Since I think I have a feel for where everyone is at the moment, I am going to advance this some so we can finish the testing ...

Sephek Kaltro
Sephek smiles and puts his hand on Stee's shoulder.
"Well, your loss. Thank you for all of your help earlier, and thank you for taking the effort to return the animals. You didn't need to do that, and I truly appreciate you did. I figure that everyone is going to be so happy with the animals we did get back, no one is going to complain about the animals that are missing. I certainly won't tell anyone!
"However, know that we will likely not meet again, because the reason I am here is to destroy the doors. I doubt I can do anything to them right now, but once you leave, they seemed like ordinary doors. I am going to chop them down so we don't have to worry about those nasty creatures ever again. Good luck on your journeys and may the gods be with you!"
With that Sephek makes sure the sheep and dog are on their way, releases the cats (figuring they can make their own way at this point), then helps move the chicken cages out of the cavern into the small entry cave on the other side of the doors.
"I'll have to get some help to carry these all back, but that won't be a problem! Again, thank you all for your help solving this mystery."OOC:
Any extra dialog you want to do, please add it here, and the rest of this can wait until after that. I am assuming no one has an issue with Sephek's plan.
Goodbyes are said and Oliver places a small flask just outside the door. To Sephek he says,
"Please leave this alone for a few minutes. I am trying an experiment. This is just a small flask of undrinkable alcohol I can use to try and detect using my magic circlet," he points to the circlet on his head.
"Once we close the doors, you will shortly see a flash of light between the doors. Once this happens, please wait a minute or two. After that, you may start hacking away."
Sephek nods in acknowledgement and waves as the group reenters the cave. With the doors closed, Oliver can still sense the alcohol, as it is right on the other side of the door. While he waits at the door, Brewner goes to the panel and deactivates it. As expected, the moment that Oliver sees the light flash, he can no longer sense the alcohol. His experiment completed, he retrieves the rod from doors 12, and moves it to doors 8 as planned. At that point, Brewner activates the panel again. Strangely, they don't hear any movement on the other side of doors 8.

Yoci tries to detect a path.
"The only indication I can feel is through doors 8, but it isn't as strong as the last one I felt. That likely means using this path will be longer than the other path."OOC:
I am making assumptions about character activity based on stated intentions. If anyone needs to change anything in this, let me know and we can fix it and then continue on.