Against the Cult: Disappearances (1.6)

May 17, 2024 7:01 am
As Aanbo, Joseph, Theran, and Xana began their training, one of the acolytes of Rao came to the Inn of Eternal Rest to congratulate the Heroes of Hochoch once again, and let them know that Diana had sent a runner to the Jarl farm to let them know that Devek was awake again and that he seemed to be recovering nicely. Albertus got into a bit of a disagreement with the acolyte at this, as he felt that they should have been the ones to deliver the good news! The acolyte was very apologetic, not wanting to upset the heroes. Despite Kragga's insistence that the man meant no offense - he was just reporting what Diana had ordered - Albertus would not calm down, instead insisting that it was only paladinic if he would go and confront the priestess herself. Olpert and Kragga tried to talk him out of this, but it was Ogbar's insistence that it could wait until morning, because this was his last night with the party, that changed Albertus' mind.

The party was stunned, but Ogbar assured everyone that his mind was made up. He thanked Olpert, and asked that his thanks be passed on to Cecily, but he would be taking his earnings and leaving for his homeland in the morning. The party celebrated mightily.

The next morning, Ogbar rose, apparently none the worse for wear, and headed out. As he was passing the last of the farmhouses, he saw two travelers he saw on the road approaching from the other direction (on their way into town): a muscular woman in heavy mail, shield strapped to her back, and, astonishingly, another clansman from the distant northlands! Ogbar greeted them warmly - these were his kind of people! - and introduced himself. The armored woman was Myrtha, the northman was Reptile. They had come by different paths and ended up hired by Cecily to bolster the numbers of Dungeon Busters in what was turning out to be a thriving franchise in Hochoch. Ogbar told them a little bit about what to expect, and presented himself as a prime example of a success story: he'd made his riches, become a hero, and was now headed home! Having described Olpert to them, Ogbar shook their hands, wished them all success, and then continued on his way.

Myrtha and Reptile arrived in town and asked after the location of the Inn of Eternal Rest. There, they found Olpert in the courtyard, noting records in his log books. "Ah!" he said, handing a sealed note to another runner. "You must be two of the new crew. Welcome, welcome! I think we'll have some work for you very soon!" Kragga the half-orc wizard approached and introduced himself. "I'm always pleased to meet others eager to plumb the mysteries of the past!" Very quickly, the wizard began talking about Boccob and the various writings of Pae that the Dungeon Busters had found in their last adventure into an ancient ruin. "Several of the others are around still: Albertus, Durren, Klak, Morgran, Sara, Thacogygax (he's a fun one) just missed Ogbar. Oh, you met him on the way into town? Marvelous! Oh, and I nearly forgot Quest." Kragga gets a puzzled look for a moment. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Quest in days. I wonder where he went? I should ask Olpert about it."
Myrtha and Reptile arrived just a little bit before noon. You're free to introduce yourselves, talk about locations in the town you'd like to visit or people you'd like to see. The characters who were training will be out of training in-game tomorrow, so they can jump in, too.
May 17, 2024 11:08 am
Looks to large Mytha, "A room would be grand after travels." He adds on, "Something hot as well."

He looks about with his translucent blue eyes, "It will be good to meet everyone for sure, but that will happen, I'm sure. Does this inn serve good hot meals & strong drink?
Last edited May 17, 2024 11:09 am
May 18, 2024 10:38 am
[ +- ] Myrtha's description
Myrtha had become acquainted to Reptile in the last few days of walking. She was reserved, though not humorless; perhaps it had to do with the fact the large northman was a stranger, and a foreigner from these lands. Or perhaps it was just her mood. She was a good walking companion, however: never complaining and never lagging behind, despite Reptile's longer stride and her own non-negligible load.

She was surprised and glad to have chanced upon Ogbar on the road. She cherished the information he provided, as she always liked to know where she was heading, and what kind of environment to expect. If she had any reservations about this contract, his words and manner did much to allay them. She wished him safe travels and success in his future endeavors.

In the courtyard of the Inn of Eternal Rest, she listened to Olpert's words attentively. This was, after all, a representative of her employer and someone she'd better get to know well, and not cross. "Eager to do useful work, Master Olpert. And happy to have reached the end of this particular road."

When the half-orc wizard presented himself and explained the findings of the company's latest delve, she tried to commit details and names to memory. She realized that she wouldn't be able to keep it all in her mind. She'd need a notebook, or at least some parchment.

She was ready to follow Reptile on his search for a meal and refreshment. At the mention of strong drink, she averted her gaze slightly. The discomfort was short-lived and might have passed unnoticed by the barbarian and wizard. Reptile would have noticed that Myrtha had only drank water on the road to Hochoch, even when other fare had been available.
As an aside, Myrtha is about 5'7", which is slightly above average for a woman, but not an imposing size. Myrtha is no Brienne of Tarth...
May 18, 2024 4:18 pm
Reptile who isn't a massive northerner but is tall (6'2"), takes easy to travels with Myrtha. He tries to be good at conversation but is a touch lacking in some social skills. As being a northerner, they never complain about anything. Life for them has driven that into them.

He will mention, his many tattoos and some adventures. He tosses in a word or two about the god hero Azor'alq. He does tell the tale of his manhood taking out three wolves and the tattoo associated. His cleaver tactics made up for his lack of huge size and strength. Myrtha finds out he is actually an ex-city watchman. And has left his clan behind him.

When with the others, he will let Myrtha talk more for the two. He does give his name as just "Reptile". If pressed he will speak of the Northern Frozen Lands. He does appear to be armed although in more simple common clothing. His battleaxe is his friend and it can be rather friendly.

At the Inn of Eternal Rest, Reptile has good manners and lacks that more barbarian haste. Speaks more about the meal and coming work. Doesn't seem to bother him that she doesn't drink alcohol when he certainly does. The point really slips him as doesn't mention it.
Last edited May 18, 2024 4:20 pm
May 19, 2024 5:23 am
"You are fairy well-coom!" Devane Thornhill tells the two newest adventurers in his heavily-accented Imperial. "Police, heffa sit! Aye will brung you sum foot! Fairy gut!" His wife, Soraya, approaches with a smile, and introduces herself, clearly mentally noting your names. She speaks Imperial with a slight Northern accent. "We are delighted to have more Dungeon Busters heroes here. Your group has already done so much for our community!" She smiles. "If you need anything to help you get settled here in town, directions, referrals, introductions, please let us know."

There aren't a lot of people in the Inn in the early afternoon, aside from some employees and regulars. Kragga murmurs their names as Myrtha and Reptile look around the open seating. "That pretty blonde human - the one who is watching us and ignoring her suitors - is Lienne Vereel. The human in the corner, slowly getting drunk, is Rufus..." Kragga speaks out of the side of his mouth: "He loaned us the use of his wagon and we keep leaving it out by the Jarl farm...we should really get it back to him before someone steals it or breaks it down for firewood..." He points out an elf sitting by herself with her eyes closed, either meditating or deeply asleep. "That's Mironund; she came in with Quest. Have you met Quest yet?" When they shake their heads, Kragga says "I haven't met him yet, either, but everyone says he helped out a lot with that problem at the mill..." He points out a halfling who totters up to Lienne's table to deliver a tray full of drinks. "That's Tap - he works for Devane and Soraya. The brunette woman eating dinner with the kid there is Mathilda, and the kid is Durren Elderblade, another Dungeon Buster. They seem to be getting along pretty well since I was in town last. Olpert says that we can fraternize with the locals only so far as it doesn't interfere with our duties as heroes and representatives of the company. Lastly, there's Wellin over there - " The half-orc wizard points to a haggard-looking human man sitting in the corner, staring into the distance over his small bowl of stew and cup of cheap ale. "He was a trader, running goods between Hookhill, Orlane, and Hochoch, but he was robbed by Bandit Black and ever since he's been trying to scrape enough coin together to get out of town. Last couple of days he's been hiring himself out as a farmhand, from what I hear."
May 19, 2024 10:27 am
Myrtha greeted the inn keeper and his wife, Soraya, without formality. When Soraya offered information, she did not hesitate to ask: "Could you recommend a smithy around here? Might need to get some work done...".

As Kraga presented the other patrons of the Inn of Eternal Rest, she once again regretted not having something to scribble on. "Would you know why the blonde... Lienne was it? Why would she be looking at us so? Also, who is Bandit black?" Her head was already submerged by all the references, as she added "...and no, we haven't met Quest yet. He seems to be sought by Master Olpert as well..."
May 19, 2024 11:00 am
Reptile offers an answer to Myrtha questions, "We are rather new. Perhaps they are sizing us up. Such happens you know."
May 20, 2024 12:16 am
Soraya nods. "I can recommend the work of Pever; he's done some very solid fine metal tools for us."

After she leaves and Tap serves the food, Kragga chuckles at Myrtha's first question and Reptile's response. "Yes, Reptile has the right of it. Lienne...likes to find out things, and tell others about them. You could call her a gossip, or maybe an 'information broker.'" The half-orc frowns. "Master Olpert is also looking for Quest? Hmm. I suppose he could have left town without telling for Bandit Black..." Kragga sighs and takes a drink. "Bandit Black is apparently a scourge in these parts. One of the first things our group did here in Hochoch was liberate a mill that had been captured by some of Black's bandits. They were holding the miller's family hostage and getting him to grind for them." He considers. "You know, it's still not clear what they wanted with the mill..."
May 21, 2024 6:40 pm
"The men at the mill have been completely dealt with, then? No one survived who could tell more about Bandit Black’s plans?"

Speaking of something concrete facilitated Myrtha’s settling down in this new space. She had almost forgotten Lienne the Gossip’s insistent scrutinising from afar. Almost.

"Do you know this Pever, the smith, Kraga? I’ve prenticed as a smith, been looking forward to getting some work done on my mail, perhaps my blade. And in between assignments, I like to keep busy. Helps me think."



May 22, 2024 6:58 am
Kragga shakes his head. "I wasn't with the party at the time. But I heard that Black himself wasn't there, and any lieutenants he had in charge of the place were killed or ran off." He frowns. "Come to think of it, they told me that some of the bandits surrendered and were captured. They were taken back to town - here, in Hochoch - for judgment. Tuan Vo and his monks took them away, I think."

When Myrtha asks about Pever, Kragga grins a fanged smile. "From everything I've heard, he's the best smith in town. When we get a chance, I can show you where his smithy is, if you like."

Lienne saunters over and leans on Kragga's chair. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your new friends, Kragga?" She smiles prettily. "I'm Lienne Vereel. I must say I feel safer with so many heroes around...especially big strong ones like...well, all three of you. No offense, Xana dear." The others look around and are a bit surprised to see that Xana is sitting at the table with them. Was she there the whole time? She's not normally that stealthy...
May 22, 2024 7:25 am
Soon enough the rest of the party arrives from their training sessions, and as they sit at the table with the others, Olpert joins them. Knowing the drill by now, Tap arrives with drinks for each person.

"I was waiting for enough of you to be in one place that I could talk about your next assignments. First of all, though, I'd like to welcome our newest members, Myrtha...uh...and Reptile! You both come with very high recommendations from Cecily, and we're glad to have you on the team!" Olpert taps his mug on the table and then takes a drink: genteel applause for the new members of the organization, Myrtha the fighter and Reptile the barbarian.

"But now: Dungeon Busters business. You all" he gestures to include Aanbo, Joseph, Theran, and Xana "Did a great job with that Jarl boy (not to mention all the loot your brought back with you): the town can talk of little else. Which, as you know, is good news for Dungeon Busters." He taps his mug and takes another drink. Then he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "You know what isn't good news for Dungeon Busters? Borrowing things and not returning them. Like a WAGON." Olpert looks over at Rufus on the other side of the covered patio and raises his cup in salute. Rufus waves back, a little unsteadily. "I've had to buy that man drinks for days now, because he's out two oxen and a wagon. I understand that the oxen ran off - they've probably been eaten long since - but some of you should get a plowhorse or another ox to hitch up to the wagon and bring it back before the man loses his livelihood. Need I remind you that we're here to make people safer, by solving their difficult or dangerous problems, not by losing their assets?" Olpert does tend to talk like an accountant at times. But then again, he is the one handling all the books for this branch of the organization, so perhaps it's expected.

"That's just wrapping up the previous job. As for new jobs, well, there's not a lot happening here in Hochoch that I'm aware of, and I've been asking around and having the other Dungeon Busters spread the word. But there are two things of concern that I think could bear fruit:
First, we don't know if we've driven off Bandit Black, so there's the possibility that he's still in the area, biding his time to assault the next caravan or merchant. That ties in to the second thing: ever since I got here, I've been hearing rumors about weird stuff going on in Orlane. There's a lot of wild stories, but the fact is that trade from Orlane has practically ground to a halt, and nobody who has gone out east to Orlane or Hookhill beyond it have come back to tell us what's happening. Just about the only contact we've had with Orlane recently is that kidnapper you guys brought in..."
He looks at a scrap of paper that he's filled with notes in tiny, crabbed handwriting, "...Jonbon, that's his name. Jonbon was from Orlane, right? We need to find out what's happening with Bandit Black - is he still a threat? - and what's happening with shipments from Orlane. People can't shut up about the great produce that Orlane produces, and they're pretty unhappy about only eating the stuff grown around here. Is that all clear? I hope so. If you have any questions for me, ask away. But I think you could start by talking to the bandits and Jonbon to see if you can find out anything more."
May 22, 2024 3:03 pm
"Perhaps a few of us can go get the cart in question, while the others question the kidnapper?" Theran suggests. "I'd get the cart myself but if I'm honest... it predates me, and I'm not entirely sure what cart we are supposed to be getting. But I will help get it."
May 22, 2024 5:17 pm
After Olpert's presentation of Reptile and her, Myrtha nodded at each one of the veterans sitting around the table, and smiled in acknowledgment of their welcome. She then spent the next minutes absorbed in Olpert's description of the tasks ahead.

Following Naïlo's comment, she was eager to share her mind. "I will help with whatever you need, though I'd definitely want to meet these bandits, and the kidnapper. Make myself an idea of who you've been dealing with."

Then, turning back to Olpert, she added "Do we know of any trader's heading East soon? We could try to join them and try to fend off any attackers..."
Last edited May 22, 2024 5:18 pm
May 22, 2024 10:13 pm
Aanbo takes his usual tea; Tap undoubtedly knows of the dwarven monk's peculiar taste for bitter leaves by now. He listens carefully to Olpert's tome of accountability and nods at the what he considers the appropriate time.

"I think the wagon was damaged in the battle?" Aanbo remarks when Theran offers the question of cart recovery. He glances up at the ceiling to search his memory and continues, "Someone with carpentry skills might be good to come along, but I'm willing to give it a try if we can scrounge up some tools. And we ought to bring a horse or other animal to help pull the wagon, so if there's someone among us that works well with animals, it would be a blessing."

He sets his empty cup on the table. "Theran, I would gladly go with you to get the wagon. Just let me find some tools, and maybe a healer's kit. Does anyone remember where the general store might be?"
May 23, 2024 5:12 am
It's been about one tenday in-game since the party first set out with Rufus' wagon and team. Aanbo would probably assume that the wagon (and one ox) is still at the Jarl farm, which is where they left it after rescuing Abel's family from Jonbon's kidnapping attempt (the wagon that was damaged was Jonbon's, destroyed when the owlbear attacked). There shouldn't be any need for repairs, unless it is as a "detailing" to return the wagon slightly better than they borrowed it from Rufus.
Kragga frowns and steps aside with Olpert to talk for a few minutes about Quest. Olpert seems to think he's just left, but what Kragga remembers doesn't seem in keeping with that version of events.

OK, so it sounds like some people want to get the wagon, and some want to talk to the bandits, some want to talk to Jonbon, and some want some combination of the three. Declare which thing your character is doing first.
May 23, 2024 5:38 am
Aanbo will fetch the wagon, thankful for the reminder that he was thinking of the wrong one. "It would be good to check on Devek and the Jarls while we're there," he adds.
May 23, 2024 1:28 pm
Barbarian Reptile says with some thought, "We should get that wagon back most of all as it was barrowed."

Reptile is rather particular about stuff and who it belongs too. He is an ex-city watchman.
Last edited May 23, 2024 1:40 pm
May 23, 2024 2:20 pm
"I agree, Aanbo. It will be nice to see how they are," Theran says, making it obvious what he intends to do.
May 23, 2024 9:29 pm
Although Myrtha is personally more interested in interviewing the prisoners, she realizes that she cannot, and should not, do this alone : after all, she is utterly unknown in these parts, and the bandits would have no reason to give her questioning much weight. It'd be much better to interrogate these culprits along with the veterans who actually defeated them.

"Recovering the cart first might be a useful first step. Always better to wrap up unfinished business."
May 24, 2024 10:47 pm
Olpert and Kragga finish their conversation over by Olpert's makeshift "office" in the open-air area of the Inn of Eternal Rest's courtyard, but they're joined by a new arrival to the Inn: a tall, black-haired elf carrying a lute. The elf gives a deep, courtly bow, and Olpert begins looking through the papers he has on his makeshift desk. He finds what he's looking for and nods. Then he says a few words to Kragga, who leaves slowly, with many a backwards glance at the elf. No doubt he'll be back later to make good on his promise to show Myrtha and Reptile around town.

Olpert takes the elf companionably by the arm and leads him over to the table where the party is gathered. "I've sent Kragga off on an errand, but the rest of you should proceed with retrieving that ox and wagon. But first, may I introduce to you another new Dungeon Busters recruit: Karliel." The man with the lute smiles and you all see that he's not entirely an elf - he clearly has some human ancestry - but he seems to have been blessed with the best traits of both races. You each feel an aura around Karliel that makes you want to trust him and gain his approval. "Karliel tells me that he's interested in finding other musicians, so if any of you have any interest in music, that's something you can discuss on the way out of town."
Of course you can play your characters however you like; my description of Karliel's astonishing personal magnetism is mostly just to establish for you that your characters can immediately tell how easily he'll be able to sway and/or manipulate other people (NPCs) with his superhuman charisma. Everyone feels that pull, but PCs don't have to be swayed by it.
Having decided that it's better to stick together, Aanbo, Joseph, Karliel, Myrtha, Reptile, Theran, and Xana gather together and start to make introductions and get to know each other a bit better as they head through town. Various townsfolk smile and wave, recognizing the heroes of Hochoch that they've either met themselves or heard so much about in the past couple of weeks. They're also very curious about the charming musician in the group. The party also sees the dwarven cleric, Morgran, aim a blessing in their direction, swaying slightly on his feet (this early in the morning, he's only slightly in his cups).

The party proceeds south out of the East Gate. The continue through the outer town to the bridge crossing the Realstream River to get to Cecily's Road. Once on the Road, they set a brisk pace and within three hours they have passed through all the cultivated lands of Hochoch farms and entered the outskirts of the Dim Forest. The thick canopies of the trees overhead cast a dense shade, leaving only the center of the road illuminated by bright midday sun. It is a relief after the heat of the hasty march. If they can maintain a fast pace, shortly after nightfall they'll get to the place that Aanbo, Joseph, and Xana know: where a narrow path leads north off of the Road to the Jarl farm.


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