Sep 25, 2024 8:01 pm

She looks at Grin with a slight frown, and with a barely perceptible swish of her tail, Grin's illusions are immediately dispelled. She then smiles at Ealdwig's awkwardness, before looking you all over.
She moves around you, making a big circle around your group. She positively purrs, "I am so glad to finally have visitors after all this time. Would you like to play a little game with me? Answer my riddles and I will let you pass through. Fail to answer, and you will have to leave the way you came. Do not violate my hospitality." She then smiles a horrible smile that extends way farther than you would think it should on her otherwise human-looking face, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. "The kobolds know to avoid me now, so it's been quite a while since I have had a good meal. Fortunately for you, I am not yet famished."