can now get a better look at the crew, and you can kinda see why the two that came to get you were the ones chosen. As you look around the crew, you see a wide array of animated corpses. A few are just skeletons at this point, with nothing else left of what used to be their bodies. Others are in various states of decay, and couple with something missing, but most intact enough to keep operating. There are even two ghosts who wander about. All of them are dressed as you would expect from a pirate in old stories, including tricorns, flouncy shirts, eye patches, and the whole lot. You even realize that a parrot you thought was just stuffed is actually a zombie parrot, once it finally moves and makes an incomprehensible sound.

Hearing the squawk from the parrot, the captain picks it up and puts it on her shoulder. "She can't fly anymore, but she's still part of the crew!"

Oliver's use of his circlet only points to below-deck. It overrides any other possibilities.
May 25, 2024 6:46 pm
Captain Bloodbane, I’m sorry that we did not recognize your name and that you died, and that you’re trapped down here on a lake. If you tell me one of your most memorable stories, I will do my best to share it far and wide.

Grin hums a sea shanty and the sounds of a cannon battle while using his Belt of Trickery to project a little scene of a sea battle in front of him.

Perhaps more people will come to see you and hear about your exploits that way!
May 26, 2024 5:42 pm
The Captain brightens up at the suggestion and says, "Meet me in an hour up in the captain's quarters and I will regale you with a marvelous exploit!" With that she turns around to have the meeting prepared for them, and to continue her duties until then.

The group wanders about the ship, diligently keeping out of the crew's way, taking in the sights. During the hour, they notice two things. First is that the ship is not taking a straight route. It is making lots of turns and twists, sometimes even doubling back on its own path. It seems rather odd and means the journey will take much longer than it should have. Of course, since they don't know how long it should take, they don't have a baseline to judge against. Second is that not much before it is time to meet the Captain, Ealdwig notices that they are close to the walls, and that there is a fairly large shore area the opens up. The shore is about 300 feet wide and opens into a fairly deep cavern. When Ealdwig motions to the others to join him, they all take in the view. The echo amulet detects how far away the opening is (which matches what they see), but it isn't able to penetrate past that. Likewise, Oliver's circlet is still overwhelmed by the stores contained on the ship. At their closest approach, they see what looks like a small pier, similar to the one they used to board the rowboat. It could just be a rock outcropping, but they are pretty sure it is a pier.

As they watch the shore recede into the distance, a skeletal crewman informs them that it is time for them to meet Captain Bloodbane.
Do you do anything else during the hour you have?
May 26, 2024 6:32 pm
Grin taps on Felix’s arm and points - Isn’t that a pier? I thought they said there were only two entrances to the lake?
May 27, 2024 3:49 am
Sure that looks like a pier to me. But maybe if it doesn't lead out of this cavern, lake, area then it doesn't count as an entrance? What if it's just like a private cove?

Felix shrugged his shoulders at Grin - an expression of uncertainty.

With all the zig-zagging we've been doing, on top of this very strange and dead crew, I wouldn't believe everything I saw or was told. I'm used to dealing with the dead - in ghost or spirit form. These walking, rotting, sailors are something else and harder for me to judge.

Felix had one hand one his sword blade, as it hung from his back, just for comfort.
Florial, I wish you could lend a hand, but since you don't have one that would be rather difficult.
Last edited May 27, 2024 3:50 am
May 27, 2024 6:54 am
Brewner his surprised by Felix observation
" You are used to deal with the undead!? quite remarkable...ancestors protect me, i couldn't do it, cant help to be nervous just sitting here. What did you do dear Felix before the life of adventurer? And forgive my lack of atention if you already told your tale" Brewner talks in a low tone, avoiding to be heard by the ship crew
May 27, 2024 11:59 am
Grin is listening, but starting to feel quite hungry…
May 27, 2024 2:09 pm
Eat me, Eat me, I'm organic
May 27, 2024 3:31 pm
"So... The captain has admitted to be dead, both her and her crew. In that she has been fully transparent." Oliver takes a second to laugh at the accidental pun.

"This place is full of surprises. I want to walk around a bit, and see what we can find. Anyone want to tag along? I know, I know, we won't take stuff, and if we find a bar, we won't drink anything, and yada yada security measures."
May 27, 2024 5:16 pm
Grin follows the others around until it’s time to talk to the captain. During their wandering, he asks Brewner to elaborate about the "don’t take anything from the crew" feeling and reluctantly accepts that he won’t be enjoying and vitals of the high-seas.
Last edited May 27, 2024 5:17 pm
May 27, 2024 5:28 pm
Brewner doesn't know how to explain it without sounding crazy, he have a chess piece that talks to him..He looks hesitant and embarrass while he talks to Grinfletch and the rest of his companions
"Well..hmm..let's say i had a warning... is difficult to explain, but i believe that if you take something from the ship it will bind you to the curse of the undead, maybe we can ask the Captain when we join her "
May 28, 2024 12:47 am
Felix had found a dry spot, out of the way, and made himself comfortable. His satchel became a pillow (as it often did) for his head, and as he rested he watched the still water becomes disturbed by the ship. He took a sip from one of his own flasks and shut his eyes.

I'm sure someone, hopefully an alive someone, will give me a kick when I need to get up
Last edited May 28, 2024 12:48 am
May 28, 2024 12:39 pm
Looking at the pier / dock that we passed, who would have a private cove down there? Hum... Could be something interesting down there if we can figure out how to get there.

Ealdwig elbows Grin and points at Felix, how can he just go to sleep? I don't think I'll be doing that.

Thinking about the lake they are on. It must not be a big as we thought. This ship just zig-zags across the water to give the crew something to do. Maybe we can walk to that strange pier around the side of the lake?
May 28, 2024 1:12 pm
Arkmenos says:
Ealdwig elbows Grin and points at Felix, how can he just go to sleep? I don't think I'll be doing that.
Grin nods and whispers back in a matter of fact tone: Big folk are large in stature but small in stomach - they don’t eat enough and get tired too easily. Grin opens his pack and shares some cheese and bread with Ealdwig. He points to Felix: He’ll be missing second breakfast. He winks to Ealdwig and holds a finger to his lips and whispers shhhhh.
Last edited May 28, 2024 1:13 pm
May 28, 2024 4:38 pm
The skeletal crewman (crewperson? you don't know what they were in life, and they don't really give any indication) informs the group that it is time to meet Captain Bloodbane. They go roust Felix, then as a group go to the Captain's quarters. On their way there, The King reminds Brewner of his warning.

"Welcome! Please join me so we can tell each other stories!" She motions toward where everyone can sit on the floor around a low round table. While there are no chairs, it is surprisingly comfortable. Each place has some food provided. It looks good, but one wonders how it could have been preserved for so long. Also, each place has glasses available, with an assortment of bottles of alcoholic beverages sitting around. Looking at the bottles present, they look to be well made liquors and they all know that, unlike food, liquor will basically last forever as long as the seals are not compromised. These bottles look pristine.

"Please help yourself to one of the bottles. Most have been accumulated over time from travelers we have ferried across this lake in more active times, but a few are from before we were ever trapped here." She picks up one particularly impressive looking specimen and continues, "This one, for instance, came from one of the best distillers in all of Taverin!" She smiles at their blank faces and lack of recognition. "Taverin was an extremely wealthy, though small maritime kingdom. They were wonderful to raid before the cataclysm sank the whole place beneath the waves. Once this bottle is gone, the last traces of their greatness will finally disappear from history all together."

She places the bottle back on the table. She doesn't react in any particular way if anyone eats or drinks or fails to eat or drink. Her demeanor doesn't change in either case, and she remains the welcoming host throughout. "Being trapped in this lake means we do not have the ability to go and make many new stories of our own. So, every time we do get passengers, I like to get as many stories from them as I can. It helps us deal with the time when there are no passengers. And since you are the first we've had in a long time, I am very eager to hear your stories. Or even your questions, as those can also lead to great stories. But, as the host, I will begin with a story of my own!"

She then starts her story, "I first got involved in piracy when I fell in love with the swashbuckling captain who was called Goldbeard because of his golden locks. (His real name was Charles. I called him Chuck when I wanted to annoy him.) He was an amazingly dashing pirate and set all the girls hearts aflutter. When he chose me to accompany him, I could scarcely believe my incredible fortune! However, I found out that while he was my world, I was just the next one for him. Still, it was great while it lasted and I learned so much during that time. On one fateful day during a raid on Taverin, the loot of which included the case for which that bottle is the last, we were surrounded and about to be captured. My love was about to surrender when I slit his throat for being a coward. This reinvigorated the morale of the crew and we were able to repel the boarders. When I ran their commander through on the poop deck in view of the Taverin ships, they hesitated just enough for us to escape. After that, I was the captain of the ship, and we continued on with much success."
This is the base of her story. She tells it with a little more flourish, and many more details, but I am not that skilled of a writer. She is not being disingenuous; do feel free to ask her the questions you have.
If, at any point, Felix makes a motion to either eat or drink anything provided by the Captain, Florian will simply tell Felix, "Don't be an idiot."
May 28, 2024 6:57 pm
Despite having just eaten his second breakfast with Ealdwig, Grin can’t help but be impressed with the spread. His mouth watering, he tries very hard to focus on the story. He uses his Belt of Trickery to create miniature illusory features of the story: characters, ships, etc.
Last edited May 28, 2024 7:11 pm
May 29, 2024 6:56 am
"Grim tale you have madam captain but full of dashing adventure as well, however, i wonder about your present situation as undead, how has that curse befall you?"

Brewner is sitting next to Grinfletch and keeps an eye on him
May 29, 2024 10:18 am
Oliver is delighted at captain's Bloodbane telling of her story. Though rough and gory, and exciting, the tale has an air of melancholy to him. He is saddened by these kind prisoners of the lake, but he dared not ask why they were there. Which is why Oliver opened his eyes like plates and choked vigorously when Brewner asked the question.
May 29, 2024 2:18 pm
Grin thinks to himself: A curse! Maybe we can help to break the curse?

His hand unconsciously moves slowly towards some of the food in front of him…
May 29, 2024 5:00 pm
Someone please whack that duende. Oliver is busy choking.
May 29, 2024 5:25 pm
Thunder_Lungz do you want Brewner to stop Grinfletch from eating? or do you want Grinfletch to possible be conected to the curse?
May 29, 2024 5:36 pm
Bunt says:
Someone please whack that duende. Oliver is busy choking.
I'll try to remedy that when I get to post. I'll be on break soon and post them. ;)
May 29, 2024 6:39 pm
Felix listened to Captain Bloodbane's tale, which came across as quite gruesome yet awe inspiring.

I hope we don't also become trapped down here. She mentioned ferrying other people around - if they made it out or across maybe we will too.

The food on offer seemed fishy. The crew clearly didn't need to eat, so where did it come from?

But this booze, booze lasts forever, it's bound to be safe

Felix licked his lips and began to tentatively reach out a hand,

No you don't ya idiot

Florial's voice was in his ear and Felix lost control of his arm briefly. It jerked around, first smacking Grin in the side of the head and following through to smack himself in the face.

Oh! Uhh, that wasn't me Grin, I swear, sorry. Felix said as he rubbed his own nose. I got it Florial, such a killjoy.
May 29, 2024 7:03 pm
The Captain responds to Brewner, "And excellent question! And I will be happy to answer it, but I must hear one of your tales first!" She gives no indication of being insulted by the question. She seems to be actually genuinely glad to answer, but really does want to hear the other's stories, too.
To tell a story, you don't have to actually tell the story. Just refer to what story you are telling and how much you want to punch it up or whatnot. Or, go ahead and tell the story! Either way works and is perfectly valid. However, if you are telling a new story that happened before you started adventuring in Paphos and its Underdark, then please do tell the story IC.

Also, if you want this part to go faster, just say so. We can do some story swapping or we can handwave the stories while doing whatever Q&A you want done.
May 29, 2024 7:31 pm
daryen says:
The Captain responds to Brewner, "An excellent question! And I will be happy to answer it, but I must hear one of your tales first!"
…Felix lost control of his arm briefly. It jerked around, first smacking Grin in the side of the head…
Ow! Grin looks at Felix, then at the Captain. A story - you’re supposed to share a story!
Oh, I, uh… yes I have a story for you. This story is about spiders, goblins and magical crystals!

He launches into a retelling of the story of the psionic crystal all the way from the spider cave to the breaking of the crystal into smaller shards. He uses his belt of trickery to animate the entire retelling with illusory characters, creatures and other visual effects.
Last edited May 29, 2024 7:31 pm
May 30, 2024 12:52 am
The Captain is pleased with the story. "Very impressive to make an ally out of an enemy and eliminate the greater threat like that."

She pauses briefly, then says, "Since you provided a story, I will answer your question.

"We had a run of tremendous success once I assumed the captaincy. A couple of the crew had difficulties with the new captain being not just a woman, but the lover of the former captain. The main complainant challenged me to a duel and lost badly. We then offered his remains to the seas. The rest quieted down, but several left at the next port. With the remaining loyal crew and new recruits, that success started off well. Unfortunately, after several years of our success we got complacent. During a raid on another long forgotten kingdom, we made off with a trove of treasure. We didn't think much of the paltry opposition at the time and just assumed that they didn't want to risk more lives they were sure to lose. Instead, it was a trap, as the treasure was cursed, even if we didn't know it yet. We spent it freely and widely, which was then spent freely and wildly by whomever we spent it with. We found that if, after a period of time, the treasure was not still in its chest, then whomever spent it would be cursed to never be able to eat and drink again. Well, we could eat and drink, but it did nothing and we ended up starving to death. We then arose as undead. As undead, we found ourselves bound to our ship, unable to leave it. We did spend several years trying to find the treasure to undo the curse, but we were only able to find a little over a half of what we had spent. In time we simply accepted our fate and went with it.

"During the cataclysm, we don't actually know what happened, but at one point we were trapped in a roiling sea, with no control over our ship other than to just hold on for unlife. When things calmed, we found ourselves on this subterranean lake. We have been trying to find a way to get out, but have not succeeded yet, as you can see.

"Who has the next story?"
May 30, 2024 2:01 am
Ealdwig is fascinated by the beautiful food and drink. He salivates a little. As he was considering trying something, he sees Felix smack Grin in the face just as he was reaching for food. Ealdwig laughs out loud, Hahaha! He catches himself and giggles quietly.

Food forgotten for the time being as he gets engrossed in the different stories.

Ealdwig says, Captain, since you don't eat or drink and haven't for a very long time, nor had visitors, where, um...., he trails off and thinks better of it. Sorry, I've got a story about a magical guard training facility and a blue dot that went haywire. Without giving away too many specifics of the location or why he was there, he recounts the story, with lots of hand gestures and emotive imagery.

Whether Ealdwig tells a good story or just thinks he does, he really gets into it.
May 30, 2024 5:30 pm
Grin is a huge fan of the gesturing, often copying Ealdwig for emphasis.
May 30, 2024 5:30 pm
The Captain is very amused by the misadventures of Ealdwig and his companions. "You had to fight two metal construct centipedes? And the reaction you got from your overly timid companion at the end is priceless! Very good escaping that gauntlet!"
Any other stories to tell, or questions you want to ask? The Captain is willing to let things go now, as she got two excellent stories from you, but is willing to get more. Again, I can wrap it up, or let it go a little longer, whichever you all prefer.
May 30, 2024 6:58 pm
Grin wants to know if there’s a way to break the curse out to help free them from being trapped here.
May 30, 2024 7:04 pm
"To be honest, we're not looking to break our undead curse. We're not looking to move on and face our consequences. Being trap down here isn't so much a curse as a terrible misfortune. For us to get out of here would require a magical portal big enough for the ship, because we can't leave the ship. Or for the ship to grow legs and walk us out of here." She smiles at her own joke with that last comment.
May 30, 2024 8:42 pm
"A portal? A portal! This might not be too out of the question. After all, there are plenty of portals in the underdark. We would need to find one big enough further down. There are plenty of issues afterwards, but that would be a start..."

"Speaking of our plans, I have a question to ask too. But first I have another story to share. It's a story of captivity in a circus, and about losing oneself. Should fall close to home."

Oliver went into detail about the beastfolk circus he was trapped for a while, and how several other beastfolks lost their mind by pretending to be animals for too many years. He ended the story in a more positive note, telling how he escaped himself.

He then paused and allowed the story to sink in. Staring at their kind undead pirate hosts, Oliver gulped before he formulated his question:
"Captain Bloodborne, what would happen if we took a sip of these beverages that you offer us?"
May 30, 2024 8:50 pm
Well now! I was expecting questions on why the ship is wandering around instead of using a the straight path, and why they just passed a "beach" if there is only one other exit. I didn't expect anyone to ask that question! Nice.

Now you have to give me a brief respite while I figure out the Captain's answer. Don't worry; she'll respect the question. I just have to figure out how I am going to answer it.
May 30, 2024 9:41 pm
Grin wants to ask those other questions when you’re done explaining the food. And he also wants to know who else lives down here and has traveled the lake.
May 31, 2024 1:51 am
Felix scratched at his stubble and listened to everyone's adventures. During a lull he found himself speaking.

Uhh, I haven't had any impressive adventures like all of you - crew included - but one time when I was digging a grave Mr. Jillyforth (spirit of a man buried 80 years previous) got my attention. Meanwhile his burial neighbor Sally Billindial had snuck up behind me (not hard for a ghost) and crouched down on her incorporeal hands and knees. Jillyforth then, out of nowhere, gave me a sudden shove, I stumbled back, immediately tripped over Sally, and down I went into my half-dug grave.

Felix looked around with a mild smile on his face and took a sip from one of his flasks.

Oh that reminds me, Captain Bloodborne, we passed another small beach cove area a short while ago. Have you ever stopped there? Maybe picked up or dropped off some passengers?
May 31, 2024 2:19 am
Thunder_Lungz says:
Grin is a huge fan of the gesturing, often copying Ealdwig for emphasis.
Oliver, that doesn't sound like a great place to be. I am glad you were able to find your way to escape and find your way to us. Smiling very wide at Oliver's question. You really do want a drink don't you?.

Ealdwig is enjoying listening to these stories of his friends. It's good to finally have some friends. Felix's story really hits Ealdwig's funnybone and he laughs and laughs. Felix, the image of you being pushed over one ghost by another ghost into a grave you were digging, Ealdwig laughs even harder, and has to pause to catch his breath and wipe his eyes, that's priceless. I didn't even know that was possible.

Still having trouble catching his breath, Grin! Grin! Can you re-create that image? I would love to actually see it.
Last edited May 31, 2024 2:19 am
May 31, 2024 6:53 am
"A woman as accustomed to adventure and the open ocean as you are, would one expect that being trapped in this underground lake would be a tremendous punishment"
May 31, 2024 2:43 pm
Grin attempts to recreate visually as much of the stories as possible using his little illusions.
May 31, 2024 4:37 pm
The Captain looks a little startled by Oliver's blunt question. She pauses for what seems like forever, causing everyone in the group to tense up a bit, but it wasn't even a full minute. She then says, "I admire your courage. I do not ever remember another guest having the courage to ask that question. Before I answer, I have a question of my own: What makes you ask?"

Regardless of the answer, she continues, "You would join the crew and curse. You would be immediately cursed, but the curse's effects wouldn't manifest until you died. At that point, then next thing you would know is that you wake up as an undead pirate on this ship."

To Grin she says, "We take the wandering path because these waters are not safe. Over time, we have figured out the 'dance' required to traverse it from side to side. Varying from that path is an open invitation for an attack from something horrible to even us!"

To Felix she says, "So, you have experience with the restless dead, huh? No wonder our presence doesn't unnerve you like it does the rest of your companions. (Yes, we can tell. We're used to it.)

"Honestly, we don't know what lies deeper on that shore. We don't stop because doing so would take us off our path, where as the other two points are on the path. We did stop once when a group insisted after seeing it. They fearlessly trudged deep in to the caverns to see what they could find, only for us to hear horrible screams soon after they left view. Two were able to make it to the rowboat, but one died on the rowboat. The other was taken by a chuul that made an opportunistic attack while the rowers were distracted by the dying survivor. When the dead survivor woke up again, we asked him what happened. He said that their torches were suddenly extinguished and then the screaming started. The two farthest back attempted to run for it, hoping the rowboat was still there. He felt something slash his back, but he was so focused on running, he didn't realize he had been mortally wounded. He never saw what attacked them."

To Brewner she says, "It does feel like an additional curse, but it isn't. It is just being physically entrapped. Hopefully at some point we'll find some way to free ourselves."
May 31, 2024 11:15 pm
Ealdwig laughs harder, actually watching the illusions.

Ealdwig quiets immediately forgetting the illusions and pauses at Oliver's question. That took guts. More than I have. Sitting in silence waiting for the answer from the Captain.

A little taken aback by the answer from the Captain. Ealdwig scrunches up his face a little. Huh. She seemed to answer honestly. I wonder how much of a crew they need / can handle. if no one ever "dies" this ship could be overflowing with undead soon enough.

Not sure if that makes the food and drink look more or less appealing.
May 31, 2024 11:47 pm
Grin is kind of curious about what will happen to him when he dies and if he’d like to be a sailor forever after he dies. Maybe if they weren’t trapped underground in this lake…
Jun 1, 2024 12:30 am
Well I'm glad no one insisted on visiting that cove then. And this lot can be pretty whimsical it seems, so, phew, close call.

Felix sat back and wondered what threats existed under the water that the ship was zig-zagging to avoid.

If we encounter a giant squid ... I doubt we'd all make it safely off this ship.
Jun 2, 2024 5:43 am
Just because they don't "die" doesn't mean they can't be destroyed. I figure there was some pretty significant lossage while figuring the lake out, but "recruitment" filled the games. I imagine they would be more "proactive" when they needed the crew. However, once they figured things out, the losses stopped and so the need for recruitment slowed down, causing them to be trickier just for the fun of it. When the traffic stopped, they had to be even nicer to get the occasional travelers to take the trip, just to stave off the boredom. She doesn't share this. Just ideas that pop into Ealdwig's head. 😬

I can't help with what happens after you die. I don't know what cosmology is used here. I am sure the cosmology I developed for another game is most definitely not used! And there is a way to help them if you find the correct item and realize what it is. But that is farther down the path.

Grin is the group's biggest agent of chaos. I must commend him on controlling himself on the ship. It must be sheer torture!

Can't make any promises on that squid, though! 👹
Jun 2, 2024 12:14 pm
Cool! Love me some side quests!
Jun 3, 2024 8:41 pm
Captain Celeste Bloodbane says:
I admire your courage. I do not ever remember another guest having the courage to ask that question. Before I answer, I have a question of my own: What makes you ask?
Oliver laughs at this. "Well, it wasn't exactly courage, more like a luckily placed naiveness. You seemed too nice, and yet we knew there was something to be wary of, but once again you were so kind it couldn't be THAT bad. I just had to know."

"Now that we know, it's going to be even harder to decline that bottle from the long forgotten Taverin distiller, but I'm now certain that it would be more than just to help you escape if we ever get the chance. I cheer for you, captain Celeste Bloodbane, for many more stories to come."

Oliver took a bow, cheered drinking a sip from his own waterskin, and heard the rest of the story.
Jun 3, 2024 9:34 pm
Grin eats some more of his boat snacks, debating heavily whether or not he wants to risk eternal post-mortem servitude on a ship for the pleasure of a fine meal… he chooses against it for now.
Jun 4, 2024 2:34 am
Ealdwig isn't interested in spending the rest of eternity on this ship. He isn't a sailor. He'd rather be doing acrobatics. You see him unconsciously shaking his head in slight back and forth manner. He sits on his hands. I can wait till we are on land to eat and drink. His stomach growls in disagreement. Ealdwig tilts his head to the left a little, now if this were a circus...
Jun 4, 2024 10:58 am
"Thank you for the safe passage and the incredible stories, but I believe it is time for us to depart, our soul seeks adventure and riches and I do not see myself bond to this ship, we will spread your story Captain Bloodborne and I hope it pleases you"

To his companions
"My friends shall we continue our expedition? and uncover the mysteries of the underdark"
Jun 4, 2024 2:57 pm
After Brewner's impassioned speech, short tho it was, Ealdwig almost jumps from his chair, ready to adventure. Wow, that guys got it. And I need to get off this ship.
Jun 4, 2024 3:43 pm
Captain Bloodbane stands up at the table and says, "While I didn't get any new recruits tonight, I did get wonderful stories. For that I thank you!"

She turns to Brewner and says, "Please do tell our stories. Hopefully we can see more traffic over time."

To the group, she continues, "We have now made it to the destination. We have to send you over in the rowboat because the shore is not need enough for the ship. Thank you for your time and your stories. May the fates favor you on your journeys. You are always welcome to return!"

The group is led out of the Captain's room and toward the rowboat that had brought them to the ship. The same two oarsmen greet them and help them board the rowboat. The boat is then lowered to the water and they are rowed to the dock. The water is still unnaturally calm, with only the wake of the rowboat providing disturbance. As he looks out at the water while approaching the dock, Oliver thinks he sees movement on the surface other than that caused by the rowboat, but he can't be sure. He sees this as the rowboat is about to get to the dock.
Jun 4, 2024 8:18 pm
Once onshore, Grin, I'm proud of you. Ealdwig claps him on the back, you too Oliver. Ealdwig smiles wide at his companions. I know if was hard for you both, as it was for me. But we avoided temptation and we are all the better for it. Who wants to spend eternity on that ship? Ealdwig holds his stomach, man I'm hungry. He roots around in his pack.
Jun 4, 2024 10:29 pm
Felix, once again, was happy to depart a ship.

Those guys could use some citrus. I'm worried about scurvy for them.

Does anyone ever volunteer to eternal servitude upon that ship?

I am hungry too, Ealdwig, maybe we can find somewhere to get a fire started.
Last edited June 4, 2024 10:38 pm
Jun 4, 2024 10:54 pm
I am sure there would be an exception or two, but, no. However some died on the ship for various reasons, and so drank without questioning. It is fundamentally a trap, you just had warning and asked questions. Most wouldn't have either.

Ealdwig gets off the rowboat first, followed by Felix. Just as Ealdwig is stretching and Felix gains his balance again, everyone hears noises as something comes out of the water on the beach and starts to get on the far end of the pier!

As your eyes focus you can see what it is. It looks like a giant lobster with four legs, two forearms with giant pincers, and a ton of tentacles hanging from what should be its face. It is still coming out of the water, so you can't see what its tail looks like yet.

"It's a chuul!" exclaims one of the oarsmen
Jun 4, 2024 11:01 pm
Jun 5, 2024 7:36 am
Brewner raises both his brows in astonishment as he sees this creature emerging from the water, he never saw something like this.
" I am not sure i want to face that thing, looks like it have a hard shell." He holds his Warhammer tighter " Should we run, maybe it won't follow us, as his lair is in the lake or near the shore.."
Jun 5, 2024 8:44 am
"Ohhh! So that's what that was! Sorry, I saw something moving in the water and was too mesmerized to speak."

Oliver gets his sling ready.

"How about some inshore action? That creature looks... interesting."

He hands a vial of Deepshade to Felix, and excitedly mutters:
"Sword. Vial. Sleep."
[ +- ] Deepshade
Last edited June 5, 2024 8:48 am
Jun 5, 2024 2:50 pm
Continuing his conversation with Grin and Oliver, ...humans just don't understand...

Staring and pointing, what in the Hells is that?!

Um, guys, maybe we should run.
Ealdwig starts to back away getting ready to flee.
Last edited June 5, 2024 2:51 pm
Jun 5, 2024 4:20 pm
Just to make sure you have a clearer mental picture, you are all on the end of the dock or still in the rowboat. The chuul is at the base of the dock where it connects with the shore. The only place you can run to is the rowboat, and then hope they can row fast enough to escape an expert swimmer creature. (And you have never seen them row fast yet, so are unsure as to whether they can or not.)

You can either jump back in the rowboat and try to row back to the ship, or you can stand and fight. (Or you can jump in the water and try to make it to shore that way, but I wouldn't recommend it.) The two oarsmen can't help if you fight, as they can't leave the rowboat.
Jun 5, 2024 5:03 pm
ok i thought we still had time until the chuul reached the pier
Jun 5, 2024 5:18 pm
Ok, Felix's actions.

He rethinks his whole life.
Last edited June 5, 2024 11:01 pm


Shamanic warrior - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jun 5, 2024 7:36 pm
The chuul is getting to the end of the pier. By the time everyone gets out, it will be fully on the pier.

I also need two 2d6 tests from Felix. You have to Test for the Shamanic Warrior effect to manifest, the roll an extra die to see what it is (unless you pick by paying 1HP). So, you need to test to see if any of this happens first. Assuming you succeed twice, you can keep the "4" for the second effect.

I don't "charge" an Action to draw a weapon. You do have to spend an Action to load a Ranged weapon if you don't have Quick Shot.

Applying oil/ointment/whatever to a weapon takes an Action.
For Turn 1, you can't reach the chuul, and it can't reach you. So, you basically get one turn for "prep".
Felix is trying to prepare with his Shamanic Warrior magic.
Ealdwig has two Action to do whatever he wants. (If he wants to use his bow, he has to load it first.)
Everyone else has to spend one Action to get off the boat (if you want to). The second Action can be whatever they want.

The chuul uses its two Actions to move up out of the water and on to the end of the pier. At the end of Turn 1, you are Far from each other (about 30 feet or so).
I need everyone's Actions for Turn 1!
Jun 5, 2024 7:54 pm
I never rolled to be able to roll on the Shamanic table before.
Jun 5, 2024 8:05 pm
Huh ...

Well, let's check with @Psybermagi.

@Psybermagi, does the Shamanic Warrior abilities require a Test roll to activate, then a new single die roll to see which happens? Or, is it just invoked and a roll determines what happens. I double-checked the description in Felix's writeup, but I could have misunderstood.

Jun 5, 2024 8:22 pm
yeah, it does seem to read that way on my character. Never during my entire intro storyline with psybermagi did I roll a test to activate it. And honestly if I have to, I just won't. It would be too terrible of an ability.
Last edited June 5, 2024 8:23 pm
Jun 5, 2024 8:42 pm
Brewner his going to grab one of the oarsmen by the colar " Is a Chuul!? what do you know about this creature, how do we fight it? what does it fear? speak with urgency as the lives of my companions are in danger!"
First action- gather information. Holding my second action for now
Jun 5, 2024 8:48 pm
"Land ahoy!"

Oliver jumped forward into the shore while slinging a round rock towards the chuul. Perhaps he should have been more afraid, but he felt incredibly optimistic.
Felix says:
"Uh, thanks ... Not the best time to put my sword to sleep though..."

Felix may or may not work it out eventually.
10/10 team communication.
Action 1: Move
Action 2: load-n-shoot (quickshot trait)


Sling rock (mastery) - (3d6)

(254) = 11

Jun 5, 2024 8:58 pm
well. My character is borked.
Jun 5, 2024 11:41 pm
Grin is about to boast about his self-control, but is distracted by Ealdwig’s pointing and yelling. Shoo-shoo-shoo! Grin yells out toward the creature and he fires two crossbow shots from the boat at the creature’s tentacles.
it will be all good Nuttyartist, Psybermagi will wave his beneficent GM hands and un-bork you.
Jun 5, 2024 11:41 pm
@Nuttyartist, Let's use your understanding for this combat and we can figure out how to make it work after. I didn't realize there was a disconnect. We can figure it out. I love your character. Let's move the character discussion to your character thread.

To be clear, Felix activated his two powers, and paid 1HP so he could choose one of them. You get a third Action this turn and the next two.
Jun 6, 2024 3:14 pm
How big is the creature? Will Ealdwig be able to vault it with his pole using his acrobat ability to get off the pier onto land?
Ealdwig tilts his head. Then he raises his eyebrows and nods a little. He pulls the rope caster from his pack and fires it at the creature hoping to restrain it.
Not sure if that is 1d6 or 2d6, use whatever is appropriate.


Rope caster - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Rope caster - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Jun 6, 2024 5:16 pm
I'll let you redo your actions. The rope caster can't be used offensively. Ealdwig would know that, so I'll allow a redo.

The chuul is about 10 feet long and 4 feet high. It is big, but not as big as the mechanical monster in the Fieldhouse, which Ealdwig successfully vaulted before. So, yes, Ealdwig can give that a try. Those claws look pretty "grabby", though ...
Jun 6, 2024 9:42 pm
Felix swings his sword at the chuul.

I think this is with focus from the 4 I rolled.


Attack chuul with great sword - (3d6)

(151) = 7

Jun 6, 2024 11:21 pm
Ok, sorry, missed that part. Thanks.

It seems that charging straight at is isn't the best idea. So I guess it's vaulting. Here goes nothing.
Ealdwig pulls out his magic acrobat pole and sprints toward the creature. He gives the command word and everyone watches as the pole extends to 10'. Using his natural agility he uses the pole to vault over the chuul so he can attack it from behind.


Vaulting (acrobat ability) - (3d6)

(631) = 10

Jun 7, 2024 7:39 am
Ricardoi91 says:
Brewner his going to grab one of the oarsmen by the colar " Is a Chuul!? what do you know about this creature, how do we fight it? what does it fear? speak with urgency as the lives of my companions are in danger!"
First action- gather information. Holding my second action for now
Whatever the answer Brewner is going to get out of the boat and move towards the creatue
second action- move
Jun 7, 2024 2:29 pm
I forgot to roll for initiative. To keep things moving, I am doing one roll for the group and one for the chuul. I then will follow-up with the results of everyone's actions.


And players win the initiative!


Initiative Players - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Initiative Chuul - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Jun 7, 2024 2:35 pm
Ealdwig amazes everyone by his ridiculous acrobatic moves. He quickly closes the gap to the monster, but just before getting to it, his pole expands and he uses it to vault over the creature, landing expertly behind it. The monster briefly looks in Ealdwig's direction, but the other activity redirects its attention to the others.

Grin does not leave the boat, but instead fires his crossbow twice, successfully landing both shots! (I've rolled for him below.)

Brewner accosts an oarsman asking questions, then he leaps from the boat and readies his weapon. The oarsman says, "Avoid the face tentacles! They will paralyze you! And if it gets a good grip with those claws, it will hold on to you and keep crushing you!"

Oliver steps onto the pier and hurls a sling stone at the Chuul, hitting it on its softer underbelly!

Felix moves forward toward the chuul and attacks with his sword, hitting it and blocking it from easily advancing past him. (Because of the reach of his great sword, he gets a longer reach on his attack.)

Having taken damage before it even gets to fight seems to simply enrage the chuul. It quickly closes the gap with Felix and attacks with one of its claws! The attack is successful, and he now has a firm grasp on Felix.
Felix is now held by the chuul's claw. He may still make an attack and/or attempt to break the grip. If he fails to break the grip, he automatically takes damage from the chuul's claw attack with no roll.


Grinfletch: Crossbow Shot 1 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(624) = 12

Grinfletch: Crossbow Shot 2 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(415) = 10

Chuul: Claw Attack DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)

(545) = 14

Jun 7, 2024 2:50 pm
What do I see from behind? Any weak spots? Can the claws or the face tentacles reach around to it's back? Not sure if I have another action or not this round? let me know.
Smiling as he careens over the massive creature, he lands behind it. Upon landing he twirls around with his pole to hit the beast.
It's a 10' pole. Within reach?


attack with pole - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Jun 7, 2024 4:02 pm
Felix attempts to break free from the claw.
with focus from boon
assuming it's a normal test
looks like a success. Assuming it is, Felix will attack. Then for 3rd action will evade.
Felix swings his heavy sword hoping to hit the giant clawed arm.
Last edited June 7, 2024 4:06 pm


Break free from claw - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Heavy attack on chuul - (3d6)

(564) = 15

Jun 7, 2024 10:07 pm
The backside of the chuul is still covered it it's hard carapace, but it can't reach you with its claws or tentacles without at least partially turning around. Ealdwig's attack is within reach.

Yes, Felix succeeded in getting free and hitting it. Good thing, or he'd have gotten the paralyzing attack. Still not out of the woods yet, as you are its main focus and target, and it'll have two actions this turn! And oh so close to a critical hit!
This is Turn 3. Once everyone has posted, I'll summarize again.
Jun 7, 2024 10:22 pm
Sorry for forgetting to roll. If the oarsmen are cool staying he will shoot twice from here. If they seem antsy like they are going to leave, he’ll take an action to get out and then attack.


Crossbow attack - (3d6)

(223) = 7

Crossbow attack - (3d6)

(414) = 9

Jun 7, 2024 11:05 pm
Felix attacks with his sword as before.

Then will attempt to activate Shamanic boon, then will save an action for evade.


Great sword attack on chuul - (3d6)

(343) = 10

Shamanic warrior boon test - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Jun 8, 2024 12:34 am
Felix is getting ahead of himself. He did "break free" and "attack". If he has a third Action, he can either try to activate a power, or evade. But Felix (and Ealdwig) have already acted for Turn 3. But, that works for you, since those rolls sucked :-)

That all said, you have "free focus" for three turns (one more to go). Did you still take the 1HP damage for the extra Action? You edited the post, so I'm not sure.
Jun 8, 2024 12:45 am
daryen says:
Felix is getting ahead of himself. He did "break free" and "attack". If he has a third Action, he can either try to activate a power, or evade. But Felix (and Ealdwig) have already acted for Turn 3. But, that works for you, since those rolls sucked :-)

That all said, you have "free focus" for three turns (one more to go). Did you still take the 1HP damage for the extra Action? You edited the post, so I'm not sure.
I thought this was the next turn. As in, he broke free and saved an evade "last turn", then "this" turn I took the actions in my last post - attack, failed Shaman thing, and evade.
If it's out of order/too soon, my apologies.
I have Felix at 5/6 hp because you wanted that action I took to stand.

I still have an evade for the turn before. When I thought it was a new turn I assumed I didn't get attacked.

The shaman roll sucked, I think the sword hit because of the focus.
Last edited June 8, 2024 1:02 am
Jun 8, 2024 10:20 am
Brewer moves towards the creature
"Beware! The tentacles of this cursed creature can paralyse"

Brewner with a savage roar swings his Warhammer at the Chuul
1 action move; 2 action attack


Attack - (3D6)

(213) = 6

Jun 8, 2024 4:20 pm
"Got it, Brewner! One reason less to get close and die. Felix appears to disagree, though. Brave fella."

Oliver continues to sling a barrage of rocks towards the chuul.

"Do underdark sea creatures thrive well in acid? Anyone know? No? It's rather urgent, but I should really take a sample of this water later to find out. If we live, that is."
Action 1: load-n-sling

Action 2: load-n-sling


Sling rock 1 - (3d6)

(235) = 10

Sling rock 2 - (3d6)

(153) = 9

Jun 8, 2024 4:33 pm
Ealdwig artfully lands on the far side of the creature, moves to keep some distance to it, and strikes it with his pole, damage it through its carapace.

Felix is able to break free of the claw attack and make his own counter attack hitting the creature for 2 HP damage! He is also evading to try and avoid the inevitable attack by the creature.

Grin fires two crossbow bolts, but both sail wide of the target, doing no damage.

Brewner moves into range and takes a swing with his mighty hammer, but misses with his attack.

Oliver, on the other hand, successfully lands both of his sling shots.

The creature tries to grab Felix again, and then paralyze him with a tentacle attack. (The tentacles will do no damage, but will paralyze if a Test save is failed.)

OK, I need a quick 1d6 roll from Felix for his Evade roll. If he succeeds, then he avoids the claw attack entirely. If he fails, he is held (and can try to break free again next turn). Either way, the tentacle attack failed.

The chuul is not looking to hot right now. It has taken a lot of damage and might have realized too late that it should have run away ...


Chuul Grabbing Felix with claw attack DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)

(454) = 13

Check DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Jun 8, 2024 5:14 pm
Felix tries to duck under the pincher claw of the chuul.


Evade chuul - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jun 8, 2024 9:21 pm
Felix avoids being grabbed (and damaged) by the claw!

On to Turn 4!
Jun 8, 2024 10:39 pm
"Damn you creature!"

Brewner focus on his attack trying to land a crushing blow and also take some of the attention from Felix
1 action- Focus, 2 action -attack


Focus+ Attack - (3d6)

(221) = 5

Jun 8, 2024 11:26 pm
Seeing his chance to move, Grin jumps onto the pier and yells: Twang! He takes a shot of his crossbow.


Crossbow - (3d6)

(442) = 10

Jun 9, 2024 11:36 am
I will silently move toward the light and sounds I hear. Sheathing my sword and pulling my bow out.
Jun 9, 2024 1:41 pm
Everyone, please welcome Stee to the group! I hope no one minds if I make things a little dramatic on his entrance ...
Stee moves to the light and noise, to see a combat ensuing. He sees a shore area along the coast of a huge underground lake/sea. There is a pier or dock jutting into the water. A stout rowboat with two occupants is starting to pull away, but there are five others on the pier fighting some kind of large monster that looks like some abominable combination of a lobster with tentacles on its face, two huge claws, multiple legs, and a thick carapace. Despite its size and obvious strength it doesn't appear to be doing well anymore.

Deciding to not wait to ask questions Stee concentrates and pulls back his bowstring to let loose an arrow. It sails through the air and impacts the creature in the side of its head, finally felling it. With that entrance, Stee moves down to meet the group that was fighting the creature.
Again, I hope no one minds the theatrical entrance. It was perfectly timed, as the creature was down to one hit point, and the first two attacks this turn missed. Feel free to go through introductions. Since Grin left the rowboat, it is already on its way back to the ship.
Jun 9, 2024 1:56 pm
Woh?! Did you see that! My arrow totally ricocheted and hit the chuul in the side of the - He notices the human approaching with a bow in hand… - oh

To the group he says I guess the locals are big folk then…too bad! To Stee he says Do you have any food?

Grin, newly equipped for his underdark adventures, is a Duende (Halfling) from the wildlands. He wears: supple, dark leather armor adorned with intricate stitching and small, shimmering beads; an elegant mask of polished wood, adorned with delicate gold leaf accents around its edges; a stylish leather belt with rune embellishments, its buckle fashioned in the shape of a mischievous grin; and a mysterious cloak, currently matching the armor in color and shimmer-osityness. His signature crossbow is propped up against his shoulder.
Welcome, Mathias! Grin is a Duende/Halfling and is a bit of a cheeky boy. Looking forward to adventuring with you!
Last edited June 9, 2024 5:42 pm
Jun 9, 2024 3:11 pm
"What the..!? Oh, a mighty adventurer comes to the rescue. I thought we were alone in this dark and mysterious place. Name his Brewner, stranger whats yours?" He puts his huge Warhammer resting on his shoulders.
Jun 9, 2024 4:28 pm
Oliver claps excitedly. An otterfolk wearing a decorated black cloak with round vials hanging around his belt pouch, and with a sling in his left hand. "What marvellous introduction! Who do we owe this impeccable timing?"
Then he noticed the figure approaching. He felt thrilled at a newcomer, so he spoke playfully:
"...Oh! We have unearthed one more earthling! Just what on Earth is another earthling doing under earth? The odds are out of this... world."
Jun 9, 2024 6:04 pm
Still confused as to just where he is exactly at Stee walks up to the others. Well met friends my name is Stee Jans. If you don't mind I have some questions. What the heck was that thing and where the heck am I? I was rescuing captives and fighting Morlocks in a cavernous room. The former captives got scared and slammed the door on me before I got through. After I forced my way through the door I was here. Would you mind if I joined your group ?I am a ranger and master with the long bow.
Last edited June 9, 2024 6:37 pm
Jun 9, 2024 6:16 pm
Felix swings his sword, thinking he is about to fell the beast. As he draws back his huge blade an arrow came out of seemingly nowhere, burying itself in the chuul's head.

Seeing Stee appear from where the arrow came from,

Stole my kill. I guess you picked the right time to appear.
Jun 9, 2024 6:54 pm
"Well, that think apparently is a Chuul" Brewner shrugs his shoulders "His tentacles can paralyse you, i never saw a creature like this myself"

Brewner looks around "You are the first person we have seen here in the depths... at least alive there is." Brewner gives a awkward stare to the ship run by an undead crew
Jun 9, 2024 7:51 pm
"So it's the tentacles, huh?"

Oliver approaches the chuul, and attempts to retrieve some of its substance, or at worst just cut the tentacles altogether.

"By the way, Felix, keep the Deepshade. It's best for sword people like you. Here are some written instructions on how to use it. It's not meant to put your sword to sleep, you sneaky animist you."

And Oliver handed a small piece of paper to Felix, describing what he had learnt from the fey witch.
[ +- ] Deepshade
Rolling in case it's relevant.
Post-roll: Lol, just poison me already.
Last edited June 9, 2024 7:55 pm


Alchemy - extract thingie? - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Jun 9, 2024 8:00 pm
if Oliver gets paralyzed or something, Grin will draw something on his face.
Jun 10, 2024 2:47 am
Thunder_Lungz says:
if Oliver gets paralyzed or something, Grin will draw something on his face.
Hysterical. Hope he gets paralyzed, not permanently of course.
Ealdwig, a small young duende with brown hair a baby face and usually smiling, walks back to the group using his command word to put his pole away. Smiling widely and calling out to the new guy, nice shot! Hope you're on our side. Did you see that? Out of nowhere he took the beast down. Excellent.

My name is Ealdwig, well met Stee.
Jun 10, 2024 11:13 am
Talk about out of nowhere, Ealdwig! What was that flippy jump attack you did over the chuul?! That is one for the Duende book of infamy. Incredible acrobatics!
Jun 10, 2024 3:16 pm
Smiling in an aw shucks kind of way. Um, thanks. It worked out... luckily. I tried it once before and it worked then so I figured I would try it again. Seems crazy to attack it head on at my size, and I can't seem to shoot a bow for the life of me, or you he points at Grin, for that matter. You're much better at that than I am.

So far I've been lucky, caught our prey unaware of that move. Someday someone or something is going to be faster than me and it isn't going to work out so well. But for now, I'll take the victory.

Smiling again wider, if Stee hadn't taken down the beast, you'd have loved my next move. Maybe you'll get to see it next time. Hopefully, it won't come to that though.
Jun 10, 2024 4:26 pm
I'll do a full reply a little later, but Oliver is totally paralyzed. Should he be? No idea. But he rolled snake-eyes, it's hilarious, and I wanna see what Grin really does. He gets over it quickly enough.
Jun 10, 2024 9:26 pm
Thank you Oliver for the instructions and the powder. I'll try to put it to best use I can.

Everyone is so happy ... undead sailors then a giant lobster trying to eat our face, not even a dent in their optimism. Who have I got myself wrapped up with?

Looking at the chuul with his hands on his hips Felix said;

Do we need to bury it?
Jun 10, 2024 10:05 pm
As Oliver falls down, paralyzed, Grin says: Oli, oi Oli! Fool otter’s got himself paralyzed! He sits down next to Oliver and dramatically says: Oli, that was very foolish of you. I’m very angry with you - what if it was poison! How long will he be paralyzed?! It could be forever! Hmmmph… Using a piece of chalk from his pack, he draws angry eyebrows above Oliver’s eyes. Oliver looks angry now. Grin smiles.

Oli, I can’t stay mad at you. He hugs Oliver and rests his head on Oli’s chest. Using his belt of mimicry, he causes little illusory otters to appear above Oliver’s face, swimming through the air in a circle.

If only someone had rubber gloves or something that they could use to handle dangerous substances… He pulls out the rubber gloves from the slime cave and waits for Oliver to wake up. He pulls out a snack to eat as well.
Last edited June 10, 2024 11:14 pm
Jun 10, 2024 10:49 pm
Maybe we could have some lobster tail. What do you think Grin? I have always heard it was really good. Anyone got some butter?
Now that I think about it I haven't eaten in awhile.
Jun 11, 2024 2:11 am
Ealdwig giggles at Oliver's new eyebrows. I hope he's ok? How long do you think it'll last? Anything we can do?

Stee, what is lobster tail? I'll try anything once.
Jun 11, 2024 4:08 am
Oliver basically hit himself with the tentacles, which would paralyze him if he failed to succeed at a Save Test. Which he failed spectacularly. However, since he is not held in the claw of a living chuul, this is merely a convenience, not a death sentence. He is soon moving around again after a few minutes. (Ordinarily, you'd be making save tests at disadvantage until you threw it off. Here, it just lasts for a few minutes before wearing off.) do note that he was conscious while paralyzed, so he is aware of his circumstances.
At this point, you can do one of two main things:
1) Continue on with the path of continuing on your path of exploration, now with Stee in tow.
2) Go investigate the door that Stee mentioned to figure out what's up,with that.
Jun 11, 2024 8:38 am
Brewner started laughing at Oliver's new eyebrows, but then stops he realize that they may not be safe.
"Be careful friends, maybe it's better to put some distance from this underground lake there may be more of this creatures lurking around"
He moves towards the door, what is a door doing in this cavernous forsaken place? Very suspicious.
"Stee i don't want to pry, but what can you tell us about this door and the place you came from?"
Jun 11, 2024 10:08 am
I was with some homesteaders they were having troubles with bandits and we tracked them to a cave. These bandits were also taking people. One of the homesteaders had just had his child disappear so we delved into the cave a soon as we heard that. After traveling a few hundred feet down we came to a room that had this set of double doors at the end. We heard the sounds of whimpering and such on the other side and went in to investigate. We entered the room and there were multiple cages with people in them including the little boy. We freed these captives and tried to keep them quiet but to no avail we were beset by Morloks. I covered the retreat and before I got to the door one of the men was holding for me two of the survivors freaked out and slammed it shut. When I forced my way back through the were gone and I was here. I tied the handles off with a piece of rope. I heard sounds of a fight this way and here I am.

Looking at Ealdwig That thing kinda looks like the lobsters I have heard described only a lot bigger. People eat the tail. I guess you boil it. I would imagine you could roast it also. It is suppose to be a sweet meat and I heard very good with butter.
Jun 11, 2024 4:21 pm
Looking at the monster, we're going to need a big pot.
Jun 11, 2024 9:07 pm
Oliver regains his movement and cracks up laughing. He then stands up and is about to comment something to Grin, putting his hands on his side as if he were angry, but only manages to crack up laughing again, recalling that he already looks angry.

"Ahhhh, gloves, yes. That would have been sensible. But hey, at least I don't walk around drinking water elementals."

"Though somehow that turned out fine."

Oliver decides to leave the eyebrows for a while, as a hilarious reminder, but then accepts the gloves and completes the job, handing around vials of Chuul substance to his companions.

"Here! , Sharing is caring. Though I'm not sure this substance can work it this crude state. Let's find out together. Just don't drink it. Inner-body paralysis sounds rather lethal."
Assuming there are enough...
Then, as he handed a vial to Stee Jans, he addressed him.
"I'm still not totally sure how you came to drop this deep, but your timing is very appreciated, and your best way both in or out of this place is probably with us."
Jun 11, 2024 10:03 pm
To be clear, the double-doors are a hundred-ish yards off, not immediately adjacent.

Moving away from the water is sound advice ...
As the group talks and moves away from the water, they hear activity at the doors. They are close enough to hear the activity, but not close enough to see the doors. (Or be seen from the doors.) They are currently in one side of an adjacent cavern that appears to have two main exits (besides going back to the lake): one leads to a smaller area where the doors are and the other one heads towards some tunnels that lead deeper into the overall cavern systems. The direction going deeper appears to be well trod, though not much recently. The direction toward the doors is not as defined and definitely has not seen much traffic at all.
There is plenty of opportunity to hide. The ambient light of the lake fades away in this cavern, though you can see enough to operate in the side closest to the lake. Going deeper will require the use of a light source. Of course, using a light source will make you blatantly obvious to whatever is making all that noise ...
Jun 12, 2024 12:39 am
Hearing the noises from the other side of the door Stee tells the group.When I left the other side there were a lot of Morlocks, which hate light. But this room wasn't here when I went through the doors to the other side. So hard telling what might be on the other side now.
Jun 12, 2024 1:05 am
Thanks Oliver. I think the eyebrows look good.

I chuckle to myself
Jun 12, 2024 1:10 am
Felix wandered away from the waters edge, then stopped, wondering if the others would finish with the chuul.

Florian pleeeeasse. I need your help to heal. I bloodied my nose ... well, I think it was you... and now it's really sore. Not saying it wasn't worth it, but I'd rather not have trouble breathing through it.

Florial stayed silent.

Are you worn out? Did that little fight tucker you out? Awww. We really need to get into more fights, you're out of practice.

Morlocks? Maybe Morlocks?

Felix listens for any clues to what lies ahead.
Last edited June 12, 2024 1:11 am


Listen - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Jun 12, 2024 1:18 am
mathias0077 says:
Maybe we could have some lobster tail. What do you think Grin? I have always heard it was really good. Anyone got some butter?
Now that I think about it I haven't eaten in awhile.
Ohhhh, yes! Yes, great idea! We’ll have a delicious meal once we sort out some of this dangerous business.

Speaking of danger, should we stealthily approach the doors and see what’s making the noise? The doors could be under guard?

Grin crouches down as though he’s going stealth mode. His cloak becomes a deep black.
im adding Chuul meat to my inventory. Should we all add a vial of paralyzing toxin to our inventories (thanks to Oliver)? @Bunt, you should keep the rubber gloves. Grin will keep the boots and rubber mask.
Last edited June 12, 2024 1:20 am


Stealth - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Jun 12, 2024 2:17 pm
Upon hearing the noises, Brewner stops moving towards the door and tries to keep his presence unknown. Seeing Felix focus on listening, he waits for his breakthrough


Stealth test - (2D6)

(16) = 7

Jun 13, 2024 1:43 pm
Ealdwig stops at the sounds with the rest of the group, and uses the command word to turn off his chromacloth light.

He shrugs at Grin when he asks about investigating.
Jun 13, 2024 9:10 pm
Oliver stows his sling and retrieves his precision weapon (or so he says to himself): the Blazeball Bat.

"This is in case we need a little fire", he whispers, as he attempts to sneakily move with his companions.


Sneaky otter - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Jun 13, 2024 9:31 pm
Grin is very happy to see Oliver on his feet and back to shenaniganry.
Last edited June 13, 2024 9:31 pm
Jun 14, 2024 4:00 am
I'll post the update tomorrow. Wasn't able to make it today.
Jun 14, 2024 11:04 am
daryen says:
I'll post the update tomorrow. Wasn't able to make it today.
Did you see the question I asked in my character thread?
Jun 15, 2024 3:49 am
Answering the question there a little later.

The group moves toward the doors to check them out, but before getting too close, they hear voices, but can't make anything out. They then hear movement at the doors at frustrated noises as the noise from the doors gets louder. The group quickly moves to hide. Fortunately, the work Steve had done by tying them together slows down the effort, and they have time to get situated.

Soon enough, the doors burst open and at least a half dozen figures burst forth. Finally not muffled by the door, some voices can be understood:
"Track him down! He doesn't know these caverns, and he has no light."
"What's the hurry? He's trapped down here."
"He probably went to the water, as that's the only place with light!"
The figures head down to the shore, but leave to doors open.
Jun 15, 2024 3:00 pm
I will nock an arrow just in case and whisper to the group. "Should we go through the open doors? Or take those who came through out so they don't take us from behind? Remember Morlocks hate bright light it blinds them."
Jun 15, 2024 7:39 pm
What if we go through the doors, set a little fire on the outside, then lock the doors behind us? It sounds like that’s the only way to go for us.
Jun 15, 2024 8:42 pm
Keeping my voice down because we don't know sound travels or echoes. "Sounds a solid plan but can we lock the doors? I tied them shut the first time."
Could we tell if these we morlocks that came through the door?
Jun 15, 2024 8:55 pm
If they are going to the shore, will they cross path with us or pass real close to our position?
Jun 15, 2024 9:19 pm
"I like the plan that involves fire, though I did not understand what you wanted it for, Grin."

"One little blazeball tap and we have ourselves a campfire on the go. I can also bat a fiery stone elsewhere to make a diversion campfire there."

"Just about any plan involving fire is good on my books. Did I mention that I like fire and sparks? Do morlocks like fire?"
Jun 15, 2024 11:49 pm
Yes, they were obviously morlocks.

Yes, they went by close to you. But, they a looking for a single human who (to their thoughts) should be confused, out of his element, and obvious. The idea they are close to an entire group isn't something they are concerned about. Yet.

UPDATE: I just realized that first sentence could have sounded insulting. I did not intend that. It should have said something more like "The passing figures were undoubtedly morlocks." I just meant it was obvious to the characters, not that it should have been obvious to the players.
Jun 16, 2024 3:07 am
Grinfletch passes a flask of oil to Oliver and loads an unlit fire-arrow into his crossbow. We could slow them down with diversions, and even with setting a fire in front of the door. I only have rope or a crowbar to help keep the doors shut. My pack was too heavy for the chain I had.
I actually had a 10-ft chain but sold it because I thought my pack was a bit ridiculously full and heavy.
Jun 16, 2024 11:08 am
A crowbar through the handles then tied off should do nicely to keep them out. Maybe we should do so quietly though. Maybe their search for me will keep them busy for awhile and we can slip away.

Stee thinks no since in drawing attention to our selves there are probably others through the doors to deal with. All though seeing this firebat in action is intriguing.
Jun 16, 2024 1:25 pm
Brewner trying to be as silent as possible simple nods in agreement. As the group of morlocks passes he is going to raise his head only for an instante, can he see how many they are? his he able to see the door and if they kept someone to guard it?
Jun 16, 2024 1:44 pm
Grin will sneak over to look at the door entrance and scope it out. He will use his mirror to peer around the corner then return to tell the others about what he sees.
Last edited June 16, 2024 1:45 pm


Stealth - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Jun 16, 2024 3:44 pm
Brewner see seven of the morlocks heading down to the pier. He made sure they were past before peeking, so they didn't have a chance to see him (no roll needed).

Grin successfully sneaks up to the door and gets a quick look in, but can't see anything as it is pitch black inside and Grin doesn't have darkvision. He does think he heard some slight movement, but he isn't sure.

As they are trying to make careful movements, they suddenly hear a commotion from the pier as the morlocks have apparently discovered the chuul body. The group can hear that things are being hurriedly discussed, but can't make out the conversation. The only real piece that can be understood sounds like, "there are others" or something to that effect.
OK, you get to make a decision now: either stay hidden or quickly enter the door and try to block it. Or surprise me. :)

Just remember that they can see perfectly in the dark, and for you to see anything much farther than this is going to require light on your part, which makes you easy to see and find. On the other hand, Stee tells you that sudden or persistent bright light will cause them problems.
Jun 16, 2024 4:37 pm
Grin’s vote is to rush the doors with light.
Jun 16, 2024 7:27 pm
I agree that we get through the door and block it up and flood it with light as best as possible.
Jun 17, 2024 8:00 pm
From his hiding spot, Ealdwig can't see who is making the commotion. After the commotion dies away, to no one in particular, who are they and what do they want?

Maybe we should head deeper into the caverns?
Jun 17, 2024 11:00 pm
Whispering whatever we do, we had better do it soon. It sounds like they found the chuul, and possibly the arrow that finished it off.

Felix's headlamp was obviously off, but he was ready to activate it when it was time to cross the rocky terrain at speed.
Jun 18, 2024 2:32 am
Grinfletch whispers: Well, get your torches and all your lights ready friends. The code word is: Crab Sandwich because I’m starving. When I say that, we’ll turn up the lights, then rush the door and lock it behind us with a crowbar and rope. If the whatsits down by the lake come back, I can throw oil on the path and someone - (he winks towards Oliver’s silhouette) - can light’em up. Ready?…

He puts his hand, palm down towards the others, expecting them all to put their hands in… then realizing a moment later that he can’t really see the others or their hands, he awkwardly retracts his hand. He also realizes that Oliver didn’t see his wink. He psionically says: Oliver, by someone lighting up the oil, I meant you.
Feel free to narrate the code word. Let’s get the show on the road!

Mathias - we all have psionic speaking devices that let us communicate without words to a certain distance. Grin can lend you his since he’s fluent in all 9 dialects of Duende sign language. You all speak Duende sign language, right?
Last edited June 18, 2024 2:44 am
Jun 18, 2024 8:05 am
"Very well, i am ready, let's not waste any more precious time, it shall be a glorious dash" Brewner says with a smirk
Jun 18, 2024 2:59 pm
That sounds like a decision to me ...
The group decides to rush the doors in a burst, with Ealdwig's concerns outvoted. However, knowing that these are magical doors that might not open the same again, he realizes that he is going to need to keep up. Getting his out light ready, he awaits Grin's signal with the rest. As part of the preparation, Grin hands his crowbar to Brewner, saying, "Close and bar the doors once we're all in."

"Crab Sandwich!" calls out Grin, and the group springs into action. Everyone with a light, ignites (or uncovers) it and they rush the doors in unison. Grin and Oliver take up the rear, as Grin drops oil behind them, and Oliver attempts to light it as they pass by. As soon as everyone is inside, Brewner closes the doors, and uses some rope and the crowbar to tie the doors closed. (Fortunately, they have open handles, so this can actually work.) As Brewner closes the doors, he thinks he sees a brief flash of light along the seam between the doors, but he isn't 100% sure with all of the other light present.

Brewner and Oliver are busy closing and barring the doors. (Brewner because he has the crowbar and Oliver because he was last in.) Everyone else is able to look more fully into the room, and sees that it is rather large and roughly circular, with many doors running around the perimeter. In the center, there is a raised dais. Next to the dais are two figures, both yelling and hissing at the sudden arrival of lots and lots of light. Both launch themselves at the group, screaming incoherently, though one seems injured and isn't as quick as the other.
See a few message below for a corrected description of the room. I set it up wrong, though there is no practical difference other than Stee should now recognize this as the room he left.
OK, I hope that paints the picture. I'm not sure where I should go to be able to whip up AI generated scenes like Psybermagi does. Now, I'm gonna need some rolls from some people:
- I need a Standard Test from Oliver to actually set the fire.
- I need a Standard Test from Brewner for the success of barring the doors.
(In both cases, this isn't really normal success/failure, but rather a "relative level of success" roll to see if we get any fun results ...)

Finally, I need a Save Test from everyone but Oliver and Brewner to see whether the suddenness of the attack caught them off-guard.
Jun 18, 2024 3:42 pm
Ealdwig shakes his head and follows as quickly as he can. Crab sandwich?

Why would we run into an unknown room with unknown creatures with unknown consequences instead of keeping to our plan? I wonder what we'll be getting ourselves into.

He runs into the room and moves to the side, allowing the others to bar the door. What is that awful hiss? Ealdwig notices the two creatures in the room and readies himself for another confrontation. We have company!
Last edited June 18, 2024 3:45 pm


save test - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Jun 18, 2024 4:21 pm
"Fire! Fire! Pretty fire!"
Oliver feverishly taps every oil-covered spot at his reach with the blazeball bat, making fire come to life. In his excitement, he almost forgets to enter the room with the rest, but finally hurries after Brewner and helps bar the door.

"I'm guessing no more fire inside this wooden structure?"


Fire! - Standard test - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Jun 18, 2024 4:31 pm
Grin is ecstatic that they made it through the door unscathed. Huzzah! We did it! he starts to dance and doesn’t notice the creatures approaching immediately.
Last edited June 18, 2024 4:32 pm


Save test - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Jun 18, 2024 6:22 pm
" I can't believe this actually work sooo.. what was that?" Brewner says confused by the supposed light. However he doesn't waste time in barring the doors.

When trying to be fast, Brewner ended up being clumsy
Last edited June 18, 2024 6:29 pm


Test - (2D6)

(41) = 5

Jun 18, 2024 7:55 pm
Felix followed through the doors, relieved once he came to a stop. He fiddled with his head lamp but jumped when he noticed they weren't alone.


Save test - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Jun 19, 2024 12:29 am
As Stee come through the door he automatically notices this isn't the room he left but that does look like the Morlock he shot with his bow.


save test - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Jun 19, 2024 3:28 am
It should be the same room Stee left. I apologize if I got the description wrong. We can adjust as necessary. But it is the same room and same doors.
Jun 19, 2024 2:56 pm
mathias is correct, and I screwed up the room description. Let me do it again, if you all don't mind ...
The group decides to rush the doors in a burst, with Ealdwig's concerns outvoted. However, knowing that these are magical doors that might not open the same again, he realizes that he is going to need to keep up. Getting his out light ready, he awaits Grin's signal with the rest. As part of the preparation, Grin hands his crowbar to Brewner, saying, "Close and bar the doors once we're all in."

"Crab Sandwich!" calls out Grin, and the group springs into action. Everyone with a light, ignites (or uncovers) it and they rush the doors in unison. Grin and Oliver take up the rear, as Grin drops oil behind them, and Oliver attempts to light it as they pass by. As soon as everyone is inside, Brewner closes the doors, and uses some rope and the crowbar to tie the doors closed. (Fortunately, they have open handles, so this can actually work.) As Brewner closes the doors, he thinks he sees a brief flash of light along the seam between the doors, but he isn't 100% sure with all of the other light present.

As Brewner and Oliver are busy closing and barring the doors (Brewner because he has the crowbar and Oliver because he was last in), everyone else sees that hey are in a 10 foot square passage that opens into a larger chamber. A rush of cool moist air washes over you along with the smells of water and filth as well as the sounds of something stirring. Moving through the square passage you quickly reach the larger area to reveal a cavernous room. The floors and walls show signs of skilled work but also massive cracks and broken and fallen stone. As the light spills into the chamber you see several crude cages that are empty. The room is at least 100' long and 60' wide and over 30' tall but large sections of the ceiling have collapsed and sections of wall have fallen in, Besides the empty large cages, there is a variety of small animals, goats, dogs, cats, sheep, chickens, all stuffed in cramped cages built from what looks like scraps of furniture, household goods, and mud. Scattered around the room are scraps of what look to be tools, scrolls, a few coin, clay tablets, and bones. Multiple identical hallways at regular intervals leed away from the room. At one end of the room a dim blue glow can be seen beyond the light of the lanterns.

Next to the animal cages are two figures, both yelling and hissing at the sudden arrival of lots and lots of light. Both launch themselves at the group, screaming incoherently, though one seems injured and isn't as quick as the other.
The requested actions are still all the same. I'm now launching into our scheduled combat session ...
Jun 19, 2024 3:05 pm
Heh. Use the wrong character tag on the last message. Hope no one saw it before I fixed it. :-)
Looks like everyone made their Save Test to avoid surprise. The morlocks still get the first attack, but this way they don't get *two* attacks. They each move once and attack once this turn. Lesse, we have Ealdwig, Felix, Stee, and Grin available to be attacked. (Brewner and Oliver are screened by the others.) Roll a 1d4 twice to see who gets it, using the order above ...

... OK, that means Ealdwig and Grin are the subjects of the attacks. Congratulations! ...

Ealdwig is able to use his natural grace to dog the enraged morlock's attack, but Grin is not so lucky. Grin gets to make an Evade test (normally) to avoid. If he fails this Evade test, then he gets Advantage on his next one.
It is now your turn! Note that Brewner and Oliver can't attack this initial Turn, but are able to freely move and attack after that.


First morlock attack - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Second morlock attack - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Morlock attack on Ealdwig DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Morlock attack on Grin DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Jun 19, 2024 3:14 pm
duende agility
Grin was too slow to react, focused too much on his victory dance. Coming to his senses, he swings his torch at the Morlock that hit him, then squeezes back between the other party members to the back to prepare his crossbow for the next round.
Last edited June 19, 2024 3:20 pm


Duende Agility - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Torch hit - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jun 19, 2024 3:19 pm
Made another mistake that has a very easy fix: They get three Actions, not just two when they Attack. However, the light means they should have attacked with Disadvantage. Ergo, each pair of dice above were two attacks each, not just one. Effect (this Turn) are unchanged.

Grin's Agility failed this Turn (so he's down an HP), but he gets Advantage next Turn!
Jun 19, 2024 4:50 pm
Watching the Morlocks recklessly dive in to attack Felix attempts to summon his Shamanic Boon

Incredibly Florial responds,

By enveloping him is translucent armor (+2 HP). Pink in hue, the armor appears to be a mixture of ghostly chainmail and leather.

Felix then swings his sword at the nearest Morlock.
Last edited June 19, 2024 4:57 pm


Shamanic Warrior boon test - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Boon option - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Sword attack - (3d6)

(223) = 7

Jun 19, 2024 10:30 pm
Seeing Morloks coming Stee notices the one he shot while rescuing the captives earlier.

I will back away so I can use my bow unless I can get a shot off first. I do have quick shot. Just in case.
Last edited June 19, 2024 10:35 pm


to hit - (3d6)

(346) = 13

Jun 19, 2024 11:24 pm
Brewner and Oliver need to wait this round, right?
Jun 19, 2024 11:35 pm
They should be able to make ranged attacks, though, right?
Jun 20, 2024 1:23 am
Yes, Brewner and Oliver are effectively sitting out the first Turn as they finish up with the door. Next turn they'll have to use a Move to engage (or use a Ranged weapon). They can't use ranged this turn, as they are focused on the doors.

Since there are only two now, Felix and Ealdwig are effectively forming a screen for the others. But, the morlocks could change targets at any time by simply moving, and immediately get close to any of the Ranged users. And with three Actions, they can do this effectively.
Jun 20, 2024 1:33 am
daryen says:
Yes, Brewner and Oliver are effectively sitting out the first Turn as they finish up with the door. Next turn they'll have to use a Move to engage (or use a Ranged weapon). They can't use ranged this turn, as they are focused on the doors.

Since there are only two now, Felix and Ealdwig are effectively forming a screen for the others. But, the morlocks could change targets at any time by simply moving, and immediately get close to any of the Ranged users. And with three Actions, they can do this effectively.
Did I get to fire my bow?
Jun 20, 2024 1:44 am
Since they were already engaged, yes. You did a Move to get distance, then Attacked. Works perfectly!

Stee shot; Felix and Grin took swings; Brewner and Oliver were barring the doors. Just waiting for Ealdwig and I'll wrap up the Turn and set up the next.
Jun 21, 2024 1:00 am
Ealdwig rolls away from one of the creatures. What is that...thing? He comes up with his gifted goblin sword and strikes.
I believe we discussed this and it's 3d6 at this point. Mastery, correct?
Last edited June 21, 2024 1:01 am


Attack with sword - (3d6)

(226) = 10

Jun 21, 2024 2:01 am
Correct, Weapon Mastery grants Advantage = 3d6 unless something imposes Disadvantage = 1d6
Jun 21, 2024 1:22 pm
The group counter-attacked. Brewner and Oliver were busy barring the door. Grin failed to evade the hit from the Morlock, so the hit landed. In response, he swings at the morlock with his torch, but doesn't even come close. He drops the torch and then steps back to set up a crossbow attack next turn. Felix steps forward, invokes his shamanic magic and takes a swing with his mighty sword. The magic takes effect, but he misses with his sword. Stee moves into position and fires and arrow at the morlock he had hit before, hitting him again. Ealdwig repositions himself and takes a swing with his sword, making contact! Each of the morlocks is now down a second HP, and Grin is down one HP. (Though he gets advantage on his next attempt to evade due to his armor!)

The morlocks continue their ferocious attacks, focusing now on Felix and Ealdwig (who are the closest to them, not requiring any movement to engage). Fortunately, with all of the light still present, the morlocks are still attacking at disadvantage.

The results of the attacks are two hits on Felix and one hit on Ealdwig. The attacks on Felix make his shamanic armor disappear (the two temporary HP are eliminated), but it served its purpose! Ealdwig gets to make a standard 1d6 Evasion roll to avoid his damage.
Next turn! Tell me your actions.

A couple notes:
- Assuming Felix wants to stand and fight to give room for the ranged weapon uses to take their attacks, he can either use Focus to improve his chance to hit, or use Evade to avoid any opposing hits that land. (Or something else if you come up with a better plan! :-) )
- If Ealdwig is willing to stand and fight this turn, he can have two attacks, as the morlock is just standing in front of him.
- Oliver and Brewner will have to move to engage with melee. The don't have to move for ranged attacks.
- Stee and Grin can stand and fire twice if they want. They currently have good position.


Morlock 1 attack 1 against Felix DC:5 - Basic - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Morlock 1 attack 2 against Felix DC:5 - Basic - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Morlock 1 attack 3 against Felix DC:5 - Basic - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Morlock 2 attack 1 against Ealdwig DC:5 - Basic - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Morlock 2 attack 2 against Ealdwig DC:5 - Basic - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Morlock 2 attack 3 against Ealdwig DC:5 - Basic - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jun 21, 2024 1:41 pm
Stee exhales and lets fly. In one swift motion he nocks, pulls, exhales and releases.
I am shooting at the same morlock.
Last edited June 21, 2024 1:43 pm


to hit - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (344) = 11

3d6 : (652) = 13

Jun 21, 2024 2:22 pm
Felix, disheartened that his armor was already fading, really tried to make his next swing count.
using his first action to Focus


Sword attack with Focus - (3d6)

(456) = 15

Jun 21, 2024 2:34 pm
Nice swing!

And don't be disheartened it faded already. Be encouraged that it did what it was supposed to, and saved you two hit points!
Jun 21, 2024 2:36 pm
I'm not personally disheartened at all, I'm glad it did it's job! I was showing (trying to show) Felix's points of view, like it was gone so fast he barely had time to enjoy it.
Jun 21, 2024 2:43 pm
"Damn place, danger everywhere we go"

Brewer moves towards the nearest enemy and swings his Warhammer
1-Move, 2-attack


Attack - (3D6)

(361) = 10

Jun 21, 2024 2:57 pm
Pew pew! Grin yells, then fires two bolts at these naughty morlocks.
Awww yeah, that’s a crit, baby!
Last edited June 21, 2024 2:58 pm


Crossbow - (3d6)

(626) = 14

Crossbow - (3d6)

(645) = 15

Jun 21, 2024 3:06 pm
"Ack! There's a nasty thing there! Did you notice? It's onto you!"

Oliver moves onward and forcefully swings the bat at one of the morlocks engaged in melee, forsaking precision for strength.
Move and attack with the bat using berserk trait.


Bat Strike - berserk (2 dmg /w disadvantage) - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jun 21, 2024 3:20 pm
I believe I get to roll 2d6 to evade now, Agile Defense. Unfortunately it doesn't help.
After dodging the first attack, Ealdwig doesn't see the second one and he takes a blow. He winces at the pain but doesn't have time now to survey the damage. He leaps at the creature and brings down his sword.
Last edited June 21, 2024 3:23 pm


Agile Defense (evade) - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Attack with sword - (3d6)

(124) = 7

Jun 21, 2024 5:54 pm
Wow! That was fast! Rather than draw this out needlessly, I'll let you optimize a bit ...

And, yes, Ealdwig does get 2d6 for his Evade. Forgot about that Trait, but you caught it, so we're good!
Stee's hit knocks the morlock attacking Ealdwig down to its last thread, but Ealdwig misses, leaving it still standing for the moment.

Felix and Brewner's mighty blows do massive damage to the other morlock, reducing it from being undamaged to being on its last leg.

Grin fires his crossbow at the first one, killing it. Then, seeing it fall, is able to retarget the second one, and brings it down, too!

As quickly as it started, the battle is over. The caged animals were making a lot of noise during the fight, but as it ends, they quickly quiet down. The party stands still for a moment in the brief quiet to see if more are coming. Instead, they don't hear anything, leading them to believe they have at least a little while before more might come. Oddly, they hear nothing from the doors they barred.

Just so you don't have to scroll back, here is the description of the large cavern ...
[The little corridor] opens into a larger chamber. A rush of cool moist air washes over you along with the smells of water and filth as well as the sounds of something stirring. Moving through the square passage you quickly reach the larger area to reveal a cavernous room. The floors and walls show signs of skilled work but also massive cracks and broken and fallen stone. As the light spills into the chamber you see several crude cages that are empty. The room is at least 100' long and 60' wide and over 30' tall but large sections of the ceiling have collapsed and sections of wall have fallen in, Besides the empty large cages, there is a variety of small animals, goats, dogs, cats, sheep, chickens, all stuffed in cramped cages built from what looks like scraps of furniture, household goods, and mud. Scattered around the room are scraps of what look to be tools, scrolls, a few coin, clay tablets, and bones. Multiple identical hallways at regular intervals lead away from the room. At one end of the room a dim blue glow can be seen beyond the light of the lanterns.
What do you do now?
Jun 21, 2024 8:08 pm
This is as far as we got before. The empty cages were filled with people that we rescued before we were attacked. I wonder what that blue light is?

Do any of these tunnels that lead off look more used then others?
Jun 21, 2024 8:24 pm
Grin flourishes his cape, making it shiny, trying to get Stee’s attention. Hey Stee! Stee - did you see that? My shots? I shot both Morlocks. Pretty cool huh? Good shots, right? Grin is very eager to please Stee, someone he now thinks of as the expert archer.
Last edited June 21, 2024 8:25 pm
Jun 21, 2024 9:09 pm
Still tumbling from his failed heavy swing, Oliver gets back on his feet.

"And that will show you, Morlocks!"

"Oh, did you say blue light? Huh, I wonder what that is..."

Oliver lights up his torch and examines one of the downed morlocks.
Jun 21, 2024 10:05 pm
Wow, that was excellent work with the crossbow Grin. I have seen none finer. Very good form.Stee smiles to himself and thinks he is an excitable little fellow.
Jun 21, 2024 10:59 pm
Beaming with pride, Grin’s smile broadens across his face. He looks to Ealdwig and winks. Then he notices the animals in the cages. Ignoring the tools, coins, scrolls, etc., he examines the cages. These poor creatures! We’ve got to do something for them!

Noticing a goat, he gets very upset. Ah! What?! Huh?! Goats?! Locked in a cave?! Why, these are the best cave companions of all! They’re smart, careful, courageous, they’ll lead you straight to food! Grin starts trying to open the goat cage. He intends to take one or all with them.
Jun 21, 2024 11:06 pm
As you quickly look around, you see that the other tunnels are of varying lengths, but are all somewhat short. Each ends in a pair of doors similar to the ones the group came through. Following toward the blue light leads you to a nook in the wall. Inside the nook you see six perfectly round indentations carved into the stone. They are perfect half-spheres carved out of the stone. These indentations are arranged in a perfect triangle, with one sitting above two, which in turn sit above the last three. There is a blue light emanating from lower left circle, the left side circle, and the top circle. The circles in the middle, right side, bottom, and lower right are not lit. Each of the circles is approximately a full inch (2.5 cm) in diameter and are twice that distance from their nearest neighbors. Immediately below the six circles is a carved groove about seven inches (17.5 cm) in length and an inch tall. The groove is very smooth with a circular back and rounded edges. (It's like a half-cylinder carved from the wall.) The groove is not glowing.
So, is anyone going to check out the stuff, try any of the doors, or play with the circles and groove.
Jun 21, 2024 11:29 pm
priorities, GM - there are goats that need saving :-)
Jun 21, 2024 11:53 pm
Ealdwig looks around the room and examines the bodies. Anything worth taking? He picks up the coins absently while looking around.
Jun 22, 2024 12:17 am
We should search this room and these bodies very well for goodies. Maybe things that might go in the holes of the triangle doo hickey.
Jun 22, 2024 12:43 am
Felix stows his sword on his back again, and wanders the room.

Shouldn’t we release these animals? I feel terrible leaving them trapped like that.

He picked up one of the clay tablets, attempting to decipher what they were, or if they had anything engraved in it’s surface.
Im not clear on how my healing works. Out of combat can I just enact that shaman boon?
Jun 22, 2024 1:18 am
How many sets of doors are there? Maybe through each door there is a piece for the triangle thing. Can we see a difference between the ones that are lit and the ones that aren't besides the light?
Jun 22, 2024 1:45 am
Brewner goes to investigate the door they just entered which is barred, does he see signs of the strange light? Does he hears some Morlock activity on the other side?
Eavesdropper's Medallion
While wearing this medailion you have advantage on hearing tests and can hear through barriers you are next to.


Listen test with Eavesdropper's Medallion - (3d6)

(125) = 8

Jun 22, 2024 3:14 am
OK, I let's give a few more details ...
There are a total of 12 doors that leave the room, including the one you used to get in. As you search, you find that two of them are broken outright. One has one of the doors hanging askew; the other is just missing the doors entirely. In both cases, you can see that on the other side of the doorway is just a smooth vertical stone surface. The other ten appear to be intact (including the one you used).
Is anyone going to try to open any or all of them?
Brewner finds that there has been zero movement on the doors at all, with their handy work completely untouched. He is not hearing any movement or sounds on the other side of the door. He is quite sure of that.
Are you going to try to take a peek behind the doors?
Stee, Ealdwig, and Oliver search the dead bodies and various stuff in the room. You find a total of 4 gp, 31 sp, and 83 cp lying about. Digging a little more, Ealdwig finds a very old looking coin purse. When he tries to open it, the material partially disintegrates, spill out the contents. There are 25 ancient coins. They are very odd, though, as they have golden centers with a silver rim around the centers.

In addition, they find a dozen relatively intact clay tablets and six scrolls that are in good condition. One of the scrolls appears to be in too good of condition. Finally, there is an amulet and a ring, both in surprisingly good condition. There are many other items scattered about, but these are the only ones that seem intact or of any likely value. Unfortunately, it will take an expert to see if these are of any value or possibly magic.

The morlocks bodies have nothing of value on them other than one knife each. While they fight with their fists and claws, they use the knives as tools for skinning and cutting and such. Their clothes are ... not desirable.

Felix and Grin check out the animals. Unfortunately, whether caged or not, they are likely doomed unless they can find a way to get them back up to the surface. All of them are hungry at this point, so freeing them all at once is asking for a small bloodbath.
I am not 100% sure on how the out-of-combat healing was supposed to work for Felix. But let's just say that if you are given 10 minutes, you can heal people as needed. The 10 minutes is a guideline, not hard-n-fast. It just means you can't have any time pressure to invoke it. So, yes, you have time to heal Grin and Ealdwig.
Jun 22, 2024 3:34 am
The ancient coins what size are they? Do they look like they might match holes of the triangle?
Jun 22, 2024 8:28 am
Brewner is going to unlock the barred door and open it, does it lead to the place we where before? When Brewner opens the door is the any change in the lights on the circles?
Jun 22, 2024 2:18 pm
The coins are just normal sized coins. They just are oddly made, with unknown script and imprints on them. They are probably from before the Shattering. You try to match them to the circles in the truant, but they don't match and don't trigger anything.
Does anyone try to interact with the circles and groove with their hands?
Brewner removes the rope and crowbar, and tries to open the doors, but he can't. They are completely locked in place and won't budge. The lights on the circles doesn't change, and there are no flashes of lights at the doors.

The King says, These are likely magically controlled doors. They probably only open when active.
Jun 22, 2024 2:55 pm
"Friends, I believe these doors are some kind of portal that needs to be activated somehow... the path that brought us here is blocked" Brewner says frowning at his discovery
Jun 22, 2024 4:18 pm
Grin is bent on freeing a goat. He will not leave without a goat friend on a lead rope. He will feed one and free one. He will discuss what they can do for the other animals with Felix.

Hey, maybe there’s a portal to somewhere that’s safe for these animals?

Before freeing any goats, he walks over to the circles and grooves in the wall and pokes his fingers around in there.
Just to be clear, as soon as possible, Grin will open the goat cage. He thinks they are the best type of companion and is especially excited about their abilities to find food.

Anyway, order is messing recklessly with the buttons and then freeing the goats.
Last edited June 22, 2024 4:25 pm
Jun 22, 2024 7:13 pm
Perfect! Just what I was waiting for! Since you said "recklessly" I am just going to assume you press forward until something happens.
As Grin recklessly poked the circles, nothing reacts. Likewise, jabbing at the longer groove under the circles provokes no reaction initially. However, when he touches the groove on the far left side, he finds that a blue light similar to the blue lights on the three circles on the left side of the triangle appears under his finger. He pulls his finger back quickly, but sees he took no harm, though the light quickly disappears. He touches the groove in the same spot and the blue light immediately reappears. He the slowly moves his finger to the right, and the light extends from the left side to under wherever his finger is. After playing with it for a couple seconds, he does a complete swipe.

The moment he finished the complete swipe, the light in the bar gets momentarily brighter, then returns to its initial intensity, but stays lit. Simultaneously, the circle in the middle of the bottom of the triangle lights up, while the three on the left side remain lit, giving a total of four circles that are lit up.

At the same time as Grin sees the momentary flash and the new circle light up, everyone else notices that some of the doors show a momentary flash between the double doors. (All of the doors are double-doors like the one they used to enter the room.) This includes the door Brewner has been examining.

One other thing: I failed to answer a question from earlier. It looks like five of the doors have had more activity in their little corridors. The two with broken doors and five others show no activity, to the point that they have been cluttered as they were apparently used to store stuff. Three more show some signs of activity. Then the one you came through shows recent activity, and the last one shows the most use.
So, what are you all going to do now?
Jun 22, 2024 7:57 pm
Hey, the lights on these holes are changing! Hopper, you see any portals?! He’ll explain what he did to anyone who asks.
Jun 22, 2024 9:14 pm
After Stee goes around checking if the ancient coins fit into the triangle, Ealdwig says, Oliver, let's grab the stuff we found and we can sort it later after we get out of here. Whadya think? With the help of Oliver he gather the items they found, very much including the ancient coins, and the current coins and pack them away.

Uh, oh. Oliver? What is Grin doing now?
Jun 22, 2024 10:33 pm
I will move to the closest set of doors to me with activity that showed light and check to see if they are unlocked and I will try to move them a bit. And see if I can sense anything out of the ordinary


Perception - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Jun 22, 2024 11:35 pm
[ +- ] Crude Map
OK, this is a crude map of the cavern. Each of the little rectangles represents the side corridors that lead to a set of double doors. The circles and numbers are so we can identify each set of doors. So, before you begin, you know that door #8 is where you came in. It was the door you had barred, but that now Brewner has unbarred. Door #12 is the other passage way that shows the most use. It is the most "clean" due to having been used a lot, even more than door #8. Doors #5 and #11 are the broken doors. They obviously aren't going to work. As you experiment, you find that doors #3, #6, and #10 open to other locations. These had the unused, but uncluttered passageways. Doors #1, #2, #4, #7, and #9 had the cluttered passageways. When you open these doors, they simply show a smooth stone wall on the other side of the doors. Marker #0 shows where the triangle of circles and long groove are. (I'm gonna call it the control panel, since you have figured that part out now.)

As you check each of the doors, you do a quick open, then close of each one. In this particular case, the working doors (3, 6, 8, 10, 12) all open to cavern areas that don't seem to have anyone in them. Once the last of these has been closed, the crack between the doors of flashes a brief light and you can no longer open any of the doors. When you look back at the control panel, the long groove is no longer glowing. However, the four circles that had been lit before are still glowing.

At the end, the control panel looks something like this ...
Jun 23, 2024 2:42 pm
I need a clarification so when Grinfletch activated the doors and we tested door n8 it didn't access the same caves we where in?
Jun 23, 2024 2:49 pm
That is absolutely correct. When you opened them, the doors #8, they lead to a cavern that was different from the one you fled from. You also heard no sound of the morlocks, either. It was a different, apparently empty, cavern.

As a general comment, I am trying to be as clear as possible. I can be more direct if my descriptions are not coming through. It is hard to know when an idea that seems clear in my head is actually being expressed clearly.
Jun 23, 2024 2:50 pm
I had the same question! But I think it makes sense. We pushed buttons and the doors changed where they led to on the outside. We need to figure out the buttons more.
Last edited June 23, 2024 2:51 pm
Jun 23, 2024 3:04 pm
To save time, touching the circles didn't do anything. Only the groove did. The circles seem to be only indicators. You can tell this because you can feel a slight feel of energy when you slide your finger in the groove, but you get no such feeling with the circles.

Grin feels like there could be more to it, but this is the only function he can activate.
Jun 23, 2024 3:08 pm
daryen says:
To save time, touching the circles didn't do anything. Only the groove did. The circles seem to be only indicators. You can tell this because you can feel a slight feel of energy when you slide your finger in the groove, but you get no such feeling with the circles.

Grin feels like there could be more to it, but this is the only function he can activate.
Grin tells the others about this.
Jun 23, 2024 6:26 pm
Well let's pick one door to open. Then Grin can do the slide thing and we go check out that area. I vote for one of the lesser used set of doors at first. That would be #3,#6, or #10.
Jun 23, 2024 6:28 pm
Grin nods, abandons the controls and goes to free a goat.

Post roll- it didn’t work!

Oi, Felix - can you help me open this cage? This goat is going to be key in helping us make decisions here. Maybe we open all the doors and let the goat smell them and lead us to food - and freedom.
Last edited June 23, 2024 6:30 pm


Free goat - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Jun 23, 2024 7:16 pm
Ealdwig just watches everyone open and close doors and play with the "keypad". He considers the gem he received to use the matrix nodes. But if he remembers correctly, it was a one time use and he isn't sure if everyone wants to go back to the base yet. So he doesn't say anything. If our struggles prevail and we don't get anywhere, Ealdwig will mention it. At least it should get us out of here.

Ealdwig wonders around the space, are there any hidden doors or cubbyholes?
Jun 23, 2024 9:31 pm
Free info. This is separate from the Matrix Node. The gem won't work on this. The Matrix Bode must be the six-by-six pad with the black and white tiles. Skeeve would have mentioned this.

This is a totally different system from the Matrix Nodes. It seems Psybermagi really likes teleportation systems.

Grin didn't really need to roll to open the cage, but we'll go with it. Felix, confused on what stumped Grin, just opens it simply, letting the goat out.

Ealdwig finds no other doorways or cubbies. The area isn't perfectly oval, the passageways are all slightly different and have different lengths and angles. The "map" is just to give an idea of how the important stuff is arranged. However, these are all of the passageways and doors. It occurs to you that the only way in is through one of the magic doorways.
Jun 24, 2024 8:37 am
" My dear Stee, your daring spirit and hunger for adventure put me to shame, but shouldn't we figure out how this place work, it will be a shame if we left and not be able to come back, imagine the adventures that this place can lead us."
Jun 24, 2024 9:55 am
This just seem like the central point to me. This seems to be the place that is constant. It is the same as it was when I left it the first time. Where as the doors I left by the first time and then reentered has changed both times.
Jun 24, 2024 12:35 pm
daryen says:

Grin didn't really need to roll to open the cage, but we'll go with it. Felix, confused on what stumped Grin, just opens it simply, letting the goat out.

Wha?! Huh? Hmmm, come here goat friend! We shall call you Havoc, and you will guide us to food! Grin uses whatever rope he can gather (I think the one from the door) and makes a lead for Havoc the goat.
Ricardoi91 says:
" My dear Stee, your daring spirit and hunger for adventure put me to shame, but shouldn't we figure out how this place work, it will be a shame if we left and not be able to come back, imagine the adventures that this place can lead us."
Perhaps we need to find a key!? I still think we should open the doors and let Havoc smell the best route!
Last edited June 24, 2024 12:36 pm
Jun 24, 2024 3:44 pm
Hearing Grin mention a key, Ealdwig looks around the cavern looking for some kind of key that may give information on how the keypad works. At first he looks for an actual key, like others he's seen in the past, to a lock. Upon inspection of the keypad, he realizes there is not hole for a key. He scratches his head, in thought.

He decides it must be a series of lights in a certain order / pattern that will work the different doors. He goes off in search of different patterns.
Jun 24, 2024 4:53 pm
Sorry for slow response time. Newborn puppies yesterday. I'll get to it as soon as I can, but assume that Oliver goes with the flow for now.
Jun 24, 2024 9:34 pm
no worries, puppy parent!

Are any of the objects Ealdwig found fancy enough to be a key?
Jun 25, 2024 12:21 am
After opening the goat cage Felix worried about Grin.

No man should be that puzzled about a simple latch.

After a short, mental, negotiation with Florial Felix’s finger tip started glowing with a faint circular light - like a gas lamp on a foggy street.
He then stood next to Grin, as they discussed door mechanisms which he did not understand at all, and touched Grins head, healing him (for 1 HP, - at a time.)

Anyone else hurt? Those kobolds had pretty dirty fingernails.

Looking down Felix notices and amulet and a ring, half hidden by broken masonry. He picks them up and puts them away into a pocket.
Assuming no one else already grabbed those items
Jun 25, 2024 10:02 am
Stee looks at Felix. I could use some healing. I took a hit from the nasty buggers right before I ran into you guys.
Jun 25, 2024 2:50 pm
Wow, Felix, you’re the GREAT FINGER! How did you do that?! Noticing these artifacts that folks are finding, Grin suggests that we consolidate them and see if they will help us to open the doors from the outside.

Grin will guide Havoc the goat around the open doors and see which one Havoc most vehemently wishes to go through.
Jun 25, 2024 2:55 pm
Not that it matters Felix, but I believe Oliver and I already grabbed them.
Jun 25, 2024 10:18 pm
"Now, regarding these doors, the patterns are really confusing me. Maybe if we try to work out what the indicator means..."

Oliver takes out his pouch and mixes a vial of wine, opening the door where they came from, and placing the vial just behind it. Then he closed the door, adjusted his drunkard circlet, and went to play with the groove.
What is a groove? :P
Oliver moved around the groove and noted down all the different patterns that appeared in the indicator, while feeling in which direction the vial moved around (or whether it moved at all).

"I just want to understand what the patterns mean, but finding where the wine moves around is a handy extra."
Jun 26, 2024 1:18 am
OK, a few things:

1) There are effectively 10 doors, as 2 of the doors are outright broken.
2) The other 10 doors (whether the open to a room or open to a blank wall) can only be opened while the groove that Grin activated is lit.
3) The morlocks seemed to only be focusing on two doors at the current time. One is the one that Stee came from and that you entered the room through. You don't know why the morlocks were focused on the other door, but they were.
4) Stee came through the doors you all entered through. Before he could leave, they were closed and he saw a light in the seam between the doors when they did close. When he opened them again they lead to where you were.
5) When you closed the doors after entering, Brewner notices a light in the seam between the doors.
6) When Grin activated the panel by making the groove light up, the doors again showed a light in the seam between the doors. You don't know if that happened for all doors or not, but it did for the ones anyone could see.
7) You opened all of the doors, looked to see what could be seen, then closed the doors. Five doors opened up into various caverns. Five doors opened to blank walls. When the last of the doors was closed, there was a light seen between the seam of the doors again. Also, about that same time, then groove went dark.

The groove is the line under the triangle made of six circles. When you came in, you saw that three of the circles were lit. After Grin activated the panel by running his finger along the groove, the doors showed the light at the seams and a fourth circle was lit up. Now there are only two unlit circles. When the last of the doors was closed, the groove's light went out.

Here's the picture of the panel again:
The background color represents the stone wall. The blue and black circles are the circles of the triangle. Each is a hemisphere that is dug into the stone wall. The blue ones are lit; the black ones are not. The black line underneath the triangle is the groove. It is a half-cylinder that is dug into the stone wall. It was lit when Grin activated it, but after opening and closing all of the doors, the light went out.

Does that help summarize where things are? I feel like I am not doing a great job explaining it. Also, if you want, I can speed past the puzzle part and let you figure out how you want to handle the room. I didn't mean for this to drag out or be too confusing. :-)
Jun 26, 2024 1:35 am
I walk up to the and slide my finger along it to see if it lights up another of the lights. Maybe we need t light them all.
Jun 26, 2024 7:53 am
I assume the 2 black circles represent the 2 broken doors and the 4 circles represent the activated doors that lead somewhere, leaving 5 doors that lead nowhere
Brewner is going to open door 9 with cluttered passageway, when Brewner opens the door does still only have a stone wall on the other side?
Jun 26, 2024 2:52 pm
When Stee runs his finger along the groove, left to right, it acts as it did for Grin. Touching the left-most end causes the light to appear under his finger along with a very mild sensation of electricity (or something akin to that). As he moves his finger right, the light extends to keep the right most end under his finger. Once he reaches the right end and removes his finger, the light now remains. Now, the bottom right circle becomes lit and, for anyone watching any of the 10 working doors, you see a flash of light between the each set of doors.
The panel now looks like this:

Brewner moves past the clutter and opens the doors. Surprisingly, there is no stone wall this time, but instead is a dark cavern. Oddly, just after he opens the doors he hears a sound farther into the cavern. It sounds like a chain moving. Then he hears a subdued female voice say, "Did you bring any food? Or am I to starve to death?"
I'll say that those assumptions are not correct.
Jun 26, 2024 3:36 pm
i guess so xD
Brewner silently signal the rest of the group towards the voice.
Brewner also makes a signal that he wants to check out the source of the noise but would like backup
Jun 26, 2024 3:58 pm
Ealdwig is startled to hear the voice from inside the dark chamber. He watches, questioningly, as Brewner signal and heads into the cavern toward the strange voice. He thinks to himself, are we crazy? We ran in here having no idea where it went or what it was and now we'll leave this, um, room... into a strange dark cavern not knowing where we are going and having no idea how to get out or get back to this chamber? I am not liking this much.

Mumbling to himself, I hope we aren't the food.

Ealdwig remembers the magical spider silk. Hastily pulling it out of the bag he attaches it to a fixed part of this room. Holding the silk in his left hand he turns out his chromacloth light, before pulling out his sword with his right and following the group.
Assuming someone has a light source he can follow. If not he'll leave the Chromacloth lit.

Do I have any wounds? I don't remember being hit, but I am not sure. My character sheet says 5hp, I've never updated that. i assume it's correct?
Jun 26, 2024 5:38 pm
Ealdwig got dinged by one of the morlocks in the prior fight, however, Felix was healing everyone. I am just assuming Ealdwig piped up and Felix healed him. You're full health for this.

So, does *everyone* go into the room to check out the voice? Or is someone remaining behind in the main room "just in case"?
The voice says, "What's with the silent treatment. No verbal torment this time? Just the silent treatment?"
Jun 26, 2024 8:09 pm
Brewner prefers to maintain the element of surprise and not respond or make any distinct noises. He simply shrugs, lights a torch holding it in one hand and the warhammer in the other and moves towards the voice.
He doesn't try to hide his approach, she'll see the torchlight anyway
Jun 26, 2024 9:40 pm
Felix heals everyone except Ealdwig … just kidding. Ghost finger for everyone!
Lady in distress? Definitely a step up from those Morlocks.

Felix hitches his gear, lights his headlamp and skips off in the direction of the subdued voice.

Worst case … I dig us a tunnel out of here!
Last edited June 26, 2024 9:40 pm
Jun 27, 2024 12:39 am
I will stay back and keep the door open.
Jun 27, 2024 2:19 am
As Brewner advances, the voice says, "Wait! You're surfacers! Please free me. I've been trapped here for so long. Please help me get out!". He finally gets a good look at the speaker, it is a female duende. She looks like a gnome, but her skin is stone gray, and her hair and features are the colors of gray and mud. "Please get me out of here quickly and then close the door. They don't know the door is magic."
Jun 27, 2024 8:16 am
Oliver had just taken a few steps into the passageway and was nearby Ealdwig.
"Uhhhh, we don't know enough about these doors. What if we close them and we can't get back?"

"I mean, do the passageways move around, or are they just magically blocked with a wall?"

Using the magical circlet, Oliver keeps tabs on whether the wine he placed behind the door they came through is still there.

"Oh, right, but we should help her for sure. Yeah. No doubt about that."
Last edited June 27, 2024 10:29 am
Jun 27, 2024 8:49 am
" Don't worry we shall free you and bring you to a safe place" Brewner says as he comes close to the women duende.
Is she being held by ropes or chains? Can it be loosened or does it need a key?
Jun 27, 2024 1:57 pm
Grin stands just inside the door-room, holding Havoc back and feeding her some bread. To Felix, he says: Oi, Sir Finger - maybe see if she needs some healing too?

Grin tries using the 9 Duende sign language dialects to indicate that we are friends.
I’m okay with this sign language thing not actually being useful, but Grin doesn’t know that.
Jun 27, 2024 3:31 pm
Ealdwig looks at Grin motioning with his hands again. What is he doing?

Feeling a sense of connection with the trapped Duende. Ealdwig speaks the light command and his chromacloth glows as he rushes to aid Brewner release the prisoner.

Ealdwig nervous and a little frantic, rattles off a ton of questions, not waiting for answers. How did you get here? Why are you here? Who is holding you? How long have you been here? Did you say "they"? Who they? Where are they?
Does there seem to be any visible injuries?
Jun 27, 2024 3:44 pm
Brewner sees she is held with limited movement by a chain around one of her ankles. However, he's pretty sure he can break the chain quickly with the hammer. They can deal with the manacle when they are back in the main room.

"I can answer those questions after we get out of here. We need to move quickly!"
Jun 27, 2024 10:41 pm
Felix took position behind the other enthusiastic rescuers, and kept alert for any unwanted visitors.
Jun 28, 2024 9:25 pm
"Oh, oh, oh! We got these nice thingies, right!"

Oliver ceremoniously holds the psionic communicator with both his hands and talks to Brewner, grinning proudly at their new toy.

"All good?"

He's not quite sure how many words his message could convey, but better safe than sorry. He stands next to Ealdwig and looks around, drawing out his bat.
Since this question was easy to miss in my last post: does Oliver sense the wine he placed just behind door 1 (the one we came through)?
Jun 29, 2024 2:39 am
Remind me: when did Oliver place the alcohol behind the doors they initially came through? Did he do it when they first came in? When Grin first activated the blue line/groove? When the groove was unlit, or now after Stee reactivated the blue line/groove? My answer depends on the timing. It's a simple answer regardless, but it differs depending on the answer to my question.

I'll move to the next scene when someone frees her.
Jun 29, 2024 7:05 am
It was after Grin moved around the groove, but before they moved the groove again.
Jun 29, 2024 9:33 am
Brewner allows Grinfletch to communicate in his people's secret language, clearly trying to convey some important message. He then breaks the chain with his Warhammer and accompanies the lady duende to the main room.

He nods at Oliver "I can barely keep up with so many fascinating discoveries"

When he is in the main room he uses his strength to open the handcuffs


Strength - (3d6)

(624) = 12

Jun 29, 2024 12:04 pm
Seeing this new captive that was freed that he didn't see in the initial freeing of the captives Stee wonders if she knows about this room and its mechanics.Hello ,I am Stee Jans. I would like to ask you a few questions. Who was holding you captive? Was it the morlocks? Because they didn't go to that much trouble with the other captives I freed.
Jun 30, 2024 3:09 am
Re: The flask of alcohol. The moment the grove stopped glowing, you no longer detected the flask of alcohol. From your perspective, it no longer existed. Likewise, you still can't detect anything on the other side of the door after Stee activated the doors again.
As you move back toward the main room, the captive moves quickly to a spot beside the door and retrieves an object on a rock behind one of the doors you hadn't noticed before. After grabbing that, she quickly goes through the door and encourages you to quickly close them. She says, "Thank you so much for getting me out of that prison! I would have died in there had you not pulled me out! Is there a way to stop the magic of the doors? My captives don't know they are magic, and they were due to visit me again. If they try to visit me while the doors are being used by the magic, they might figure out that magic is going on, and that would likely be bad. Can we stop the magic?"

Now back in the main room, you finally get a better look at the former captive. She is definitely a gnome, but unlike any you've see before. Normally, gnomes are very colorful, where their eyes and hair, and sometimes skin, can be any color in the rainbow. But this one is mostly sepia tones. Her skin is the color of brown stone; her eyes sparkle, but are dark brown; her hair is the color of mud. Her clothes were once nice, but are now rather tattered, but they also stick in the earth-toned spectrum. Despite the odd coloring, she is still attractive.

In response to Stee, she says, "I'll answer any questions you have, but can we please turn off these doors first? How did you get them to turn on?"
EDIT: I can't seem to find a good image to use for her. It would seem that svirfneblin are typically bluish purple skinned with white hair. I don't want that as it is too close to derro (blue skin and white hair). However, there is still a wide variety, but none of the sepia tones like I am looking for. Maybe Psybermagi has a source better than google images.

As an aside, he isn't lying. She'll answer questions as soon as the doors are deactivated.
Jul 1, 2024 8:08 am
"I will have to admit that this room still hold more secrets than answers for us, but we shall try to do as you say and calm your nerves... Name is Brewner."
Brewner goes towards the panel touches the groove swiping to the left.
"If this doesn't work we will have to open and close all the doors"



Jul 1, 2024 2:41 pm
Nice! Very good!

For the questions and answers, I am just going to assume a few obvious questions along the way. I'll leave the questions implied, though, so it is all through her voice for this post.
As Brewner touches the right most end of the long groove, he feels the sensation that Grin and Stee had reported. As he moves his finger along the groove, the light keeps shortening to end where his finger as at that moment. Once his finger reaches the right end of the groove, the light in the groove goes out. If anyone is watching a door, they see the brief flash of light in the seam between the doors again. At the end, the panel still shows five lit circles, but the groove is again dark.

"Does that mean the doors no longer go to that room, now?" she asks. Brewner takes her back to the doors she came through and shows that the doors will no longer budge. Reassured she says, "Thank you!"

Everyone gets together in the main room by the panel and she says, "I promised to answer your questions once I was safe, so I will do so now.

"My name is Yoci Tulbosog. I am from the deep dwarf city of Brahdhavehl. A month or so (I don't know, I've completely lost track of time) I was supporting a scout team performing a standard patrol sweep when we are attacked by a duergar attack squad. Most of the team was killed and I was captured. They have been trying to get information from me for this entire time, though I have none to give them. Honestly, I think they just like torturing me and hadn't gotten tired of it yet."

"Who was holding me? I was the captive of duergar. There is a duergar outpost not far from Brahdhavehl that is fairly regularly testing our city's defenses. This has been going on for a long time now, unfortunately. I don't know of any organized morlocks. We will occasionally run across a small part or band of morlocks, but they have learned to avoid us for the most part. Usually, they won't even attack lone traders, as the reprisals can be pretty severe."

"Yes, I am a svirfneblin, not a dwarf. We live together with the dwarves in Brahdhavehl. Two generations ago, we svirfneblin lived in our own city and traded with Brahdhavehl. Unfortunately, our city was attacked by the duergar and, when we realized we couldn't win, we fled for Brahdhavehl. They kindly took us in, and our combined might has been able to successfully fend off the duergar ever since. Our combined forces were even able to make counter-attacks which crippled their offensive capabilities and kept them from successfully using our former city as a new stronghold. Unfortunately, that also means our old city is now no more and we will never be able to return to it."

"The other main threat is an orc enclave that is farther away than the duergar. Fortunately, they are closer to the duergar than us, and both of them hate each other as much as they each hate us, so both spend a lot of their efforts on each other, rather than us. If one side won, or if they combined forces, we'd be in serious trouble. Those are the only two organized opponents we have. Everything else is just normal dangers that happen in the Underdark."

"If you are all willing, I would very much appreciate if you could help me get back to Brahdhavehl. I am no one important, so there is no great reward tied to my return, but I am sure that the help would still be appreciated and you'd be quite welcome there. Along the way, I'd be happy to provide my services. I am an acolyte of Callarduran, the patron of the svirfneblin, and know the arts of magical healing. I'm not much of a fighter (which, I guess, is pretty obvious), but can still help with a sling. If I had one. Also ..." She produces the item she had retrieved from behind the doors before leaving the room, showing it to be a pendant on a chain, and places it around her neck. "This is a holy symbol of Callarduran. As a bonus, I can activate it to show me the way back to our temple's main altar. I'd show you how to use it, but you have to be a member of the temple for it to work."

EDIT: The pendant is a gold six-pointed star. The top and bottom points are twice as long as the other four. The edges of the side points look like a capital "M" on its side (with the top pointing out and the insides filled). It appears to be made of gold and is hung on a gold chain. In the middle of the star is a round red gem.
Any other questions?
Jul 1, 2024 9:27 pm
"I am marvelled to find that the underdark runs so deep as to hold these cities and wars."

"Oh, forgive me. These things are indeed terrible, though I am still honestly amazed. I sometimes lose track of what's important and just behold at that which is shiny. Oliver Otter, at your service."

Oliver waved his hand enthusiastically. Then, he approached and handed Yoci Tulbosog his beloved sling.

"Also, I can lend you this for the time being, so you can defend yourself. Meanwhile I will be using this bat. You could say I'm almost proficient with it -meaning I'm terrible but I hit very hard-."
Jul 1, 2024 9:49 pm
Felix listened bewildered by the tales presented by the attractive mud person.

Wow, it’s like a whole different world down here, not just caves and haunted lakes.

Taking you back to the Dwarf city sounds great - I’d love to see what a society down here was like.

Felix hoped that future doorways wouldn’t be as confusing as those in this room.
Jul 2, 2024 1:03 am
Stee look around at the others that he just recently met because of these magic doors and their new companion Yoci. Sounds good to me. What do you think Grin? Onward and Tally Ho!!!
Jul 2, 2024 2:04 am
Grin is torn. He feels so sad to hear of the torture and fighting. He is so excited to find out about other little people here in the underdark. He imagines the city to be like a special home away from home.

Grin bows to Yoci and strikes a heroic pose. Dear Yoci, I am saddened to hear of your plight! Please permit me to share some of this chuul meat with you! I shall cook it upon a flame! He looks through his pack to find the meat and find a small hole in his bag.

Uhhh, it seems my new companion Havoc the goat has found and devoured the meat, but fear not! I have some more food here somewhere… Grin cannot find the rest of his rations… the goat ate them too. He feels very proud of Havoc, but is also embarrassed.

You know what - the big folk are getting impatient.He rolls his eyes. I guess we don’t have time to snack. Let’s get going right away.
Last edited July 2, 2024 2:06 am
Jul 2, 2024 3:40 pm
Ealdwig checks his pack to make sure there are no holes in it.
Jul 2, 2024 3:57 pm
OK, to make sure we are all on the same page right now ...

Currently, all of the doors are inactive. Five of the six circles are lit, but the groove is not. Yoci's pendant does nothing right now since the room is cut off from anything. Also, are you going to leave the animals to their fate with this new priority, or do you still want to free the animals before helping Yoci? Or are you going to have a nice feast before heading out? I dunno. Up to you. :-)

Oh, and there are no holes in Ealdwig's pack. Havok is focused on Grin, as he freed him.
Jul 3, 2024 12:04 am
Stee looks at Grin.We could probably have a little meal before we go. Maybe Yoci would like to eat? Yoci we are going to have to reactivate the doors to leave.
Jul 3, 2024 12:51 am
love where this is going! Sorry for my inconsistent posting. Could you give us the list of creatures left in here again? Does anyone have anything that could help them? Maybe we just let each group loose in a different door?
Jul 3, 2024 3:39 am
It is likely that a few of the doors will open to outside. But, even then it is likely a crapshoot as to whether that would actually help the animals. On the other hand, you have the information necessary to send the animals (and Stee) back whence they came. On the other other hand, the morlocks came from somewhere, and if you keep cycling you're gonna trip across them, too.

Also, once you leave this cavern/room, you will have no way to get back. If you do it correctly, you could end up closing it off forever ...
Jul 3, 2024 3:52 am
There are some goats, dogs, cats, sheep, and chickens present. So, since we need some numbers, there are two goats (including Havok), two dogs, four sheep, five cats, and about a dozen chickens. They all seem to be unrelated to each other, likely stolen haphazardly over time, with the numbers kept lower because of being frequently eaten.

If you were to release the goats, dogs, and sheep from the place Stee originally came in, they'd likely all get somewhere useful. Assuming the villagers haven't done something to block the doors. The cats will likely be fine with any door to the outside. The chickens are likely just someone's dinner, regardless of what you do, other than directly returning them to a farmer or something like that. In which case they are still likely to be dinner. (Man, it sucks to be a chicken.)
Jul 3, 2024 7:49 am
daryen says:

Also, once you leave this cavern/room, you will have no way to get back. If you do it correctly, you could end up closing it off forever ...
I've been thinking about this and how to avoid it, without much success. But his closing this room forever something we want to do ?
Jul 3, 2024 3:35 pm
"Man it sucks to be a chicken." LMAO
Ealdwig is completely out of his element. He stands around wide eyed just watching and listening. He does hold his pack tighter and keeps glancing at Havoc. Answering Stee, I could eat. And to no one in particular And , how do we get out of here and get Yoci home?



Jul 3, 2024 4:00 pm
Yoci answers Ealdwig, "My holy symbol will indicate if it can find Callarduran's altar in my home temple. If it is close enough, but it does have pretty good range. However, right now, we appear to be completely cut off from the world, so it doesn't even work. If the doors are reactivated, I should be able to use this ability to at least find us a good starting point to get there. If we want to be thorough, we could try each setting and each door to find the shortest path, but I am not sure that's necessarily the best idea."
The colors on the character image aren't correct, and the clothes aren't correct. However, this is the closest image I could find, so we'll use it for now. Hope that's OK.
Jul 4, 2024 2:06 am
looks great! Also, you all are cracking me up! Love the jokes. Is it a bad choice to try to take this goat with us? I don’t want to mess us up.
How do we find doors that we’ve been through before? Or avoid dangerous ones if we find them? Is there anything else here we could use? Did anyone find anything that could be used as a key? Is there anything we’ve missed?
Jul 4, 2024 3:18 am
Well, in all likelihood, it wouldn't closed off forever. However, you would have no way to get back. And without a full magic-user, you're not likely to be able to figure any alternatives out. And even if you did, you probably don't want to take the time.

The way the doors work is pretty straightforward, so you should be able to figure out how to get where Stee came from. You should also be able to figure out how to get back to the lake. But if you get back to the lake, you have a big group of morlocks to deal with. You have a huge clue as to which door leads to where the morlocks came from, but no idea which cycle it needs.

As for the goat, I have no problem with it. I make no promises on how long the poor thing will live, but I think taking it with you is freaking awesome and I am totally on board with it. Just don't expect it to be very useful, and it'll have to be protected during combat. However, if you come up with clever ideas for it, I will definitely work with that. If you describe how you try to train it, it could become somewhat useful. Honestly, I love the idea of a pet, and you seem to be very realistic on how little use it will be. And while enemies will behave consistently with their natures (so a feathered lizard will see it as an easy target for dinner), I will in no way be targeting it or anything like that.
Jul 4, 2024 9:04 am
Brewner activates the doors once more and waits to see any reaction from Yoci holy symbol. Points to door 12?
Jul 4, 2024 11:39 am
Stee looks at the other animals and thinks a dog could come in handy also with tracking and what not. He will give some basic commands to both dogs to se if either has had any training. Maybe even a little of the training will rub off on Havoc.
What type of dogs are these breed and size? Maybe a little scrapper of a dog.
Last edited July 4, 2024 3:04 pm
Jul 4, 2024 3:51 pm
Before activating the doors, are you going to barricade any of them as a precaution?

As a complete, but important aside, Stee has achieved Veteran status. So, since you picked bow mastery earlier, you get to pick a trait. As I mentioned before, you can pick a new weapon proficiency instead of the trait, if you wish. We can talk in your character development thread, if you have any questions.

I'm gonna say these dogs were captured with the sheep, so they are working dogs used to guard the sheep. One is older, and one is young, though they are obviously not related, being two different breeds. Both are mediums sized dogs; the older one closer to 50 pounds and the younger one at most 40 pounds. The older one seems unwilling to leave the sheep.
Jul 4, 2024 4:32 pm
Yes, it's probably a good idea to barricade door N8 again before activating the doors.

Using the dogs to herd the sheep to Brahdhavehl would be cool, what could go wrong..
Jul 4, 2024 8:59 pm
I’ll vote for finding the Stee-door and seeing if that works for the animals and/or finding the city. I don’t know much about Stee or where he came from (in terms of doors).

I think Brewner is onto something with the herding the sheep somewhere. Though maybe Stee taking the small dog would be good too.

Yeah, I’ll absolutely try to make the goat useful, but only when it really makes sense. It will probably be a fun mechanism for chaos. :)

Also, did we all get XP since the giant centipedes way back when?
Last edited July 4, 2024 9:02 pm
Jul 4, 2024 9:46 pm
Stee will offer the younger dog a morsel of food and tell it to sit. I will try to give it a scratch under the chin. Good boy, it is alright. I will see that Grin doesn't try and eat you. Stee looks to Grin. Maybe I should name him Wreak to go with Havoc.
I believe the door I originally entered this room by the first time turned into the door that led to the lake.
Jul 4, 2024 11:02 pm
mathias0077 says:
Maybe I should name him Wreak to go with Havoc.
Genius! Together they will Wreak Havoc on the world! Mwuhahaha! Grinfletch uses his belt to create some magical-looking pink lightening flashes around his body.
Jul 5, 2024 1:14 am
Oliver pets Havok happily, and offers the goat some of the shiny lichen that he retrieved previously.

"This is an okay food for goats, right?"

While petting the goat distractedly, Oliver listens to Brewner's request, and stands up suddenly as an idea pops into his mind, startling the goat.

"Right! Brewner! I just thought of something! Sorry I didn't have the idea before; I was too distracted with the pretty fire."

Oliver moves to the door that originally led to the lake and barricades it with his rod of immobility, without breaking a sweat.

Sorry it took so long to post. It's been some hectic days, but they're starting to return to normal now.
Last edited July 5, 2024 1:15 am
Jul 5, 2024 2:45 am
I'll go back and review XP this weekend. You didn't have enough before for a new trait, so I didn't follow through on it. I will recalculate it this weekend and update everyone on that.
Jul 5, 2024 12:13 pm
sounds good boss!
Bunt says:
Oliver pets Havok happily, and offers the goat some of the shiny lichen that he retrieved previously.

"This is an okay food for goats, right?"

While petting the goat distractedly, Oliver listens to Brewner's request, and stands up suddenly as an idea pops into his mind, startling the goat.
Grin watches as Havoc eats up the lichen, then shrugs his shoulders as the goat tries to nibble on its lead rope next. Grin shoos her away from eating the rope.

At Oliver’s exclamation, the goat jumps and drags Grin a couple feet away by the rope he’s holding tightly.
Jul 5, 2024 3:07 pm
Ealdwig quietly takes in the chaos and laughs. Thinking to himself, Wreak Havoc,[/b] Ealdwig shakes his head and giggles. [i]It's even a perfect name for this group.

You know Grin, maybe you can get Havoc to let you ride him. It'll be cool to ride him, er, her, um, into battle. I can picture it now, Grin riding to save the day on his trusty steed.
Jul 5, 2024 4:24 pm
Battle Goat!
Jul 5, 2024 5:14 pm
HI HO Havoc away
Jul 5, 2024 9:04 pm
Gotta keep feeding it bioluminescent lichen to make the battle goat shine
Jul 5, 2024 10:44 pm
Grin looks from Ealdwig to Havoc. He checks the goat. Yup! Definitely a she! Hmmm… Havoc as a battle steed? I guess it could work. She’d need a lot of food… but I bet she’d have a pretty mean headbutt.
Mechanically that sounds like a trait. I’d have to reevaluate my trait choices coming up. I have the next one picked out.
Last edited July 5, 2024 11:02 pm
Jul 5, 2024 11:17 pm
Is riding a battle goat a trait? Sounds very specialized.
Jul 5, 2024 11:55 pm
Also leaning in to give the Goats head a scratch Felix says

I'm pretty sure goats eat anything - short of ironworks.

I guess we're a circus now.

Need help barricading any doors - those Morlocks might break through and maybe bring others with them.
Jul 6, 2024 12:10 am
Grin will help Felix barricade, then will suggest they open doors (or the Stee-door) and go out with the animals. He’s starting to get antsy, and hungry.

Well, ready to go?
Jul 6, 2024 12:27 am
Oliver points at the magical rod he used to block the door.

"Well, I guess an immovable rod should suffice to barricade the door. Now, if THAT is not enough, we were doomed anyway, so there's no need to worry."
Jul 6, 2024 2:49 am
Ok, at the risk of completely tipping my hand, let me mention a couple things to help you think things through ...

- There are TWO cleared out, well-used paths, not just the one you came through.

- After coming through the "Stee-door" and closing it, three of the circles were lit. It is logical to assume that if you want the get back to the lake, you want those three circles to be lit.

- It is the case that the same door goes to both the underground lake and to where Stee originally came from. He is correct about that.

- Stee saw the doors activate before going through them and ending up by the lake. So there was very much likely only time for one activation between the doors closing on him and the reactivation. That should give you the number of lit circles to look for to get back to where Stee came from (if you wanna send any animals back there).

- There is no guarantee that the morlocks originated from the "Stee-door". Do remember that there is a second well-used door passage.

Finally, how this all works had a bit of an evolution to it, so the whole backstory isn't perfectly consistent. However everything since the group entered has been.
Jul 6, 2024 12:38 pm
So Stee has been putting Wreak through a series of training commands has an idea. We haven't swiped right to left on the slot to start. It has always been left to right. Stee walks up to the gizmo and swipes right to left.
Jul 6, 2024 4:02 pm
There is a blue light emanating from the bottom left circle, the left side circle, and the top circle. The circles in the middle, right side, bottom, and bottom right are not lit. - This is the combination when we first enter the room, meaning door #8 leads to the lake and the Morlocks
"Stee and Yoci, do you remember the circles that were lit when you first entered the room?" Brewner ask while rubbing his chin with a thoughtful expression
Jul 6, 2024 9:04 pm
ahhh, good thinking! I think since there are so many of us, paying attention to all the details has been a bit difficult for me. But that’s just me. And Grin - we are alike in that.
Jul 6, 2024 9:12 pm
Replying to Brewner.I never saw these lights when I first came here. We were rescuing villagers and merchants then were attacked by morlocks. I covered the group leaving and was shut in here. I forced my way back through the door and ended up at the underground lake. I don't know what happened to the area I originally came from went to. I have been trying to tell y'all that.
Jul 6, 2024 10:25 pm
Let's go through a bit of a recap. I wouldn't necessarily do this if we were FtF, but since you could just read it all in this (as of now) 18 page thread, I thought I would just summarize so no one has to do that.

When you found the panel the first time, there were three circles lit (the left side). Since the circles don't light up until activated, and stay lit after deactivation, it is most likely that is the configuration for getting to the lake from Doors #8. Likewise, there was no chance for multiple activations between Stee's entering the room (from the villagers) and his leaving the room (to the lake). It is likely, therefore, that Stee came through on the immediately previous activation (i.e. with two circles lit).

Once Grin activated it for the first time, while you were there, the fourth circle lit up. You didn't find anything special with fourth circle lit. You opened all of the doors, and closed all of the doors, thereby forcing that activation to end. The doors that opened were shown on that little "map" with the different colors for the various doors. The five sets of doors that opened to something were only to caverns of various shapes and sizes that all appeared to be empty. (The other five opened to a blank wall.)

Stee activated it for the second time, which caused the fifth circle to light up. (The only circle not lit was the middle one on the right side.) Brewner specific chose to check Doors #9, which was a door that had opened to a blank wall on the previous activation. This time it opened up to a room (not a cavern) and is where you found Yoci. Because she was so worried, Brewner figured out how to deactivate the panel without opening and closing all of the doors. This means you know nothing about any of the doors other than #9 for this particular activation.

Now, Brewner wanted to activate the panel again, and said he did so. However, I asked if you wanted to barricade any doors first, so I am assuming that Brewner has not actually done the activation move yet. And before we could get back to Brewner activating the panel again, we got derailed with the animals. (Not a complaint. Just stating what happened.) Let me know when Brewner chooses to do the activation he wanted. Once that is done, I will tell you the six circle lights up, and you can have Yoci check on direction with her holy symbol.

Also, Stee does try to swipe right to left while the panel is NOT activated. It doesn't do anything. (It's like turning a light switch that is "off" to "off".) There is no sensation under the finger until it is on the left-most point, when the light appears under his finger. (When he then pulls his finger back, so as to not activate it before they want to.)

I hope this helps!
Jul 7, 2024 6:24 pm
Thanks for the recap. Yes Brewner still didn't activate the doors. Brewner also asked Yoci if she noticed the lights when she was captured, trying to find the shortess path to her city
Jul 7, 2024 7:24 pm
I'll redo this post in character later today, but to answer the question, Yoci never went through this room until you freed her. She was imprisoned through where the doors normally go.

(Which is theoretically one path to her city, but would require fighting your way out of a duergar stronghold. Which I assume you'd rather not do.)

EDIT: See below ...
Jul 7, 2024 9:19 pm
Thanks for the recap! I needed that.



Jul 8, 2024 3:16 am
Yoci says, "I have never been in this cavern before you brought me here. The door you came through normally goes to the main corridor of the duergar prison area." She chuckles a moment and says, "I suppose that is one path back, but I can't recommend it. That would be a very hard path out, and I am not even sure of the path since I was unconscious for most of it."
Jul 8, 2024 8:47 am
Then we want to go to Stee cycle to free the animals or part of them (door 8) and then follow Yoci talisman and escort her, avoiding for now our cycle (lake, door 8) and Yoci cycle (Dreugar, door 9), is this correct?
Door 12 is also very used but we are not sure with wich cycle
Jul 8, 2024 2:48 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:
Thanks for the recap! I needed that.
Me too.
Jul 8, 2024 2:49 pm
daryen says:
Yoci says, "I have never been in this cavern before you brought me here. The door you came through normally goes to the main corridor of the duergar prison area." She chuckles a moment and says, "I suppose that is one path back, but I can't recommend it. That would be a very hard path out, and I am not even sure of the path since I was unconscious for most of it."
Still keeping an eye on Havoc while clutching his pack, yeah, I'd rather not do that.
Jul 8, 2024 9:44 pm
To door #8! Grin drags Havoc over to the panel and activates door #8.
Jul 8, 2024 9:53 pm
I'm finally starting to understand the door system, but still struggling with a couple things (things that would be visible to Oliver but that I don't understand as a player yet):
-What is an "activation"? I thought it meant swiping the bar (the groove you called it?)
-Once we activate the thingie, does trying out all doors cause it to deactivate? If this is true: Is this apparent to us as characters? (Also, why? OOC that confuses me a bit)
Oliver looks expectantly at Brewner who is about to fiddle with the door thingamajig system.

"I would love to see where every single door takes. Perhaps we should try opening them all before you change the number of lights? Just for funsies, though you should get your axe ready just in case. Also, Brewner, did I hear you murmur 'Stee cycle'? I guess you're right, if we want to release the animals, we might want to try to get the thingie to two lights, which apparently was the the number of lights when Stee came in, so it should lead out of the underdark."
I took the license to turn a bit of Ricardo's OOC post into murmurs from Brewner. Hope you don't mind; I wanted to give credit to your idea in-character.
Last edited July 8, 2024 10:02 pm
Jul 9, 2024 11:37 am
feel free to retcon what Grin did so the lights work out for this idea. I just want to get out of here :)
Jul 9, 2024 1:28 pm
To my understanding, every time we sweep the thing to the right is a new cycle of portal doors, if we sweep to the left it ends that cycle of portal doors( openig and closing all doors also end the cycle).
I dont know if we can manipulate the circles that are ativated or if only goes in order.
If everyone wants to move on Brewner will activate/desactivate until there are 2 circles on the panel (Stee origins)
Then we can release the animals at door 8 and follow Yoci Talisman to any door that points
And i have a feeling we need to barricade door n12 because is going to lead to some Morlock base on the same cycle we are going
Last edited July 9, 2024 1:31 pm
Jul 9, 2024 1:33 pm
I fully support Brewner. Take the shot! If we end up making a wrong turn, we’ll have an adventure.
Jul 9, 2024 3:04 pm
Brewner is a very astute fellow. Well done.
Jul 9, 2024 3:23 pm
Sounds like a plan to me. I'd help barricade a door, but, and he gestures to himself.

Ok, let's do this. Ealdwig pulls his sword and gets ready.
Jul 9, 2024 6:59 pm
can we say door 12 is Oliver’s immovable rod door?
Jul 9, 2024 7:17 pm
I would consider using the immovable rod on Doors #12 is a completely reasonable plan and easy enough to do. They'd have to break the doors down to get through.
Now that the team has a plan, they get ready. Oliver moves his immovable rod to Doors#12 and completely barricades them. Brewner positions himself by the control panel, and the others spread out a bit so as to have some visibility, or at least hearing, so they can monitor the other doors as best as possible. Yoci takes up position in the middle so has to have the best position to try to detect a path. Once everyone indicates they are ready, Brewner triggers the panel, causing the long groove to be lit. This activates the sixth and final circle. In this configuration, all six circles and the long groove are all lit.

The group does not hear or see any activity at the doors and Yoci tries to detect. She finds that there seems to be some indication from Doors #3. She then moves to the doors and opens them. It opens into a long cavern that winds off into the distance. She confirms that this is a valid path, but the indication is weak, meaning this is quite a distance away. She then closes the doors and Brewner deactivates the panel again.

Returning to their positions, Brewner activates the doors one more time. The moment the groove is again lit, all of the circles except the very top one are extiquished. So now only the top circle and the long groove are lit. Yoci tries to detect again. This time she gets a stronger pull toward Doors #7. However, before they get a chance to check it out, they hear noise at Doors #12. There are obvious attempts to open the door and the sounds are getting more an more frantic. Since you now know that you can repeat the cycle when you want, and since you want to go to the next cycle anyway, Brewner immediately deactivates the panel before anything bad can happen.

Resuming positions, Brewner activates the doors again. The long groove is again lit, and now the top circle and the left circle on the second row are lit. You wait for any activity, but none is forthcoming.
OK, you now are back to what you believe is the cycle that let Stee into the room and should lead back to whence he came. What do you do.
Jul 9, 2024 7:46 pm
Grin wants to prepare a charge through the Stee-door. He attempts to mount Havoc the goat.

Ride now! Ride to ruin- ahhhh! he falls off Havoc, hard on the floor.
Last edited July 9, 2024 7:50 pm


Goat rider - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jul 9, 2024 10:41 pm
Stee readies his bow and looks at Wreak. Sit and stay. Then watches Grin fall off Havoc and all he can do is smile to himself. Maybe a little more practice is in order before you enter the lists.
Jul 10, 2024 8:22 am
Brewner burst laughing when he sees Grinfletch mounting Havoc, but when he falls Brewner quicky help him getting up.

He then turns to Yoci "Yoci does your talisman give you any direction in this cycle? unfortunately we could not linger in the last cycle, but i am aware that you had a strong pull from the talisman"

After Yoci responded, Brewner approaches Stee "Dear Stee, take a look at door 8, does the other side look familiar?"
Jul 10, 2024 9:49 am
Will do Brewner, be ready lads. I walk over to door 8 listen for a second before I open it.


Listen for noise - (2d6)

(23) = 5



Jul 11, 2024 2:33 pm
Yoci says, "I do not feel any reactions at all with these doors, not even weakly."

Stee does not hear anything going on, and so opens the door. It takes a few moments, but the area beyond the door does look familiar. He is sure it is the same room that he originally entered from.
What do you do now?
Jul 11, 2024 3:01 pm
If we use the Stee-door to guide the animals to freedom, will we lose our ability to find this room again? Can we just let the animals loose and stay in this room? Or do we need to split up our company and try to find the underground city separately? Hmmm, that sounds tricky.
Jul 11, 2024 3:46 pm
"We can leave this room, but we need to make sure the door stays open. Unfortunately, I don't think we will find our way to the underground city of Yoci from this cycle, we will need to move once again, after freeing the animals"

"Stee is the city you helped away from this entrance?"
Jul 11, 2024 9:20 pm
"When I placed the flask of wine behind the door and we toyed around with the lights, I lost total sight of it -ah yes, Yoci, I can magically sense alcoholic beverages-. In fact, I couldn't sense ANYTHING. My wild guess is that when the lights are inactive, this room is nowhere in particular. It makes sense that you can't sense anything with your amulet yet. The question -however- is whether we need to open the door for you to sense something behind it, or just activating the correct number of lights is enough to sense something behind a closed door."

Oliver decides to test that out with another wine flask as soon as they open Stee's door.
Jul 11, 2024 9:22 pm
There was no city. Mostly homesteaders out in the wilds. I say we let the animals through the door then continue to search for Yoci's door. The animals will find there way out.
Jul 11, 2024 10:57 pm
Huzzah! Let’s get them out then! Goodbye animal friends! May the force be with you always! Uhhhh… the forces of nature I mean.

Grin ties Havoc up and starts transporting animals out of the door.
Jul 11, 2024 11:48 pm
Stee will keep a rope on Wreak as the animals are ushered out.

Sephek Kaltro


Jul 12, 2024 12:28 am
As the animals are being ushered out, Sephek appears. He is utterly bewildered to see Stee.

Sephek Kaltro
"You survive? And are here!? When I reopened the doors after the fools closed them, they led to a completely different cavern. I was coming back to try and figure out what we need to do about these doors to prevent this from happening ..." He stops himself as he sees the animals and says, "You even freed some of the animals! That's wonderful!" Looking past Stee, he continues, "And you found friends, too? You are just an absolute source of surprise!"

After a quick greeting, he asks for the chickens to not be released so they can be more easily be transported. He does send the sheep and dog on back, as he trusts the dog to guide the sheep back and keep them safe.

"Now that you made it back, are you coming back down to impress the others? I am sure we can have a pretty impressive celebration for what you've done for us!"
For Oliver's experiment, I take it he wants to put the bottle just outside the door, close the door and see if he senses it. Then when they deactivate the panel, he will detect again? If so, I will put that in at the appropriate time.
Jul 12, 2024 1:04 am
Ahh, well met Sephek. Thanks for coming to see if you could help. I am glad to see you are well and hear the others are also. Imagine my surprise when I came back through the door and I was in a completely different place. This is a strange place indeed. But I will not be coming back with you. This fine group of adventurers I have met have freed another and must see them safely back to there home. Give my regards to all and you deserve a lot of credit also. You are a good man. I introduce him to the others and ask By the way do you care if we keep this goat and dog? We have kinda become attached to them. Also how long has it been since the original rescue? Stee wonders if maybe time acts differently down here.
Last edited July 12, 2024 1:07 am
Jul 12, 2024 4:24 am
Yes, precisely, that's going to be the experiment. Though we already know the result for the second part, it doesn't hurt to do it again. Thanks!
Jul 12, 2024 7:50 am
When everyone is ready we can move to the next cycle, underground lake, but first we need to move the magical rod from door 12 to 8
Jul 12, 2024 1:16 pm
Sorry been MIA, it's been a rough few days. Heading away to see family for the weekend, so I might not be around much. Monday everything should be back to normal.
At some point, it seemed logical for Ealdwig to pull the spider silk out of his back. I've got this and he holds it up. I was told it is endless so we can use it to find our way back to the doors if we ever want to venture out. We will need to figure out a way to keep the doors open but we shouldn't get lost.

Is there any way to pass specific locations, such as the lake? Can you just swipe quickly so there is no time to get the door open? Ealdwig pauses a few seconds, tilts his head and looks up, does anyone know if these doors only lead to the underdark, just different locations? After we get Yoci back home, the only way out of here that we know of is through the lake. There are now Morlocks at the door to the lake. How are we going to manage that? Any ideas?
Jul 12, 2024 3:19 pm
You'll need to wait a few minutes while Yoci tries to find a path with her holy symbol, if you want to test that cycle. The rod should be sufficient for that amount of time.

The thread will work to get you back to the doors, but without someone there to try and keep the doors open, or better yet, someone staying in the cavern, it is always possible there is some kind of time limit where they will magically and automatically close, forcing you to wait for someone else to trigger the cycle. Basically, once everyone leaves the cavern, there is no guarantee you will ever be able to get back into it.

Yes, getting back home is a concern, but remember that you always have the fail-safe of the gem. As long as you can find a matrix node, you can always get back. Heck, maybe Yoci knows something about that, if you ask ...
Jul 12, 2024 3:41 pm
Since I think I have a feel for where everyone is at the moment, I am going to advance this some so we can finish the testing ...
Sephek Kaltro
Sephek smiles and puts his hand on Stee's shoulder. "Well, your loss. Thank you for all of your help earlier, and thank you for taking the effort to return the animals. You didn't need to do that, and I truly appreciate you did. I figure that everyone is going to be so happy with the animals we did get back, no one is going to complain about the animals that are missing. I certainly won't tell anyone!

"However, know that we will likely not meet again, because the reason I am here is to destroy the doors. I doubt I can do anything to them right now, but once you leave, they seemed like ordinary doors. I am going to chop them down so we don't have to worry about those nasty creatures ever again. Good luck on your journeys and may the gods be with you!"

With that Sephek makes sure the sheep and dog are on their way, releases the cats (figuring they can make their own way at this point), then helps move the chicken cages out of the cavern into the small entry cave on the other side of the doors. "I'll have to get some help to carry these all back, but that won't be a problem! Again, thank you all for your help solving this mystery."
Any extra dialog you want to do, please add it here, and the rest of this can wait until after that. I am assuming no one has an issue with Sephek's plan.
Goodbyes are said and Oliver places a small flask just outside the door. To Sephek he says, "Please leave this alone for a few minutes. I am trying an experiment. This is just a small flask of undrinkable alcohol I can use to try and detect using my magic circlet," he points to the circlet on his head. "Once we close the doors, you will shortly see a flash of light between the doors. Once this happens, please wait a minute or two. After that, you may start hacking away."

Sephek nods in acknowledgement and waves as the group reenters the cave. With the doors closed, Oliver can still sense the alcohol, as it is right on the other side of the door. While he waits at the door, Brewner goes to the panel and deactivates it. As expected, the moment that Oliver sees the light flash, he can no longer sense the alcohol. His experiment completed, he retrieves the rod from doors 12, and moves it to doors 8 as planned. At that point, Brewner activates the panel again. Strangely, they don't hear any movement on the other side of doors 8.

Yoci tries to detect a path. "The only indication I can feel is through doors 8, but it isn't as strong as the last one I felt. That likely means using this path will be longer than the other path."
I am making assumptions about character activity based on stated intentions. If anyone needs to change anything in this, let me know and we can fix it and then continue on.
Jul 12, 2024 8:19 pm
daryen says:
Since I think I have a feel for where everyone is at the moment, I am going to advance this some so we can finish the testing ...
Sephek smiles and puts his hand on Stee's shoulder. "Well, your loss. Thank you for all of your help earlier, and thank you for taking the effort to return the animals. You didn't need to do that, and I truly appreciate you did. I figure that everyone is going to be so happy with the animals we did get back, no one is going to complain about the animals that are missing. I certainly won't tell anyone!

"However, know that we will likely not meet again, because the reason I am here is to destroy the doors. I doubt I can do anything to them right now, but once you leave, they seemed like ordinary doors. I am going to chop them down so we don't have to worry about those nasty creatures ever again. Good luck on your journeys and may the gods be with you!"

With that Sephek makes sure the sheep and dog are on their way, releases the cats (figuring they can make their own way at this point), then helps move the chicken cages out of the cavern into the small entry cave on the other side of the doors. "I'll have to get some help to carry these all back, but that won't be a problem! Again, thank you all for your help solving this mystery."
Any extra dialog you want to do, please add it here, and the rest of this can wait until after that. I am assuming no one has an issue with Sephek's plan.
Goodbyes are said and Oliver places a small flask just outside the door. To Sephek he says, "Please leave this alone for a few minutes. I am trying an experiment. This is just a small flask of undrinkable alcohol I can use to try and detect using my magic circlet," he points to the circlet on his head. "Once we close the doors, you will shortly see a flash of light between the doors. Once this happens, please wait a minute or two. After that, you may start hacking away."

Sephek nods in acknowledgement and waves as the group reenters the cave. With the doors closed, Oliver can still sense the alcohol, as it is right on the other side of the door. While he waits at the door, Brewner goes to the panel and deactivates it. As expected, the moment that Oliver sees the light flash, he can no longer sense the alcohol. His experiment completed, he retrieves the rod from doors 12, and moves it to doors 8 as planned. At that point, Brewner activates the panel again. Strangely, they don't hear any movement on the other side of doors 8.

Yoci tries to detect a path. "The only indication I can feel is through doors 8, but it isn't as strong as the last one I felt. That likely means using this path will be longer than the other path."
I am making assumptions about character activity based on stated intentions. If anyone needs to change anything in this, let me know and we can fix it and then continue on.
Stee nods to Sephek Gods be with you also my friend. I might visit you again in the future to check on you. Do you know if the dog is trained?
Last edited July 12, 2024 8:19 pm

Sephek Kaltro


Jul 12, 2024 8:59 pm
mathias0077 says:
Stee nods to Sephek Gods be with you also my friend. I might visit you again in the future to check on you. Do you know if the dog is trained?
Sephek Kaltro
Sephek replies, "The dog you are keeping is less than two years old, so hasn't been fully trained. They were pairing him with the older one to 'learn the ropes' as it were, but he wasn't the quickest learner. Still like to play too much. I'm sure you'll get through to him, though!"

Oh yeah, the other goat was sent on its way, too. It seemed to just tag along with the sheep. Interestingly, Havok doesn't seem to be interested in heading out, much to Grin's delight. Wreck intended to go with the other dog and sheep, but as it was tied up, it stopped. It doesn't seem upset, however, so that's promising.
Jul 14, 2024 10:14 pm
Thank you good sir and farewell Stee turns to the group Let's get this figured out and get Yoci home.
Last edited July 15, 2024 12:11 am
Jul 14, 2024 11:16 pm
Sorry I haven’t been posting. I guess this game isn’t really for me - I hope I don’t mess anything up
Jul 15, 2024 12:43 am
@Nuttyartist no worries. This is just a hand to get people familiar with the site. There are s bunch of other games types and genre. Check out the Tavern
Jul 15, 2024 2:20 pm
@Nuttyartist, it isn't a problem, and comes at a great point. I'll just have Felix exit with the animals and Sephek. That way he can then go wherever he wants and isn't trapped underground. I hope you find a game more engaging for you!
Jul 15, 2024 11:48 pm
Rewinding a bit ...
Felix says, "Uh, guys, I don't think I'm ready to delve back into the ground again. I think I am going to take advantage of this opportunity here to stay above ground."

Sephek Kaltro
Sephek replies, "You are welcome to come back with me after I chop these doors down." He laughs and continues, "You can even take credit for the recovery of the animals. We'll host you for a couple days while you figure out what you want to do next."

Goodbyes are said and Oliver places a small flask just outside the door. To Sephek he says, "Please leave this alone for a few minutes. I am trying an experiment. This is just a small flask of undrinkable alcohol I can use to try and detect using my magic circlet," he points to the circlet on his head. "Once we close the doors, you will shortly see a flash of light between the doors. Once this happens, please wait a minute or two. After that, you may start hacking away."

Sephek nods in acknowledgement and waves as the group reenters the cave. With the doors closed, Oliver can still sense the alcohol, as it is right on the other side of the door. While he waits at the door, Brewner goes to the panel and deactivates it. As expected, the moment that Oliver sees the light flash, he can no longer sense the alcohol. His experiment completed, he retrieves the rod from doors 12, and moves it to doors 8 as planned. At that point, Brewner activates the panel again. Strangely, they don't hear any movement on the other side of doors 8.

Yoci tries to detect a path. "The only indication I can feel is through doors 8, but it isn't as strong as the last one I felt. That likely means using this path will be longer than the other path."
This last part is a repeat to get everyone back inside the cavern. At this point the left three lights are lit on the panel, and the long grove is also lit. Door #8 is barred by the immovable rod, but there is no activity at it for now. At this point, do you want to try the rest of the cycles to see what other indications you get?
Jul 16, 2024 12:19 am
I think we should cycle through until Yoci gets the strongest pull then we go for that one. Stee will work Wreak through commands while we wait and test doors/
Jul 16, 2024 7:28 am
" I agree, unfortunately the strongest pull was in the more dangerous cycle, but perhaps there are others"
Jul 16, 2024 7:32 am
"It has been a pleasure, Felix. May the invisible rivers guide you to that which you seek. And also, feel free to visit us anytime."

Oliver bowed ceremoniously to Felix.

After bidding farewells and experimenting with the doors, Oliver responds to Stee's idea:

"That sounds like fun! I want to see what's behind all the other doors. Besides, I agree that's the most practical approach for Yoci's search. The experiment just proved that we become spatially disconnected from the other side of the doors when the panel is deactivated... so not even a magic amulet could detect nearby objects on the other side as long as the panel has the wrong number of lights. Wellp! Not really surprising, no."

"...though it does beg the question of whether we are in a pocket dimension or something? This is some funny and powerful magic."
Last edited July 16, 2024 7:34 am
Jul 17, 2024 7:25 am
If everyone is ready, Brewner will activate another cycle and see if there is a stronger pull.
Jul 17, 2024 10:14 am
Pull the lever, Kronk!
Jul 17, 2024 3:21 pm
Sounds good let's do this.
Jul 17, 2024 5:28 pm
I will post an update later today. I just really hit me that we've been through the full cycle now, so I need to go back and check some things to make sure I don't violate what I've already said. So ... that'll take a few minutes to work through.
Jul 20, 2024 11:57 pm
Hey guys, I apologize for the delay. I have had to take a sudden road trip because my mom fell ill and I had to go visit because she wasn't expected to make it. And she didn't. As such, I have not been able to advance this any. However, this is NOT goodbye, or even a notice of hiatus. Rather this is simply to explain why I have been silent right now. I will get this going again late this week.

Also, please understand that resuming this is not a problem. In fact it will absolutely help me with handling things. I am sorry for what will basically be a weeks delay, but I am very eager to get going again.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Jul 21, 2024 12:02 am
Sorry for your loss and take your time. We will be here when you are ready.
Jul 21, 2024 12:46 pm
Sorry for your loss, and take all the time you need
Jul 22, 2024 4:07 am
sorry to hear about your loss! take your time!
Jul 26, 2024 4:47 pm
OK, I'm back. Thank you so much for your patience!

I'll move this along just a bit to give you the information you are seeking for.
You all decide to speed-run through all of the settings, just to make sure of what Yoci can detect. Since you have now completely confirmed this will run in a full, repeatable cycle, you are worried about not being able to get back to something.

Brewner runs the panel. Oliver runs the rod back and forth between Doors #12 (one circle), #8 (three circles), and #9 (five circles). The others spread out to watch for any unexpected activity. No one opens any doors this cycle through, as it is purely being used for Yoci, standing in the middle of the cavern, to detect any paths.

After cycling through completely, they intentionally end on the setting with two circles (where Stee came through originally). They find the following, some of which are repeats confirming what was found before:
- The strongest indication was through Doors #7 with one circle. This is the same one where there is banging on Doors #12. All of the others are noticeable weaker than this one.
- The next strongest is Doors #8 with three circles. This is the path back to the lake. However, you distinctly do not hear banging on Doors #8. So either they are not watching, or they are no longer there.
- The next strongest is Doors #9 with five circles. This is the door to where Yoci was held prisoner.
- Two other doors show the weakest indication, which are Doors #6 with four circles and Doors #3 with six circles.
She doesn't feel any pulls from the other doors, so those likely won't lead her back.

Since you end on the cycle with two circles, Stee absently checks Doors #8 and sees only a smooth stone wall behind them. Apparently Sephek kept his word and broke the doors, thereby disabling those doors for this cycle.
OK, you have only checked the doors you know (Yoci's, the Lake, and Stee's), and you checked all of the doors on the cycle with four circles. So, you can check other doors to see what you see, or you can choose one set of doors indicated above to try and get Yoci back home. Yoci does want to get home, but at this point she is pretty curious, too, so she does not mind if you check out doors first.
Jul 27, 2024 12:57 am
welcome back! So glad you took time for yourself!
Well, if it’s all the same, I say we take the route with the strongest detection. Can we hold off the foolish ones behind door 12 while we leave door 7? Can we break door 12 permanently?
Jul 27, 2024 2:35 pm
Good to see you back, hope you're doing well
"I can see your blood yearning for some action, can't say i disagree" Brewner says to Grinfletch with a smile "But the most prudent choice would be the 3 cycle, we can take Yoci home and still do some exploration near our base. There is another path near the lake besides the door where we entered." Brenner adds thoughtfully. He then shrugs, waiting for the opinions of his companions
Jul 27, 2024 3:49 pm
Thank you for the kind thoughts. Yes, I am doing better.

I don't know how long this has all taken. I am going to assume that you are all resting while making a decision and before heading out. It is probably the safest place you will be for quite a while, so it makes sense to get a good night's rest while you can. We'll say that the King makes this suggestion.

You will also want to decide if you are going to leave the room active or inactive. If you leave it active, then anyone that might trip across one of the active doors could enter the cavern. Alternatively, you could make sure you open and close all of the other doors before exiting, the when you close the doors on your exit, the cavern will be inactive. It is unlikely it will be permanently lost, but it will prevent anyone from using it for at least a little while.
Jul 27, 2024 11:32 pm
Stee looks at he group.Well we should probably deactivate all these door first then take Yoci home.
Jul 28, 2024 1:20 am
Looking to the two humans Grin shrugs and agrees with them. Cycle 3 is fine and yes let’s open and close doors and then maybe try to keep the door we exit from propped open if we want to return to it and get back to the lake?
Jul 28, 2024 11:51 am
Glad to have you here!!!
"Agreed. The door in cycle 3 might take longer for us to get there, but it's the safest bet, and still gives off a strong enough signam. Besides, if we went through another cycle, we would definitely need to lock the door behind. Imagine we got out in door #7 of cycle 1, and the ones banging in door #12 of that same cycle came in and chased after us."

Oliver paused and looked around at his companions, trying to read the room.

"...or would you rather lock the door behind?"
Jul 29, 2024 6:11 am
If you leave the door open, you don't know how long it will stay open. And you don't know if someone else will (or won't) find them and enter. Just an observation.

I was waiting for everyone to comment before continuing. I will move things forward sometime on Monday if no one else comments. Right now, it sounds like you are doing the Lake doors, which is cool. It means you might find out what happened to that group of Morlocks who haven't been bothering the door lately.
Jul 29, 2024 8:01 am
The Morlocks become Chuul rations xD
Jul 29, 2024 10:08 am
Looks at all I don't like the thought of leaving the back door open. We are going to a strange place. I would rather be able to focus on whats in front and not have to constantly worry about behind.
Jul 29, 2024 11:58 pm
The group decides to get started on their quest to bring Yoci home, and decide to start the journey by returning to the cavern by the lake. Since that is just one more activation, they decide to rest first in order to start the journey fresh. With no day/night cycle, they simply take their time to fully rest and recuperate. They share their rations with Yoci and prepare.
OK, everyone will be back at full health, regardless of where they ended last. Do you use a watch, or just trust that no one can get to you? Also, do you just take the normal eight or so hours to recharge, or do you stretch it any longer?
Fully recharged and ready to go, the group prepares. Oliver bars Doors #8 and Brewner activates the third cycle again. They carefully open and close each of the doors. They find caverns behind Doors #1, 3, 6, 9, and 10. Doors #2, 4, 7, and 12 lead to blank stone walls. The different caverns are all large enough that you can't see the backs easily, but they do all appear to have different sizes. Two of them are completely silent (#1 and #9). One of them (#3) has dripping sounds, but nothing else. In the last two (#6 and #10), you hear what sounds like movement, but nothing close to the doors. Yet, anyway. During this entire time, there is no activity heard at Doors #8.

With everything prepared, the group is ready to move through Doors #8. Oliver removes the rod and the doors are opened and the group proceeds through.
OK, now what are you going to do?
Jul 30, 2024 12:16 am
Grin will stand toward the side with Havoc, ready to take a crossbow shot as soon as the doors open. Make sure to shine some light out when you open the doors!
Jul 30, 2024 12:28 am
Stee also stands off with Grin bow ready arrow nocked. Has Wreak on guard by Havok.
Last edited July 30, 2024 12:47 am
Jul 30, 2024 7:26 am
Oliver moves into the doorway just after removing the rod. If there's something that needs immediate hitting, the rod should suffice. He chuckles at the mental picture.

As soon as he gets in, he takes out one flask of shiny lichen, to serve as natural and not-so-suspicious light.
Jul 30, 2024 7:49 am
"Very well let's go, Yoci stay in the back" Brewner says as he opens the door and advances carefully, watching for any movement.
Who is been carrying the light? I can't remember
Jul 31, 2024 8:44 pm
It has been somewhere between one and two days since you have been back to the lake cavern. So, things could be different, depending on what the morlocks had decided to do.
As the group opens the door, and charges through, you find ... nothing, really. The cavern looks as they left it, and you can still hear the lake farther down in the distance. However, there are no morlocks to be seen, and you don't hear anything other than the ambient sounds of the cavern in their vicinity.

You look around just to be safe. No one is hiding, and it doesn't appear that the morlocks ever made camp or anything. You move down towards the lake a bit and see the dock as before, but the chuul's body is now gone. No sign of the ship is seen, though you figure if you wait long enough they'll pass by again.

Yoci takes hold of her holy symbol and concentrates as you have seen her do multiple times now. She then nods toward the cavern opening you had seen way back before Stee appeared and says, "That appears to be the direction we need to go in."
Aug 1, 2024 10:29 am
As he approaches the cave, Brewner will look for any traces the Morlocks may have left. Reaching the entrance he will stop and listen.
Eavesdropper's Medallion
While wearing this medailion you have advantage on hearing tests and can hear through barriers you are next to.


Listen test - (3d6)

(646) = 16

Aug 1, 2024 3:24 pm
Is that the cave we saw while on the boat? Can we walk to it?
Sword in hand, Ealdwig stays near Yoci to protect her while others lead the way.
Aug 1, 2024 6:21 pm
"Everything seems calm... for now. Let's follow the signal then."

Just before following in Yoci's pointed direction, Oliver approached the lake and looked around.

"Right. Last time I forgot to find out how acid or salty this water was. Just harmless curiosities about the underdark."

And he produced and filled two vials in the water, and a third one, which he promptly tasted.

He winced at the taste, and then hurried after the rest.
Last edited August 1, 2024 6:22 pm
Aug 1, 2024 9:04 pm
Stee will pull out his Autums Glory and attach it to his boot to provide light for his footing. And commands Wreak on guard.
[ +- ] Autums Glory
Aug 1, 2024 10:12 pm
Grin will use the echo amulet as they go into the cave.
Aug 3, 2024 3:16 pm
As you cautiously enter into the adjacent cavern, you find no immediate threats. The cavern is long and winding, having several openings departing from it. It is moist and quiet, except for an irregular dripping sound. Along one side there is an extensive patch of fungi that appears non-threatening. You take a bit of time to look through the cavern and Brewner sees evidence of the Morlocks travelling through it and leaving from the farthest opening from whence you entered. When Yoci concentrates on determining a path, it inconveniently indicates the same direction.

You do not find anything else of note within the cavern.

As you press on, you find the path frustrating and difficult. You see at least two spots where an ambush could have been prepared and obviously that didn't happen. You deduce that the morlocks didn't expect you to come back and likely knew another route to somewhere useful to them.

After over two full hours of wandering and squeezing through the path, it finally opens into another very large cavern. This one, however, immediately shows indications of activity, unlike the previous one. Fortunately, the entrance into the cavern is set up relatively high, giving you a moderately protected view with a great vantage point. As you array along the edge of the path down, you can see that the path down has been modified to allow fairly safe foot traffic. It also dawns on you that farther down, where you don't have a good view, is a source of persistent and extensive light, but at a fairly low level. Carefully looking about you do see what appears to be a guard post about 100 feet away from the bottom of the path down, pretty close to where the cavern bends into the source of the light.



Aug 3, 2024 3:31 pm
Yoci says, "Yes, we need to keep going through this cavern. No, I don't know who this is. We are still far enough away from our city that I have never been here before. I can't even think of who these might be."
Aug 3, 2024 9:08 pm
Brewner is going to stay low trying to conceal his figure, taking his time to watch the guard post, does he detect movement?
Aug 3, 2024 9:44 pm
Stee will put his Autums Glory away and follow Brewner also staying low with bow out and arrow nocked. Tells Wreak to stay.
Aug 4, 2024 1:38 am
Grin whispers: Come on Havoc, it’s your time to shine. He removes the lead rope from her neck and prepares to follow her at a distance, using his cloak to blend in with the cavern as he goes. I’ll scout it out, he thinks through his communicator to the others with communicators, as the goat begins exploring.
Aug 4, 2024 5:49 pm
Complete aside that I will include here because it makes my life easier ...

When Felix left, he didn't take is communication crystal because it would be worthless to him. I'm gonna assume you gave it to Yoci to use while she is with the group.
As Havoc moves towards the lights (which makes sense for it), it heads in the direction of what looks like a guard's hut. When Havok gets closer, he freezes. You see two goblins appears and spot Havok.
"What's a surfacer animal doing down here?" asks one to the other.
"Who cares!?" replies the other, "Quick! Grab it! Dinner awaits!"

Startled, but realizing the danger he is in, Havok turns around and runs straight for Grin!
Aug 4, 2024 7:24 pm
Grin retreats towards the group, hoping Havoc follows. He communicates to the others: goblins following my retreat. Prepare ambush.
Aug 4, 2024 8:11 pm
I need a roll from Grin. No advantage, disadvantage or focus. Just a roll to see if the goblins figure out Grin is there.
Aug 4, 2024 8:19 pm


Master of nothing - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Aug 5, 2024 7:57 am
Brewner becomes visible confused, he wasn't expecting goblins, he also wonders if this goblins have any conection to the previus goblins. In a low voice he says Make sure to grab one of them for interrogation
Do we need stealth tests?
Aug 5, 2024 7:05 pm
Ealdwig tries to find some cover and pulls Yoci behind him.
Aug 5, 2024 8:57 pm
Oliver stays still, pondering his options as the goblins get closer. Fire it is. Fire is always a good bet. He draws out one alcohol flask and the blazeball bat.

He whispers to the communicator: "I can cut out their escape route with a liiiitle bit of fire."
Aug 6, 2024 3:02 pm
Grin is not yet seen.
The goblins are still pursuing Havok and Havok is quickening his pace to get away.

Yoci whispers, "Typically, goblins are wildcards, not automatically hostile. They are in our path and we don't know how many there are. Maybe we should try to talk with them."
Aug 6, 2024 3:44 pm
Does anyone speak goblin? Yoci?
Aug 6, 2024 5:41 pm
This setting is really, really fuzzy with language. With the exception of very unusual languages (like that of the fae), the various heritages can talk with each other well enough. Not enough for a full philosophical discussion, but enough to conduct fundamental diplomacy and trade. You can all talk with the goblins well enough.
Aug 6, 2024 5:57 pm
the basic on languages is that during the Dawn Age all the people spoke 1 language. There were 3 written languages. The base simple script, which most people can read at least a little, arcane has influence from the immortals from other realms, and divine which was considered the most pure.

The Shattering alerted people's memories and created the modern languages, similar the the tower of babble. These new languages share many words from their common origin, about 25%, so many are almost like different dialects with they have very different pronunciation and accents.

After the Shattering all but priests, clerics, and mages, lost knowledge of the ancient high script and most civilized races developed a new high script

Rx Fey speak gaelic but understand ancient English from before the Renaissance and most others speak common which is more like a English with multiple accents based on race and region.
Aug 8, 2024 8:30 am
Turning to Stee Brewner says
"We had encountered some Goblins before they seem to speak our language"
He also nods towards Yoci "Yes i would like some answers"
Aug 8, 2024 9:52 am
Stee will relax his bowstring and follow the others lead since they have had dealing with goblins in the past. Looks at Wreak and says Wreak sit. Will hand Wreak a small morsel of food.
Aug 8, 2024 12:39 pm
Assuming Grin gets back undetected
Grin will position himself in the line of the group and prepare to fire crossbow bolts at the goblins. He is particularly protective of Havoc the goat, so he’ll be more inclined to shoot first and ask questions later.
Aug 8, 2024 3:49 pm
Ealdwig remains vigilant to protect but not attack following Brewner's lead.
Aug 8, 2024 8:09 pm
"Hey Grin. I'm the first one who rejoices in fire and explosions, but Brewner has a point. They DO speak our language, mostly. Perhaps we could try to approach them diplomatically? Provided they don't insist in dining goat."

"But speaking of food... there's no language barrier a bit of food can't cover."

Oliver took a large flat stone from the floor, and magically supported it in the air with the unmovable rod, whose end sides he opened to support the stone. He then took out some rations and a waterskin and laid it on the improvised table. Finally, as a decorative touch, he sprinkled the table with bioluminescent moss from his flask.

"When the goblins get here, let's invite them to eat. We could pretend we've been here for a while so it doesn't seem that suspicious."
Aug 8, 2024 8:36 pm
Good idea. Grin takes a morsel from the table and pops it in his mouth. When Havoc arrives, he’ll spit it back out and offer it to the goat to coax her towards the back of the group away from the goblins.
Aug 9, 2024 4:28 pm
There is no need to entice Havok as he quickens his pace to outrun the pursuit. The goblins continue to give chase until they are almost in ambush range when one of them grabs the other and hisses out, "Stop!" The second goblin starts to say, "But what ab-" but the other goblin quickly shuts him down. "The animal is not alone!" Just as the first goblin says that, Havok bumps into Grin disturbing his camouflage. They can't make out who or what is there, but the goblin's suspicions have just been confirmed.

Both goblins quickly compose themselves and take a defensive stance with their goblins swords drawn, boldly stating, "Who goes there!? Show yourself."
Note that they are not launching into combat and are asking for someone to show themselves. They do not appear to have slings or bows on them.
Aug 10, 2024 9:23 pm
Without showing hinself Brewner answers "Name is Brewner, an adventurer and on good terms with the goblin king, but I had problems with Morlocks..." He waits for a reaction from the goblins
Aug 11, 2024 6:00 am
The goblins scoff, "Ain't no goblin king around here! But morlock problems? Join the crowd on that one," They both have a chuckle at that.

"We don't get many surfacers around here. We control this entire cavern, so if you want to pass through, you'll need to show yourself. Otherwise, try a different path."
Aug 11, 2024 8:20 am
daryen says:
The goblins scoff, "Ain't no goblin king around here! But morlock problems? Join the crowd on that one," They both have a chuckle at that.

"We don't get many surfacers around here. We control this entire cavern, so if you want to pass through, you'll need to show yourself. Otherwise, try a different path."
Damit, i wanted to say goblin kind not goblin king, but no problem
Aug 11, 2024 11:31 am
Stee will step out with Wreak with weapons stowed. Good day, have you seen any morlocks lately?
Aug 11, 2024 9:33 pm
Grin will keep Havoc in the back and cover them with his crossbow
Aug 12, 2024 12:27 am
Eh, the reaction would not really be any different, so we'll just go with what we have.

One of the goblins responds, "We saw some morlocks slinking by a day or so earlier, but they know better than to try anything with us.

"So, do you wish to pass through, or are you going to slink on by like the morlocks?"

Yoci motions to Ealdwig that they need to pass through.
Edit: Typo in the original OOC comment reversed the meaning. :-( I fixed it, but want to note that I meant to say, "It would NOT change the reaction, as they would have been just as dismissive, so nothing would have changed." Basically, each goblin group is different, so what you have established with one group (friend or foe) has no bearing on what happens with a different group.
Aug 12, 2024 3:37 pm
Ealdwig, stows his blade and steps out from his cover. We'd like to pass through, if it's not too much of a problem. Not knowing exactly how much to say, he leaves it at that.
Aug 12, 2024 9:35 pm
"Great!" says the other goblin. "It costs 5 GP per creature to be allowed in. It costs 10 GP per creature to get a guide for the journey." The other goblin leans in and whispers, "I recommend the guide. It is very easy to get lost in here ..."

If Ealdwig takes a glance at Yoci to see her reaction, she shrugs her shoulders. She can see they need to pass through, but is not familiar with this group of goblins.
Aug 13, 2024 12:54 am
Stee looks down a Grin and whispers Seems a little steep to me.
Aug 13, 2024 12:59 am
Of course it is steep. These are goblins with leverage. Goblins with leverage are never cheap!

Psybermagi taught me that!
Aug 13, 2024 8:00 am
Arms folded Brewner asks "Does your guide know how to get to the dwarven city by a safe route?"
Aug 13, 2024 3:36 pm
The first goblin shows an evil smile and says, "Which dwarven city?"

The second goblin smirks, but appears to be more serious about the question and says, "No, no, no. The guide is just to get through our area. As a bonus, we'll point you in the right direction after you get through our area, but the guide isn't going to leave our area."
No reason you can't negotiate further with your guide once you get him, but that would be an individual negotiation for added expense.
Aug 13, 2024 7:45 pm
"Greetings! Oliver's the name. Otter at your service."

"Would you care for a quick snack break? We could further discuss this deal, and besides, we had just set an improvised table to stop for some minutes. If you doubt the quality of any food, you can have the Duende taste it first, no questions asked."
Aug 13, 2024 8:59 pm
mathias0077 says:
Stee looks down a Grin and whispers Seems a little steep to me.
In response to Stee: Isn’t Yoci our guide?
Aug 13, 2024 9:54 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:
mathias0077 says:
Stee looks down a Grin and whispers Seems a little steep to me.
In response to Stee: Isn’t Yoci our guide?
That is what I thought. We follow her pull onward.
Aug 14, 2024 4:40 pm
Speaking quietly in a hushed whisper to Grin and Stee, not wanting the goblin's to overhear Yoci is unfamiliar with the area. I assume her amulet can get us there, maybe but maybe not the safest or best way. Shrugging his shoulders, it might lead us to a dead end, who knows, think it'll lead around corners or just a straight line?
Aug 14, 2024 6:04 pm
Ealdwig's got the idea down.
Aug 14, 2024 6:07 pm
One of the goblins say, "Really? We are on duty here!" The dissonance over that statement and what they were just doing is obviously being ignored.

"So, do you want a guide or not? Come on up to the gate and we can assess the fees and get you on your way."
Aug 14, 2024 9:06 pm
Ealdwig mumbles, 10 gold pieces?! Each? Do they think we're made of coin?

Addressing the goblins, um excuse me,[b] Ealdwig holds up a small index finger [b]I don't want to upset the apple cart or anything but 10gp each seems to be a pretty steep price. Do we each get our own guide? Looking around at the group, if not and there is only one guide I'm think 10 gold total should be a good price. 10 gold pieces for an few minutes work sounds like a good deal to me. Pointing at himself, I wish I made that much.
Aug 14, 2024 9:37 pm
Stee looking on agrees I agree with my friend here. 10gps each is ridiculous. We are willing to pay but not that much.
Aug 15, 2024 3:49 am
One of you make a roll to see how persuasive you are. Just a standard test unless you have the Charismatic trait.

And Ealdwig should know how expensive goblins can be ...
Aug 15, 2024 8:49 am
"10 gb sounds fair to me as well, we are explorers and you probably going to see us with frequency, if you choose to stick to the original price we must find others alternatives and no business to you" A smirk appears in Brewner face "We can also bring business to you, other explorers and underground residents, if you do a good job guiding us of course"


Charisma - (3D6)

(436) = 13

Aug 15, 2024 3:20 pm
Ealdwig has no charisma what so ever, may cuteness. That probably won't help here.

Glad Brewner is here.
Last edited August 15, 2024 3:22 pm


Charisma - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Aug 15, 2024 8:27 pm
I'm glad Brewner rolled first, lol
Aug 15, 2024 9:35 pm
Bunt says:
I'm glad Brewner rolled first, lol
Aug 15, 2024 10:43 pm
Grin is struggling with his new responsibilities as a goat-dad. He did not expect Havoc to be this difficult to take care of.
Has it been like 20minutes since we took the pets and left the room? I can’t remember. Either way, Grin is having trouble.
Aug 16, 2024 7:44 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:
Grin is struggling with his new responsibilities as a goat-dad. He did not expect Havoc to be this difficult to take care of.
Has it been like 20minutes since we took the pets and left the room? I can’t remember. Either way, Grin is having trouble.
There has to be a deal we can strike.
Aug 16, 2024 8:45 pm
The second goblin says, "Sure there is a deal we can strike. Pay up, or go a different way. I doubt you surfacers are poor or anything. On the other hand, more business is always useful. How about this, you pay for the 5gp per creature, and we get one of the younglings to lead you through the area. They need the practice and it saves you money. I would, however, suggest offering them some money for their efforts, otherwise you never know where they might lead you." At that last piece he gives a surprisingly devious smile.

The first goblins says, "Or, hear me out, perhaps you leave the four legged creature with horns behind with us, and we'll get one of our friends to serve as your guide. He's more knowledgeable than the younglings and he's very hungry ..." Thinking for a moment, he adds in, "Plus it'll save you 5 gp, as that is one less creature going through."
Aug 16, 2024 9:23 pm
Wait you want 5 gps for the animals as well?
Aug 16, 2024 11:38 pm
Oliver is also flabbergasted at the idea that the goat should pay. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, not able to find the words for these sneaky goblins. Then, he takes a breath, calms himself up, and gives it another go:

"I don't think the goat is going to properly enjoy our guide's underdark tour. Perhaps we can agree to skip making the goat pay?"
Aug 16, 2024 11:55 pm
This is too much for Grin. Unfurling his whip in his hand, he passes Havoc’s lead rope to Oliver and marches up to the goblins. He points at the first goblin who just spoke and says

How dare you insult the Queen of Horns! he gestures back to Havoc. You will pay for your insolence by passing the challenge of the cups! when he says "cups", he uses his Belt of Trickery to make his eyes flash green.

He pulls out some cups from his pack (two cups and a bowl) and shows them to goblins before carefully placing them upside down on the stone floor. He puts a hand into his pocket and pulls out a fist. He opens the fist to reveal what looks like a small silver marble in his palm. He quickly lifts one cup tilts his hand and the marble appears to roll under the cup. He puts the cup down again. And carefully mixes up the bowl and cups, trying to seem mysterious and tricky.

If you can guess where the marble is, we will pay full price for all the creatures in the party. If you cannot guess where the marble is, we pay only 3 gold each, not including our furry companions, Wreak and Havoc. he gestures at the dog and goat.

Consider me generous. he tries to look serious and stoic, looking to the others for some backup.
Aug 17, 2024 12:17 am
sorry if this seems ridiculous - I had a complicated idea and not a lot of time to think it through. I hope this isn’t going to mess us up.
Aug 17, 2024 1:05 am
Stee will go along with this play. He will stow his bow and grab his lasso off his hip then rest his other hand on the hilt of his sword. Sounds fair to me. A game of chance for the price.
If this goes sideways i will attempt to lasso the goblin Grin is talking to with my retracting rope as we discussed in character creation.
Last edited August 17, 2024 1:08 am
Aug 17, 2024 1:11 am
Love that idea! Very memorable, even if it goes south
Aug 17, 2024 1:21 am
The two goblins look puzzled for a moment, then look at each other with wicked grins. "Sure. We'll play your game, but, if you lose, you pay full price for all creatures. If you win you pay 5 gp for each person, but not the animals. Is that acceptable?" says the second goblin. The first goblin adds, "We can't go below the 5 gp."
And, yes, they did say creature on purpose. They weren't being insulting.
Aug 17, 2024 10:52 am
Cool, Grin is being dramatic as usual.
Grin looks to the others for confirmation that the deal is acceptable.
Aug 17, 2024 11:13 am
Oliver notices Grin's gaze and hops in. "Well that's alchematically a terrible deal, but let's go!"
Aug 17, 2024 12:35 pm
Stee will give Grin a nod keeping his eye on the Goblins.
Aug 17, 2024 1:19 pm
Grin looks back and nods. Point to which cup you think holds the marble.
Okay, so there is no marble - I hope that’s clear. It’s an illusion, from his belt of trickery. Shoot, did they need to make a test for that? GM, let me know what you think I should do. I’ll roll a regular roll and you can use it if you like. Maybe for deception or something?
Last edited August 17, 2024 1:21 pm


Shenanigans - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Blessed mask reroll - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Aug 17, 2024 1:45 pm
What makes you think the goblins don't know this trick?
The two goblins nod to each other, then the first says, "I choose this cup." As he says that he reaches out and gently places his hand on the cup so it can't be moved. At the same time, the second goblin flips the other two over showing that they have nothing under them. "Did we guess correctly?" queries the first goblin as he pulls his hand back.

After an uncomfortable silence, the goblins both let out a pretty long cackle and the second one says, "That was a fun diversion. Thank you for that. Tell you what. Pay 35 GP total and one of the younglings will guide you through." The first goblin adds, "The youngling will be my nephew, and he's annoyingly clever."
That's 5 GP per person, plus 5. It'll be a more competent younglings, too.

For the record, they didn't know the marble was an illusion. Instead, they just assumed you used a real marble and rolled it out like is normally done. I.e. like they would have done it. I hope you don't mind my trickery here. I've always wanted to do this as the one being challenged. That I do it as the GM could seem unfair, but, really, this should be pretty common knowledge to many mischievous types.
EDIT: That was supposed to say "After an uncomfortable silence ..." above. I fixed it.
Aug 17, 2024 1:50 pm
Grin has no words. His mouth hangs open in confusion.
Aug 17, 2024 2:00 pm
Oh my god, that was awesome. They got us good.
Aug 17, 2024 9:04 pm
Having realized that these, or at least these two, goblins aren't quite what was expected, the group follows the pair back to their gatehouse. They take the 35 GP (I'll let you all figure out who pays what) and gives each person a simple stone pendant on a string (really a thin length of leather/sinew) to indicate they are guests of the settlement. Even Wreak and Havok get one to show they are passing through and not potential food. Everyone hopes these are honored, but there isn't much they can do about it right now.

The first goblin then disappears for a few moments while the second goblin hands out the pendants. After several minutes, the first goblin reappears with a shorter goblin. He introduces the new goblin to the group. "This is Serk. He is my nephew and will be your guide through our territory." Turning to Serk, he says, "Serk, you will take these fine people to the exit that leads in the direction of Brahdhavehl. If there is anything that they want to look at along the way, help them. You are not to leave them until they make it to the exit. Do this, and I will give you 10 silver for your efforts. Do you understand?"


Serk looks at the group, then back to his uncle and nods his head. "Yes, I understand. I will do as requested."

With that Serk leads the group away from the gate into the settlement. It takes a couple of minutes to get into position, but when you do, you look out into a large cavern that is an amazing warren of ledges, platforms, and walkways. There is torchlight (or magic that approximates such) everywhere. There is no apparent organization to the structures or walkways and it would be trivial to get hopelessly lost in there. Each piece is simply constructed using something that approximates wood, actual wood, sinew, and simple nails. However, the whole together is hopeless complex. It looks like it should all just collapse in on itself, but instead appears to be surprisingly sturdy. As your eyes take it in, you can see where there are little shops, businesses, smithies, food marts, and more you don't immediately recognize yet. There are also dozens of goblins all going about their business, of which there appears to be plenty. You do notice a few non-goblins about, but they seem to be rare.
For atmosphere, think the goblin warren in the first Peter Jackson Hobbit movie, but ramped up to 11 and without all of the destruction. These goblins aren't enemies; at least unless you make them so.
Aug 17, 2024 10:04 pm
I have 5 gps
Aug 18, 2024 7:51 pm
I give 5 Gp
"What is the name you give this settlement" Brewner ask Serk
Aug 18, 2024 11:14 pm
Before leaving the original two goblins, Grinfletch shakes hands with them and congratulates them on seeing through his trickery.
Ricardoi91 says:
"What is the name you give this settlement" Brewner ask Serk
Yes, and how many people live here?! Also, where can we find some food?
Aug 19, 2024 5:25 pm
The two guards are taken aback a bit by Grin's handshake, but they accept it and wave as you head into the settlement.
Ricardoi91 says:
"What is the name you give this settlement" Brewner ask Serk
Serk takes a moment to answer, then says, "I don't know that it has a name from a surfacer perspective. It doesn't have a proper name like Brahdhavehl. People passing through call it 'the Goblin Warren', but obviously that's not what we call it." He thinks for about a minute and continues, "I guess the best name for it for us is Home. It's our piece of the world no one has been able to take from us yet, so it is just Home. But I doubt that would make sense for you, so you can just call it the Warren if you want."
Thunder_Lungz says:
Yes, and how many people live here?! Also, where can we find some food?
With this question he brightens up. "We have many dozens here. Almost everyone here is a goblin, though there are a couple oddballs that have adapted to the environment like the hobgoblin Lucky and the derro couple that run a potion shop.

"I've always been told that surfacers have such a delicate palate. We have some of the most amazing food stalls and types of food you can imagine here! But I doubt it will be to your liking. I'd be happy to show you if you want!"

(Knowing that Grin will agree before anyone can protest ...) With Grin's prompting, Serk leads the group into what can only be called a maze to outsiders. It winds around and in and out of itself. While the building materials are simple and the techniques used are, uh, slapdash at best, it still has a sense of beauty and wonder about it. It is pretty complex. And while the entire structure moves and creaks and gives in alarming ways, it doesn't collapse somehow. In fact, there doesn't seem to be any visual evidence of recent collapses, so that should buoy the group's confidence of getting through without mishap.

He finally brings them to a small market area that seems to be a food court of sorts. There are around a half-dozen stalls set up with various food-related items all for sale. There are lots of different pickled items, so of which you wouldn't have thought could be pickled. There are centipedes of various sizes cooked on skewers. There are insects the size of Grin's hands that have been cooked in various ways, including boiled, roasted, and grilled. There are some various worms and other subterranean creatures that have been cooked similarly. And you see fungi. You had no idea there were this many different types of fungi and this many ways to prepare the fungi, but it is all before you. If you thought that the only edible fungi were some mushrooms, this would disabuse you of that notion. (Whether it is a good idea or not is a separate issue.)

With the array before you Serk eagerly shows you different items and things that he prefers, offering comments on many of the items before them. For what it is worth, Yoci seems interested in some of the items. While there are many things she won't touch, there is still enough here for her to be satisfied with.
I gotta be honest here. I don't know if I can come up with specific descriptions of everything in front of you. Just use your imagination. I know Grin will love everything. If we saw this stuff in real life, we'd probably all be highly nauseated. However, it is up to you to determine how your character handles this. :-)
Aug 19, 2024 6:21 pm
I've got 5gp as well.
Addressing the goblins, Ealdwig hooks a thumb at Grin he's always hungry, that one. As we start to walk through the settlement, Ealdwig's eyes widen in wonderment at the enormity and complexity of it. He tries to take in all the details he can.

To no one in particular, never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to see something or someplace like this. Wow!
Aug 19, 2024 8:33 pm
Arkmenos says:
never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to see something or someplace like this. Wow!
Grin’s mouth is hanging open. He nods a wordless agreement to Ealdwig’s statement and simply whispers to himself: Home.

… At the food location - Uhhh, Serk - here’s a piece of silver. Get as much of all your favorite foods for me and for you. My boy, we’re about to feast like goblins… also, what kinds of feed do you all use for your creature companions? My goat is a hungry one.
Aug 19, 2024 10:17 pm
Stee walking through the Warren is impressed with the way it looks just slapped together but still structurally sound. Stee has also eaten many things growing up a ranger and under his fathers instruction. He was taught what was edible if need be but this is surely not need be survival. He will not partake of the wares.
Aug 19, 2024 10:36 pm
Serk is absolutely thrilled with the prospect of free food and runs to get a double-portion of a half-dozen items that he brings back to Grin. There's a small pack of roast grubs, some baked fungus, a spit-roasted centipede skewer, something unidentifiable that has been pickled, and a cup of something Serk refers to as "fungus juice".

Let's assume the rest of the group, with Yoci as their guide, is able to find some things that are reasonably palatable.
Do you want to look around more, or are you more interested in heading for the exit? Either is find and Serk is now willing to help for the whole day given Grin's geniality and generousity thus far.
Aug 19, 2024 10:53 pm
I am ready to move on when everyone else is.
Aug 20, 2024 1:24 am
same! Ready to move on.
Serk, my lad, you have a a refined palate! Thank you for that! Grin belches in satisfaction.
Aug 20, 2024 7:51 am
Let's move on
Aug 20, 2024 2:09 pm
Ok. I will progress this later today on to the next step.
Aug 20, 2024 4:15 pm
When we get safely to the exit, Ealdwig fishes in his pockets and pulls out a coin. He hands it to Serk with a handshake and his customary smile, thanks for the safe tour across your lands. Much appreciated. Want to take us the rest of the way?


Gold (1), Silver (2) - (1d2)

(2) = 2



Aug 20, 2024 11:11 pm
I'm going to be a little narrative here to get us to the next point.
Grin unquestioningly eats what he is brought, matching Serk bite-for-bite on what he has delivered. Both are happy and content. With Yoci's guidance, the others find enough to eat their fill without being too nauseated while doing so. Serk offers to bring them to the bazaar area with some shops, but Brewner insists that they needed to remain focused. They do make a stop at the edge of the shopping area to get several torches and some general supplies, but don't make a full shopping trip out of it.


"I understand," says Serk. He after what seems like an hour of winding tunnels, paths, and passageways, he guides them to an opening that leads away from the Goblin's Home. "That is probably the best way to get to Brahdhavehl. It isn't safe, but it at least keeps away from the duergar. Unfortunately, they tend to have wide-ranging patrols, so you still might meet a band. Hopefully you won't run into them. Besides them, watch out for the derro. They are insane and you never know what they might do next. They could be friendly, neutral, or outright hostile. Totally unpredictable. Normally I would say the kobolds aren't hard to deal with, but with her," motioning to Yoci, "in your group, they will likely be hostile. Be prepared for that. Other than that, you could run into various random creatures." He smiles and finishes with, "Or so I've been told. I have not wandered far from Home, so aside from some kobolds and derro, I have not run into any of that. Good luck on your travels."

When Ealdwig shakes his hand, Serk smiles and, without looking, quietly palms the coin into a safe place. "As tempting as the offer is, I cannot accept. I am still too young to wander that far away. Maybe in a couple more cycles I will be old enough. Again, I wish you the best on your journey. May your gods protect you."

And with that, they group is on their way. Unlike in the Goblin Home, this is now reverting to total black. Those new torches will come in handy right away, it would appear. Yoci checks with her holy symbol and confirms that this appears to be a good direction and they head off.
Note that I am not going to track torches or anything like that. At some random dramatic moment, if it seems appropriate, I might have you roll to see if you have another or something like that, for the most part I am going to assume you're probably OK. But the way we'll handle any questionable situations is based on Tests succeeded or failed.

I'll soon make a follow-up post to start the next phase, though feel free to make comments or adjustments if I missed anything that needed to be done or something like that.
Aug 21, 2024 12:19 am
Stee will take out his Autums Glory and pin it to his boot So he can see where he steps. He will also have his bow out and arrow handy.
[ +- ] Autums Glory
Aug 21, 2024 9:08 am
Brewner asks Yoci "Does this part of the underdark looks familiar or do you assume we still have a good distance to travel?" After Yoci answers "Serk mentioned Kobolds and this creatures are hostile towards you... i thought you had problems with Duergar and Orcs"
Am i remembering correctly?
Aug 21, 2024 8:07 pm
Sorry for the posting delay. I've paid the 5gp as well.
While in the goblin home, Oliver watched everything with wide open eyes, and when the food arrived, he took the opportunity to capture some of the scent in his smell-capture flask.
"The Warren is unlike anything I've ever seen before, Serk. Makes me want to meet a goblin engineer one day. Thank you for this tour."

As they parted their ways, Oliver readied his bat and munitions, and offered some to Yoci, to complement the sling he had lent her.
"You mentioned you could hold yourself with the sling, right Yoci? Did you ever hunt?"
Aug 21, 2024 8:34 pm
Ealdwig uses his command word and turns on his Chromacloth light. Let's keep our eyes open for any unfriendlies. Ealdwig steals himself and heads into the unknown with his friends.

Unable to turn off his inner monologue, Yoci seems to have quite a few "enemies". I hope that isn't an omen or something.



Aug 22, 2024 8:08 pm

Yoci responds, "Our primary enemy are the duergar that destroyed our previous home. However, orcs and dwarves pretty much hate each other by rule, so both our ally dwarves and the duergar fight orcs whenever two groups meet. Likewise, gnomes of all kinds and kobolds have historically hated each other too, so those such meetings tend to result in violence, too. Honestly, most organized groups in the Underdark don't mix well or get a long. The main exceptions are that the mountain dwarves and svirfneblin generally get along, and the goblins and derro are wildcards. Other than that, it is general 'eat or get eaten', unfortunately."

You continue on for another couple of hours, when you reach a large cavern. It appears to be around 100 yards long and 150 yards wide, at least according to Grin's amulet. It is filled with a fungal forest. There are dozens of different kinds of fungi, some tall as trees, the rest ranging in size from a shrub down to just a thin layer on the ground. It seems to be its own little ecosystem within the cavern.
Aug 22, 2024 11:06 pm
"Heads up, could be anything in here" Stee think he senses something he just can't quite place it.


Perception - (3d6)

(214) = 7

Aug 22, 2024 11:48 pm
MEOW! Grin looks around to judge the reaction (if any) to his outburst. It’s always good to keep people on their toes.
Last edited August 22, 2024 11:48 pm
Aug 23, 2024 11:25 pm
Not liking the look of the cavern / forest, Ealdwig starts to pull his sword from it's scabbard. Then out of nowhere a yelling Grin, startles him so badly he almost cuts himself and Grin. Heart banging in his chest, Ealdwig provides Grin with a dirty look, what in the Hells was that for? I almost cut my hand off and stabbed you! Emphatically pointing the sword at him.
Aug 23, 2024 11:28 pm
You have stopped at the entrance to the cavern to take it all in. It isn't so dense it is hard to move through, but it is dense enough to not allow you to see much in front of you in any direction. There is a general level of light in the cavern from some luminous fungi, so you don't have to use torches if you don't want. However, your line of sight is disrupted by all of the various fungi growth. There is ambient sound that you can hear, and you think you might be hearing some slight sounds of movement.

However, you are restricted from going in any particular direction. Do you want to follow one of the walls around, or do you want to go generally through the center?
Aug 24, 2024 1:11 am
Stee looks at Grin and says "You better watch out meowing Wreak might bite you."
Aug 24, 2024 1:24 am
Arkmenos says:
what in the Hells was that for? I almost cut my hand off and stabbed you!
Grin chuckles to himself. Well, friends - seems we’ve found some mushrooms. Lots of them - and here I was thinking I’m the fun guy…

He lets Havoc him forwards into the growth.
Aug 24, 2024 1:35 am
"lets be ready my friends. Can anyone tell what is moving around?" Stee will have an arrow nocked and ready. He will also look at Wreak and say "On guard Wreak."
Aug 24, 2024 8:35 am
"Can't see much ,but we may not be alone" Brewner takes a moment to focus on the sound trying to perceive its origin. Despite the luminosity of the fungi, it will also light a torch, if nothing interesting happens we will throw the torch some distance ahead of them (center)


Listen test with Eavesdropper's Medallion - (3d6)

(341) = 8

Aug 24, 2024 11:12 am
Seeing the humans react threateningly, Grin realizes that they might be in danger. He pulls Havoc back toward the entrance and readies the crossbow.
Aug 24, 2024 5:50 pm
Oliver is startled by Grin's meowing as well, but not as much as Ealdwig, so he laughs heartily with the rest to cover his own yelp.

With Brewner's words, Oliver keeps the smile and good humour there, but gets into a more alert disposition.

"Perhaps we could walk next to the wall to make sure no one can sneak behind our backs. Except a giant wall-crawling spider, of course, but what are the odds amirite?"

He grins as he approaches the wall.

"Besides, maybe I can climb a little and get a better view of what lies ahead."

Oliver uses the immovable rod and its side handles to help him climb the wall, and then looks around.
Aug 25, 2024 12:21 am
Need a roll from Oliver for what he sees ...
Aug 25, 2024 1:22 am
Rolling to see what I see


I see... - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Aug 25, 2024 8:57 pm
Oliver is able to climb up a good bit on the cavern wall-side, and sees a fairly impressive view. It looks like a fairly well developed fungal forest. The biggest "trees" are a good 20 feet tall, but most of the "shrubs" are no more than 10 feet tall, which is still taller than anyone in the party. Aside from that, there appear to be a wide range of smaller types that fill the smaller roles in the ecosystem. He does see evidence of movement of some "shrubs" towards the center of the forest, but can't make anything out.
He can see the general situation, but nothing specific.
After checking with her holy symbol, Yoci indicates that the desire path is likely more left than right, though it appears they need to cross at least most of the cavern for where they need to go.
Aug 25, 2024 9:40 pm
Oliver describes what he sees to his companions.

"Something appears to be moving among the smaller fungi, towards the center of the forest."
Aug 25, 2024 10:40 pm
"Skirt to the left?" Stee asks the others.
Aug 26, 2024 1:17 am
mathias0077 says:
"Skirt to the left?" Stee asks the others.
Aye, that sounds like a good idea. And maybe we should try to keep quiet so as not to attract attention… Looking at you Ealdwig.
Aug 26, 2024 8:31 am
"Sounds like a good plan. Very well, make sure to keep your weapons ready, there may be many things hidden in this place" Brewner says as he start to move slowly following the left wall with his back turn to it. Warhammer ready if something approaches
Stealth tests?
Is the creature moving towards the torch I threw?
Aug 26, 2024 2:45 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:
mathias0077 says:
"Skirt to the left?" Stee asks the others.
Aye, that sounds like a good idea. And maybe we should try to keep quiet so as not to attract attention… Looking at you Ealdwig.
Ealdwig mumbles under his breath, giving Grin a dirty look.

Settling down, finally, Ealdwig says, guys, I can try to climb one of the mushrooms if you think it's worth it. I can also use the my acrobat pole to get 10' up the wall if you want. Ealdwig gives a little shrug with his right shoulder.
Aug 29, 2024 6:56 pm
Sorry guys. This week has been weird.

Yoci knows nothing about that cavern.
You start moving along the wall indicated by Yoci and make good progress. You are successfully able to remain mostly quiet and your pets even seem to understand the gravity of the situation and seem well behaved and close to their new masters. The various fungi growth seems to have a narrow, but walkable border along the cavern wall. A couple of times they touch and you have to work through it, but nothing requires any hacking or struggles, so you remain quiet.

After about three quarters of the way around the wall to the far end, you thing you see the shaping of an exit relatively close. However, at the same time you finally hear movement coming from deeper towards the center of the cavern, and the noise seems to be heading toward you.
Do you make a break for it, continue on quietly, stop and try to be silent, or do something else entirely?
Aug 29, 2024 10:31 pm
Stee will stop with Wreak and whisper to the others Get Yoci out. I will cover our back. If someone wants to lend a hand it would be welcomed. He look at Wreak On guerd boy! Stee will listen to see if this a sound he has heard in all his time training with his father.


listen - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Aug 29, 2024 10:31 pm
Stee will stop with Wreak and whisper to the others Get Yoci out. I will cover our back. If someone wants to lend a hand it would be welcomed. He look at Wreak On guard boy! Stee will listen to see if this a sound he has heard in all his time training with his father.
Last edited August 29, 2024 11:08 pm


listen - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Aug 30, 2024 12:39 am
Does Stee have a crystal communicator? They let us talk to each other telepathically. Mostly short sentences I believe.
Grin will move on to the exit to scope out an escape for them. Into his communicator, he thinks: I’ll find us an escape route. he levels his crossbow towards as he approaches the exit…
Last edited August 30, 2024 12:40 am
Aug 30, 2024 1:34 am
I do not have a communicator.
Aug 30, 2024 7:46 am
Brewner will nod to Stee, remaining silent and stands beside him to help hold the line
Aug 30, 2024 3:45 pm
Quietly to Yoci, common let's go, as he quickly moves her toward the exit.
Aug 30, 2024 5:04 pm
I will stash my bow and pull my sword.
Aug 30, 2024 6:41 pm
Felix gave the one he was using back. So, yes, you do have an extra to provide to Stee if you want. Honestly, I thought you already had. There aren't enough to lend one to Yoci, however.
Aug 30, 2024 7:43 pm
Sounds good. I guess I do have one. What do they do exactly?
Aug 30, 2024 9:33 pm
The are short-ranged telepathic communicators. They let you talk to each other on a "party line" with your thoughts. It was a whole thing they worked on before you joined.
Aug 31, 2024 7:44 pm
Bat in hand, Oliver starts to move with Yoci and Ealdwig, who are following Grin's escape route. Just before splitting, he speaks to Stee and Brewner's group.

"When you make contact, let us know if you need some shots to cover your backs. Or fire. Fire's nice."
Last edited August 31, 2024 7:45 pm
Aug 31, 2024 8:46 pm
I forgot to mention that, Yoci has made sure everyone is at full health. So, no one is at a disadvantage for anything that happens now.
Oliver, Grin, Ealdwig, and Yoci head for what appears to be the exit, while Brewner and Stee slow down to serve as the screen. Each runs into something slightly different!

Oliver, Grin, Ealdwig, and Yoci find the exit blocked by a patch of weird fungi that are purple, roughly shaped like a mushroom, but have several lashing tendrils each. They aren't moving, but there are six of them and they are blocking the exit you want to use.

On the other hand, Brewner and Stee face a different threat. These are amulatory fungi shaped kind like an upside-down bell. These also have long, whip-like tendrils. Stee did hear them, but they did not sound like anything he has ever heard of before. And two of them are moving straight toward Brewner and Stee. In the distance, it sounds like there is other movement, too, but it will be a handful of minutes before they can arrive.
So, Grin, Oliver, and Ealdwig get to choose what they want to do, as they effective won initiative because they can move and the fungi they face are very slow. Choose how you want to handle this.

Brewner and Stee need to roll for initiative, as these things move as well as you do.
Aug 31, 2024 8:54 pm
"Dammit! This place is a deathtrap" Brewner says clearly irritated, gripping his Warhammer tighter


Initiative - (2D6)

(31) = 4

Aug 31, 2024 9:12 pm
"Here we go"


initiative - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Aug 31, 2024 9:16 pm
Stee will think into his communicatorOliver do fungi like fire
Aug 31, 2024 9:45 pm
Overhearing Brewner’s "deathtrap" comment and Stee’s "fire" comment, Grin throws his only flask of lamp oil onto the area around the right side of the exit - he wants to clear the vroom-shrooms from one side so the group can escape with minimum effort.

someone light this on fire! he points at the area he threw the flask at.
Sep 1, 2024 9:52 pm
I will wait until Tuesday to give everyone a time to respond. However, I will roll quickly for the Bell Fungus initative done ...
Brewner and Stee win initiative unambiguously! You can go ahead and make their Actions for the first round whenever you choose.


Initiative DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Sep 1, 2024 10:54 pm
I will pull my lasso off my hip and try to lasso one of the fungi then pull it tight.
[ +- ] Lasso
Last edited September 1, 2024 10:58 pm


To hit, lasso - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Sep 2, 2024 8:01 am
Gazing at Grin's freshly thrown oil flasl, Oliver answers into the communicator.
"I'll get an answer to that in a moment, Stee!"

And with this, he bats blazing rocks into the oil.

Action1: fiery rock
Action2: fiery rock/move

Using quickshot to load-n-bat two rocks at most. If the first rock hits, omit the second attack and let that action be a movement towards the exit instead.


Fiery rock 1 - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Fiery rock 2 - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Sep 2, 2024 9:29 am
Brewner moves towards the green fungi not bound by Stee and attack him


Attack - (3d6)

(624) = 12

Sep 3, 2024 2:29 pm
Ealdwig starts to say, should we... when Grin throws the oil and Oliver lights it on fire, guess not. Ealdwig pulls out his acrobats pole, trying to keep some distance between him and the fire. He holds the end, uses the command word and thrusts it straight out towards the creature, aiming where a face might be.
How high is the ceiling here?


Attack with pole - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Sep 3, 2024 5:24 pm
You have about 20 feet of clearance at this location. It quickly scales up as you move away from the wall into the cavern you are in. It quickly scales down as you move to the entrance of the passageway.
Stee successfully binds one of the Bell Fungi, preventing it from using its tendrils to attack. Instead, it tries to free itself and uses a spore attack. From the top opening it spews out a cloud of fungal spores. It fails to free itself and its Spore Attack fails. (The Spore Attack rolls 1d6 against each opponent in range to force Disadvantage. "Sport Attack" was the Spore Attack against Stee. Both attacks failed.)

Brewner successfully attacks the other Bell Fungus, seriously wounding it. In responds this Fungus whips at Brewner with two tendril attacks. Both hits strike true, each damaging Brewner as a result! (-2 HP total)

At the passageway entrance, the others are tangling with the Purple Mushrooms. The Mushrooms are arranged in a patch, so not all of them can reach you from their present position. However, you see them start to move towards you! The throw oil successfully splashes on four of them, and when ignited each take a point of damage, looking a bit singed.

Oliver can't move forward toward the exit, as the Purple Mushrooms are in the way. I am going to assume the second roll was just an attack at the Mushroom Ealdwig is facing. Which conveniently hits! This leaves this particular Mushroom looking particularly wilted. Ealdwig then sticks his pole in the Mushrooms top, completely deflating it. (It's dead now.)
Grin and Ealdwig each have an Action left. If Oliver wants to "take back" the successful second attack, let me know and the Mushroom can revive and you can do something else. Once the last two Actions are done, I'll finish this round with the actions of the Mushrooms.


BF Save Check to Free from Lasso DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(44) = 8

BF Sport Attack! DC:5 - Dis - (1d6)

(2) = 2

BF Tendril Attack 1 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(46) = 10

BF Tendril Attack 2 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(46) = 10

BF Spore Attack (Brewner) DC:5 - Dis - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Number of Purple Fungi hit by Oil - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Sep 4, 2024 7:01 am
Nope, not taking that back. Oliver likes deflated mushrooms :)
Sep 4, 2024 1:26 pm
Grinfletch uses Havoc to balance his crossbow as he takes aim at a fungus bebe closest to the side that they’re clearing away with fire.

Havoc says: Meow

Grin looks at Havoc, bewilderment spreading across his face.
Yes, the goat said "meow", what you gonna do about it?
Last edited September 4, 2024 1:28 pm


Crossbow - (3d6)

(612) = 9

Sep 4, 2024 3:54 pm
There are currently 3 purple mushrooms left in our way? They are in a group?
After taking out the one ugly purple mushroom, Ealdwig plants his pole and tries to vault the remaining group of fungi. Allowing him to attack from their rear.
Would I get advantage to my next attack if I was behind them?
Last edited September 4, 2024 3:54 pm


Vaulting (acrobat ability) - (3d6)

(435) = 12

Sep 4, 2024 7:09 pm
For the Purple Mushrooms, there is no "front" or "back". They may be moving in a particular direction, but irrespective of that, everything is "in front" of them. However, this does force them to divide their force. May not end up being to your benefit, but they will react based on that.
As the last action from your side on the turn, Yoci loads and fires a sling shot at the most damaged Mushroom left (the one hit by Grin's crossbow attack). And it misses!

There are five Mushrooms left (from the original six). The one Grin hit with his crossbow is looking particularly wilted. There are two additional singed Mushrooms and two untouch Mushrooms.

The two untouched Mushrooms (which were the farthest back) stop moving and attack Ealdwig. Because of their abortive movement, they each only get one attack this Turn. One of the attacks misses, but the other hits! Ealdwig takes one damage and now must make a Save Test or be poisoned! (If you fail the test, you will be at Disadvantage until you make a Save Test.)

The wilted Mushroom makes two attacks on Grin since he is the closest target. One of the two attacks hits and Grin takes one damage and now must make a Save Test or be poisoned! (Works like it does with Ealdwig.)

The other two are still moving. Since they are so slow, their movement takes both of their Actions. Next Turn both Grin and Oliver will be in range for Mushroom attacks unless you move. Yoci was farther back, so she's safe next Turn.

End of Turn 1, Start of Turn 2 and players go first.

Ealdwig is in a 2-on-1 situation and must Save or be at Disadvantage on his rolls until he makes a Save in a following Turn. He can always move away if he needs to keep distance.

Grin and Oliver are now in range for attacks from the three Mushrooms after them. All three of these Mushrooms have damage on them, one more than the rest. Yoci is currently outside their range, but depending on what movement happens, that can change.


Yoci Sling Attack DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(33) = 6

PM 5 Attack on Ealdwig DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(31) = 4

PM 6 Attack on Ealdwig DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(46) = 10

PM 2 Attack on Grin DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(46) = 10

PM 2 Attack on Grin DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Sep 4, 2024 9:47 pm
Stee will look at Wreak and say"GET EM BOY!" and then I will attack the one Brewner did.


to hit - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Sep 4, 2024 10:08 pm
Just as a side comment. For pets, if you keep them out of combat, then (outside blatantly obvious situations), they will stay out of combat. But, if you put them directly INTO combat, they are a valid target and, while I will not excessively target them, they are valid targets and will get attacked. Just want to make sure we are clear on that ...

Also, telling your pet to attack is a zero Action item. You still have a second Action.

EDIT: I am going to be generous and say that Wreak has 3 HP. It should probably be only 2, but I am giving him 3 as a small buffer. Havok, on the other hand, only has 2 HP. They are both squishy.
Sep 4, 2024 10:12 pm
Okay, I will still have Wreak attack, and will move back and pull my bow out.
Sep 4, 2024 10:14 pm
OK, cool. Go ahead and roll for Wreak's attack. Your pet, your roll. :-)
Sep 4, 2024 10:39 pm
For Wreak


to hit - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Sep 5, 2024 3:11 am
Grin will retreat 10ft as free movement, then drink an antitoxin potion. He’ll kind of nudge Havoc out of danger behind him, then take a crossbow shot at the weakest enemy.
Meh - removed antitoxin from inventory and took away 1 hp.
Last edited September 5, 2024 3:12 am


Crossbow - (3d6)

(334) = 10

Sep 5, 2024 11:31 am
Brewner will attack the nearby enemies, if the wounded green fungi still is alive he will target him
Focus and Attack


Focus+ Attack - (3D6)

(463) = 13

Sep 5, 2024 12:43 pm
After vaulting over the fungi he notices two move toward him immediately. Mumbling to himself, this was a bad idea.
If I remember correctly, when hit I can do an evade test at advantage right?
After taking the hit, he remembers that one of the potions he purchased was an antitoxin. These things must be poisonous. Ealdwig gulps the whole thing as quickly as possible and tosses the small bottle at the fungi.
I assume the drinking the potion is an action. That removes 1 hp and then gives me advantage against poison for "the next couple of minutes", is what my character sheet says. Whatever that means.
Annoyed with himself for being reckless, he strikes out at the mushroom with his 10' pole. Trying to stay as far away as possible, while at the same time hoping to put it down. He slowly backs up, keeping the pole between him and the oncoming enemy, ready to evade any strikes that come his way.
Last edited September 5, 2024 12:51 pm


Agile Defense (evade) - (3d6)

(113) = 5

Attack with pole - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Sep 5, 2024 6:29 pm
"Stee, yeah they don't like fire. But they don't seem to like a bat to the face either."

Oliver proceeds to swing twice at the damaged fungi nearby.
Action 1: swing bat with berserk
Actiob 2: swing bat with moar berserk

Let me know if I'm not close enough to attack in melee. I'm assuming I am, since I am in range to them as well.


Savage bat (2dmg) - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Moar savage bat (2dmg) - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Sep 6, 2024 7:58 pm
Brewner and Stee's Round 2

Brewner's second blow crushes the damaged Bell Fungus and it collapses in a cloud of spores. (This could is not an attack like the other one used last round. It's just a thematic death display.)

Wreak's attack succeeds, damaging the previously undamaged Bell Fungus. However, since Stee is changing weapons, this releases the trapped Bell Fungus from the whip. It strikes back at Wreak (since that is what damaged it) and it spouts out a new cloud of spores.

The straight attack on Wreak missed. However, both Wreak and Brewner need to make a Save Test or suffer Disadvantage until they do make a successful Save Test.


Tendril Attack on Wreak DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Spore Attack against Stee DC:5 - Dis - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Spore Attack against Wreak DC:5 - Dis - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Spore Attack against Brewner DC:5 - Dis - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Sep 6, 2024 8:04 pm
Ealdwig's Round 2

Ealdwig damages one of them. However, these things are very slow, so they are having trouble keeping up. As a result, they only get a single attack off each.

One attack potentially lands. Ealdwig needs to make an Evasion roll which, if failed, needs to be followed by a Save Test.


PM 5 Attack on Ealdwig DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(63) = 9

PM 6 Attack on Ealdwig DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Sep 6, 2024 8:16 pm
Grin, Oliver, Yoci, and Havok's Round 2

Grin moves back and keeps Havok out of harm's range. His one attack misses.

Yoci loads and fires her sling ... and hits! She damages one of the Mushrooms, which is now looking in pretty bad shape. She will be in range next round, so she will have to either move or fire next round.

Oliver is in range and makes two attacks. His attack lands and he takes out the most damaged Mushroom. Also, since he is the only one in range, the last two Mushrooms both attack him and move to follow the others. Both attacks land! Unfortunately, that is two more damage points. Fortunately, once poisoned, you're just poisoned. They don't "stack".

On to Round 3. Do note that one of the Bell Fungi and two of the Purple Mushrooms are now dead. The remaining Bell Fungus has been nicked. One of the remaining Purple Mushrooms is badly damaged, two are damaged, and one is unscathed.


Yoci's Sling Attack DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(61) = 7

PM 3 Attack on Oliver DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(65) = 11

PM 4 Attack on Oliver DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Sep 6, 2024 9:00 pm
Wreak save test


saving throw - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Sep 6, 2024 9:02 pm
Stee will fire two arrows at the remaining bell fungi using quick shot


to hit,to hit - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (635) = 14

3d6 : (516) = 12

Sep 6, 2024 10:13 pm
With the cloud of spores thick in the air Brewner quickie tries to cover his mouth and nose with his arm


Save with Resolute - (3d6)

(216) = 9

Sep 6, 2024 10:20 pm
Brewner uses the time that the spores take to settle down to prepare mighty attack " Go back to the cavernous depths you came from!"
Brewner attacks the remaining green fungu


Focus+ Attack - (3d6)

(352) = 10

Sep 6, 2024 10:51 pm

Grin fires two shots at the purple badshroomies.
Last edited September 6, 2024 10:52 pm


Ricky (Crossbow) - (3d6)

(262) = 10

Bobby (Crossbow) - (3d6)

(545) = 14

Sep 7, 2024 11:24 am
I will omit the first point of damage due to armor. Do I need to make a poison check? (In any case I will attack with disadvantage due to berserker)
Oliver feels one sting go through his light armor, and winces a bit, but then retaliates trying to hit the mushrooms back.

"Mashed mushroons incoming!"
Action 1: bat mashes mushroom very berserkerly
Action 2: moar mashed mushroom


Mash mushroom (berserker, 2dmg) - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Mash mushroom again (berseker, 2dmg) - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Sep 7, 2024 5:12 pm
Round 3 for everyone but Ealdwig

Stee and Brewner utterly destroy the remaining Bell Fungus, which crumples into a harmless cloud of spores. Before they can enjoy their victory, they hear that the shuffling noises getting much closer.

Oliver and Grin dispatch the two remaining Purple Mushrooms they are battling. However, they can see that Ealdwig is being (slowly) pursued by the remaining two 'Shrooms.

(Once Ealdwig acts, we can finish Round 3 and start Round 4.)
Sep 7, 2024 6:11 pm
Stee thinks to Brewner "Should we pull back to the others or hold our ground here for what is coming?" then says "Wreak come!"
Last edited September 7, 2024 6:48 pm
Sep 8, 2024 11:45 am
Grin overhearing your thoughts through the communicator says: exit is basically cleared. Might be a better choke point to defend.
Sep 9, 2024 2:02 pm
Dodging the mushroom, Ealdwig swings the pole again. Missing on the forehand attempt he connects on the backhand. Trying to keep his distance from the creature, Ealdwig makes his way towards the exit.
Last edited September 9, 2024 2:03 pm


Agile Defense (evade) - (3d6)

(524) = 11

save test if necessary - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Attack with pole - (2d6)

(22) = 4

2nd attack - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Sep 9, 2024 5:26 pm
Brewner first looks to See them to Grind Fletch, he ponders for an instant and says " Is better to keep moving, retreat slowly toward the exit, but keep a watchful eye"
Do we all use 2 actions to move towards the exit in the 3rd round?
Sep 9, 2024 9:18 pm
"Sounds good, Wreak come."
Sep 10, 2024 1:23 am
Turn 3 for Ealdwig
Ealdwig avoids the attack that almost hit him, and inflicts another point of damage on the damaged Purple Mushroom. Unfortunately, it still stands. Of the two remaining Mushrooms, one is looking very badly damaged, and the other is untouched.

At the end of Turn 3, all of the opponents, except for the two attacking Ealdwig are now defeated.

Turn 4
Stee and Brewner will have to move twice just to get into visual range of the others.

Oliver and Grin may eithe rmove and attack on the Purple Mushrooms attacking Ealdwig, or they can just not move and hit with ranged weapons.
Sep 10, 2024 8:28 am
"Only two standing! Duck, Ealdwig!"

Oliver bats two fiery rocks at the slightly damaged mushroom next to Ealdwig.


Fiery rock 1 - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Fiery rock 2 - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Sep 10, 2024 2:51 pm
Oops. I forgot to have the two remaining mushrooms attack Ealdwig. Since he did two attacks, they get their full attacks, too.

That's three hits! Go ahead and make three Evade rolls and Save Tests for any Evasion failures.
Or, just wait to see what the attacks are. The remaining PMs are almost done for. Worst case, just back up


PM 5 Attack 1 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(14) = 5

PM 5 Attack 2 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(62) = 8

PM 6 Attack 1 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(51) = 6

PM 6 Attack 2 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Sep 10, 2024 4:48 pm
mathias0077 says:
"Sounds good, Wreak come."
Brewner will follow Steer towards the rest of the group and near the exit
Move twice
Sep 10, 2024 8:11 pm
As soon as some space is cleared around the exit, Grin will rush through, but not before taking a couple more shots at the purples.


Bang! (Crossbow) - (3d6)

(551) = 11

Bang! (Crossbow again) - (3d6)

(543) = 12

Sep 10, 2024 8:53 pm
Stee and Wreak will move with Brewner. Keeping an eye behind us for whatever that other sound was.
move twice
Last edited September 10, 2024 8:54 pm
Sep 11, 2024 3:34 pm
DUCK?!? SERIOUSLY?!? I am doing all I can to get out of the way of these hideous things. Do something! Please! Ealdwig tries to evade the mushrooms attacks.


Agile Defense (evade) - (3d6)

(156) = 12

Agile Defense (evade) - (3d6)

(261) = 9

Agile Defense (evade) - (3d6)

(132) = 6

Sep 11, 2024 5:07 pm
Ealdwig manages to avoid two of the three hits! That means we still need a save for the one that did hit and 1 damage is taken. Then you can make your attack rolls (or retreat).

Also, let's see if Yoci can help ... Nope. No luck fee her this round.


Yoci Sling Attack DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Sep 12, 2024 5:12 am
Rolling for Ealdwig since he is going on vacation. Have a great time!

Also, I am assuming you are quickly moving into the passageway and out of harms way. If you want to do something different, just say so and I will modify this post and make a new one with the intended actions.
Ealdwig's system quickly fights off the effects of the poison, and he makes two quick attacks on the Mushroom he was fighting. Together with the attacks from Oliver and Grin, the last two Purple Mushrooms are finished off, allowing the group an unopposed path to the exit.

Brewner and Stee hear more movement and closer movement behind them as they rejoin the others. Taking the hint, you quickly enter the new passageway and continue down it far enough to make sure you are not being followed. Given that the fungal growth is pretty much only in the large cavern, you are not followed out of the cavern and are able to take a rest once safely far enough away from the fungal threats. Once you are safe, Yoci heals everyone (including Wreak) back to full health while everyone else rests from their encounter. Once everyone is healed, Yoci checks to make sure you actually exited from the passageway you needed to, and that appears to be the case.


Posion Save Test DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)

(352) = 10

First Attack DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Second Attack DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Sep 13, 2024 4:34 am
"Whew! Now, that wasn't so bad, was it? I'm guessing we were just invading their territory, but what intrigues me is that they attack in packs. So they're like -what- wolves? Ohhhh, okay, I see. Maybe they weren't trying to protect their territory, but were going hunting instead."

Oliver walks in a small circle muttering to himself.

"But where do they eat from? They didn't have a mouth. Ah they probably sap you through their tendrils. But what if..."
Sep 13, 2024 10:34 am
Brewner puts a hand on Oliver shoulder "We live to fight another day, is what matters. And i would prefer not to deal with does things again"
Sep 13, 2024 4:09 pm
"Quite a strange experience there for sure but it is behind us. Let's move onward." Stee will reach in his pack and pull a bit of food out and give it to Wreak. "That's a good boy Wreak. Well done."
Sep 14, 2024 2:44 pm
Grin is super impressed by Ealdwig’s injuries. He pats him on the back and says: A braver Duende I’ve never seen! Ealdwig, your bravery deserves a song!…maybe when we get to a tavern. Speaking of which, who’s ready for some more breakfast?
Sep 15, 2024 10:20 am
"Well, if we get to a tavern around here, I'm not having any mushroom now that I know what they eat."
Sep 16, 2024 7:21 am
Now that everyone is settled in and relatively safe, Brewner will investigate the surrounding, after that he will take a moment to listen, does he detect something in the path ahead?


Listen test with Eavesdropper's Medallion - (3d6)

(152) = 8



Sep 16, 2024 5:53 pm

You have made sure to get some distance away from the Fungi Cavern and are now resting for a bit in a wide area of the passage. While everyone else is catching their breath, and Yoci is making sure everyone is healed up, Brewner does some brief scouting up ahead. He returns and tells you that there is a fork in the path ahead with the passageway splitting into two different directions. You all get up and head to the fork in order to choose which way to go. Yoci pulls out her holy symbol to try to see if one path shows shorter than the other, but she gets no clear indication one way or the other. It apparently doesn't matter which direction you head.

Before moving on, Yoci stops up short. Looking at the edge of the edge of the passage wall shared by the two passages, she points to some markings and says, "That is kobold script. I can't read it, but I definitely recognize the characters." When you look closer, you see that there is indeed some kind of writing scratched into the wall's surface, and right under it is a clear sideways arrow pointing to the left side. "I don't know if it is saying that kobolds should go that direction, or if they should not go in that direction."
Sep 17, 2024 4:59 am
"Well, that's an easy one, right? If kobolds want to take that direction, I don't want to go there, and if kobolds DON'T want to take that direction, I'd rather take the kobold route."

While catching his breath, Oliver smells around to try to feel some distinctive kobold stench.


Heightened smell - (3d6)

(163) = 10

Sep 17, 2024 2:14 pm
No particular smell differentiates the paths.
Sep 17, 2024 7:50 pm
Brewner thinks in what Oliver said with a thoughtful expression, after a moment he starts laughing "Perfect logic Oliver, such a simple solution for a problematic choice."
Sep 17, 2024 9:14 pm
"Sounds like Oliver has it about right."
Sep 18, 2024 1:29 am
Good thinking Olie! It’s like my mother always said before boxing me on the ear: "If you don’t smarten up, you’ll end up dead in one of your cursed caves!" Grin laughs to himself and begins to examine the two entrances. Nothing stands out to him. Hmmm… well, I haven’t died yet, Mumsy! He boldly leads Havoc to the right, away from the arrow.
Last edited September 18, 2024 1:30 am


Dungeoneer - (3d6)

(412) = 7

Sep 19, 2024 9:14 pm
The rest of you follow along with Grin. Since none of you (including Yoci) had any information to base a decision on, you figure that Grin's impulsiveness is as good a decision maker as any.

You continue on for a couple hours or so, taking a brief break along the way. The passageway isn't particularly difficult, but it isn't perfectly easy, either. After that time, you find yourself encountering a widening of the passageway which then ends at a door. The door has no handle, latch, or opening, but it still obviously a door with a distinctive rectangular outline. The door itself appears to be made of smooth stone and sits within a flat wall of worked stone. The wall is made out of irregular stones that are perfectly fitted and combine for an incredibly smooth surface. On either side of the door are ornate iron torch holders, each holding a burning torch. The torchlight provides good light for the area in front of the door. There are no words or inscriptions that can be seen on either the wall or the door.
Sep 19, 2024 10:13 pm
Stee approaches to the edge of the torch light raises his hands and say in a confident tone. "Open says me."
Sep 20, 2024 1:15 am
There is no reaction to the verbal command.
"Friend" won't work either. :-)
Sep 20, 2024 1:36 am
Looks at the group and shrugs "You never know unless you try."
Last edited September 20, 2024 1:36 am
Sep 21, 2024 8:13 am
Brewner inspect the torches holders, does something look odd? If not, he then gives a small push in them, do they move?
Sep 21, 2024 3:25 pm
Grin knocks on the door. Housekeeping!
Sep 21, 2024 10:51 pm
The torch holders are very securely attached, though you think the torches themselves could be removed. Pushing on the holders causes no reaction.

The moment Grin's fist touches the door, it slowly starts to open. It splits down the middle and opens towards you. Once the doors are perpendicular to the walls, they stop moving and remain open. The room inside is large and well lit. This is truly a room and not a cavern. If you hadn't just spent so much time wandering through caverns and passageways, you'd think you were walking into a mansion or chateau. You can't see the whole area, as there are beautiful tapestries hanging down that block the view of most of the room. The tapestries hang to either side, and there is a path through the middle of the room. The path leads straight through and to a door as large as the one you came through on the other side. It is closed, but looks similar to the first one. There are rugs on either side of the path, but you can't see them completely. They do appear to be quite ornate.

You think you hear some hints of movement, but you can't be sure.
Sep 21, 2024 11:30 pm
Looks at Grin "Well done Grin. Shall we enter."
Sep 23, 2024 6:33 am
"Now now, someone has an artist eye for tapestries here."

Oliver stops for a moment to analyze the motifs in the tapestries, looking for any sign that could tell them who was behind them.
Sep 23, 2024 8:40 am
Brewner put his hands on his hips with a frustrated look on his face "Well done indeed Grin, you have beaten me again in cleverness" When Brewner his alerted by the sound he will gestore to the other to hold, and he then listens carefully


Listen test with Eavesdropper's Medallion - (3d6)

(514) = 10

Sep 23, 2024 3:08 pm
Ealdwig is in awe at the site. He never expected that things like this existed. He heads to the first tapestry he sees and without thinking much about it, touches it to see what it feels like. He then pulls on one side to look behind it.
Sep 24, 2024 5:54 pm
As everyone enters the room to look around, Yoci brings up the rear. Everyone is mesmerized by what you are seeing.

The tapestries look to be made of fine threads that are obviously not from anywhere the players are familiar with. They are obviously of tremendous quality. Most of the tapestries show complex patterns and indistinct but beautiful shapes, but one of them shows scenes of of a river shore with tall tropical trees on the shore. In the background is a huge triangular structure that dominates the background. You see the edges of some fine rugs poking out from behind the tapestries.

Ealdwig pulls one of the tapestries back a bit to start to look around it. He sees what looks like part of an opulent library. But before he can look farther, he hears the noise with the rest of them and freezes, looking back to Brewner, he sees him motioning to be silent. But it is too late and you all hear a feminine voice say, "It has been so long since I have had a visitor." It is at this point that you fully realize that the door behind you has silently closed.
You remain frozen as a sphinx comes into view. She smiles and says, "What brings you to my abode? I am so glad to have visitors."
Sep 25, 2024 2:51 pm
Grin is feeling proud at having accidentally opened the doors.

Upon seeing the Sphinx he says: Wow, you are beautiful! He uses his belt of trickery to try to create illusory claws and a tail for himself.
Sep 25, 2024 2:52 pm
Ealdwig mumbles something that no one can make out. He gives a slight, shy and tentative wave. Hi. Ealdwig clears his throat, and looks around fully nervous um, sorry to interrupt you. No disrespect intended.

Ealdwig, nervous, starts talking faster. We were just trying to get our new friend here home. He points toward Yoci. We got a little turned around. He stops, realizing he is rambling. He looks around for help. Oh, um, well met. I'm Ealdwig. He give another small wave.



Sep 25, 2024 8:01 pm

She looks at Grin with a slight frown, and with a barely perceptible swish of her tail, Grin's illusions are immediately dispelled. She then smiles at Ealdwig's awkwardness, before looking you all over.

She moves around you, making a big circle around your group. She positively purrs, "I am so glad to finally have visitors after all this time. Would you like to play a little game with me? Answer my riddles and I will let you pass through. Fail to answer, and you will have to leave the way you came. Do not violate my hospitality." She then smiles a horrible smile that extends way farther than you would think it should on her otherwise human-looking face, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. "The kobolds know to avoid me now, so it's been quite a while since I have had a good meal. Fortunately for you, I am not yet famished."
Sep 25, 2024 10:15 pm
Stee whispers to Brewner "I guess we chose wrong."



Sep 25, 2024 10:36 pm

"You haven't chosen poorly. Yet.

"Before we start, the nervous one said you were helping the young lady over here get home."
She turns her head towards Yoci and says, "And where would that be?"

Yoci, totally unprepared to be singled out by the sphinx, freezes for a moment. She then stammers out, "B-B-Brahdhavehl," without thinking.

"Ah, I have heard of that one. Yes, passing through here will allow you to get there without tangling with the kobolds." Turning back to look at Stee, "So, that part was not a wrong choice. Let's get things started with the first riddle:

"What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?"
Sep 25, 2024 11:50 pm
"Are we allowed to discuss these riddles as a group? I believe I know the answer but would like to talk it over with my friends."
I believe it is a river.
Sep 26, 2024 1:28 am
I have to start with the easy ones. :-)
"That is acceptable."
Sep 26, 2024 7:24 am
mathias0077 says:
Stee whispers to Brewner "I guess we chose wrong."
Brewner only shrugs

"Riddles !? Can't say they are my specialty" Brewner says with worried expression
Sep 26, 2024 8:55 pm
Oliver is left with mouth wide open as he sees the sphynx appear. He managed to regain his composture only after hearing the riddle, as it rang a bell in his memory.

"Grandma otter used to say that one. Never got to hear the answer, though. What is your guess, Stee?"
Sep 26, 2024 10:09 pm
Being an otter I would think you would know. I think it is a river."
Sep 27, 2024 5:46 am
Sep 27, 2024 3:04 pm
Ealdwig swallows hard.



Sep 27, 2024 3:20 pm

The corner of her mouth curls in a slight smile, pleased that you guessed so quickly.

"Very good. But I have a feeling you have heard that one before. Let's try another one.

What has rivers, but no water flows; has forests, but nothing grows?
What has mountains that have no height; has cities that have no light?
This one is an amalgam of two with the same answer, further modified by me to rhyme.

To set expectations, there are three riddles total, and these are all classic "sphinx riddles" that metaphorically describe a common thing or concept.
Sep 27, 2024 4:41 pm
Stee looks at the group "What do y'all think?"
Sep 27, 2024 5:11 pm
"Oh, that's a nice one. I'd say that's a map!"

"Can't believe i failed the river one for years, though", mutters Oliver.
OOC, I did not guess it. My wife did. Credit goes to her.
Last edited September 27, 2024 5:13 pm
Sep 27, 2024 6:15 pm
"I think that is right. That is what I was thinking also."
Thank you Mrs Bunt.



Sep 27, 2024 9:04 pm

She shows a look of slight surprise, and responds, "Excellent! Such a quick response with the correct answer! One more and then you can go. Answer correctly, and you can go forward. Answer incorrectly, and you leave the way you came.

What appears bright on every face, and can vanish quickly leaving only a trace?
What lights up eyes, and can be born in joy or surprise?
Let's see if Mrs. Bunt knows this one, too. :-D
Sep 27, 2024 9:14 pm
A smile maybe?
Sep 27, 2024 10:20 pm
I think you got it there, yep. Stee the unriddler.
Sep 27, 2024 11:09 pm
You guys are good at this. Glad someone is.
Sep 28, 2024 7:28 am
Arkmenos says:
You guys are good at this. Glad someone is.
The same
Sep 28, 2024 12:20 pm
So are we good with a smile?
Sep 28, 2024 3:11 pm
Yas. Go ahead, get us murdered by a sphinx :D
Sep 28, 2024 5:13 pm
Truth be told, I suck at these. Logic puzzles are more my jam. But I do admire the artistry of them, and so enjoy working with them. I did have to rework the last two to fit the form I wanted, but I didn't invent any of these.

And you have already succeeded twice, so you've already earned your lives. This is just extra credit. :-)
Sep 28, 2024 9:32 pm
Stee will answer "That would be a smile."



Sep 28, 2024 11:12 pm

At this point, she is not surprised. Fortunately, neither is she displeased. "Very impressive. You may exit from the other side." She pauses for a moment and says, "Would you be interested in one extra riddle? If you succeed at this one, I will give you a gift for being so good at the game."
Sep 28, 2024 11:18 pm
"What if we get it wrong?"



Sep 28, 2024 11:51 pm

She simply replies, "Then you don't get the gift."
You've already succeeded and she's happy with your performance. This is just a bonus for her own amusement.
Sep 28, 2024 11:56 pm
"Ask then, we are ready."



Sep 29, 2024 12:09 am


Who makes it has no need of it.
Who buys it has no use of it.
Who uses it has no knowledge of it.
Sep 29, 2024 12:26 am
Looks at the Sphinx"That is a good one. We need sometime."
I think I heard this one in a movie before. I think it is a coffin.
Sep 29, 2024 12:41 am
Grin comes out of his daydream about becoming a sphinx and thinks into his communicator to the others: Could it be forgiveness?
Oh good one - coffin sounds right.
Last edited September 29, 2024 12:42 am
Sep 29, 2024 1:22 am
I keep forgetting we have the communicators.
Sep 29, 2024 11:53 am
"This damn riddles make my head hurt!" Brewner says frustrated with his arms folded
Coffin his a good suggestion
Sep 29, 2024 4:23 pm
Wow, mathias, you're on fire. Yeah, sounds correct!
Sep 29, 2024 4:36 pm
Stee will look at the sphinx "We believe the answer is a coffin."



Sep 29, 2024 6:34 pm

She thinks for a bit, then says, "I'm feeling generous. That is not the answer I was looking for, but it is close enough that I will accept it as correct."

She pads over to an area behind a different tapestry and pulls out a crystal orb about 2 inches in diameter. She gives it to Stee and says, "If you are ever in desperate straights, destroy the orb. It will make everything within 20 feet of you become immobile and unaware for three minutes. Only someone touching you will not be affected. You cannot harm anyone while they are effected by this, but you can move freely and move them around some if you need to. When the effect ends, anyone affected will not know any time has passed."

With that she leads you over to another door, which silently opens at her approach.

"This will lead you in the direction you desire. You did well with my games! If we meet again, there is no guarantee you will be so lucky!"
In case you are wondering, the answer I was looking for was "a grave" or "the grave". But, really, the intent was the same, so I counted it as correct.
Sep 29, 2024 7:05 pm
"Thank you so much, hopefully we will not run into each other again then." Stee will stash the orb in his pack. Stee looks at the group"Let's not wear out our welcome and get moving."
Sep 29, 2024 7:16 pm
Oliver bows to the sphinx respectfully as they leave through the door.

"You really outdid yourself there, Stee. Mind you, she was very nice; we should come back and play again someday. Maybe think a riddle of our own to ask back."
Sep 29, 2024 7:50 pm
"Thanks Oliver, my father and I used to do riddles back in the day while out in the wilderness training. More training of the mind my father would say. Looks like he knew what he was talking about."
Sep 30, 2024 8:42 am
"Farewell wise creature, if our paths cross again, remember us, hopefully with no hostility in your heart. Do you have a name we can call you?"



Sep 30, 2024 7:41 pm

"I have no name, nor do I have need of one. I am simply the Guardian of the Gate."

With that, she looks over to a side of the room, where you see an ornate entry way that you had somehow not noticed before. It is decorated in many hieroglyphs that none of you are familiar with. It seems like it could have religious significance, but, again, none of you are familiar with which one it could be.

"If our paths cross again, you would again have to prove your worth to pass through. If you were to need access to the gate, however, the test is much, much greater."
Oct 1, 2024 1:51 am
Ealdwig, nods and gives a small tentative wave of thanks on the way out.
Oct 1, 2024 10:38 pm
You all head on out from the sphinx's abode, periodically checking with Yoci's holy symbol to make sure you are going in the correct direction, particularly at any decision points. You are making good progress, but are eventually getting to the point where you have to rest. You fortunately find a good alcove along the passageway you are on and decide to use that as an opportunity for rest.

What is your watch order and who takes watch? Yoci will take whichever shift you want her to. Also, what are you doing about light, fire, food, and such while resting?
What? No! This is in no way a leading question! How could you think such a thing?
Oct 1, 2024 11:38 pm
Stee and Wreak will take middle watch. I am using Autum's Glory for light. To bad the sphinx didn't feed us before we left. I will bust into my rations.
Oct 2, 2024 12:01 pm
Brewner will take the first watch and use is rations
Oct 2, 2024 2:16 pm
It is for the best that the sphinx didn't invite you to dinner or offer you any of her food. I am sure none of you would have liked either ...
Oct 2, 2024 3:03 pm
To keep the spirits up, Oliver attempts to make a stew with part of the rations and some spices from around, lighting a small fire with a couple taps of his bat.

"The fire might be handy in case of emergency too."


Detect edible spices via smell - (3d6)

(625) = 13

Cook decently - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Oct 3, 2024 2:21 am
How many per shift? 2?
Ealdwig will take third shift. He has his Chromacloth for light, as well as the fire if we can keep it going.

Ealdwig takes out one of his rations and reluctantly offers it to Oliver to make his stew. This better be good Oliver, Ealdwig comments good naturedly with a smile.



Oct 4, 2024 3:05 pm

The group settles down for the "night". (You have no idea what "night" or "day" is right now, as you have been undergound for a couple days, which is long enough to have lost track.) Oliver prepares a meal with what they have and it is better than anyone (including Oliver) expected given their meager ingredients. You chat while you eat.

Yoci says, "We're very close to where both groups will patrol, so we'll need to be very vigilant going forward. I don't recognize these particular tunnels, but the indication," show motions to her holy symbol, "is that we are getting closer to the city. Know that the duergar don't really negotiate. You are either an enemy or a slave/prisoner; there isn't much nuance." She shudders, "And if they find out I'm an escapee and you freed me, then we're all just enemies. We'll need to be extra vigilant from here on out."

Brewner and Oliver takes the first watch. Oliver takes the time to clean up from the meal and make sure everything is properly stowed so they can leave quickly the next "morning". Brewner stoically stays vigilant throughout the watch, and you don't talk much, focusing on your tasks.

Stee, Wreak, and Grin take the second watch. Havok sleeps through the whole "night". You chat some in order to make sure you stay away throughout your watch, which succeeds.

Ealdwig and Yoci take the third watch. You are both relatively rested, so you have no problem staying alert. Yoci recommends not activating the Chromacloth and just sitting in the barely visible embers of Oliver's fire. She can see in the dark and recommends that Ealdwig can use the Chromacloth's light as a sudden action if anything does show up. If nothing shows up, it can be saved for later use.

As the watch is ending, Ealdwig and Yoci get up to start waking the others. However, before they can do that they both hear a sound that is way too close to them. It sounds like something has managed to sneak up on them without them hearing it and is very close to them.
You each get one Action before whatever it is acts. You cannot directly attack because you don't know exactly where it is and you don't have any weapons readied. @Arkmenos, you can direct Yoci's action, too, this one time.
Oct 4, 2024 11:59 pm
Stee being a light sleeper awakens to a out of place sound. He stands up and whispers "Wreak on guard." He had Autum's Glory out which provides '10 of light. He pick up his bow as he stands up.
Oct 5, 2024 8:48 am
"You each" includes us sound sleepers, or just Ealdwig and Yoci?
Oct 5, 2024 2:33 pm
I meant Ealdwig and Yoci. If you have Perceptive, you can make a roll. But, initially, I'm wanting Ealdwig's (and Yoci's) Actions.

For Stee, let's do this: make a roll for Wreak. If he succeeds, you get an Action to be ready like you described. Otherwise, you're just rousing.
Oct 5, 2024 4:49 pm
Oct 5, 2024 5:06 pm
Grin sleeps soundly, curled up with Havok.
Oct 5, 2024 8:23 pm
Wreak perception


Perception - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Oct 5, 2024 9:37 pm
I'm still gating on a response from @Arkmenos. That said ...
Stee awakens to a low growl from Wreak. He quickly gathers himself in the dark. Gathering up his bow and igniting his Autumn's Glory ... Wreak is now alert and by Stee's side.
Oct 5, 2024 10:54 pm
Brewner is snoring, sleeping profoundly while dreaming about pirate adventures like captain Bloodbaine

" (snoring)...Yarrrrr...(snoring)..."
Oct 6, 2024 4:12 pm
Stee will nudge Brewner with his foot to wake him up.
Oct 7, 2024 4:53 pm
Sorry. Busy weekend.
Ealdwig startled by the noise, he turns toward it. Whispering to Yoci, what was that? Using the command word light, the Chromacloth turns on immediately.
Does he see anything? Were we already up and moving towards everyone?

If so, I kick the nearest person to wake them up, while pulling my sword.
As clearly as Ealdwig can muster he says, um, who goes there?
Last edited October 7, 2024 4:54 pm
Oct 7, 2024 10:50 pm
Ealdwig's beacon of light shines on the area from where the sound was heard. The light is pretty bright, and a medium sized creature is easily seen. It is scrawny and vaguely cat-like in appearance. Before anyone can do anything, the skin on the creature's face is ripped back revealing the horrifying bone and muscle underneath. It simultaneously lets out an ear-splitting screech that compels those who witness the action to flee in terror.
OK, I need save tests for Ealdwig, Yoci, Stee, and Wreak. (Arkmenos, make both your and Yoci's saves. mathias0077 make both Stee and Wreak's saves.) If you succeed, those affected are at disadvantage for one turn. If you fail, you have to use both Actions to move away from the source. This is a supernatural effect, not a purely natural effect.

Brewner, Oliver, and Grin are now completely awake. Since you were asleep, you have to spend one Action to get up. You may act at disadvantage for the second Action.
Oct 7, 2024 10:55 pm
Save test Stee/ Wreak


Save test Stee/ Save test Wreak - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (44) = 8

2d6 : (62) = 8

Oct 8, 2024 5:32 am
With all the ruckus, Oliver jolts awake, but struggles to stand up, still dizzy from a good nights sleep. The creature's horrid appearance finishes waking him up.

"Oi! What? Aaaaah!"

He grabs the nearest item (his bedroll) and tosses it at the creature.


Bedroll roll - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Oct 8, 2024 10:15 am
Brewner awakes like a bolt instinctively grabbing his Warhammer.
"What awful noise was that!? What awful thing is that!?" Brewner says as he notices the creature. He is going to move toward it, putting himself between the creature and his companions
Oct 8, 2024 2:15 pm
Ealdwig recoils in horror. Thrusting his blade toward the monstrosity.
Not sure if I should be rolling one or two d6 so I did them both.
Last edited October 8, 2024 2:19 pm


Ealdwig save test - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Yoci save test - (2d6)

(16) = 7

attack with sword (Mastery at disavantage) - (2d6)

(66) = 12

attack with sword (Mastery at disavantage) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Oct 8, 2024 3:25 pm
Damn! Those are some nice rolls! Too bad the attack was at Disadvantage. No critical, but still a hit.

As a bit of explanation, if a roll has Disadvantage, it is just 1d6 irrespective of how many dice would have been otherwise used. However, you had two Actions, so I just interpreted them as two rolls, not alternative rolls. So, you get a hit and a miss for your Actions.
Ealdwig, completely unfazed by the creature's horrific appearance and screech leaps forward and attacks twice with his sword. The first hit connects, but the second misses. You makes a sling attack, but it also misses.

Wreak rushes forward and attacks, but he also misses.

The creature, wounded and seeing that it is badly outnumbered, pulls back.

Stee, being overcome but the creature's screech, quickly flees for two rounds before being able to recompose himself. When he does, he finds himself face-to-face with five more of the creatures who have just advanced on him.
OK, they have spent their Actions getting into position opposite Stee. Stee is at Far range to everyone else, as are the five creatures who are now adjacent to him.

No one has Disadvantage anymore, as the effect is only momentary.


Yogi sling attack - (D6)

(4) = 4

Wreak attack - (D6)

(4) = 4

Oct 10, 2024 1:20 pm
My bad! Here I’ll catch up.
Grin jolts awake and rushes Havok to the back of the group, while readying his crossbow.

He then takes two shots at the creature.
Surprise action: focus
Regular actions: two crossbow shots (first with focus)


Crossbow - (3d6)

(142) = 7

Crossbow - (3d6)

(225) = 9

Oct 10, 2024 3:39 pm
The creature that was near Yoci and Ealdwig, retreated? Was I able to see if it ran into the dark, basically fleeing or do I think it just move back a little to regain confidence for it's next attack?

Far range means it takes a whole turn to get to him, I assume?
Oct 10, 2024 7:12 pm
The creatures are apparently not hardy, as Grin's second shot took out the one that menaced Ealdwig and Yoci. (It has pulled back, but stayed at Far to keep track of things.

On the other hand, Stee is now facing down a pretty imposing sight ...
Grin, Oliver, and Brewner are all focused on the creature that let out the screech. Brewner offered himself up for attack and Oliver went for the distraction. Grin, however, chose the offensive strategy and hit it once, killing it in conjunction with Ealdwig's successful attack.

Stee, Wreak, Ealdwig, and Yoci have yet to act this turn.

Stee and his unwanted companions are at Far from everyone else. It will take either two moves for everyone to get to him, or for him to get back.
Oct 10, 2024 8:09 pm
does my first shot at focus hit?
Oct 10, 2024 9:01 pm
If the first shot has focus, then, yes, it would have hit. But, how did you get three Actions?

In the end, it only needed one hit to kill it. But how did you get three Actions?
Oct 10, 2024 10:58 pm
Stee will pull his sword and attack the closest one and then back up with intention to keep them in sight. "Wreak to me! Heads up five more back here!"


to hit - (3d6)

(326) = 11

Oct 10, 2024 10:58 pm
Stee will pull his sword and attack the closest one and then back up with intention to keep them in sight. "Wreak to me! Heads up five more back here!"


to hit - (3d6)

(326) = 11

Oct 11, 2024 1:17 am
daryen says:
If the first shot has focus, then, yes, it would have hit. But, how did you get three Actions?

In the end, it only needed one hit to kill it. But how did you get three Actions?
Sorry, I was late on getting in the action on the disadvantage round, so I tried to add that to my full- round actions in one post. Sorry, if I miss a round in future I’ll just roll with it :)
Oct 11, 2024 3:14 am
Ok, it was from last turn. Gotcha!

Like I said, it didn't matter. But thanks for explaining.
Oct 11, 2024 4:13 am
We are aware where Stee is and we have seen the creatures around him too, right?
Oct 11, 2024 1:51 pm
Yes. That is correct.
Oct 11, 2024 5:00 pm
Oliver points in Stee's direction.

"Oi, Grin downed one like a fly! But, Stee, get away from there!"
I thought Oliver would get a turn by now, but all good, pure RP for now.
Oct 11, 2024 10:18 pm
Oliver does have the chance to do something, but your only remaining opponents (and Stee) are Far away. So, if you wanna take a long-range pot-shot, go for it!

Also, if I wasn't clear, Stee also has his two actions. He can retreat to the group, making no attacks, or he can stand and fight alone. Or something else I can't think of. After that, the creatures get to move and we move to the next turn.
Oct 11, 2024 10:25 pm
I was thinking make one attack and back half to the group that way it would only take one move for them to reach me and maybe give these monster something to think about and make them pause. If not I will move to the group and ready myself to attack next round.
Oct 12, 2024 3:48 am
To help you make your decision, they will have to spend a move to keep up with you for each move you make. So, if you make one move and one attack, they have to make one move and can make one attack each. If you make two moves, then they have to make two moves to keep up.
Oct 12, 2024 12:18 pm
Stee will back up towards the group with sword drawn keeping an eye on the creatures.
Oct 12, 2024 2:20 pm
Ealdwig unsure of what to do, heads towards Stee to help.
Oct 12, 2024 3:30 pm
OK, I am seeing both of you taking one Action to get a feel for the creatures. Normally, that's not how it is supposed to work, but I'm flexible. :-)
Stee takes a move back towards the group, and Ealdwig advances toward Stee. This means you two are (roughly) at the same spot. The creatures advance on both of you. You may now stand and fight, or retreat again to the rest of the group.
The creatures appear to still be hostile and intent on continuing the encounter. You may stand here and start the fight here, giving a screen to the rest of the group for them to make missile attacks, or you can pull back one more time to have the whole group engage together at basically the same range.
While you are moving around, Yoci makes two sling attacks at one of the creatures ... and both are ineffective. You are starting to get a sense of why she got captured. ;-)


Yoci's Sling Attack 1 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Yoci's Sling Attack 2 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Oct 12, 2024 9:55 pm
Stee will tell Ealdwig "I am standing and giving shield to our range fighters." Stee will stop with sword ready. "Wreak, here boy. On guard!!"
Oct 13, 2024 7:16 pm
Pew pew! Grin moves a couple steps towards the far folk and shoots off a couple crossbow pot shots.
I assume it’s with disadvantage but I don’t recall.


Far shot - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Far shot - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Oct 14, 2024 3:36 pm
Ealdwig nods and attacks, trying to point the light from his chromacloth directly into the face of the creatures.
Last edited October 14, 2024 3:37 pm


Attack with sword - (3d6)

(554) = 14

attack with sword - (3d6)

(525) = 12

Oct 14, 2024 5:56 pm
Brewner will move towards the creatures and attack.
"You will regret awakening me foul beasts! We are no easy prey."
I am sorry if i am acting out of turn, i lost track of the actions


Attack - (3d6)

(516) = 12

Oct 14, 2024 6:55 pm
I meant to say, this POST is in progress now. Then I got sidetracked to other stuff. Lemme just go ahead and start the turn transition again ...
The intent of the first creature was to scare the group into the main group. However, it's screech was premature, meaning the group wasn't prepared for Stee's arrival, thus giving him a chance to retreat, which he did. Ealdwig moved up to join with Stee to try and help form a defense so the missile oriented members could start getting off their ranged attacks. The creatures had to pursue to keep up, and the turn ends with them making attacks against Stee and Ealdwig. Three attack the former; two the latter. Each of you sustains two hits. Thus ending that turn.


Creature 2 Attack on Stee DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Creature 3 Attack on Stee DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Creature 4 Attack on Stee DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Creature 5 Attack on Ealdwig DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Creature 6 Attack on Ealdwig DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Oct 14, 2024 7:11 pm
At the start of the next turn, you begin your attack in earnest.

Ealdwig makes two attacks, both of which hit, taking out Creature 6!

Brewner advances to the defense line and takes his own swing at Creature 2, dropping it in one shot!
As you can tell, it doesn't take much to drop one of these, fortunately.
Grin takes a pair of shots with his crossbow.
You are not under disadvantage, but have your normal Mastery rolls. So, please roll 2d6 for each shot for the extra two dice you should have had on your attacks. You only get two dice per shot because you already rolled one die per attack.
Wreak quickly moves to join Stee and gets one attack. So, we need two rolls for Stee's attacks and one roll for Wreak's attack.

Oliver also gets to act this turn. He can make two ranged attacks, or he can move and make a melee attack.

Yoci makes two sling shot attacks, too ... and misses with both.


Yoci Sling Attack 1 on Creature 5 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Yoci Sling Attack 2 on Creature 5 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Oct 14, 2024 9:43 pm
Stee Says "Let's get it! Wreak attack!"

Stee attacks

Wreak attack
Last edited October 14, 2024 9:44 pm


to hit - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (424) = 10

3d6 : (536) = 14

to hit - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Oct 15, 2024 10:25 am
Sorry took so long to write!
"Bat the cat!"

Oliver bats two fiery rocks at the nearest creatures.


The otter bats the cat with a rock - (2d6)

(14) = 5

The cat is hit with a rock that the otter bats - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Oct 15, 2024 8:04 pm
To move things along, I'm rolling the extra dice for Grin ... Well, that didn't help ...
Out of all of the additional attacks, only Stee does additional damage, but it does not take out any more. There are now just three left.

... and they run away. The party is bigger than they thought and half their number is now dead. Their plan didn't work and it's gone badly since then, so the survivors are now getting out of there.
I was honestly going to go at least another round, but realized they were doomed. If I realized it, then they would likely figure it out and cut their losses. There are smaller patrols for them to find and hunt. This prey was too much for them.
As they retreat, the wounded one looks back and lets out a screech. It isn't trying to scare anyone, so there is no practical effect, but it is loud and angry.

Hearing that, Yoci says, "We need to move quickly. If anyone heard that last one, they will know the creatures lost and will come to see what is going on. And whether duergar or kobold, they won't be friendly."

She checks with her holy symbol to make sure they are heading correctly, heals Stee and Ealdwig, and urges you to get going.


Extra dice for shot 1 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Extra dice for shot 2 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Oct 15, 2024 8:55 pm
"We should move then. Wreak come."
Oct 16, 2024 6:59 am
"Yes! Enough of this damn caverns." Brewner says as he quickly gathered his things
Oct 17, 2024 10:21 am
"My bedroll-throw game surely taught them a lesson or two."

Oliver snickers while picking up camp.

"Let us go then!"
Oct 17, 2024 11:20 pm
Sorry for the late post
Ugh - I’m ready for a good meal! he rushes after the others.
Oct 18, 2024 2:45 am
Ealdwig hurriedly grabs his gear and heads off with the group. Catching up to Yoci, thanks, I feel much better.



Oct 19, 2024 3:18 am
You're getting close, which means things get interesting now!
As you continue to move Yoci seems to become both more concerned and more excited. She is excited about the chance to get home, but also concerned because now things can get really dangerous from competing patrols.

Having left the weird creatures behind, you notice that the passages start having more branches and more intersections, and sometimes those intersections are large enough to almost be considered a cavern, rather than just a larger space in a passage. At first Yoci checks her holy symbol as some of the intersections, but you notice she checks with it less and less. Finally, in one large intersection, she approaches one wall and points to a mark on it. Tapping the mark she says, "This is a mark from the Duergar. I am not sure what it means, but they use it to leave simple messages to following patrols. In all the cases where my trainers showed me examples, they seemed to try and keep them subtle or not obvious. This one is the opposite. It is blatantly obvious."
You can talk or ask questions before the next part, if you want.
You continue on and eventually find yourself approaching a larger intersection area. It isn't a proper cavern, as it isn't a large open area. Rather, it is a bunch of overlapping areas that tie together and separate randomly. As you look through this area, Yoci takes out her holy symbol to double-check, but before she can, you hear the sound of what sounds like a small group coming from a path perpendicular to your intended path. (So, if you entered on the south-ish side and were heading to the north-ish side, the noise is coming from the east-ish direction. Obviously, there is no real compass direction down here, but this is used purely for illustrative purposes.) You hear voices coming from them and by Yoci's reaction, you can assume they are duergar. You can't make out what they are saying, but you only hear two of them. You probably have a turn or two before they get relative close to where you are, unless they make a direct turn to the side.
Oct 19, 2024 9:55 am
Brewner will spit on the Duergar mark and tries to erase it with his boot.

As they ear the unknown figures approach Brewner will try to hide behind a rock, preparing for an ambush or let them pass without raising alarm
Oct 19, 2024 2:27 pm
I need rolls to find things like a hiding spot. You can have advantage if you have a reason, like Dungeoneer or an applicable background. No automatic Focus under time constraints unless you risk the extra time. So, make sure the appropriate person makes the rolls.
Oct 19, 2024 11:19 pm
Would perceptive count for advantage in this situation?
Oct 20, 2024 1:51 am
Sure. That means either Stee or Grin should be making the roll. When doing so, let me know what you are attempting to find and do with what you find.
Oct 20, 2024 11:57 pm
Oh my days - we’d better look for a hiding place!


Hiding place - (3d6)

(146) = 11

Oct 21, 2024 12:52 am
Is that roll enough or do I need to roll also?
Oct 21, 2024 2:10 am
That roll will do. Sorry for not seeing it earlier.
Using his superior skill in navigating underground, Grin finds two areas the group can use. One is a side dead end. Assuming the incoming duergar are simply passing through an area they know, they will not likely investigate a known dead end without reason. The other is an "overpass" of sorts that would not be used to pass through, but should give the group a chance to either avoid the duergar, or at least get the drop on them.
Do not forget that duergar can see in the dark. This means that any light, even in the distance will stick out to them. It also means that a sudden bright light will likely dazzle them for a round, giving them disadvantage for that round.
Oct 21, 2024 9:52 am
Stee will stash his Autums Glory for the time being as he hide with the others. He looks to Wreak and whispers"Quiet now boy."
Oct 21, 2024 1:23 pm
Grin is feeling protective, and given the options and the short time to hide, he guides the group to the side dead end - over here- He settles himself and Havoc and extinguishes his lantern.
Oct 21, 2024 6:59 pm
Oliver holds his breath while they walk to the dead end, not daring to say a word, but his mind racing to think of any concoction in his bag that could help them out.
Oct 21, 2024 8:09 pm
Brewner will follow Grinfletch to the dead end and quietly awaits
Oct 22, 2024 3:12 pm
Following Grin and the group, Ealdwig whispers the command word light and the Chromacloth goes out. Due to his small frame Ealdwig will hid behind one of the humans. He pulls his sword slowly and carefully in case it is needed.
Oct 23, 2024 3:17 am
You all squish in and push back to the back end of the dead end passage, keeping the pets farthest back. You stay as quiet as possible, keeping the animals quiet also. Sure enough the noises get closer and closer while you wait. From the sounds, you can tell there are around a dozen or so individuals. You start to be able to hear banter between some individuals, slowly making out more words and finally whole sentences. Unfortunately, most is spoken in dwarvish, which none of you understand. However, a couple of minor voices are using the common trade language, too, which you can make out. While you aren't able to hear entire conversations, you do hear some phrases and comments. Examples include normal small talk one would expect of soldiers out on a patrol, but not in any immediate danger. As they get uncomfortably close, they stop.

You can hear the squad quickly shift into a formation, after which you only hear one individual moving in a slow and deliberate manner. He speaks harshly (or at least you think he does, as the whole dwarven language sounds harsh to non-native speakers). After what seems like an hour (but is in reality only a few minutes), the squad starts moving again and you hear them leave in a direction different from whence they came. However, before you have much of a chance to do anything, you hear a voice that obviously didn't leave with the squad.

Oddly, the voice, which while spoken by a dwarf, is using the common trade language.

"This is stupid. Nothing ever happens here."

Another voice responds, "Shut up. Whine too loudly, and your complaints will make it back to the Squad Lead, and then you'll pay for it."

"And how is he going to find out about my whining? Is there a magic listening stone here?"

"No. I'll just tell him. Plus you talk so loudly that he is probably still close enough to hear it echoing around these confusing passages."

"You always were the suck-up."

And on their bickering continues. Despite the contention, there doesn't seem to be much animosity between the two voices. However, they don't stop.
The two voices are not too far away from the entrance to your dead-end hideaway. You have no idea how long they intend to stay, when or whether the squad will come back, or exactly which direction they came from or left to. However, you do think that they were heading in a direction potentially close to the direction you want to go in. If you stay here too much longer, I will need a roll for Wreak and Havok to see if they can maintain their composure.
Oct 23, 2024 12:10 pm
Remember the communicators we have
Using his psionic resonance communicator, Grin messages: what should we do? They must have noticed some of our tracks or something, otherwise they wouldn’t have left a couple guards.



Oct 23, 2024 3:08 pm
Yoci responds, If they thought anyone was here, they would have searched with the whole squad. They are doing this for a purpose that doesn't involve us. I don't know what it is, though. Regardless, it can't be good.
Oct 23, 2024 8:23 pm
They are speaking dwarven. Maybe they are friends of yours Yoci.
Oct 24, 2024 7:22 am
"Just one way to find out, let's surprise them if they are friendly good, if they are Duergar we catch them while the rest of the squad is away" Brewner communicate with a shrug



Oct 24, 2024 2:34 pm
They are duergar. They might talk to you, but you can never trust them. And if they see me, they will instantly be hostile unless I am your prisoner and you turn me over.
Oct 24, 2024 2:42 pm
Well we aren't going to "turn you over". Ealdwig says sarcastically. That's just ridiculous. Maybe you could continue to hide here and someone, can go talk with them. Grin and I are unassuming. Maybe we could wonder toward them and ask questions. Long pause, you'll have our back right? Or maybe one of you talls can do it.
Oct 24, 2024 10:56 pm
While deliberating, you hear, "Well, we just have to make the best of it for the next couple hours while we wait for them to get back."

"Good thing nothing ever happens here. I don't even know why we have to be here."

"It's your fault we were the ones left here, you know."

And at that the bickering continues.
Oct 24, 2024 11:25 pm
Stee will pull his bow and ready an arrow "I will have you covered the whole time."
Oct 25, 2024 1:12 am
Maybe Ealdwig and I can lead them in here and we can tie them up and get some information from them?
Oct 25, 2024 2:36 am
We'd better hurry, if the rest of the group is coming back. Ealdwig sheaths his sword quietly. He takes a deep breath, are we going to do this? Should we leave our gear behind?

We should go out bickering, how did you get us lost, nonsense like that. Think it'll work?
Oct 25, 2024 5:06 am
Oliver gets his bat ready, and takes his time to get out something from his bag.

"Eh, it looks like we have plenty of time anyway. Aha! Here it is."

He produces two vials of purple swirling liquid.

"It's Deepshade. We could spray them and send them down to Dream's land for an hour. They'll even wake up before their party comes back, and be too embarrassed to admit they fell asleep. Best if they don't see our faces at all, so I agree it's you two little ones who are best fit to it."
[ +- ] Deepshade
I'm not sure whether I should have three vials or two vials. I gave one to Felix before he left, and right now there are two written in my inventory.

Edit: Just checked. I have two in total, assuming Felix gave the potion back before leaving.
Last edited October 25, 2024 5:18 am
Oct 25, 2024 3:07 pm
Ealdwig takes one vial. Not a bad idea. Grin and I will wonder over arguing about being lost. Which will get us close. Then we can spray them. Sounds good to me. Grin? Slight pause, anyone have something that will look like a map we can carry around?
Oct 25, 2024 3:35 pm
OK, a couple things:

1) I am good with two vials. Let's go!

2) Remember: It is absolutely dark. No one outside Yoci has darkvision. You can fumble your way towards them (which could help with the distraction), but you will throw/spray the vials with Disadvantage unless you have Darkfighter or you have some kind of light that will let you see them. If you have light, then it will be a Standard roll. You may use Focus.

As an aside, I find it kinda interesting that pretty much the only standard player heritage (in the official book, anyway) that has Darkvision is Dwarf.
Oct 25, 2024 4:40 pm
This is interesting!
Right, let’s do this! Let’s sneak over first, and then surprise them with your light in their faces, then we ask them questions and throw the vials… I really gotta pee… did I just think that out loud? Nevermind - if we call for help, please come help.
Oct 25, 2024 4:57 pm
"Grinfletch! if you need help to pee you need to see the healer next time we are in town, you need to take care of yourself" Brewner communicates with a concerned expression
Oct 27, 2024 6:00 pm
I don't think I have enough to work with yet. Give me what you are attempting to do, and a roll and we'll get to the next step.
Oct 28, 2024 2:54 pm
Ok so we're hiding in a dead end cave and the "guards" are at the mouth of this cave, which leads to a cavern or tunnel. They are sitting / standing and talking. Definitely, not looking this way. correct? And we can't see at all, nothing?

How does the potion work? Do we pour it on them? Throw it? Break it? I assume it's not an aerosol can. Is the opening of the vial large enough to toss it in their face like a you see in movies?
Ok Grin, how do we navigate over there without light? I have the Chromacloth with has dim light, but they'll see that immediately. Then we have to explain why we're in here. Taking a nap? Sounds dumb and dangerous, but it might get us close to them. We just need to get close right?

Pausing to think.

Maybe we can make a noise and have them come in here. We can encircle them and chloroform them.
Or whatever the fantasy term is for that...
Last edited October 28, 2024 2:56 pm
Oct 28, 2024 2:56 pm
Let’s try to sneak over there in the dark and surprise them with the light, then toss these vials at them and hope it puts them out.
Does this make sense?
Oct 29, 2024 12:56 pm
We could just toss the vials and hopefully put them both to sleep, we probably going to need light to see them and hit them with the vials
Oct 30, 2024 6:15 pm
Just for the record, I am watching this. When you make your rolls, I'll launch into the next piece.
Oct 30, 2024 11:50 pm
let’s try to sneak and if they hear us and come to check it out - we can ambush them?
Grin tries to make his way back out towards the dwarves in the dark. He thinks to the others: I’ve had to grope through the dark in caves without light many times. This should be easy.
Post roll-
Last edited October 30, 2024 11:51 pm


Stealth in darkness - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Oct 31, 2024 10:15 pm
Heh ...
Grin tries to sneak along the wall silently, but trips over an unseen protrusion making a notable noise. His training does allow him to not call out or say anything audible.

"What was that!?" says one of the guards.

"I don't know, but we'd better check it out," replies the other guard.

With that, you hear them deliberately advancing down the corridor to your position ...
They heard a noise and are carefully investigating. They don't know what made the noise since Grin's training kept him from saying anything by accident. So, how are you going to handle them? Let's toss some virtual dice!
Nov 1, 2024 3:20 pm
Grin thinks to all the others: oops - They’re coming - get ready to shine all lights on them, then we can toss the vials at them.
Nov 1, 2024 5:41 pm
Ealdwig readies the vial waiting for the light. Hopefully, he doesn't trip over Grin or the protrusion in the process.
Last edited November 1, 2024 5:44 pm
Nov 1, 2024 8:20 pm
Give me some Standard Test rolls from whomever is going to ignite the lights.

Then give me some Standard Test rolls from whoever is throwing/spraying the vials. Depending on the success of the first rolls, these might become Disadvantaged, but this keeps the options all open.
Nov 4, 2024 1:53 pm
Grin focuses and prepares to throw his vial.
No roll yet - I’ll wait for the lights
Nov 4, 2024 11:10 pm
Maybe we should let Wreak and Havok walk out.
Nov 5, 2024 3:35 pm


Toss vial - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Nov 5, 2024 3:39 pm
mathias0077 says:
Maybe we should let Wreak and Havok walk out.
Good idea.


Toss vial - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Nov 5, 2024 5:23 pm
Oliver holds his breath expectantly.
Bunt watches the rolls fail miserably.
Nov 6, 2024 1:49 am
I think I almost have enough to work with here. Just one question: who is creating any light?
Nov 7, 2024 7:43 pm
I'll switch on the Chromacloth during the toss the vial. It's just dim light, however.
Nov 7, 2024 10:20 pm
That took longer than expected! I apologize for the delay!
Ealdwig activates his chromacloth light which, fortunately, shows enough to see where the two dwarves are. However, only one Grin's hits. Unfortunately, the one hit resists the effects of the deep shade. However, because of all of the movement, they only get one Action this turn.

"What was that?? queries the first one.

"Surfaces!" exclaims the other.

They both attack, and the first one says, "Surrender now or be killed!"

Both attacks failed, so no damage to anyone.
The preliminary action is now over. Everyone can move and attack. As long as Ealdwig keeps the light going, the ranged weapon users can attack from the second rank. Melee attacks need one move to close the distance.


Save Test DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Attack against Grin DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Attack against Eladwig DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Nov 11, 2024 8:03 am
From the shadows Brewner will move towards the dwarfs Warhammer in both hands " This will be your end!" Brewner says to the one that ordered them to surrender


Attack - (3D6)

(533) = 11

Nov 11, 2024 10:48 am
Stee seeing that the plan didn't work and with the coming of light will let arrow fly. He will also say "Wreak attack!"
Last edited November 11, 2024 10:48 am


to hit - (3d6)

(554) = 14

Nov 11, 2024 4:20 pm
Ealdwig shrugs, that didn't work so well. He reaches for his goblin sword, given to him by his good friend Skeeve, and slashes at the guard he missed with the vial.


Attack with sword - (3d6)

(245) = 11

Nov 11, 2024 9:13 pm
Excited by everyone charging into melee, Oliver moves forward as well, and vigorously swings his bat at the dwarf who just threatened them.

Action 1: Move
Action 2: swing bat (berserker)


Swing bat (berserker) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Nov 11, 2024 10:23 pm
You guys had quite the roll going!

@mathias0077, since Stee has Quick Shot, you can use both actions to fire arrows. Also, please roll for Wreak, too.
Nov 11, 2024 11:17 pm
Stee will nock another arrow and fire. As he watches Wreak start his attack.


Stee to hit - (3d6)

(454) = 13

Wreak to hit - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Nov 11, 2024 11:17 pm
Stee will nock another arrow and fire. As he watches Wreak start his attack.
I forgot about quick shot.
Last edited November 11, 2024 11:18 pm


Stee to hit - (3d6)

(251) = 8

Wreak to hit - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Nov 12, 2024 3:33 am
Heh. You accidentally did a double post. However, the results were basically the same! Thanks for making my life easier!
Nov 12, 2024 12:07 pm
Double post can occur due to glitching networks
Nov 15, 2024 7:27 am
Going to finish up this turn ...
Grin takes a step back (Move), the Attacks with the crossbow at the one engaged with Brewner.

Yoci makes a sling attack against the same.

The second duergar drops from the onslaught of Ealdwig, Stee, and Wreak. The first is staggered. He quickly realizes his situation and turns and runs.
Now that he is running and the only light source is Ealdwig's Chromacloth, the duergar's two Moves will take him outside the light source. You'll have to chase him to finish him off. If you chase, you'll be able to get one more ranged attack off before he hits a bend and you'll have to start rolling to follow him.


Grin crossbow attack - (3d6)

(414) = 9

Yoci sling attack - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Nov 16, 2024 11:01 pm
"Ealdwig let's go so I can get a shot. Wreak go get him boy!!


to hit - (3d6)

(432) = 9

Nov 18, 2024 7:48 am
Oliver moves onward and bats one of his last few alcohol flasks towards the duergar, making it catch fire in the air.

"Lighting up the way!"
If I hit, all the better, but I guess even if I miss, you get some more visibility to shoot twice instead of once.
Edit: Forgot to roll
Last edited November 18, 2024 7:49 am


Bat fiery alcohol - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Nov 18, 2024 9:10 am
Instinctively Brewner gives chase to the remaining Duergar, just like a mountain lion chases his prey.
Nov 19, 2024 5:36 pm
Ealdwig follows Stee.
Nov 19, 2024 6:26 pm
Stee can take a second shot if he wants. If he misses, then you'll need Grin to make a Dungeoneering roll to follow the dwarf.
Nov 20, 2024 1:29 am
Stee will take his second shot.
Sorry, thought I rolled two.
Last edited November 20, 2024 1:30 am


to hit - (3d6)

(564) = 15

Nov 20, 2024 7:54 pm
Ealdwig rushes forward to keep as much light going as possible. Stee launches two arrows just before the duergar can make a corner, and fells him with the second arrow. The immediate concern is taken care of. You know that at least someone will be coming back around before too long, but you have a little time before that happens.
Nov 21, 2024 1:12 am
"I say we grab the bodies and take them and stash them back where we hiding after we search them real quick and then move out."
Nov 21, 2024 7:09 am
"Good shot Stee" Brewner says quite pleased. " Yes better to hide them" Brewner goes to the Duergar that tried to get away, before pick him up he gives a quick search to the bodie.
Nov 21, 2024 8:53 pm
Both of the guards are well equipped with well crafted chain shirts, leather leggings, metal helms, and short swords. Between the two of them you find 27 silver pieces (apparently their "spending money"). For any of the duende, it is possible you could disguise yourselves by wearing their outfits. It won't pass a close inspection, of course, but at a distance, it might be enough ...
Nov 22, 2024 2:52 am
Ealdwig holds up the helm, looks around at the group and shrugs what'd'ya think? Good disguise or a waste of time. Sniffs it, shrugs again and puts it on, then holds his arms out in a questioning look.
Nov 22, 2024 2:19 pm
"Eh, I think it suits you. I'd definitely shoot you on sight."

Oliver gets a hold of and drags the second duergar following Brewner, stashing the poor lad in their hideout corner.

"I get the feeling we're nearly there. It's been a long way, and I'm really itching to find what we'll find next."
Nov 22, 2024 4:12 pm
"Yes maybe our two smaller companions can wear the armor and pose as guards leading us somewhere if need be."looks to Yoci "Which way now?"
Last edited November 22, 2024 4:12 pm
Nov 22, 2024 8:46 pm
While Ealdwig and Grin don the guards' attire, Yoci tries to get her bearings. You have to try a couple false leads first to get out of the winding passages, but believe you have found the correct passage and move on your way. As you leave the winding passage area, you think you think you hear calls. It would appear that the missing guards have been noticed as missing, but you don't know if the bodies have been found yet.

Given a little urgency, you continue on the journey for a couple hours. You enter a small cavern, not much more than a very wide portion of the passage way, when you see a group of five guards ahead that appear to be dressed similarly to Ealdwig and Grin. You need to get past them to continue on. However, they are not acting like they expect any trouble or know that anything unusual is up.
Nov 26, 2024 1:25 am
"Should we just walk through like you two are taking us somewhere? Or should we surprise them?"
Last edited November 26, 2024 1:29 am
Nov 26, 2024 2:17 am
Good question Stee. I don't speak duerger.
Nov 26, 2024 3:54 pm
Do remember that they were using the common tongue frequently. It is reasonable to think you can make that work here.

In other words, state your plan (and trying to be guards with prisoners is a good plan) and whoever has the best odds makes the roll (Charisma in this case is good). Then we find out what happens. Best case you skate on by. Medium case is you fight. Worst case is we get a running battle while you are being hunted by multiple scouting parties. Fun regardless of the outcome! :-)
Nov 26, 2024 7:01 pm
"Perhaps I can try to convince them that Stee and I are recruits to spy on the dwarves and are being escorted. The Dwarves will never expect surface humans to work for the Duergar. What do you think?"
I have the charisma trait
Nov 27, 2024 6:15 am
"A large muscular human with heavy step and intense gaze as if wanting to devour the world? Yeah, I agree, they wouldn't see that coming for a spy. Let's do that."

"Also add that this otterfolk along with the dwarf are prisoners you found along the way, and that she will help you navigate inside the city."
Nov 27, 2024 12:53 pm
Ok lets see what happens. If no one have better idea, can Brewner announce our presence?
Nov 27, 2024 2:56 pm
Be sure to fully describe what you are doing so I don't get a wrong image.

Also, don't forget that Yoci is a particular type of gnome called Svirfneblin. The opposing forces are a particular type of dwarf called Duergar. Ealdwig and Grin are currently dressed with Duergar armor.

(In addition, the Svirfneblin live with another type of dwarf called Deep Dwarves.)
Nov 27, 2024 3:26 pm
"Let's do this. Brewner spin the tale. Everyone else be ready."
Nov 27, 2024 5:11 pm
Thanks for the clarification. Dont wanna go around calling a gnome "dwarf"
Nov 27, 2024 9:38 pm
"Hello mighty Duergars, keep your weapons sheathed as we are on the same side. We already cross a scouting party not long ago, and i wish not to waste more time with explanations as we have urgent business, and are already being escorted as you can see" Brewner says with a confident voice, both his face and body language shows seriousness.
Ealdwig and Grin should be visible, but in the back avoiding show too much details, a friendly wave would be good from them.
Brewner, Stee and Oliver are at the front, Yoci in the middle for now avoiding being seen.


Charismatic - (3D6)

(145) = 10

Nov 28, 2024 12:21 am
Oliver makes sure to seem extra busy by melodramatically carrying the immovable rod in ladder mode.
This is the only way to walk into Mordor.
Nov 28, 2024 5:32 pm
Well, that was anti-climatic ...
The guards look at each other in a bit of confusion, and wave you on. While you pass, one says to Ealdwig and Grin, "Don't let anyone else catch you working with outsiders."

You confidently pass them without any challenges and move on, quickening you pace when you are out of range in case they figure it out late. Out of earshot Yoci says, "We're really close. Let's not slow down now!"She is obviously very excited to get home.
I will make another post tonight and tomorrow morning advancing to the last challenge before the city!


Duergar 1 Test DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Duergar 2 Test DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Nov 28, 2024 10:46 pm
"Well done Brewner!" looks at Yoci "Yes, lets get you home."
Nov 29, 2024 8:25 am
daryen says:
Well, that was anti-climatic ...
That's what she said
Nov 29, 2024 2:04 pm
Ricardoi91 says:
daryen says:
Well, that was anti-climatic ...
That's what she said
Dec 1, 2024 1:44 am

Sorry for,the extra day delay ...
You proceed along with purpose, intent on covering the remaining ground as quickly as possible. Yoci shows evident excitement as she starts to recognize certain landmarks, which she points out as she sees them.

As the passageway widens into what is effectively a long, narrow cavern, sounds of a clash are heard ahead. There is some evident fighting happening, but you can't see who it is yet. Note that since both sides can easily see in the dark, neither side is using any lights.
How do you want to approach the conflict and how do you intend to identify who is who?
Dec 1, 2024 1:44 pm
"Sounds of fighting. These folk need no light. We need some to figure out what is what and who is who. Can you tell who it is Yoci?"
Do we have any big light sources are we going to have to light torches and toss them out there?
Dec 1, 2024 8:21 pm
"I could always make a first blazing shot with an alcohol flask. Maybe that could help our visibility a bit. But if half of them are allies and half are foes, alcohol will not discriminate, no."
Dec 2, 2024 8:21 am
Brewner ponders what Oliver suggests, but thinks the group needs more information. " Good idea Stee, Yoci are you able to see without light? Maybe you can go and give a quick peek to what is happening.." Brewner asks Yoci in a quiet tone.



Dec 2, 2024 7:55 pm
Yoci looks very tentative about trying to sneak around. However, seeing the need she says, "I will do the best I can. Please come to my aid if I need help."

She inches forward to try and get a better view. She takes her time, because this isn't her area of expertise. So, ...


Get a better view DC:4 - Basic - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Keep from being observed DC:4 - Basic - (2d6)

(23) = 5



Dec 2, 2024 8:04 pm
Yoci slips closer and gets a great view of the action. Unfortunately, she stumbles over some loose rocks she missed while focusing on the action, making a noticeable noise.

She uses the crystal to tell the group, "There is a warband of duergar attacking a patrol from Brahdhavehl. The duergar greatly outnumber the patrol. We need to help them! I think they heard me, though! Two are moving to where I am."
OK, you are all up now. Let's say it will take two Moves to get to Yoci's position, and she is one Move away from the back of the duergar patrol. She can retreat, or wait for you, depending on what you want her to do.
Dec 2, 2024 10:16 pm
Stee will pull out his Autums Glory for at least light to see by to move up."Yoci we will move up you move back to meet us."
Dec 3, 2024 7:43 pm
Do we throw some torches in their direction to blind them while we move forward?
Dec 3, 2024 10:11 pm
Can Oliver light it up without hurting the friendlies?
Dec 4, 2024 6:47 pm
Yoci backs up to join your advance.

Yes, Oliver can easily light up the edge of their group closest to you without affecting the far side who are engaged with the Brahdhavehl group.
Assuming you want a "two line" front with the melee one "band" closer to the opponents than the artillery, it looks like the melee will make one Move towards Yoci, while she takes two moves to get behind you. The artillery can then fire once after Oliver lights things up. (That means the artillery effectively lose one Action waiting for the light to show up.) Depending on how Oliver rolls, the two looking for Yoci will advance or stop.
Dec 4, 2024 11:05 pm
Stee has bow out and ready."Wreak on guard!"
Dec 5, 2024 9:41 am
Shall we, then? I will roll once I hear an enthusiastic 'yes' here and there
Dec 5, 2024 10:00 am
" Yes! Let's wreck them!!"
Dec 5, 2024 10:52 am
Dec 5, 2024 11:37 am
That definitely counts as here and there, yes.
"Let's light things up a bit, then!"

Oliver takes out the alcohol flask, tosses it upwards gently, and bats it into a fiery projectile, aiming at a strategic point to illuminate.


Bat the flask and light the dark - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Dec 7, 2024 3:15 pm
The flask lands behind the advancing duergar, backlighting the pair. They realize that it is not just one individual they are now facing, so the stop and call for backup. You can clearly see them for this turn and next (when the flask runs out).
Ok, Yoci moved one move toward you, and is readying her sling with her second move. I am assuming everyone moved forward one move to meet her. The duergar are now one move from you. You basically have a half-turn with one Action available. You may choose to move to them to disrupt their second action, or you may use a ranged weapon against them. (Or, of course, do any other permitted Action besides those two.) You are up!
Dec 7, 2024 7:31 pm
Seeing the outlines of the shadows advancing Stee will let loose to quick shots with his bow. Then say to Wreak"Wreak sick em boy!!"
I didn't know if I would get the second shot since we already moved but figured I would roll two just in case.
Last edited December 7, 2024 11:34 pm


to hit - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (256) = 13

3d6 : (113) = 5

Dec 7, 2024 11:23 pm
I will assume Oliver already did his full action, with move+bat flask
Oliver opens his eyes wide as soon as the scene lights up, trying to grasp as many details as possible.

"Look! There! Can you see their silhouettes?"

"Ah, well, Stee clearly can."
Dec 8, 2024 10:18 am
Brewner will move towards the Duergar
Dec 10, 2024 9:23 pm
Let's finish up the first turn ...
Brewner, Ealdwig, and Wreak step forward to meet the guards. Stee, Yoci, and Grin hold back to offer ranged attacks. Stee already did his attack, Yoci is preparing her sling, and Grin makes a crossbow attack, too, hitting his target. Now each of the duergar has taken a point of damage, which just seems to anger them.

The duergar each get an attack off; one at Brewner and one at Ealdwig. Each of them strikes true, and Brewner takes a point of damage. However, Ealdwig is too quick to be affected by the attack at him!

OK, the first turn is over.


Grinfletch: Attack DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(512) = 8

Duergar 1 Attack (Brewner) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Duergar 2 Attack (Ealdwig) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Ealdwig Swiftfoot: Evade DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Dec 10, 2024 9:32 pm
Turn 2

Wreak attacks the duergar closest to Ealdwig. Yoci takes her shot with the sling. Grin takes two shots with his crossbow ...

... and there is broad success everywhere! The duergar facing Brewner just goes down from Yoci and Grin's attacks, and Wreak hurts the one facing Ealdwig.
Do note that the flask will burn out after this turn, so another source of light will be good to have. Everyone else is now free to take their two Actions. You can see there are several more duergar past the two facing you, and more are now turning to face you.


Yoci: Sling Attack DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Grinfletch: Crossbow Attack 1 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(555) = 15

Grinfletch: Crossbow Attack 2 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(645) = 15

Wreak: Attack 1 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Wreak: Attack 2 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Dec 10, 2024 10:27 pm
Stee will let fly two more shots at the duergar still standing.


to hit - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (546) = 15

3d6 : (136) = 10

Dec 11, 2024 4:23 am
Nice! And down he goes, too. (A lot of good rolls all around!)

However, there are several more to deal with, and whomever they are fighting don't sound like they are doing well. The next set of opponents (four that you can easily see, though you know there are more behind them) are one move away.

Brewner, Oliver, and Ealdwig still have moves this turn, and you are going to need some light to keep pressing on ...
Dec 11, 2024 4:00 pm
Oliver sees an opportunity to make more light and startle the duergar. He takes out the torch that he covered in spiderweb a long time ago and taps it with the bat, making it catch fire.


He then charged forward moving it widely, to distract the enemies' attention from whoever they are fighting.
Dec 12, 2024 6:28 pm
Brewner will follow Oliver, Warhammer ready to strike, while making terrifying Cave Bear sounds.
Dec 13, 2024 9:36 pm
I haven't forgotten you all. I just wanted to check with @Arkmenos to see if he's going to be able to rejoin us. Hopefully @Thunder_lungz can rejoin, too. I'll post no matter what tomorrow so we can get through this battle and on to the city!
Dec 14, 2024 3:19 am
Advancing forward, sword at the ready. Ealdwig hopes to startle the Duerger facing him, Ealdwig shouts the command word for his chromacloth, light!

Ealdwig crouches and strikes upward with his sword.


attack with sword (Mastery) - (3d6)

(646) = 16

Dec 14, 2024 7:16 pm
What critically glorious return!
Dec 14, 2024 9:52 pm
Ealdwig finishes up the turn with a devastating blow to one of the incoming duergar, staggering him.

The other three are able to make an attack, one against each of Brewner, Oliver, and Ealdwig. Oliver takes a hit, and Ealdwig will take a hit if he fails his 2d6 Evasion roll.

Thus will Turn 2 end.


Attack against Brewner DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Attack against Oliver DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Attack against Ealdwig DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Dec 15, 2024 12:36 am
OK here goes nothing!

Last edited December 15, 2024 12:36 am


Agile Defense (evade) - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Dec 15, 2024 12:45 am
Ealdwig deftly avoids what would have otherwise been a hit!

Turn 3

Turn three begins. There are four duergar (one damaged by Ealdwig) that are immediately in front of you, and four more beginning to approach. It sounds like the group on the far end is struggling badly, though.
You are up. The melee fighters (Brewner, Ealdwig, and Oliver) can do whatever they want and (for Ealdwig and Oliver) make two attacks if they so desire. The back group can fire at either the immediately forward rank or the ones father back.
Dec 15, 2024 3:16 am
Stee will sight and loose on the duergar that Ealdwig damaged.


to hit - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (561) = 12

3d6 : (523) = 10

Dec 15, 2024 1:37 pm
Brewner will attack the Duergar directly in front of him.

"I shall vanquish my foes!" Brewner says as he prepares to swing is Warhammer


Focus+ Attack - (3D6)

(513) = 9

Dec 15, 2024 3:58 pm
The duegar attacked by Stee and Ealdwig goes down.

Brewner severely damages his opponent.
Dec 16, 2024 2:06 am
Ealdwig deftly avoids the strike by the Duegar, rotates and strikes out with his sword, forehand then backhand.


attack with sword (Mastery) - (3d6)

(215) = 8

attack with sword - (3d6)

(455) = 14

Dec 16, 2024 8:18 am
Oliver swings the burning torch fiercely and almost blindly at the duergar, making sparks fly by.
Two berserk attacks with the torch (which works just as good as the bat).


Spiderweb Torch attack 1 (berserk, 2dmg) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Spiderweb Torch attack 2 (berserk, 2dmg) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Dec 16, 2024 10:40 pm
OK, let's finish this off ...

Grin aims at the duergar Ealdwig attacked. And Yoci takes her sling shot. And he still stands!

Wreak attacks the duergar fighting Brewner. And down he goes!

That leaves two duergar left in this rank; one badly injured and one untouched. The injured one attacks Ealdwig; the other attacks Oliver. The one attacking Oliver misses, but the one against Ealdwig provisionally hits. (Make your 2d6 Evasion roll!)

End of Turn 3


Grinfletch: Attack 1 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(112) = 4

Grinfletch: Attack 2 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(152) = 8

Yoci: Sling Attack DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Wreak: Attack 1 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Wreak: Attack 2 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Attack against Ealdwig DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Attack against Oliver DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Dec 16, 2024 10:50 pm
Turn 4
There are now four more duergar, for a total of six; one of whom is badly injured. There are still a few more attacking the city patrol.
You are up again!
Dec 17, 2024 12:31 am
Stee will sight the duergar who isn't hurt and let the melee fighters take out the hurt one.


to hit - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (363) = 12

3d6 : (363) = 12

Dec 17, 2024 1:33 am
Oliver attempts once more to hit the duergar next to him by swinging the torch fiercely.

"Woosh, you almost got me there."


Torch swing 1 (berserker) - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Torch swing 2 (berserker) - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Dec 17, 2024 2:04 pm
Ealdwig, tries to duck and spin away from the oncoming attack.

Using my lucky trait to roll again.
Last edited December 17, 2024 2:05 pm


Agile Defense (evade) - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Lucky Trait - Agile Defense - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Dec 17, 2024 6:34 pm

Don't forget this turn's Actions!
Dec 17, 2024 9:13 pm
Brewner will attack any wounded Duergar and finish him off


Focus+ Attack - (3D6)

(315) = 9

Dec 17, 2024 9:53 pm
Narrowly missing the Dueger attack, Ealdwig uses the momentum to strike out, hoping to spill his guts.


attack with sword (Mastery) - (3d6)

(521) = 8

attack with sword (Mastery) - (3d6)

(645) = 15

Dec 19, 2024 1:17 am
Stee sticks the previously uninjured duergar with a pair of arrows, and Brewner finishes him off with a devastating hammer blow. Ealdwig finishes off the duegar he previously hurt, and he goes down hard. That set of four is now done.

The next set of four gets a rude introduction. Oliver's flailings with the torch finally connect, and while nothing on the target starts burning, the attack causes him to be staggered (he loses an Action). They launch into their attacks with fervor!
Wow. That's kind of amazing. Everyone attacked takes a single hit!
Each Duergar hits once against the person they lined up against. (Ealdwig gets to try to Evade damage against with 2d6.) So, everyone hit (except maybe Ealdwig) takes one point of damage.

Behind this group of four, you can see there is a more impressively dressed duergar. Past him, you see another four or so that is fighting someone on the other of them (from your perspective). The impressively dressed duergar has just pulled a bottle out of his backpack. Recognizing this, Yoci's eyes grow wide and she frantically says through your crystals, "We must absolutely stop him from opening that bottle. If he opens it, we're going to be overwhelmed!"
To stop him, you will need to either somehow remove the bottle from his possession, or kill him. You figure he is going to be hardier than the ones you've been mowing through.
End of Turn 4


Grinfletch: Attack 1 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(231) = 6

Grinfletch: Attack 2 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(455) = 14

Yoci: Attack DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Wreak: Attack 1 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Wreak: Attack 2 DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Duergar 5 Attack 1 (Brewner) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Duergar 5 Attack 2 (Brewner) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Duergar 6 Attack 1 (Ealdwig) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Duergar 6 Attack 2 (Ealdwig) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Duergar 7 Attack 1 (Oliver) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Duergar 7 Attack 2 (Oliver) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Duergar 8 Attack 1 (Wreak) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Duergar 8 Attack 2 (Wreak) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Dec 19, 2024 1:37 am
Turn 5

You are now deep in it. You think you can see everyone left, with four facing you, four or so facing the other way, and the leader in the middle holding the bottle.

Current damage situation: Oliver is down 2 HP; Brewner and Wreak are down 1 HP; Ealdwig is down either 0 or 1 HP depending on his last Evade attempt. All four of the remaining duergar you are immediately facing is down 1 HP (from hits by Oliver, Grin, Yoci, and Ealdwig's second attack).
Dec 19, 2024 2:45 am
Ealdwig tries to maneuver around the attacking Duegar.
How far away is the guy with the bottle?
Last edited December 19, 2024 2:46 am


Agile Defense (evade) - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Dec 19, 2024 8:22 am
As usual, Oliver's first point of damage is absorbed by his armor, so I'll write down just 1dmg, thankyouverymuch
Oliver runs towards the impressively dressed duergar and swings the torch fiercely.

"Oh no, nono, you're not thirsty at all."
Action 1: move.
Action 2: torch attack


Staggering torch attack - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Dec 19, 2024 8:30 pm
With great speed Brewner will move towards the Duergar leader and tackle him, pinning him down to the ground.
1- Move
2- Tackle
Making Edge proud SPEAAAR!
Last edited December 19, 2024 8:31 pm


Strength - (3D6)

(435) = 12

Dec 19, 2024 10:23 pm
daryen says:
Turn 5

You are now deep in it. You think you can see everyone left, with four facing you, four or so facing the other way, and the leader in the middle holding the bottle.

Current damage situation: Oliver is down 2 HP; Brewner and Wreak are down 1 HP; Ealdwig is down either 0 or 1 HP depending on his last Evade attempt. All four of the remaining duergar you are immediately facing is down 1 HP (from hits by Oliver, Grin, Yoci, and Ealdwig's second attack).
Is the leader close enough for me to my lasso on?
Dec 20, 2024 5:43 am
Since he is "one move" away, I am going to say no. Brewner also tackled the guy, but I'd allow you to say you tried first, but I think you need to be pretty close to effectively use a lasso like that. You can still shoot him with arrows, though.
Dec 20, 2024 10:50 am
Stee will sight down the leaders arm with bottle and try to put a couple of arrows in it so hopefully he will drop it. Before Brewner gets to him.
Ignore third roll. it only posted one for some reason then I added a second and it posted two.
Last edited December 21, 2024 1:41 pm


to hit - (3d6)

(252) = 9

to hit - (3d6)

(163) = 10

to hit - (3d6)

(523) = 10

Dec 21, 2024 1:40 pm
Fancy duergar successfully overwhelmed!
Dec 22, 2024 8:17 pm
Yes, but ignoring the others has a cost ...

Also, it'll be a bit slower the next two weeks. I will be keeping things moving, though.

@Arkmenos, it takes one move for you to get to him from your position. The second rank would take two moves. Sorry for missing your question for so long! Don't know how I missed it!
OK, Stee has suck a pair of arrows into the "fancier" duergar, Oliver missed him with the torch, but still distracted him, and Brewner tackled him. The duergar will now need to make a Save Test or be pinned. He saved, so he isn't pinned! However, he still has to break free, which is his activity for the turn. And he fails! So, now the grappling match is going back and forth with no one in charge. Any weapon attacks on either is at Disadvantage to avoid hitting Brewner. (Goes both ways.)

Now unable to attack the fancy duergar, Grin and Yoci take things out on the immediately remaining duergar. Grin has abysmal luck this turn, but Yoci gets a hit.
Ealdwig gets his two Actions and what he does will help determine what the four immediate duergar do. Do note that if Ealdwig tries to help Brewner directly, there will be no screen to the back ranks, meaning that Stee, Yoci, and Grin will be forced into direct melee combat. After Ealdwigs Actions and the duergar's actions, the turn will end and we'll start the next one.

Also Wreak did not attack this turn. He's at half of his hit points and he's not trained enough to fight to the death. He's currently behind Stee for protection.


Fancy Duergar Save Test DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Fancy Duergar Breaking Free DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Grinfletch: Attack 1 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(122) = 5

Grinfletch: Attack 2 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(313) = 7

Yoci: Attack DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Dec 24, 2024 3:54 am
So Bruener and Oliver are on the fancy guy? There are four other Duegar that are on the far side of the fancy Duegar? Grin, Stee and Yoci are behind me using bows and other projectiles, correct? There is no one within melee range to me?
If all that is true, then I guess I'll need to try and play some defense and protect the ranged attackers. I stink with a bow and leaving them undefended seems unwise. Is there a place where I can get a little higher to see and maybe get advantage on an attack if enemies come into melee range?

While looking for high ground, you see Ealdwig stop and smile and mischievous smile. Pulling the backpack he rummages through it, where is that thing. He pulls out a little golden figure. Mumbling, I think Skeeve said to pull the ring.

He smiles at the guys and says, this should be interesting. Ealdwig tugs on the ring, uses the command word. The tiny figure grows and grows, seemingly taking up the entire space. Pointing at the enemy, attack, kill all the Drueger. Don't let him use that thing.

You all watch as it leaves the ground flying at the Drueger. Smiling widely, pretty cool, huh? Unfortunately it only has one use.
Dec 24, 2024 9:41 am
Oliver watches Ealdwig's golden figure grow with eyes wide open, barely managing to mutter a wow.
Dec 24, 2024 8:17 pm
Stee seeing this golden figure wonders what the hell is that thing? He will keep his focus on the Drueger and try not to be distracted. What the hell is that thing? Is it friendly?"
Dec 24, 2024 11:12 pm
Awesome! You remembered you still had it, and you even remembered the second function I forgot!
The now large clockwork homunculus immediately joins the fray, attacking the closest four duergar.
Those rolls sucked!
Of the four closest duergar, two attack the homunculus and two attack Ealdwig. The Fancy Duergar attempts to break free.

The homunculus takes a point of damage, and Ealdwig receives three hits. That does mean he gets three 2d6 Evasion rolls to avoid all of that damage! The Fancy Duergar does break free.

End of Turn 5
I'll give a little time for Ealdwig to make his three Evasion rolls, then start the next turn tomorrow or the day after.


Homunculus: Attack 1 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(312) = 6

Homunculus: Attack 2 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(112) = 4

D11: Attack 1 (Homunculus) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(43) = 7

D11: Attack 2 (Homunculus) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(42) = 6

D12: Attack 1 (Homunculus) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(45) = 9

D12: Attack 2 (Homunculus) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(24) = 6

D13: Attack 1 (Ealdwig) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(43) = 7

D13: Attack 2 (Ealdwig) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(53) = 8

D14: Attack 1 (Ealdwig) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(61) = 7

D15: Attack 2 (Ealdwig) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Fancy Duergar: Save Test to Break Free DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Dec 27, 2024 4:14 pm
Wow, I got attacked mercilessly!
Not bad, almost evaded all it if.
Last edited December 27, 2024 4:15 pm


Agile Defense (evade) - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Agile Defense (evade) - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Agile Defense (evade) - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Dec 27, 2024 6:10 pm
Oliver is amazed by Ealdwig's swift feet (which sounds oddly familiar in his head).

"Go, Ealdwig the Wobbly!"
Dec 28, 2024 5:26 pm
Start of Turn 6

The Fancy Duergar and Brewner are now in a face-off, with the Duergar having freed himself from the grapple. The negative is that he is able to freely act now. The positive is that the ranged weapon guys can attack him how. Also, the homunculus can attack now, too, but would have to spend a move to get there.

The sounds of your combat have reached the beleaguered dwarf/gnome fighters, causing them to press harder. This keeps the duergar fighting them focused there. The four facing you are arrayed against Ealdwig and his homunculus. If the homunculus moves forward, Ealdwig will be overwhelmed, and the ranged group will get directly attacked. So, you'll need to figure out who you want to go where.
You are all up! Feel free to move any NPCs to where you need them, including Grin, Yoci, and the homunculus.
Dec 28, 2024 6:23 pm
I'm planning to focus melee attacks on the fancy one, as I'm next to him too. (Bat attacks instead of torch attacks, for moar damage, and also to not stun him, so as to see what fancy thing he does next).
Does this align with what you're thinking?
Edit: Ooor, we could try to shove the fancy duergar nearer to the homunculus and watch the full extent of its double attack?
Last edited December 28, 2024 6:26 pm
Dec 28, 2024 7:50 pm
Can I shoot the jar out of Mr fancy pants hand? Or at least shoot his hand holding it to make him drop it?
Last edited December 29, 2024 12:43 am
Dec 28, 2024 11:58 pm
Ealdwig and the huge humunculus attack the four Deugar with ferocity.
Wasn't sure of the humunculus attack so I added a 1d6 and a 2d6. Use whichever one it should be


attack with sword (Mastery) - (3d6)

(415) = 10

attack with sword (Mastery) - (3d6)

(215) = 8

Humunculus attack - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Humunculus attack - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Dec 29, 2024 2:27 pm
Has the Duergar leader freed himself from Brewner grip he attacks with the warhammer


Focus+ Attack - (3D6)

(156) = 12

Dec 29, 2024 5:05 pm
Oliver decides to take out his (not so) trusty bat and swing twice at the fancy duergar.
Is it legal to have bat in one hand and torch in the other, or do I need to drop the torch to do a berserk attack?


Bat swing 1 (berserk) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Bat swing 2 (berserk) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Dec 29, 2024 5:53 pm
The homunculus gets a second Action.
Dec 29, 2024 5:56 pm
mathias0077 says:
Can I shoot the jar out of Mr fancy pants hand? Or at least shoot his hand holding it to make him drop it?
You know what? Sure! I'll say if you have Mastery, you can attempt a called shot, but it's at Disadvantage. Don't forget you have the Mastery trait.
Dec 29, 2024 6:15 pm
daryen says:
mathias0077 says:
Can I shoot the jar out of Mr fancy pants hand? Or at least shoot his hand holding it to make him drop it?
You know what? Sure! I'll say if you have Mastery, you can attempt a called shot, but it's at Disadvantage. Don't forget you have the Mastery trait.
Can I call my shot and use focus since I am at disadvantage?
Dec 31, 2024 6:15 am
mathias0077 says:
daryen says:
mathias0077 says:
Can I shoot the jar out of Mr fancy pants hand? Or at least shoot his hand holding it to make him drop it?
You know what? Sure! I'll say if you have Mastery, you can attempt a called shot, but it's at Disadvantage. Don't forget you have the Mastery trait.
Can I call my shot and use focus since I am at disadvantage?
Absolutely! That's why I mentioned Mastery. With that, if you Focus, you succeed on a 3-6, rather than just 4-6.
Dec 31, 2024 2:13 pm
Stee will take his time and focus this shot on the jar Mr fancy pants is holding. Stee believes he can shoot it out of his hand. Sight, inhale, draw and aim, exhale, and loose.


to hit disadvantage with focus - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jan 1, 2025 12:36 am
Ooooooo! And it's a grand New Year hit!
Jan 1, 2025 5:39 am
Very nice!

I missed a question from @Bunt earlier. Yeah, I think you need to drop the torch for a berserker attack. But that doesn't take an Action, though picking it back up will.
Grin lets off two crossbow shots at the Fancy Duergar, while Yoci attacks one of the closer Duergar with her sling. All three attacks hit! Wreak is still taking protection behind Stee. Havok is nowhere to be seen.

The Fancy Duergar is starting to show damage and looking the worst for wear. Stee's aimed shot knocks the bottle from his hand, and it clatters to the floor. Despite appearing to be made from glass, it does not break upon impact. The leader is now furious and returns Brewner's attacks with a vengeance. Both attacks succeed, and Brewner takes three points of damage!

Ealdwig finishes off one of the four in front of him and the homunculus. The remaining one in front of him attack him, and the other two attack the homunculus again. Ealdwig sustains no damage, but the homunculus takes two points of damage.

Oh, just realized that the homunculus has two attacks, and Arkmenous only tolled one, so here is its second Attack at one of the Duergar in front of it ... And it hits the one damaged by Grin, taking him out.

So, Brewner now had four damage against him. Oliver has one (with his noted correction), Ealdwig has his one.

End of Turn 6


Grinfletch: Attack 1 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(655) = 16

Grinfletch: Attack 2 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(246) = 12

Yoci: Attack DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(63) = 9

FD Attack 1 (Brewner) DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)

(136) = 10

FD Attack 2 (Brewner) DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)

(661) = 13

D11 Attack 1 (Homunculus) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(65) = 11

D11 Attack 2 (Homunculus) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(43) = 7

D12 Attack 1 (Homunculus) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(36) = 9

D12 Attack 2 (Homunculus) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(23) = 5

D13 Attack 1 (Ealdwig) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(14) = 5

D13 Attack 2 (Ealdwig) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Homunculus Attack 2 DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)

(153) = 9

Jan 1, 2025 6:15 am
Start of Turn 7

There are now two Duergar facing Ealdwig and the homunculus, and the Fancy Duergar has taken some serious damage himself. Their morale at facing a much more dangerous force is starting to waver. From what you can see on the other side, there are three Duergar still standing, but you don't know how many are still standing against them.
You are up again.
Jan 1, 2025 6:38 pm
Stee after pulling off the spectacular bottle shot will take two more shots at Mr fancy pants. Knowing he rushed the first shot after the rush of exaltation from the bottle shot he slows his actions back to normal and lands a solid hit on the second shot.
Last edited January 1, 2025 6:43 pm


to hit - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (121) = 4

3d6 : (156) = 12

Jan 1, 2025 9:36 pm
Eyeing an opportunity and dismissing the risk, Oliver picks the fallen bottle and drinks it.

"Bottoms up!"
I'm guessing that was action 1.
Jan 1, 2025 11:17 pm
Oliver does not drink the contents of the bottle.
When Oliver picks up the bottle, when he looks in it, he sees what looks like a full score of tiny little Duergar in full battle gear standing frozen in formation. They look remarkably life-like and detailed, though you don't have time for a closer look.
Are you *sure* you wanna open that?

And to be clear, this is not a potion vial, but more the size of a large wine bottle. You figure it should have shattered when it hit the hard stone surface. But it didn't.

You still have one Actin, as picking it up only used one Action.
Jan 2, 2025 6:11 am
Alright, alright, hint taken, hahaha
Oliver takes a second guess once he raises the bottle to eye level.
"Er... Maybe bottoms down."
He proceeds to pocket the bottle.
The following part assumes that picking and pocketing the bottle are conceivably "one action" (including one little object interaction?). Let me know if that's not the case, so we omit the attack.
"But fancy is going down too."
Oliver swings the bat again at the duergar.
Post-roll: Not my best stroke of luck, no
Last edited January 2, 2025 6:13 am


Bat swing at fancy duergar (berserker) - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jan 2, 2025 9:17 pm
Anger feeds Brewner might as he attacks again the Duergar leader "Curse you! I shall meet my ancestors as a mighty warrior!"


Focus+ Attack - (3D6)

(213) = 6

Jan 4, 2025 2:10 am
Ealdwig and the Humunculus take on the remaining Duegers. Breathing heavily, Ealdwig continues his furious attacks.


attack with sword (Mastery) - (3d6)

(565) = 16

attack with sword (Mastery) - (3d6)

(213) = 6

Humunculus attack - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Humunculus attack - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Jan 4, 2025 4:57 pm
Grin takes two shots at the Fancy Duergar and Yoci fires her sling at one of the Duergar in front.

The combined efforts of Stee and Grin finish taking down the Fancy Duergar. Ealdwig, Yoci, and the Homunculus take two two more of the Duergar they are facing. The other forces have taken down one of their opponents, leaving a grand total of five injured Duergar left. Taking stock of their situation, they flee (i.e. use both Actions for Move). (The area is wide enough for them to move around Stee, Grin, and Yoci without engaging them.)

End of Turn 7


Grinfletch: Attack 1 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(652) = 13

Grinfletch: Attack 2 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(362) = 11

Yoci: Attack DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Jan 4, 2025 5:16 pm
Start of Turn 8

If Stee or Grin so chooses (you guys get to decide what Grin chooses), they may take one shot at the fleeing Duergar. If it is a critical hit, they will drop, (or if both fire at the same target and both hit, he will drop). Otherwise they will get away, along with those not fired upon. Unless you want to chase them, but they know these caves and you do not.
So, do you try to pursue, take your shots, or just let them go and check on the other group you were helping?
Jan 4, 2025 9:58 pm
Stee and Grin will call out and fire at the same Duergar.


to hit - (3d6)

(365) = 14

Jan 5, 2025 7:20 pm
@mathias0077, go ahead and give me a roll for Grin, too. It is also 3d6 (Advantage).
Jan 5, 2025 10:14 pm
Grin after reloading sights and squeezes the trigger.


to hit - (3d6)

(546) = 15

Jan 6, 2025 7:45 pm
Nice shooting!
Another Duergar goes down to the combined attack of Stee and Grin. However, the others disappear from view.

Looking back to your co-belligerents, you can see two very hurt dwarves and one unconscious gnome present. There are a lot of other bodies present, but it isn't immediately obvious how many of each side is present. There are quite a few bodies. The survivors are very wary of your presence, but knowing that they would have been dead without you showing up, they are not hostile. Just cautious. (Particularly since Ealdwig and Grin are still wearing some Duergar clothing.) One finally says, "Thank you for your help. Why did you?"
Anything you want to do now? How do you want to respond? Are you going to check the fallen?
Jan 7, 2025 3:00 am
Ealdwig looks for loot.
Jan 7, 2025 8:52 am
Stee will ask Yoci "Are these your people?" as he turns and tends to Wreak. He will also give Wreak a treat" That is a good boy you did well." and scratches Wreak under the chin.
Jan 7, 2025 3:03 pm
"That was some hard fighting..Yoci come here" Brewner says as he signals Yoci to approach



Jan 8, 2025 6:54 pm
Yoci says, "Yes, they are!"

She steps forward to the dwarves and says, "I am Yoci Tulbosog. I was on a lost patrol many days ago and was captured. These adventurers rescued me and agree to bring me home."

One of the dwarves grunted, looks from Yoci to Brewner and says, "Well, now you've saved us, too. Thank you. Will you help us carry back the fallen?"

While Brewner, Oliver, and Yoci talk to the dwarves, Stee tends to Wreak, and Ealdwig and Grin search for loot. Among the fallen duergar the latter two find multiple items that look worth taking, plus multiple purse bags of gold and silver. They create a make-shift saddleback so that Havok can carry much of the loot while the three bigger folk help the dwarves carry their fallen back.
[ +- ] Loot
With the loot gathered and stored, and the fallen picked up, you all head towards the city of Brahdhavehl.
I'll post your arrival to the city a little later, unless there is anything else you want to do before leaving.
Jan 8, 2025 9:29 pm
Oliver puts the bottle with the rest of the loot, this time examining it more closely.

"I was just about to drink this, but something felt off about it. I couldn't fully tell at that moment; can you notice what was it? What is this bottle?"
Jan 9, 2025 8:40 am
" Of course we will gladly help, brave warriors like these deserve a proper burial" Brewner says with a sad expression upon seeing the fallen.
Is attention is drawn to Oliver "I'm also curious about that suspicious bottle...but i rather not drink it"
Jan 9, 2025 8:56 am
Stee looking around the carnage "Well done everyone. I guess we showed them a thing or two." Walking over to the unconscious gnome. "Hey Grin did you see me shoot the bottle out of Mr fancy pants hand? Boy the look on his face." looking toward the Yoci's people. "What is up with this gnome? How did it get caught up in your fight?"
Last edited January 9, 2025 8:57 am
Jan 10, 2025 5:16 pm
Ealdwig swings new short sword around, testing it out vs the older one Skee gave him.

Yoci, I'm glad we found your people.

Lead Dwarf


Jan 11, 2025 7:37 am
Lead Dwarf
You help the dwarves collect their fallen. There are three fallen dwarves and another gnome. Yoci heals the unconscious gnome, allowing them to travel back with the group on their own without needing to be carried. She also heals the other dwarves and your team (including Wreak). She is pretty exhausted after all that effort, though.

The lead dwarf says, "We were making a standard patrol and appear to have tripped across an attack force of some kind. Thank you so much for preventing them from opening that bottle! Had they done so, we'd all have surely been overwhelmed with the forces inside."

The fallen are collected and prepared for transport fairly quickly. Everything secured, the combined team heads out and the dwarves lead you to Brahdhavehl. After about a half hour, you approach a fortified embankment that completely closes off the passageway you had been traveling. The two dwarves and two gnomes present themselves to the door and the lead dwarf declares that they are a returning patrol. There is a pause and the door begins to open. As it is opening, the dwarf turns to you and says, "You are not expected. Please be patient with our security protocol. It might seem a little, uh, aggressive. It's just the protocol and it isn't fast." Everyone enters the door and you find yourselves in a secure room while the door you entered closes. Once the door fully closes, all of your light sources are extinguished, even the magical ones. You hear movement around you and rough hands remove your weapons and the fallen you were carrying. Except for some growling by Wreak, the process is over fairly quickly and a different set of doors start to open. Surprisingly, a fairly strong source of light is evident from the other side of the door.

Moving through the second doors you find yourself in a rather ornate, but functional, courtyard type area. It is obviously intended for practical purposes (being an entrance into the city), but it is still ornate and beautiful to behold. There is a sculpture in the center of the area, showing a heroic looking dwarf statue, and some seating around the outside perimeter of the courtyard. The roof is decorated with various parapets and arches, and the walls have various columns and arches with in that add to the ornateness. It is pretty impressive. You do notice that there is no plants in the courtyard, however. Everything is exquisite stonework. The lead dwarf says, "Please wait here and someone will come for you. It could take a little while, but, again, please be patient. You will get your stuff back soon." And with that the two dwarves and two gnomes (including Yoci) disappear through a door on the other side of the courtyard. It is only you and your pets in the courtyard. You have the various loot you have found, but you are missing your weapons, including the ones you just found.
OK, you're on your own in the courtyard, but you seem to be trapped and are definitely unarmed. Are you just going to wait for them to return, or do something else? I doubt Yoci is going to leave you hanging, but she does have to report after her long absence.
Jan 11, 2025 11:02 am
I think is better to wait, i don't believe we are in danger
Jan 11, 2025 12:17 pm
"Finally here! But now that Yoci has safely arrived, what are we even meant to do? Oh, look, that carving is nice!"

Oliver gets distracted by one of the particularly intricate stone carvings in the courtyard, and slowly passes his fingers through the gaps in the column.
Jan 11, 2025 4:17 pm
If i remember correctly we were just exploring the underdark near the base when we found the portal room and Yoci that sended us in this epic quest to the dwarf city.
When everything is settled i am going to leave the game, i have been busy lately and is time for me to open a spot to a new member. I didn't wanted to leave the team in the middle of the quest
I guess Brewner will stay in the dwarf city to learn their advanced blacksmith work and help defend them against the Duergar and Orcs
Jan 11, 2025 4:38 pm
Stee will sit and eat a bite and work with Wreak on more commands. He seems to be a very smart dog and learns fast.
Sorry to hear you are leaving us Brewner is a noble soul.
Jan 11, 2025 4:38 pm
Stee will sit and eat a bite and work with Wreak on more commands. He seems to be a very smart dog and learns fast.
Sorry to hear you are leaving us Brewner is a noble soul.

Gimurt Stonefist


Jan 12, 2025 9:42 pm
Gimurt Stonefist
@Ricardoi91, sorry to see you go, but, yes, this is a good stopping point. I have to figure out the exact number, but you all gain a Trait at this point. Let me know what yours would have been!

Everyone else, yes, this means you can get another Trait (or Proficiency or Mastery or HPs), too.
It takes longer than expected (a good couple of hours), but Yoci returns with another gnome and a dwarf, plus two more dwarves in tow. The dwarf says, "Welcome to Brahdhavehl! My name is Gimurt Stonefist; I am a magistrate of our fair city. Along with me is Fannir Feddlesine, one of our leading artificers. We sincerely thank you for your service in returning Yoci safely to us, and for the help you provided our ambushed patrol. Yoci said that you recovered a Regiment Bottle. May we have it? I promise we will return the bottle, but we want to, uh, properly handle the contents first." Oliver retrieves it and turns it over to the dwarf, who then hands it to Feddlesine. The gnome quickly retreats and disappears through the pair of doors the entered from.

"Also, here are your weapons back. I apologize for the caution, but you never know. Yoci fully vouched for your character and explained what you all did. Again, we are in your debt! We would greatly appreciate it if you would join us for a banquet in two days. In the meantime, Yoci will be your host and show you around the city." The two tag-alone dwarves produce your weapons and once everyone has reclaimed them, they too, retreat through the same doors as the gnomes. "Now, before I go and leave you in Yoci's hands, do you have any questions for me?"
Jan 13, 2025 6:21 pm
I will need to look at the list of Traits to recall what these gear give, and also to pick a new trait...
Jan 13, 2025 10:18 pm
Ealdwig is excited to see this new and strange city.
Yeah figuring out a trait will take some time. I've got to find all the options, again.

Are we continuing with this adventure or has it come to an end? I enjoy Ealdwig, need to try and build him in another game in the future. A fighting acrobatic duende. Now with a magical short sword.
Last edited January 13, 2025 10:22 pm
Jan 14, 2025 11:09 pm
This specific adventure, with Yoci, is ending. However, as Ricardoi91 points out, you were initially just going to explore the Underdark, and that is still always an option. Also, this whole setting is a sandbox. There are many adventure threads laying around, depending on your interests and goals. You can do simple side adventures, or work with "setting building" ideas. There is still plenty to explore with New Paphos and its surrounds!

Also, there are currently three groups that I am going to at least temporarily bring together at the Manor. At that point, you all can decide what direction you want to go in. There is plenty of adventure left to have as long as you are all interested in exploring it!
Jan 17, 2025 12:01 am
Sounds good. I would surely like to keep playing Wreak would too also. :)



Jan 17, 2025 4:03 am
[ +- ] Brahdhavehl
"Welcome to Bradhavehl!" Yoci leads you on a tour of the city. She spends a day showing you the highlights of the city. It is larger than you might have expected, and it is surprisingly lively. The city has many levels to it and is well light by the many lanterns, torches, furnaces, and magical lights. It is more open than expected, and you quickly realize it is even bigger than it appears because much of the major buildings are built into the stone and not stand-alone structures.

There is a central religious district where the three main temples are located, one of which is to Callarduran, the diety whom Yoci serves. The other two are for Dwarven dieties. Despite this, you can see that some gnomes enter both of those temples, and some dwarves enter the temple of Callarduran. The two dwarven temples face each other, like two opposing sides of a square, with Callarduran's temple forming a third side. Where the fourth side would be are several small shires dedicated to a variety of other dieties. Close by is the main civic square where those who run the government do their business. In both of these areas, the carved caverns are surprisingly large and open with amazing stonework, and featuring stunning relieves and carvings all along the facades of the structures.

The next area Yoci takes you to is the commercial district, the heart of the commercial district is a long "road" lined with stores and sellers and stalls of various sizes and construction. As organized and structured as the religious and civic areas are, this area is very chaotic. The amount of things sold are quite amazing. At various points of the commercial district are alcoves and grottoes for recreation and relaxation. Yoci leads you to one, explaining, "This is one of my favorite spots to relax and meditate. It has an odd platform that emanates magic, but we don't know what that magic does. As a result, most people avoid it. I like it because of that solitude and I find aura helps with my meditation." When you get there, you see that it is larger than you would expect for an alcove that is avoided. It is circular in shape with a wide entrance, and a few benches placed along the inner walls. In the center is a slightly raised dias that is perfectly square and composed of 36 square tiles arranged in a six by six grid. Half of the tiles are white and half of the tiles are black.

After this, she takes you to see Fannir Feddlesine at his workshop. Unlike Valpip's shop, which is relatively small and a one-gnome shop, Fannir's shop is massive with at least a dozen gnomes working on various project at various workstations. When he sees them come in, he grabs the bottle and brings it to you. He nods to Yoci, then says, "Thank you for securing this for us! Had they been able to open it, we could have suffered tremendous damage from the full regiment of soldiers stored with it! Just forcing them to open it early was a huge win. Actually capturing it before it was opened is tremendous! Thank you." With that he offers you the now obviously empty bottle.

Once you take it, he says, "To activate it when empty, you need to remove the stopper, point the opening at the main target, which can be a rather large object, then say the activation phrase. If done correctly, the object and everything in, on, or immediately around it will be pulled into the bottle and placed into a stasis. The contents will stay frozen until the stopper is again removed and the release phrase is said. Alternatively, if the stopper is removed and the bottle shattered, the contents will also be freed, though, of course, the bottle is now gone. The bottle is extremely hard to damage while the stopper is in place."
I'll stop here in case anyone has any questions. :-)
Jan 17, 2025 12:01 pm
Stee will ask Fannir"Do you know the phrases required to use the bottle correctly?"
Jan 17, 2025 2:08 pm
Oliver had delightedly been following Yoci's tour of the city. So many things to see, so many intricacies! He was particularly intrigued by the dim magic in her meditating alcove, but his excitement went over the top when he saw the black and white grid.

"This looks so much like a game on checkered tiles that we used to play when I was a youngling! You take six black stones and six white stones and you arrange..."

Later on, when they visit Fannir's workshop, Oliver barely manages not to touch every single delicate thing that he can find on the shelves. It's too soon to be banned from such an interesting place. They listen to Fannir's explanation on the bottle, and when Stee asks for the magic phrase, Oliver chuckles discreetly at the imagined thought of Fannir's answer causing all of them to be sucked by accident into the bottle. That would be hilarious.
I'll figure out my chosen trait once we figure whether the Occultist prestige trait exists, and its prerequisites if any.



Jan 18, 2025 5:42 pm
I am still hoping for a comment from Ealdwig on the black and white dias.

Yoci listens to Oliver's description of the game. "That sounds fun! I'll have to find some items to use as the stones so we can try to play it!" She isn't just humoring him, she is genuinely interested in the game.

Fannir says, "The commands are quite odd. To store, the command is, 'To Harbor'. The command to release is, 'To Sea'. They don't make much sense to me. For either to work, you have to say them right after removing the stopper. I can demonstrate if you wish!"
Jan 18, 2025 8:07 pm
"A demonstration? Yes that would be good." This should be interesting.
Jan 19, 2025 7:10 pm
I'll work on the response to the demonstration request on Monday. Also, Oliver (and Grin) should be able to recognize the "Pop Squares".

Before then, however, I wanted to give a quick update: I finally sat down and went through everything from when I started. Experience Points are as follows:
Stee: 13
Grin, Ealdwig, and Oliver: 15
Everyone else: 14

What would have been Stee's first XP was his promotion to Veteran. The other three got a very small bonus for their story-telling.

This means that everyone can get one Trait or Proficiency or Mastery, or two HP.

The combined loot found includes:
- some random money
- 25 ancient coins (Ealdwig)
- one dozen ancient clay tablets
- five ancient scrolls
- Scroll of Thorns
- Ring of Magic
- Amulet of Rebirth
- Orb of Paralyzation (Stee)
- Short Sword of Cleaving (Ealdwig)
- Quartermaster's Backpack (Oliver)
- Chain Shirt of Redoubt
- Pendant of Insightfulness
- Chain Shirt of Toughness
- Regiment Bottle

The ones with names shows who currently either has or claimed the items. Obviously, this can be changed by discussion.
Jan 19, 2025 7:29 pm
Oh, I didn't know there were an Amulet of Rebirth, Ring of Magic and Scroll of Thorns. What are they? And the ancient clays tablets?
Jan 19, 2025 7:35 pm
Well, the amulet, ring, and clay tablets were found way back in the portal room you took from the Morlocks. I didn't decide what the amulet and ring were until I was writing the post. But then, you didn't have any chance to find out what they were until you either used them blindly (which even Grin never thought to do) or you found someone to identify them. I just had Fannir do that off-screen for you to save time. I guess I should have written that. Also, I haven't actually described what they actually do yet. The Amulet of Rebirth gives the Die-Hard Trait when worn. The Ring lets you be able to read magic scrolls when worn.

On the other hand, the Orb of Paralyzation, while not called that, had its abilities explicitly described when you got it from the Sphinx. Stee has it because he's the one who answered the riddles and thus was the one the Sphinx gave it to. The others I preemptively described, but really likely weren't identified until you got help from Fennir.

Edit: The ancient clay tables, the non-magical scrolls, and ancient coins are pre-cataclysm artifacts of historical importance. They are of no direct use to you (other than the coins' melt value), but have historical significance and will fetch a decent price to the correct buyer. You believe the librarian at New Paphos will be interested, the ghost librarian might be interested, and you can even check here if you want. I.e. they will become gold pieces.

The Scroll of Thorns is a single use scroll that causes an area of effect damage. It can be used by someone with the Scroll Reader trait, or (coincidentally) by someone using the Ring of Magic.
Jan 22, 2025 12:33 am
Looks like Arkmenos will have to step away from the game, so let's do a little NPCing to get things moving again!
Just before you all move away from the black and white tiled dias, Ealdwig suddenly stops and says, "Wait a minute! That's a Network Node!" He fumbles with his bag for a moment and pulls out a gem. "My buddy Skeeve gave me this magic gem before I left with you guys and he said I could use this gem to activate a Node to send us home. I'll have to remember what he said to do to use it, though ..." He then carefully puts the gem back in his pocket for later use.


Fannir says, "Great! Who wants to play the part of the regiment?"
Let me know if you want to check anything else out before you head out. I am going to assume you all spend around a week at Brahdhavehl, but we can fast-forward however much you'd like.
Jan 22, 2025 8:35 am
I'm laughing imagining that Ealdwig is much more fond of Skeeve and treats him as his awesomest bestie when he's in NPC mode.
Oliver walks around the alcove, looking around and imagining the story of the place.
"Oh, I totally missed that this was a Node! That's excellent news! But it's not a one-time use, right? I mean, once the gem is put, we can come back and forth, correct?"

(at Fannir's)

"Me! Me! Here, let me prepare my best angle! This so exciting! It's like being framed in a painting! And trapping your soul in the process... but oh well, you're pretty sure you know the release word, right?"
Since Oliver is taking Spell-Touched trait, should I just assume he has it already, or will we wait for an appropriate moment to add that flavorfuly?
Jan 22, 2025 7:10 pm
Actually, let's say Oliver's Spell-touched is manifesting now ...

Like I said, regardless of how long we roll-play all of this, I figure the characters are in Brahdhavehl for about a week, so this serves as the "down time" they need in order to acquire their new traits or abilities. I also assume you are able to fully restock all of your supplies, so you're all good to go on that, too.

The gem as a triggering device is one-time use. Or rather, the gem is still reusable, but it has but a single charge. It was made by Fiznik at the request of Skeeve and given to Ealdwig. The Node (Pop Square) is, of course, completely reusable. However, your ability to get back to Brahdhavehl requires you finding out what the Brahdhavehl pattern is, and you don't know that. So, if you were to leave now, you couldn't come back because you don't know its pattern. However, that shouldn't be something that is impossible to figure out ...

Finally, as to Ealdwig's reference to Skeeve, I was trying to keep his statement in character with how Arkmenos played him. I thought he had referred to Skeeve as a friend or buddy before. I wasn't trying to make them "besties" or anything; just stick to prior behavior. Though, if I did, so be it. :-) They'll both be chillin' at the Manor for a while, it looks like.
Jan 22, 2025 7:31 pm
Fannir replies, "Of course. I just told it to you!" He waves Oliver over to an open area, with Grin quickly joining him. (Anyone else who wants to can join, too.) He points the bottle opening toward them, removes the stopper and commands, "To Harbor!" With the command spoken, a mist escapes from the bottle and heads straight for the targets. They are surrounded by a dense mist that quickly obscures them, then the mist retreats into the bottle, leaving nothing behind. Fannir then quickly stoppers the bottle.

To those observing, he explains, "If you do not quickly stopper it, the mist can leak out and cause havok with those around it, particularly the bottle wielder. If you are not careful, it can pull even the user into the bottle, and then you'll be stuck! As a quick experiment, I want to leave them in the bottle for a few minutes." Everyone outside quickly huddles by the bottle looking side. They see Oliver and Grin (and whomever joined them) just standing there as they had been when surrounded by the mist.

After about ten minutes, he says, "OK, lets bring them back now." He removes the stopper from the bottle and says, "To Sea!" At that the mist reappears from the bottle and expands, then pulls back again to the bottle. Again, Fannir quickly puts the stopper back on the bottle. "And that's how you use it!"

To those volunteering, you see the mist leave from the bottle and surround you. It completely blocks your vision, but also you notice that the sounds of the area quickly fade to nothing. You see the mist continuously swirling, and just as soon as you a dropped into complete silence, you start to hear the ambient sounds again and the mist seems to start thinning. You realize it is thinning, and you watch the mist retreat from you and pull back into the bottle, and once completely back inside the bottle, Fannir returns the stopper.

Grin looks confused for a moment and says, "I thought we were going into the bottle. Did it not work?"

Fannir laughs and replies, "Yes, my boy, it did work. You were in the bottle for around ten minutes! But, once anything is placed in the bottle, they enter a kind of stasis and time basically stops for them. If you are not careful, it could be very easy to be stuck in there for centuries! So use it with care!" With that, he hands it back to Grin.
Jan 22, 2025 8:00 pm
I was just joking about the Ealdwig thing, you're indeed in character. Sorry if it sounded serious, hehe.
Jan 23, 2025 8:57 pm
Brewner will take this opportunity to during downtime join the dwarves as retainer and blacksmith, "I hope all of you great adventures and fortunes.".
He will give the Dungeoneers Map Case to Oliver and the Eavesdropper's Medallion to Stee
Eavesdropper's Medallion- While wearing this medailion you have advantage on hearing tests and can hear through barriers you are next to.
Dungeoneers Map Case-This magical case records your travels on any scroll placed within it.
The map records locations as the bearer experiences them so distant locations are recorded vaguely with details added as they are learned.
Additional notes and detail can be added with a thought after a days of practice with the scroll case.
Jan 23, 2025 11:32 pm
"Thank you Brewner. It has been a pleasure adventuring with you and you are always welcome if you get the itch again." Stee will place the medallion over his head and shake Brewner's hand.
Last edited January 23, 2025 11:33 pm
Jan 26, 2025 3:28 pm
You have a wonderful two weeks (or so) visiting the city of Brahdhavehl. Yoci proves a good host, showing you around the city and its various highlights. There are several shops featuring various dwarfish and gnomic wares, all of amazing craftsmanship. You also find several different places that have great food. You do have to spend a couple days worth of time (spread out over the visit) talking to city officials, giving them intel on your part of the surface and your journey's down. In fact, they request to see the results of the magic map and make copies of it. As payment for that, they provide you a copied and stylistic (though still quite functional) map of your journey from the descent to the city.

After being informed of the true nature of the Matrix Node, Fannir takes a keen interest in it. Working with a couple of his assistants, they figure out how to move the tiles, but still don't know how to activate or use it directly. Despite that, through their testing, they do find the pattern for this Node. Fannir lets you examine the pattern, but not write it down, saying "We can't risk the Duergar finding this! However, as long as you can remember it, you will be welcome to return."

As you get ready to leave, Gimurt brings you to the Matrix Node. "You are always welcome to return to Brahdhavehl as long as you come in peace. If you also bring trade, so much the better! Fannir tells me you have memorized the pattern, so we do hope you will come visit at some point. If you are to send others, please make sure one of you comes with them for introductions. Do know that this entire area around this dias will look nothing like it does now. While it is unfortunate we will have to completely reconstruct this grotto, we've enemies enough we will need to treat this as and entry point, not a sitting area. Hopefully Fannir and his team will be able to also magically lock it."

You all say farewell to Brewner and Yoci, with hugs all around. You set onto the dias and Ealdwig activates his gem ...
Jan 26, 2025 3:39 pm
The next thing you know you are on the Matrix Node beneath New Paphos. You can see that it appears to be much, much more secure that it has been in the past. Where there had been tents before, there are now actual stone buildings and the entire area feels much more finished than it had been before. They really have been taking measures since that goblin attack.

You are confronted by four guards who initially level spears at you, with the leader saying, "How did you get here? Fiznik has protections on this and you shouldn't be able to get through without his permission!" However, before you can say anything, a familiar guard comes out due to the noise and says, "Stand down! They are friends. I don't know how they bypassed the protections, but they are ours, so they are OK."
OK, at this point you have a few options of what you want to do. You can go up to New Paphos, do a little shopping, and whatnot. However, Ealdwig is going to want to go to the Manor shortly, and that is where I'll need you to be. But you have time for a little shopping or hob-nobbing if you wish. I am sure the Clerk will have some minor rewards, and I am sure you can sell some of your artifacts if you wish ...
Jan 26, 2025 6:06 pm
Now being a Ranger I can't wear chainmail right?
Jan 26, 2025 9:43 pm
I'm not the one to decide that, but I'm quite sure that's more of a dnd rule. In fact, even in dnd I think that's for druids, not rangers.
Jan 26, 2025 10:41 pm
During their shop tour of dwarvish and gnomic wares, Oliver asked around for new ideas or recipes to broaden his alchemical horizons. Anytime he found a shop which might have an alchemical expert inside, his pitch went something like...

"Good twilight to thee! I am Oliver Otter, alchemist extraordinaire ᶦⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵃᵏᶦⁿᵍ. I am most certain there must be some unique knowledge to be found in Brahdhavehl. Things not commonly known in the not-so-deep underdark. Would you be willing to trade knowledge for knowledge, or maybe for other kind of coin, fellow connoisseur? Behold, for these are the secrets I know."
Jan 27, 2025 7:46 pm
mathias0077 says:
Now being a Ranger I can't wear chainmail right?
None of that stuff matters in Tiny Dungeons. All that matters is what Traits you have and what you call yourself. You can wear chainmail and call yourself a Ranger if you so desire. Besides, even the armor is mostly cosmetic until you take Traits or Proficiencies to make use of them. Actually, that reminds me: I have to ask Psybermagi what the final armor rules were ...

As for Oliver, let's say you find two more "recipes" that you are able to trade for. Most are stand-offish because 1) Surfacer, 2) Anthropomorphic animal, 3) Trade secrets. You do find two willing to trade, however. We'll have to figure out what recipes you do have and what the new ones are in your character thread.
Jan 27, 2025 9:09 pm
Alrighty! I will follow through in that thread!
Jan 27, 2025 10:48 pm
[ +- ] Flavor justification for Spell-Touched
The days went by and they were so entertaining that Oliver nearly forgot to ask Yoci for his Sling back. But eventually, the day to leave Brahdhavehl had to arrive. And arrive it did.


"Farewell, Brewner. You leave a really big hole in our team that will be hard to fill, both literally and figuratively. Let us share our adventures next time we meet."

Waves and hugs all around, they stepped into the node and activated the gem to pop back to Base.
Jan 27, 2025 11:39 pm
Stee will follow Oliver onto the node and nod one more time to Brewner.
We can talk armor in the character thread.
Jan 30, 2025 3:07 pm
You are now back at New Paphos.
The story continues HERE.

You do not have permission to post in this thread.