Deeper Underdark
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Jul 30, 2024 12:16 am
Grin will stand toward the side with Havoc, ready to take a crossbow shot as soon as the doors open. Make sure to shine some light out when you open the doors!
Jul 30, 2024 12:28 am
Stee also stands off with Grin bow ready arrow nocked. Has Wreak on guard by Havok.
Last edited July 30, 2024 12:47 am
Jul 30, 2024 7:26 am
Oliver moves into the doorway just after removing the rod. If there's something that needs immediate hitting, the rod should suffice. He chuckles at the mental picture.
As soon as he gets in, he takes out one flask of shiny lichen, to serve as natural and not-so-suspicious light.
As soon as he gets in, he takes out one flask of shiny lichen, to serve as natural and not-so-suspicious light.
Jul 30, 2024 7:49 am
"Very well let's go, Yoci stay in the back" Brewner says as he opens the door and advances carefully, watching for any movement.
Who is been carrying the light? I can't rememberJul 31, 2024 8:44 pm
It has been somewhere between one and two days since you have been back to the lake cavern. So, things could be different, depending on what the morlocks had decided to do.You look around just to be safe. No one is hiding, and it doesn't appear that the morlocks ever made camp or anything. You move down towards the lake a bit and see the dock as before, but the chuul's body is now gone. No sign of the ship is seen, though you figure if you wait long enough they'll pass by again.

Aug 1, 2024 10:29 am
As he approaches the cave, Brewner will look for any traces the Morlocks may have left. Reaching the entrance he will stop and listen.
While wearing this medailion you have advantage on hearing tests and can hear through barriers you are next to.
Eavesdropper's MedallionWhile wearing this medailion you have advantage on hearing tests and can hear through barriers you are next to.
Listen test - (3d6)
(646) = 16
Aug 1, 2024 3:24 pm
Is that the cave we saw while on the boat? Can we walk to it?Aug 1, 2024 6:21 pm
"Everything seems calm... for now. Let's follow the signal then."
Just before following in Yoci's pointed direction, Oliver approached the lake and looked around.
"Right. Last time I forgot to find out how acid or salty this water was. Just harmless curiosities about the underdark."
And he produced and filled two vials in the water, and a third one, which he promptly tasted.
He winced at the taste, and then hurried after the rest.
Just before following in Yoci's pointed direction, Oliver approached the lake and looked around.
"Right. Last time I forgot to find out how acid or salty this water was. Just harmless curiosities about the underdark."
And he produced and filled two vials in the water, and a third one, which he promptly tasted.
He winced at the taste, and then hurried after the rest.
Last edited August 1, 2024 6:22 pm
Aug 1, 2024 9:04 pm
Stee will pull out his Autums Glory and attach it to his boot to provide light for his footing. And commands Wreak on guard.
[ +- ] Autums Glory
A leaf that is perpetually on fire, the flame cannot spread and illuminates an area of 10ft.
Aug 3, 2024 3:16 pm
As you cautiously enter into the adjacent cavern, you find no immediate threats. The cavern is long and winding, having several openings departing from it. It is moist and quiet, except for an irregular dripping sound. Along one side there is an extensive patch of fungi that appears non-threatening. You take a bit of time to look through the cavern and Brewner sees evidence of the Morlocks travelling through it and leaving from the farthest opening from whence you entered. When Yoci concentrates on determining a path, it inconveniently indicates the same direction.
You do not find anything else of note within the cavern.
As you press on, you find the path frustrating and difficult. You see at least two spots where an ambush could have been prepared and obviously that didn't happen. You deduce that the morlocks didn't expect you to come back and likely knew another route to somewhere useful to them.
After over two full hours of wandering and squeezing through the path, it finally opens into another very large cavern. This one, however, immediately shows indications of activity, unlike the previous one. Fortunately, the entrance into the cavern is set up relatively high, giving you a moderately protected view with a great vantage point. As you array along the edge of the path down, you can see that the path down has been modified to allow fairly safe foot traffic. It also dawns on you that farther down, where you don't have a good view, is a source of persistent and extensive light, but at a fairly low level. Carefully looking about you do see what appears to be a guard post about 100 feet away from the bottom of the path down, pretty close to where the cavern bends into the source of the light.
You do not find anything else of note within the cavern.
As you press on, you find the path frustrating and difficult. You see at least two spots where an ambush could have been prepared and obviously that didn't happen. You deduce that the morlocks didn't expect you to come back and likely knew another route to somewhere useful to them.
After over two full hours of wandering and squeezing through the path, it finally opens into another very large cavern. This one, however, immediately shows indications of activity, unlike the previous one. Fortunately, the entrance into the cavern is set up relatively high, giving you a moderately protected view with a great vantage point. As you array along the edge of the path down, you can see that the path down has been modified to allow fairly safe foot traffic. It also dawns on you that farther down, where you don't have a good view, is a source of persistent and extensive light, but at a fairly low level. Carefully looking about you do see what appears to be a guard post about 100 feet away from the bottom of the path down, pretty close to where the cavern bends into the source of the light.
Aug 3, 2024 3:31 pm

Aug 3, 2024 9:08 pm
Brewner is going to stay low trying to conceal his figure, taking his time to watch the guard post, does he detect movement?
Aug 3, 2024 9:44 pm
Stee will put his Autums Glory away and follow Brewner also staying low with bow out and arrow nocked. Tells Wreak to stay.
Aug 4, 2024 1:38 am
Grin whispers: Come on Havoc, it’s your time to shine. He removes the lead rope from her neck and prepares to follow her at a distance, using his cloak to blend in with the cavern as he goes. I’ll scout it out, he thinks through his communicator to the others with communicators, as the goat begins exploring.
Aug 4, 2024 5:49 pm
Complete aside that I will include here because it makes my life easier ...When Felix left, he didn't take is communication crystal because it would be worthless to him. I'm gonna assume you gave it to Yoci to use while she is with the group.
"What's a surfacer animal doing down here?" asks one to the other.
"Who cares!?" replies the other, "Quick! Grab it! Dinner awaits!"
Startled, but realizing the danger he is in, Havok turns around and runs straight for Grin!
Aug 4, 2024 7:24 pm
Grin retreats towards the group, hoping Havoc follows. He communicates to the others: goblins following my retreat. Prepare ambush.
Aug 4, 2024 8:11 pm
I need a roll from Grin. No advantage, disadvantage or focus. Just a roll to see if the goblins figure out Grin is there.
Aug 5, 2024 7:57 am
Brewner becomes visible confused, he wasn't expecting goblins, he also wonders if this goblins have any conection to the previus goblins. In a low voice he says Make sure to grab one of them for interrogation
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