Deeper Underdark

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Dec 27, 2024 4:14 pm
Wow, I got attacked mercilessly!
Not bad, almost evaded all it if.
Last edited December 27, 2024 4:15 pm


Agile Defense (evade) - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Agile Defense (evade) - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Agile Defense (evade) - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Dec 27, 2024 6:10 pm
Oliver is amazed by Ealdwig's swift feet (which sounds oddly familiar in his head).

"Go, Ealdwig the Wobbly!"
Dec 28, 2024 5:26 pm
Start of Turn 6

The Fancy Duergar and Brewner are now in a face-off, with the Duergar having freed himself from the grapple. The negative is that he is able to freely act now. The positive is that the ranged weapon guys can attack him how. Also, the homunculus can attack now, too, but would have to spend a move to get there.

The sounds of your combat have reached the beleaguered dwarf/gnome fighters, causing them to press harder. This keeps the duergar fighting them focused there. The four facing you are arrayed against Ealdwig and his homunculus. If the homunculus moves forward, Ealdwig will be overwhelmed, and the ranged group will get directly attacked. So, you'll need to figure out who you want to go where.
You are all up! Feel free to move any NPCs to where you need them, including Grin, Yoci, and the homunculus.
Dec 28, 2024 6:23 pm
I'm planning to focus melee attacks on the fancy one, as I'm next to him too. (Bat attacks instead of torch attacks, for moar damage, and also to not stun him, so as to see what fancy thing he does next).
Does this align with what you're thinking?
Edit: Ooor, we could try to shove the fancy duergar nearer to the homunculus and watch the full extent of its double attack?
Last edited December 28, 2024 6:26 pm
Dec 28, 2024 7:50 pm
Can I shoot the jar out of Mr fancy pants hand? Or at least shoot his hand holding it to make him drop it?
Last edited December 29, 2024 12:43 am
Dec 28, 2024 11:58 pm
Ealdwig and the huge humunculus attack the four Deugar with ferocity.
Wasn't sure of the humunculus attack so I added a 1d6 and a 2d6. Use whichever one it should be


attack with sword (Mastery) - (3d6)

(415) = 10

attack with sword (Mastery) - (3d6)

(215) = 8

Humunculus attack - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Humunculus attack - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Dec 29, 2024 2:27 pm
Has the Duergar leader freed himself from Brewner grip he attacks with the warhammer


Focus+ Attack - (3D6)

(156) = 12

Dec 29, 2024 5:05 pm
Oliver decides to take out his (not so) trusty bat and swing twice at the fancy duergar.
Is it legal to have bat in one hand and torch in the other, or do I need to drop the torch to do a berserk attack?


Bat swing 1 (berserk) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Bat swing 2 (berserk) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Dec 29, 2024 5:53 pm
The homunculus gets a second Action.
Dec 29, 2024 5:56 pm
mathias0077 says:
Can I shoot the jar out of Mr fancy pants hand? Or at least shoot his hand holding it to make him drop it?
You know what? Sure! I'll say if you have Mastery, you can attempt a called shot, but it's at Disadvantage. Don't forget you have the Mastery trait.
Dec 29, 2024 6:15 pm
daryen says:
mathias0077 says:
Can I shoot the jar out of Mr fancy pants hand? Or at least shoot his hand holding it to make him drop it?
You know what? Sure! I'll say if you have Mastery, you can attempt a called shot, but it's at Disadvantage. Don't forget you have the Mastery trait.
Can I call my shot and use focus since I am at disadvantage?
Dec 31, 2024 6:15 am
mathias0077 says:
daryen says:
mathias0077 says:
Can I shoot the jar out of Mr fancy pants hand? Or at least shoot his hand holding it to make him drop it?
You know what? Sure! I'll say if you have Mastery, you can attempt a called shot, but it's at Disadvantage. Don't forget you have the Mastery trait.
Can I call my shot and use focus since I am at disadvantage?
Absolutely! That's why I mentioned Mastery. With that, if you Focus, you succeed on a 3-6, rather than just 4-6.
Dec 31, 2024 2:13 pm
Stee will take his time and focus this shot on the jar Mr fancy pants is holding. Stee believes he can shoot it out of his hand. Sight, inhale, draw and aim, exhale, and loose.


to hit disadvantage with focus - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jan 1, 2025 12:36 am
Ooooooo! And it's a grand New Year hit!
Jan 1, 2025 5:39 am
Very nice!

I missed a question from @Bunt earlier. Yeah, I think you need to drop the torch for a berserker attack. But that doesn't take an Action, though picking it back up will.
Grin lets off two crossbow shots at the Fancy Duergar, while Yoci attacks one of the closer Duergar with her sling. All three attacks hit! Wreak is still taking protection behind Stee. Havok is nowhere to be seen.

The Fancy Duergar is starting to show damage and looking the worst for wear. Stee's aimed shot knocks the bottle from his hand, and it clatters to the floor. Despite appearing to be made from glass, it does not break upon impact. The leader is now furious and returns Brewner's attacks with a vengeance. Both attacks succeed, and Brewner takes three points of damage!

Ealdwig finishes off one of the four in front of him and the homunculus. The remaining one in front of him attack him, and the other two attack the homunculus again. Ealdwig sustains no damage, but the homunculus takes two points of damage.

Oh, just realized that the homunculus has two attacks, and Arkmenous only tolled one, so here is its second Attack at one of the Duergar in front of it ... And it hits the one damaged by Grin, taking him out.

So, Brewner now had four damage against him. Oliver has one (with his noted correction), Ealdwig has his one.

End of Turn 6


Grinfletch: Attack 1 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(655) = 16

Grinfletch: Attack 2 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(246) = 12

Yoci: Attack DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(63) = 9

FD Attack 1 (Brewner) DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)

(136) = 10

FD Attack 2 (Brewner) DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)

(661) = 13

D11 Attack 1 (Homunculus) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(65) = 11

D11 Attack 2 (Homunculus) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(43) = 7

D12 Attack 1 (Homunculus) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(36) = 9

D12 Attack 2 (Homunculus) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(23) = 5

D13 Attack 1 (Ealdwig) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(14) = 5

D13 Attack 2 (Ealdwig) DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Homunculus Attack 2 DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)

(153) = 9

Jan 1, 2025 6:15 am
Start of Turn 7

There are now two Duergar facing Ealdwig and the homunculus, and the Fancy Duergar has taken some serious damage himself. Their morale at facing a much more dangerous force is starting to waver. From what you can see on the other side, there are three Duergar still standing, but you don't know how many are still standing against them.
You are up again.
Jan 1, 2025 6:38 pm
Stee after pulling off the spectacular bottle shot will take two more shots at Mr fancy pants. Knowing he rushed the first shot after the rush of exaltation from the bottle shot he slows his actions back to normal and lands a solid hit on the second shot.
Last edited January 1, 2025 6:43 pm


to hit - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (121) = 4

3d6 : (156) = 12

Jan 1, 2025 9:36 pm
Eyeing an opportunity and dismissing the risk, Oliver picks the fallen bottle and drinks it.

"Bottoms up!"
I'm guessing that was action 1.
Jan 1, 2025 11:17 pm
Oliver does not drink the contents of the bottle.
When Oliver picks up the bottle, when he looks in it, he sees what looks like a full score of tiny little Duergar in full battle gear standing frozen in formation. They look remarkably life-like and detailed, though you don't have time for a closer look.
Are you *sure* you wanna open that?

And to be clear, this is not a potion vial, but more the size of a large wine bottle. You figure it should have shattered when it hit the hard stone surface. But it didn't.

You still have one Actin, as picking it up only used one Action.
Jan 2, 2025 6:11 am
Alright, alright, hint taken, hahaha
Oliver takes a second guess once he raises the bottle to eye level.
"Er... Maybe bottoms down."
He proceeds to pocket the bottle.
The following part assumes that picking and pocketing the bottle are conceivably "one action" (including one little object interaction?). Let me know if that's not the case, so we omit the attack.
"But fancy is going down too."
Oliver swings the bat again at the duergar.
Post-roll: Not my best stroke of luck, no
Last edited January 2, 2025 6:13 am


Bat swing at fancy duergar (berserker) - (1d6)

(1) = 1

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