Against the Cult: Disappearances (1.6)

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Jun 24, 2024 8:15 pm
Listening to Bandit Black's men talk was quite different from her experience trying to extract anything from Jonbon. She tried to put in some questions before concluding the interrogation.

"What does Bandit Black look like? Is he tall? Strong? A lot of hair? Does he move alone or do you always see him with his associates? Did he come in person to give you instructions, or did he have messengers for that? Does he fight up close, or is he the thinking type who has other folk do the fighting for him?"

Regarding the excavation at the mill, she turned and questioned Louis.

"Was this Tap in the service of the miller? Or was he a bandit? No one can get straight answers from him then?"

And regarding Xana, Myrtha was curious, but too self-conscious to ask any questions. As a fellow Dungeon Buster, Myrtha assumed she was telling everything she could about these kobolds and whatever was being excavated under the mill.
Basically trying to get a physical description of Black, and an idea of how he operated with his different bands of highwaymen. Also curious about this fellow who went mad. What was his deal?
Last edited June 24, 2024 8:16 pm
Jun 26, 2024 3:13 am
"Black is huge, as big or bigger than any man I've seen before."
"No, that's his bodyguard. Black is the elf who stands in the background and gives commands."
"I tell you, Black recruited me, and he was a huge man!"

The third captive clucks his tongue. "Black, an older dwarf, has many lieutenants who speak with his authority, such as both of those."
Silent until now, the last captive blows a raspberry. "No, no, NO! Black is the dragonborn. You know? The one with black scales? I mean, come ON: that's WHY he's called Black!"
Each remains adamant that the person they identified as Bandit Black is the real one. Apparently, a group of leaders came and gave the bandit party their initial orders - each person can't agree on which leader was actually Bandit Black. But after that (and this is typical behavior), they would get notes or relayed commands from a messenger.

Louis responds to Myrtha's question about the other survivor of the battle for the mill: "No, Tap isn't a local. Or at least he's not from Hochoch: he might be from any number of crofts that are hidden in the Dim nearby, or he might be a wanderer from afar. All we know is he was a fellow of the bandits - the bandits in these cells have already vouched for him - and he was in the cellar with the kobolds, and sometime when he was down there, he went mad. Now he just rants about 'Everlasting Darkness' and the 'Deathly Coils from Beyond' in between bouts of gibbering and shrieking."
This is all meant to be a fun callback: the first group of players all fought the bandits in the mill, but while the others were all valiantly fighting, Xana decided that discretion was the better part of valor and fled. Unfortunately, she fled alone down into the basement and was dismayed to find Tap and a bunch of kobolds in the basement ready to slice her up. In her desperation, Xana called upon her dark warlock pact, casting her terrifying L1 spell - Arms of Hadar - that killed all the kobolds and broke Tap. While it's confusing for the NPCs, it's not really intended to be a mystery for any PC.
Jun 28, 2024 8:11 am
Myrtha listened to the men's different accounts of the mysterious Black. Their foe had clearly taken good care not to reveal its identity to its hirelings. So be it, she thought. She turned to her companions and wondered if they had any questions left for these bandits.

She listened, wide-eyed, to Louis' account of the strange occurrences in the mill's underground chambers. "Sounds quite terrifying! If his mind is lost, I guess there's no point stopping by to talk to him, yes?"
Cool! I like to think that Myrtha is quite puzzled by the madness that took Tap, but she will not be itching to pursue this mystery. I don't think she has any further questions for the prisoners. Anyone else have something to ask?
Jun 28, 2024 1:49 pm
"It looks like the only way to determine who Black truly is... is to find him ourselves," Theran muses quietly. "Perhaps we should be off then?"
Jun 29, 2024 6:17 am
So, with the knowledge that Bandit Black was working with kobolds to dig...something...from beneath a legitimate business in Hochoch that was being operated secretly by his henchmen, and with the rumors (and one account) of suspicious, nefarious things happening in Orlane, the party thanks Brother Jamin and Louis Marks and heads back to the Inn of Eternal Rest.

There, they are met by Olpert Razorsson, who has a special job for Xana (he takes her aside to exchange a few words, whereupon she grins, shakes his hand, and leaves [1]) and introduces them to the newest member of Dungeon Busters.

"This is Chase Brandstone, everyone. I'd appreciate it if you'd take him with you, see how he works with the action team." Olpert smiles, and waits to hear if there's anything they learned from their interviews...particularly anything that might lead to more business for Dungeon Busters.

1 - After which, Olpert checks his hands to make sure all his rings are still present on his fingers.
Jun 29, 2024 11:52 am
Looking at the group Chase make a quick assessment of the group with a glance. With his elite training as a Boundary Warden Chase is pretty good at spotting true warriors and this group fits that bill.

Well met fellow Busters. Glad to be aboard. We should have a meal and ale and get acquainted. For it has been a long journey from my homeland of Agaden Reach and I am both famished and parched.
Last edited June 30, 2024 11:45 am
Jul 1, 2024 6:05 pm
Aanbo spares some time to bid farewell to Xana as she departs for her mission.

Returning his attention to the group at hand, the dwarf offers his hand to Chase. Aanbo is plainly dressed in common clothes and backpack, with his bare feet kneading the earth on occasion. "Good tidings to you, Master Brandstone," he says. He declines the offer of ale and opts for water or tea. "I am not familiar with your homeland, but it certainly sounds like you've experienced a lot in your travels to arrive here. How did you come to join Ms. Raptor's Dungeon Busters?"

When there is a moment, Aanbo will divulge their findings from the interrogation to Olpert as best he can.
Jul 1, 2024 6:28 pm
Reptile makes eye contact with Chase, and he simply says, "I be Riptile."
[ +- ] What Reptile's appearance is.
Last edited July 1, 2024 6:37 pm
Jul 2, 2024 3:37 pm
"Name's Myrtha," the warrior woman profferred in a casual tone, extending a hand to the newcomer.
[ +- ] Myrtha's description
Jul 4, 2024 6:18 am
After Aanbo and the others have relayed the latest news to Olpert and Chase, Olpert considers for a while. "On the one hand, problems with shipments, rumors of monsters, corrupt priests, and attempted abductions. On the other hand, a criminal organization with scattered cells that’s working with kobolds. It seems to me that while the two may be related, we shouldn’t assume that." He rubs a hand over his bare, scarred head (possibly a habit he developed long ago when he still had hair to push back). "Luckily, we have enough adventurers here to investigate both. I’ve got a pretty solid team established here in Hochoch; I’m having them track down any evidence of bandits here. The next step for your team is to investigate what’s happening in Orlane directly."
By the "local team," Olpert means all the NPC members of Dungeon Busters (the retired PCs except for Ogbar, who went home, and Quest, who disappeared).
Jul 4, 2024 5:25 pm
"Hochoch is in good hands," says Aanbo. "I think we can head for Orlane with good conscience."

Turning to the others, the monk says, "I don't think we need to pretend we're merchants on the way to Orlane, but maybe we need an innocent reason for visiting. If the residents of Orlane are like Jonbon, they might appear welcoming and genuine, but only as bait to lure us into a false sense of security. What should we say to them when we arrive?"
Jul 4, 2024 6:04 pm
Slightly foreigner Reptile plainly offers as an easy solution to organizing Aanbo needed request. He easily answers with strange accent, "Could we come up with another place that we are traveling to and just passing through Orlane" (His accent is from the tribes to northern wastes.)

GM: Not sure which language we are using Imperial, Keolish, or Marchian since we don't use "Common"? LOL. I need to write that on my character sheet to remember it.
Last edited July 4, 2024 6:16 pm
Jul 4, 2024 9:33 pm
Ahh, a mission, and so soon. I will be glad to get moving. Don't want to start gathering moss. I have been hearing about the exploits of the Dungeons Busters on my travels. Glad I arrived when I did. Chase finishes his last bite and polishes off his ale.
Last edited July 5, 2024 10:30 am
Jul 5, 2024 5:48 am
Myrtha pondered the monk’s question and Reptile’s suggestion. Chase seemed eager enough to leave; admirable for someone who had just arrived from afar. Well, she and Reptile, had been in the same state; she could relate.

After a moment of quiet consideration, she broke her silence.

"We could say we were on Bandit Black’s trail, having lost him in the wilderness…" the warrior-woman mused, mainly to herself. "Way I see it, they’d be mighty suspicious of a band of armed strangers walking into their village, unless that band had a good purpose… would explain why we’d be there, and even explain why we might poke around the outskirts of the village for a few days. Could just say there’s a bounty for the bandit, and we’ve come to look around."
Last edited July 5, 2024 5:50 am
Jul 5, 2024 4:27 pm
Aanbo considers the suggestions. "Using Orlane as a temporary stop seems like a good idea, but we might arouse suspicion if we stay too long. On the other hand, if we claim we are hunting the Bandit Black we still mask our true intentions, but we risk resistance if they are related."

He thumbs through his prayer beads. "I'm inclined to go with the bounty-hunting story. If Black and Orlane are connected, it's still part of our investigation and we'll just figure out a way to come through.

"I don't speak for everyone, of course. What do you all think?"
Jul 5, 2024 5:25 pm
"My only concern with our story being that we are there after Black -- bounty or not -- is I would think it immediately sends him to ground," Theran counters. "I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but we need to understand it likely makes actually finding him that much harder."

He leans on his staff for a few, and then pipes up. "We could always just say we are a group that travels, looking for work -- including bounties, if the town has any active. Depending on what Black is up to, that might actually get us closer to him if they're looking for random folks... sort of like the lot we questioned?"
Last edited July 5, 2024 5:26 pm
Jul 5, 2024 6:43 pm
Listening Reptile agreeingly nods to fellow traveler Myrtha for her fine suggestion. He carefully listens to all the other members giving advising thoughts and then adds on as he surmises the situation, "Perhaps we could proceed with some other criminal wanted or not to work with Myrtha's attractive plan that we are currently hunting for bounty and feel out the uncertain situation."

The ex-city watch showing a bit, I have always found it is best to stir the pot some but too much.
Jul 5, 2024 7:31 pm
Chase listening to the others as he finishes preparing for travel agrees with Reptile on the pot stirring. He found as a boundary warden that sometimes the quarry gave their own signs with a little stir. Stirring the pot is always fun.
Jul 6, 2024 5:30 am
GeneCortess says:

GM: Not sure which language we are using Imperial, Keolish, or Marchian since we don't use "Common"? LOL. I need to write that on my character sheet to remember it.
Most people who aren't from Keoland default to Imperial. That's probably what the Dungeon Busters speak amongst themselves, since they come from all over the continent. The local NPCs all speak Keolish at a minimum.
Jul 6, 2024 5:38 am
Having (roughly) decided that this time they would pose as bounty hunters, the party prepares for the two-day journey down Cecily's Road to the famed agricultural town of Orlane. On the way, they can decide which bounty they can announce that they are pursuing (if an announcement is even necessary).
Is there any other preparation that you'd like to make? Are there supplies you'd like to get?


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