Lead Dwarf
You help the dwarves collect their fallen. There are three fallen dwarves and another gnome. Yoci heals the unconscious gnome, allowing them to travel back with the group on their own without needing to be carried. She also heals the other dwarves and your team (including Wreak). She is pretty exhausted after all that effort, though.
The lead dwarf says,
"We were making a standard patrol and appear to have tripped across an attack force of some kind. Thank you so much for preventing them from opening that bottle! Had they done so, we'd all have surely been overwhelmed with the forces inside."
The fallen are collected and prepared for transport fairly quickly. Everything secured, the combined team heads out and the dwarves lead you to Brahdhavehl. After about a half hour, you approach a fortified embankment that completely closes off the passageway you had been traveling. The two dwarves and two gnomes present themselves to the door and the lead dwarf declares that they are a returning patrol. There is a pause and the door begins to open. As it is opening, the dwarf turns to you and says,
"You are not expected. Please be patient with our security protocol. It might seem a little, uh, aggressive. It's just the protocol and it isn't fast." Everyone enters the door and you find yourselves in a secure room while the door you entered closes. Once the door fully closes, all of your light sources are extinguished, even the magical ones. You hear movement around you and rough hands remove your weapons and the fallen you were carrying. Except for some growling by Wreak, the process is over fairly quickly and a different set of doors start to open. Surprisingly, a fairly strong source of light is evident from the other side of the door.
Moving through the second doors you find yourself in a rather ornate, but functional, courtyard type area. It is obviously intended for practical purposes (being an entrance into the city), but it is still ornate and beautiful to behold. There is a sculpture in the center of the area, showing a heroic looking dwarf statue, and some seating around the outside perimeter of the courtyard. The roof is decorated with various parapets and arches, and the walls have various columns and arches with in that add to the ornateness. It is pretty impressive. You do notice that there is no plants in the courtyard, however. Everything is exquisite stonework. The lead dwarf says,
"Please wait here and someone will come for you. It could take a little while, but, again, please be patient. You will get your stuff back soon." And with that the two dwarves and two gnomes (including Yoci) disappear through a door on the other side of the courtyard. It is only you and your pets in the courtyard. You have the various loot you have found, but you are missing your weapons, including the ones you just found.
OK, you're on your own in the courtyard, but you seem to be trapped and are definitely unarmed. Are you just going to wait for them to return, or do something else? I doubt Yoci is going to leave you hanging, but she does have to report after her long absence.