The first goblins says, "Or, hear me out, perhaps you leave the four legged creature with horns behind with us, and we'll get one of our friends to serve as your guide. He's more knowledgeable than the younglings and he's very hungry ..." Thinking for a moment, he adds in, "Plus it'll save you 5 gp, as that is one less creature going through."
Deeper Underdark
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Aug 16, 2024 8:45 pm
The second goblin says, "Sure there is a deal we can strike. Pay up, or go a different way. I doubt you surfacers are poor or anything. On the other hand, more business is always useful. How about this, you pay for the 5gp per creature, and we get one of the younglings to lead you through the area. They need the practice and it saves you money. I would, however, suggest offering them some money for their efforts, otherwise you never know where they might lead you." At that last piece he gives a surprisingly devious smile.
The first goblins says, "Or, hear me out, perhaps you leave the four legged creature with horns behind with us, and we'll get one of our friends to serve as your guide. He's more knowledgeable than the younglings and he's very hungry ..." Thinking for a moment, he adds in, "Plus it'll save you 5 gp, as that is one less creature going through."
The first goblins says, "Or, hear me out, perhaps you leave the four legged creature with horns behind with us, and we'll get one of our friends to serve as your guide. He's more knowledgeable than the younglings and he's very hungry ..." Thinking for a moment, he adds in, "Plus it'll save you 5 gp, as that is one less creature going through."
Aug 16, 2024 11:38 pm
Oliver is also flabbergasted at the idea that the goat should pay. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, not able to find the words for these sneaky goblins. Then, he takes a breath, calms himself up, and gives it another go:
"I don't think the goat is going to properly enjoy our guide's underdark tour. Perhaps we can agree to skip making the goat pay?"
"I don't think the goat is going to properly enjoy our guide's underdark tour. Perhaps we can agree to skip making the goat pay?"
Aug 16, 2024 11:55 pm
This is too much for Grin. Unfurling his whip in his hand, he passes Havoc’s lead rope to Oliver and marches up to the goblins. He points at the first goblin who just spoke and says
How dare you insult the Queen of Horns! he gestures back to Havoc. You will pay for your insolence by passing the challenge of the cups! when he says "cups", he uses his Belt of Trickery to make his eyes flash green.
He pulls out some cups from his pack (two cups and a bowl) and shows them to goblins before carefully placing them upside down on the stone floor. He puts a hand into his pocket and pulls out a fist. He opens the fist to reveal what looks like a small silver marble in his palm. He quickly lifts one cup tilts his hand and the marble appears to roll under the cup. He puts the cup down again. And carefully mixes up the bowl and cups, trying to seem mysterious and tricky.
If you can guess where the marble is, we will pay full price for all the creatures in the party. If you cannot guess where the marble is, we pay only 3 gold each, not including our furry companions, Wreak and Havoc. he gestures at the dog and goat.
Consider me generous. he tries to look serious and stoic, looking to the others for some backup.
How dare you insult the Queen of Horns! he gestures back to Havoc. You will pay for your insolence by passing the challenge of the cups! when he says "cups", he uses his Belt of Trickery to make his eyes flash green.
He pulls out some cups from his pack (two cups and a bowl) and shows them to goblins before carefully placing them upside down on the stone floor. He puts a hand into his pocket and pulls out a fist. He opens the fist to reveal what looks like a small silver marble in his palm. He quickly lifts one cup tilts his hand and the marble appears to roll under the cup. He puts the cup down again. And carefully mixes up the bowl and cups, trying to seem mysterious and tricky.
If you can guess where the marble is, we will pay full price for all the creatures in the party. If you cannot guess where the marble is, we pay only 3 gold each, not including our furry companions, Wreak and Havoc. he gestures at the dog and goat.
Consider me generous. he tries to look serious and stoic, looking to the others for some backup.
Aug 17, 2024 12:17 am
sorry if this seems ridiculous - I had a complicated idea and not a lot of time to think it through. I hope this isn’t going to mess us up. Aug 17, 2024 1:05 am
Stee will go along with this play. He will stow his bow and grab his lasso off his hip then rest his other hand on the hilt of his sword. Sounds fair to me. A game of chance for the price.
If this goes sideways i will attempt to lasso the goblin Grin is talking to with my retracting rope as we discussed in character creation. Last edited August 17, 2024 1:08 am
Aug 17, 2024 1:21 am
The two goblins look puzzled for a moment, then look at each other with wicked grins. "Sure. We'll play your game, but, if you lose, you pay full price for all creatures. If you win you pay 5 gp for each person, but not the animals. Is that acceptable?" says the second goblin. The first goblin adds, "We can't go below the 5 gp."
And, yes, they did say creature on purpose. They weren't being insulting.Aug 17, 2024 10:52 am
Cool, Grin is being dramatic as usual.Aug 17, 2024 11:13 am
Oliver notices Grin's gaze and hops in. "Well that's alchematically a terrible deal, but let's go!"
Aug 17, 2024 1:19 pm
Grin looks back and nods. Point to which cup you think holds the marble.
Okay, so there is no marble - I hope that’s clear. It’s an illusion, from his belt of trickery. Shoot, did they need to make a test for that? GM, let me know what you think I should do. I’ll roll a regular roll and you can use it if you like. Maybe for deception or something?Last edited August 17, 2024 1:21 pm
Shenanigans - (2d6)
(24) = 6
Blessed mask reroll - (2d6)
(63) = 9
Aug 17, 2024 1:45 pm
What makes you think the goblins don't know this trick?After an uncomfortable silence, the goblins both let out a pretty long cackle and the second one says, "That was a fun diversion. Thank you for that. Tell you what. Pay 35 GP total and one of the younglings will guide you through." The first goblin adds, "The youngling will be my nephew, and he's annoyingly clever."
That's 5 GP per person, plus 5. It'll be a more competent younglings, too.For the record, they didn't know the marble was an illusion. Instead, they just assumed you used a real marble and rolled it out like is normally done. I.e. like they would have done it. I hope you don't mind my trickery here. I've always wanted to do this as the one being challenged. That I do it as the GM could seem unfair, but, really, this should be pretty common knowledge to many mischievous types.
EDIT: That was supposed to say "After an uncomfortable silence ..." above. I fixed it.Aug 17, 2024 9:04 pm
Having realized that these, or at least these two, goblins aren't quite what was expected, the group follows the pair back to their gatehouse. They take the 35 GP (I'll let you all figure out who pays what) and gives each person a simple stone pendant on a string (really a thin length of leather/sinew) to indicate they are guests of the settlement. Even Wreak and Havok get one to show they are passing through and not potential food. Everyone hopes these are honored, but there isn't much they can do about it right now.
The first goblin then disappears for a few moments while the second goblin hands out the pendants. After several minutes, the first goblin reappears with a shorter goblin. He introduces the new goblin to the group. "This is Serk. He is my nephew and will be your guide through our territory." Turning to Serk, he says, "Serk, you will take these fine people to the exit that leads in the direction of Brahdhavehl. If there is anything that they want to look at along the way, help them. You are not to leave them until they make it to the exit. Do this, and I will give you 10 silver for your efforts. Do you understand?"

Serk looks at the group, then back to his uncle and nods his head. "Yes, I understand. I will do as requested."
With that Serk leads the group away from the gate into the settlement. It takes a couple of minutes to get into position, but when you do, you look out into a large cavern that is an amazing warren of ledges, platforms, and walkways. There is torchlight (or magic that approximates such) everywhere. There is no apparent organization to the structures or walkways and it would be trivial to get hopelessly lost in there. Each piece is simply constructed using something that approximates wood, actual wood, sinew, and simple nails. However, the whole together is hopeless complex. It looks like it should all just collapse in on itself, but instead appears to be surprisingly sturdy. As your eyes take it in, you can see where there are little shops, businesses, smithies, food marts, and more you don't immediately recognize yet. There are also dozens of goblins all going about their business, of which there appears to be plenty. You do notice a few non-goblins about, but they seem to be rare.
The first goblin then disappears for a few moments while the second goblin hands out the pendants. After several minutes, the first goblin reappears with a shorter goblin. He introduces the new goblin to the group. "This is Serk. He is my nephew and will be your guide through our territory." Turning to Serk, he says, "Serk, you will take these fine people to the exit that leads in the direction of Brahdhavehl. If there is anything that they want to look at along the way, help them. You are not to leave them until they make it to the exit. Do this, and I will give you 10 silver for your efforts. Do you understand?"

Serk looks at the group, then back to his uncle and nods his head. "Yes, I understand. I will do as requested."
With that Serk leads the group away from the gate into the settlement. It takes a couple of minutes to get into position, but when you do, you look out into a large cavern that is an amazing warren of ledges, platforms, and walkways. There is torchlight (or magic that approximates such) everywhere. There is no apparent organization to the structures or walkways and it would be trivial to get hopelessly lost in there. Each piece is simply constructed using something that approximates wood, actual wood, sinew, and simple nails. However, the whole together is hopeless complex. It looks like it should all just collapse in on itself, but instead appears to be surprisingly sturdy. As your eyes take it in, you can see where there are little shops, businesses, smithies, food marts, and more you don't immediately recognize yet. There are also dozens of goblins all going about their business, of which there appears to be plenty. You do notice a few non-goblins about, but they seem to be rare.
For atmosphere, think the goblin warren in the first Peter Jackson Hobbit movie, but ramped up to 11 and without all of the destruction. These goblins aren't enemies; at least unless you make them so.Aug 18, 2024 11:14 pm
Before leaving the original two goblins, Grinfletch shakes hands with them and congratulates them on seeing through his trickery.
Yes, and how many people live here?! Also, where can we find some food?
Ricardoi91 says:
"What is the name you give this settlement" Brewner ask Serkload next