Deeper Underdark
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Aug 5, 2024 8:57 pm
Oliver stays still, pondering his options as the goblins get closer. Fire it is. Fire is always a good bet. He draws out one alcohol flask and the blazeball bat.
He whispers to the communicator: "I can cut out their escape route with a liiiitle bit of fire."
He whispers to the communicator: "I can cut out their escape route with a liiiitle bit of fire."
Aug 6, 2024 3:02 pm
Grin is not yet seen.
Aug 6, 2024 5:41 pm
This setting is really, really fuzzy with language. With the exception of very unusual languages (like that of the fae), the various heritages can talk with each other well enough. Not enough for a full philosophical discussion, but enough to conduct fundamental diplomacy and trade. You can all talk with the goblins well enough.Aug 6, 2024 5:57 pm
the basic on languages is that during the Dawn Age all the people spoke 1 language. There were 3 written languages. The base simple script, which most people can read at least a little, arcane has influence from the immortals from other realms, and divine which was considered the most pure. The Shattering alerted people's memories and created the modern languages, similar the the tower of babble. These new languages share many words from their common origin, about 25%, so many are almost like different dialects with they have very different pronunciation and accents.
After the Shattering all but priests, clerics, and mages, lost knowledge of the ancient high script and most civilized races developed a new high script
Rx Fey speak gaelic but understand ancient English from before the Renaissance and most others speak common which is more like a English with multiple accents based on race and region.
Aug 8, 2024 8:30 am
Turning to Stee Brewner says
"We had encountered some Goblins before they seem to speak our language"
He also nods towards Yoci "Yes i would like some answers"
"We had encountered some Goblins before they seem to speak our language"
He also nods towards Yoci "Yes i would like some answers"
Aug 8, 2024 9:52 am
Stee will relax his bowstring and follow the others lead since they have had dealing with goblins in the past. Looks at Wreak and says Wreak sit. Will hand Wreak a small morsel of food.
Aug 8, 2024 12:39 pm
Assuming Grin gets back undetectedAug 8, 2024 8:09 pm
"Hey Grin. I'm the first one who rejoices in fire and explosions, but Brewner has a point. They DO speak our language, mostly. Perhaps we could try to approach them diplomatically? Provided they don't insist in dining goat."
"But speaking of food... there's no language barrier a bit of food can't cover."
Oliver took a large flat stone from the floor, and magically supported it in the air with the unmovable rod, whose end sides he opened to support the stone. He then took out some rations and a waterskin and laid it on the improvised table. Finally, as a decorative touch, he sprinkled the table with bioluminescent moss from his flask.
"When the goblins get here, let's invite them to eat. We could pretend we've been here for a while so it doesn't seem that suspicious."
"But speaking of food... there's no language barrier a bit of food can't cover."
Oliver took a large flat stone from the floor, and magically supported it in the air with the unmovable rod, whose end sides he opened to support the stone. He then took out some rations and a waterskin and laid it on the improvised table. Finally, as a decorative touch, he sprinkled the table with bioluminescent moss from his flask.
"When the goblins get here, let's invite them to eat. We could pretend we've been here for a while so it doesn't seem that suspicious."
Aug 8, 2024 8:36 pm
Good idea. Grin takes a morsel from the table and pops it in his mouth. When Havoc arrives, he’ll spit it back out and offer it to the goat to coax her towards the back of the group away from the goblins.
Aug 9, 2024 4:28 pm
There is no need to entice Havok as he quickens his pace to outrun the pursuit. The goblins continue to give chase until they are almost in ambush range when one of them grabs the other and hisses out, "Stop!" The second goblin starts to say, "But what ab-" but the other goblin quickly shuts him down. "The animal is not alone!" Just as the first goblin says that, Havok bumps into Grin disturbing his camouflage. They can't make out who or what is there, but the goblin's suspicions have just been confirmed.
Both goblins quickly compose themselves and take a defensive stance with their goblins swords drawn, boldly stating, "Who goes there!? Show yourself."
Both goblins quickly compose themselves and take a defensive stance with their goblins swords drawn, boldly stating, "Who goes there!? Show yourself."
Note that they are not launching into combat and are asking for someone to show themselves. They do not appear to have slings or bows on them.Aug 10, 2024 9:23 pm
Without showing hinself Brewner answers "Name is Brewner, an adventurer and on good terms with the goblin king, but I had problems with Morlocks..." He waits for a reaction from the goblins
Aug 11, 2024 6:00 am
The goblins scoff, "Ain't no goblin king around here! But morlock problems? Join the crowd on that one," They both have a chuckle at that.
"We don't get many surfacers around here. We control this entire cavern, so if you want to pass through, you'll need to show yourself. Otherwise, try a different path."
"We don't get many surfacers around here. We control this entire cavern, so if you want to pass through, you'll need to show yourself. Otherwise, try a different path."
Aug 11, 2024 8:20 am
daryen says:
The goblins scoff, "Ain't no goblin king around here! But morlock problems? Join the crowd on that one," They both have a chuckle at that. "We don't get many surfacers around here. We control this entire cavern, so if you want to pass through, you'll need to show yourself. Otherwise, try a different path."
Damit, i wanted to say goblin kind not goblin king, but no problemAug 11, 2024 11:31 am
Stee will step out with Wreak with weapons stowed. Good day, have you seen any morlocks lately?
Aug 12, 2024 12:27 am
Eh, the reaction would not really be any different, so we'll just go with what we have.One of the goblins responds, "We saw some morlocks slinking by a day or so earlier, but they know better than to try anything with us.
"So, do you wish to pass through, or are you going to slink on by like the morlocks?"
Yoci motions to Ealdwig that they need to pass through.
Edit: Typo in the original OOC comment reversed the meaning. :-( I fixed it, but want to note that I meant to say, "It would NOT change the reaction, as they would have been just as dismissive, so nothing would have changed." Basically, each goblin group is different, so what you have established with one group (friend or foe) has no bearing on what happens with a different group.Aug 12, 2024 3:37 pm
Ealdwig, stows his blade and steps out from his cover. We'd like to pass through, if it's not too much of a problem. Not knowing exactly how much to say, he leaves it at that.
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