Stars and Wishes

May 20, 2024 7:00 pm
Please feel free to leave feedback on this thread at anytime! If you are not familiar with the "Stars and Wishes" system, players have the opportunity to talk about what they like in the game (star) like "I really like the puzzle difficulty so far" or "Player X did a great job staying in character during this section of the game." They also have the opportunity to give recommendations to improve enjoyment of the game (wish) like "I wish the game included more combat, specifically with zombies."
Jul 29, 2024 12:26 am
Excellent role playing and creative moves everyone! Please let me know if you guys want more fights, more puzzles, or something else in scene 2!
Sep 8, 2024 4:31 pm
Maybe we could block our initiative, so the combat can be even more fluid? No player has to wait for another player in that case.
Sep 8, 2024 8:34 pm
I'm good with that if majority are good with that. Does block initiative mean you guys and then bad guys, no particular order, or does it mean you guys post your moves in any order and after a certain amount of time, I will incorporate those moves in order while auto-moving players that haven't posted in that timeframe?
Sep 9, 2024 1:11 am
When I've done it, It's depended upon how many players and how may creatures or groups of creatures there are. Though most of the time it ended up feeling like it was one side goes then the other anyway.

In any case, when it' the party's turn (or a sub-set of the characters) it's first in, best dressed for that initiative block. So if three chars are in an initiative block then who ever posts first, goes first. Each round, the characters' order of action in that intiative block may change.

Did that make any sense?
Sep 9, 2024 2:29 am
Great, that makes sense. Then I'll put a poll here just to confirm it's OK with most everyone to do block initiative for battles from now on!

Block Initiative for Combat?

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