TSO 2: Reclaiming the Odyssey

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Jun 3, 2024 2:58 am
Sam continues on her way seeing what to try and fix next.

Knowing on what is around them seems the next priority.

She gets to work on fixing the scanners thinking of how not only to fix the system but gain access.


repair sensors - (2d6)


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jun 3, 2024 4:52 pm
Stinger asks everyone in the bridge to maintain radio silence, to avoid mean detected through the radio signal. Otherwise, he is completely focus on piloting.
Jun 3, 2024 5:20 pm
Sam is able to access the scanners but hits the same block of needing to control things manually. Until all systems are restored and integrated then there is limited functionality for system automation and integration. Ex Sensors are used by Navigation and Weapons but both Weapons and Navigations have their own dedicated sensors.

None of these systems have the full dedicated computation power to operate at 100% without the ship computer system (Bridge). Engineering has the backups, provides power, etc but it does not have the computation power to support all the systems.

The scanners are physically fine but have the virus and lockouts on some features. Sam is able to bypass the lockout and gain direct access to the scanners and Holo-projectors in a couple of minutes but to clean the virus you will either need to either wait for engineering to finalize the virus removal procedure or take them down entirely to purge the virus and remove all locks. If you take scanners offline now then Stinger would have a much harder time navigating as he would be reduced to driving by camera again until they came back up. (30 minutes with the help of Adoniz and Alandra)

Stinger focuses on driving and just stays in the pocket with minor updates to his position.
Once you resolve the immediate problem of the salvage ship we can FF past the rest of the repairs and get the ship up and running but for now you need to decide on priorities and handle the situation with limited resources.
I am assuming you are trying to lay low so relying on passive sensor and your stealth system combined with the ring system to hide and wait. Alandra and Stinger are working on this. Sam is working on sensors but I need to know what you want to do. Full reset 45 minutes with Adonis help, or 30 with Alondra as well, during which you are essentially blind. Minor improvement to system performance and integration to stealth/navigation.

If you give we a plan of action and/or time frame to work with I will alert you if/when anything changes.
Jun 3, 2024 6:49 pm
"We don’t have much time until the salvage ship reaches us," says Adonis, watching as Sam works on the scanners. "Not enough time for a reset of the scanners. I think we should just lay low, work on the weapons in case we need to fight."
Jun 3, 2024 8:22 pm
I agree, please do NOT leave me blind again. Once this ship is gone, we can reassume proper repairs
Jun 3, 2024 10:02 pm
@Psybermagi if I understood correctly, we still need to maintain the sensors or we risk getting spotted? If that is the case, I think Sam and I should stay the course. Work on the sensors without a reset. If the sensors are good, Alandra can work on weapons.
"I think we get the sensors working as well as possible without a full reset.", Alandra says from her station.
Last edited Jun 3, 2024 10:03 pm
Jun 3, 2024 10:35 pm
Without sensors avoiding collisions in the ring system is much harder and you would also not know if you have been spotted.
Sam spends the next few minutes and gets basic access to the weapons. (updated on the ship) As the system is still locked down targeting is a bit off but you all feel better knowing that you have defense, mobility, and offense.
Jun 4, 2024 2:55 am
Sam looks at what still needs to be fixed on the ship.

At this point to finish fixing critical/basic systems, it looks like some things will need to be taken offline and fixed. If you want to wait we can though I don't suggest it but I can work on less crucial/interior systems.

I could try and get the holographic emitters up so we have a way to camouflage the ship but at some point I am going to have to take the thrusters offline to fix it and the stealth engines. The same is true for scanners. After that I can get going on the weapon systems. That will get all the major areas fixed except the bridge. At that point we have an operational ship just lack of coordination. Once the virus is out of the smaller systems we can integrate the ship again and work on getting rid of the lockouts.
Jun 4, 2024 5:09 pm
"That's a good idea, let's get the holographic emitters online. Hopefully that will obscure our signal enough that the salvage ship gives up. If you have both Adonis and I helping, it should go quicker.", Adonis says and puts her hands on her hips.
I think that's a good plan. Alandra will help Sam with her plan in the order she dictates.
Jun 5, 2024 1:45 pm
I agree, let's get it done.
Sam, do you think it we may need to move further inside the ring? I mean, I can either stay at the helm and be ready to move if this ship finds us and approaches, or go and help with the repairs.
Jun 5, 2024 1:56 pm
As the Holo emitters are tied to the sensor system you will need to take the entire system offline to clear the virus and lockouts but Sam does manage to access the external Holo emitters. They are in a similar state to the stealth system in that they can be activated but not automated yet. As you with on this you detect active scans sweep the area again.
[ +- ] Holographic Emitters 🔻☠️⚠️
roll for the Holo emitters.
If successful then rolls for stealth gain advantage


Scan - (3d6)

Jun 5, 2024 2:35 pm
Sam gets working on the holo emitters. She normally keeps her work area neat but time is of essence. She puts all the panels aside and figures they can clean it up later.


Holo - (2d6)


Jun 5, 2024 5:30 pm
With both the stealth and Holo systems active you are confident their scans will not be able to find you in the rings. If the salvage ship is still en route to you it should arrive any minute. Their scans continue to sweep the area but they are likely expanding their search as they sweep your area less often.
Chronometer(Date&Time): 04:30 @ 2236-10-03
sigh, way to dodge my first attempt at a boarding action.

I will move into basic repairs later tonight
Jun 6, 2024 12:00 am
"If you want my opinion, I'd say stay at the helm. When all this is over and systems are back up, we should look at officer's quarters. We might find some answers or at least a password.", Alandra says.
Yeah, but we didn't get boarded! Well, we haven't got boarded yet!.
Last edited Jun 6, 2024 12:06 am
Jun 6, 2024 9:37 am
Stinger stays at the helm, all his attention on the controls. And all his trust in his friends to fix all systems one by one.
Yeah! Well done!
We are not completely out of danger, but at least we managed to avoid this fight. The next danger should find us better prepared, and hopefully with a tactical officer on board.
Jun 6, 2024 12:43 pm
You remain allert and on the bridge a few minutes more .. .And while one of the scans sweeps directly over you your stealth and camouflage seting are stable and you feel confident they found nothing. After several tense minutes you begin to relax.

During the wait you look around for a location you can hide the ship while you work on restoring the rest of the major systems. Staying in the ring system while blind or imobile is not a good idea. While the ship can move in atmosphere it is not fast or maneuverable while doing so. The gas giant would crush the ship if it went too low but there are a couple moons that you can go to . Fortunately the shields and cloaking system are now fine so you can simply move out of the rings and orbit the gas giant.

Where do you want to park for repairing the engines and scanners and possibly the rest of the ship while you are at it?

The engines, scanners, and weapons are the last major system that need to be reset. Other than those you still need to reset the internal security(armory) and reset the primary computers on the bridge. All the jobs will take about 1/2 hour each with two people helping Sam. Adding a third would do little so 1 can remain on the bridge or in engineering to monitor things or finish checking out the rest of the ship

Chronometer(Date&Time): 04:40 @ 2236-10-03


Scans - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (62)

2d6 : (41)

2d6 : (33)

Jun 6, 2024 8:17 pm
Suddenly internal comms activate and you hear a vaguely familiar voice...
Tactical Officer Krom, I am in a storage unit of some kind, filled with crates. I am in need of medical attention, badly damaged in the chest. If anyone is out there, please, head to storage and find me.
Jun 6, 2024 9:20 pm
"Krom?", Alandra mutters trying to rack her brain. There is vague recognition, but it's only vague.

"Stinger I'm on it. You all keep staying the course. Sounds like Krom is in the cargo bay. If possible, I'd like back up when I go in. I have a suspicion that's the source of all our problems.", she says grabbing her med kit.
Jun 7, 2024 5:45 am
Krom is alive? The name sounds vaguely familiar...

Stinger finds two moons that would be safer place to hide for finishing mayor repairs. Once the salvage ship is gone, he pilots to the closest of this two moons and sets a orbiting course on that moon. A low-ish altitude orbit, so as to be confused with the moon itself if some new ship checked from afar.

Sam, the ship is hidden in this orbit now so I can help you, what's our repair status? Which systems do you plan on working next?

I'll meet you at the door of the cargo bay to enter together. And with that, Stinger goes to the cargo bay door with Alandra.
Last edited Jun 8, 2024 8:13 pm
Jun 7, 2024 12:32 pm
"Thanks Stinger.", Alandra says and follows Stinger to the cargo bay.
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