TSO 2: Reclaiming the Odyssey

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Jul 10, 2024 4:37 am
Sam comes over and looks at the system and tries to make it put the captain back asleep or or if needed freeze him more so it stops him cold.


Freeze the captain - (2d6)


Jul 10, 2024 5:53 am
Within moments Sam bypasses the system software and Alandra points out out what is needed have the system administer the sedatives used to prepare individuals for cryo sleep. As the capsule finishes sealing armor you see the captains eyes slowly close but the crystallization of his body contribute to spread.
Jul 10, 2024 10:50 am
"It's not usually normal for humans to turn to crystal, unless frozen or fossilized. We should reinforce the cryobed or move it to a more secure area. The Captain's symptoms are progressing quickly. I'm afraid the bed might not hold. You think we maybe able to set up a mobile link to the med bay computer to run more advanced diagnostic and automate the sedation? It's too early to say, we'll need a sample but I hope the virus hasn't evolved.", Alandra says and checks the readings again on the pod's system screen.


Check screen readings now the pod has been closed - (2d6)


Jul 10, 2024 12:49 pm
I see... hopefully you will be able to make some sense out of the situation with the med bay tech. We all trust you!!

Now that the captain's quarters are open, we have welcomed our new crew member and there are no more evident threats, Stinger wants to go back to the bridge...

Hey, I'm back to the bridge. I'll take care of defensive systems, and keep an eye of navigation and comm systems there.
I feel we should get the ship in the best conditions possible and then venture to these planets. There are 8 planets in this system, and in one of those the rest of the crew may still be alive. Also, those pirates may attack us if we are not prepared to fight back.
What do you want to do?
Jul 10, 2024 2:20 pm
If no one objects, I think I'll accompany Alandra to the med bay. I might not be a med tech but I'm a capable goffer, I should be able to help out at least until I can figure out what I was trained in. Alandra might want to continue scans on me as well.
Jul 10, 2024 3:04 pm
Alandra should roll 3d6 for all medical tests
Alandra checks the pod and find a couple issues.

First of all the pod is relaxing to much sedative to keep the captain unconscious. Checking the setting she and Sam created to bypass the problems controlling the pod she verifies that it as all correct. But for some reason the captains body is cleaning itself of the sedative faster than it should.

The second issue is that while the sensors and diagnostics systems of the pod are operating normally the control systems are being actively changed or removed. She isn't sure his long the jack will keep the captain sedated but whatever is making the changes hasn't targeted the modifications Sam made yet. Pointing this out to Sam a quick check reveals the system changes are moving down the controls from this with the highest lethality to least. It is as if something is trying to ensure the captain will not die or be killed.
bridge status and medbay update later
Jul 11, 2024 5:05 am
Stinger returns to the bridge and adjusts their orbit a bit before reviewing navigational and sensor logs. It seems the salvage ship is still poking around the gas giant and though it tends to wander it is suspiciously getting closer and closer to the Odyssey. The sensors also show faint records of at least one other ship further in system but there is not enough information to identify it.

Avro accompanies Alandra back to the med bay. With the captains quarters isolated from the rest of the ship Sam can either run a cable to hook into the cryo-pod holding the captain or spend more time reconnecting captains systems back into the ship. In the meantime with a decent amount of data transferred from the cryo-pod to her PDA Alandra is able to have the med bad begin analyzing it as she does a full work up on Avro. You are b bit surprised to learn that while Avro's core shows similar signs of infection from the crystalline pathogen it is almost entirely clear of it now. Checking herself as well Alandra learns her system is similarly clearing up from the infection. However the medbay computers confirm that the captain is heavily infected. The infection has saturated his system to the point that is is now visible to the naked eye. The captain was not being changed and indeed it looks as if the infection was interleaving itself with all the captains organs, bones, and other systems. Unsure what this means Alandra will need to study more.

As Avro watches and learns more about the ships situation she ponders before deciding to tackle the task of aiding the ship systems in reconstructing and reorganizing the ship logs. Learning of the electronic virus that had infected the ship she first ensures her system has an updated firewall and anti-virus database from the ship before plugging in and getting to work.

Sam ensures her and Alandras work will hold. Though not as accurate, with the pods controls being compromised, she ensures the sedative will be continually injected into the captain. However with the pod activating it's armor she will have to break in to refill the chemical reserves it carries or the sedative will run out in a day.

Date&Time(Odyssey): 18:00 @ 2236-10-03

Any specific focus for Alandra and Stinger?
What logs would Avro want to work on first? Medical (help Alandra), Navigation (help Stinger), or general ship logs (recover a general timeline.)
What would Sam and Krom like to do?


salvage ship - (scan:3d6, track:3d6, listen:3d6)

Jul 11, 2024 5:47 am
He thinks that that salvage crew has realised that we are using cloaking systems so they search the area by visuals instead of scanners.
Stinger analyses the salvage ship's course. He wants to understand which area of the gas giant they have already checked visually. Stinger thinks that if we can move the ship, without risking being detected (under full cover of the cloaking system), to a position within the area they already checked... They will continue checking further away without going back. At least for a very long time.

Stinger checks his theory on the salvage ship movements log. If they have indeed been sweeping the area in an orderly fashion, Stinger plot different possible paths around the expected movements of the salvage ship, to avoid detection.

Edit: Since Stinger didn't really found anything clear on the salvage ship, he tries again.
Last edited Jul 11, 2024 12:08 pm


Analysing salvage ship movements - (3d6h1)


Analysing again the salvage ship course - (3d6h1)


Jul 11, 2024 1:22 pm
Avro spends a few minutes aiding Alandra, just to ensure she doesn't need the ensign's help. Then Avro focuses on the general ship logs.


Focus on recovering ship logs - (3d6)


Jul 11, 2024 11:56 pm
"Thank you, Avro", Alandra say appreciatively.

She then goes back to the console and runs through Alvro's suggestions. The medbay computer shows the search the search suggestions and she smiles.

She dives deeper, cross referencing the suggestions with edge cases in the system.
Alandra will focus on the medical logs.
Last edited Jul 12, 2024 12:06 am


Looking into the med logs - (2d6)


Jul 12, 2024 12:09 am
My internet glicthed and posted the last move twice. I don't know of you can see that @Psybermagi. I deleted the higher roll but I'm going to reroll because it the glitch was weird. This is the roll. Apologies.
Last edited Jul 12, 2024 12:11 am


Med Logs - (2d6)


Jul 12, 2024 12:42 pm
Double posts happen with network glitches. Don't sweat it. I always just use the first
Stinger believes he is correct that the salvage ship is indeed sweeping the area, though he can not see the pattern himself, and makes a plan to avoid the salvage ship If you roll low it does not always mean a fail, but there might be some consequence or uncertainty. Do not reroll just due to a low result. I will use the 2nd roll as your stealth maneuver's Plotting a course he moves to another moon of the gas giant. Though space is large it is also mostly empty so while staying out of sight by playing ring around the rosies and using planets and moons to hide behind work's for now it is not a failsafe method. Going back into the rings, landing on one of the moons, or leaving the area of the gas giant entirely may be needed to avoid the salvage ship.

Avro heads to the Rec Room with Krom and digs into the log helping tweak the reconstruction algorithm Sam set up. The two play catch up and read random logs to try and jog their memories while sorting through the ships logs. As far as they can tell the series of events went something like this See the TSO : Odyssey page Ship Log section for details. Let me know if you want more detail on any specific point.
1. Ship launch with crew records not listing Avro. As far as you can tell she was never listed on ship records and as she was found in the captain's quarters you assume she stayed in there? Avro has only vague memories of other portions of the ship and a good impression of the captain, but again without clear memories. There must have been a reason for her being hidden and isolated but this is still unclear.
2. Regular shake down of the new ship and crew activities proceeded for several days/weeks
3. The ship moved to fringe space and started a survey of the area
4. Anomalous readings were detected and tracing them lead to the artifact
5. The ship started experiencing minor malfunctions and people started having behavioral am memory issues. The first records of the crystalline were recorded
6. The distress beacon turned out to be a ploy to draw the Odyssey in and the ship was attacked and Artifact stolen
7. Attempting to flee the hyperdrive was activated after driving off the pirates. However this caused it to overload and scramble the records. Likely the pirates planted something in the ship's systems during the assault to do this.
8. Now in this unknown system the 1st officer lead a mutiny against the captain but was driven off and fled with the shuttle. The crew that stayed aboard were forced to stay in emergency pods as the environmental systems were compromised by the doctor to drive the mutinists away. As Krom was not in one of these he likely suffered from this and is why he had a harder time recovering and would have died was he not been so tough.
9. You all woke up with a massive memory gap and now need to find a way home.

Alandra works on the medical log and learns that this recent rediscovery may be key in putting past records together. With the understanding that the infection can rapidly spread through and/or leave a person's system some previous inconsistencies begin to make more sense and she is confident on her records recovery. A suspicion enters her mind and she sets up several tests and is slightly surprised by the results. The crystal infection does not move randomly as most virus and bacterial infections. Though it does tend to cluster on neural tissue, not that uncommon on certain types of infections, it does not react the same to all neural cells. Reviewing all the scans of the crew, before and after waking recently, she determines that the infection is moving in what can only be a deliberate way as if collectively conscious and searching for something. Using her portable scanners she begins sweeping various sections of the ship and remaining crew. Though the infection is still present everywhere a clear concentration can be seen in the captains quarters and scan over time show it to be moving to focus in the area.

Meanwhile Sam continues checking on the captains pod as the system appears to have an infection of some sort. A quick inspection reveals that the computer virus that infected the rest of the ship does not seem to be present, or at least not active. A full scan of the independent computer system in the captain's quarters would need to be run to ensure it is not there. As she is looking over the pod and other systems of the captains quarters she notices that some sections of the pods circuits are showing traces of crystallizing similar to the captain.

You all rest for the night.
Chronometer(Odyssey): 06:00 @ 2236-10-04
Jul 12, 2024 8:37 pm
Amanda hails everyone on coms, "I made some progress on the virus. I believe it has intelligence. It seems to be searching for something and right now it seems.to be targeting the Captain. It's acting like nanobots. I am not sure, but if it is intelligent. It will definitely try to defend itself if it's threatened. I wonder if we may be able to communicate with it. I'll continue to monitor it."

She goes back to her logs, chasing a hunch. She starts to build a simulation based on the virus's current status.

"I wonder what will happen if we wake the Captain and ask it what it wants, hopefully the sim will see how dangerous that would be for the captain?"


Create a simulation to see if we can wake Cap safely and talk to the virus - (2d6)


Jul 12, 2024 8:38 pm
Ok good to know @Psybermagi
Jul 13, 2024 2:47 am
Not to alarm anyone but it seems the idea that this crystal infection is both with people and electronics may be accurate as the machinery here seems to have crystallization as well happening to it. Now we could just jettison everything but that would mean the captain as well.
Jul 13, 2024 7:25 pm
Alandra's simulations indicated that though the captains entire body is physically being interlaced by the crystal life form his cells and neural functions appear intact. However she can not determine how much control of his body the captain may still have and the crystals and growing throughout his entire body. Simply stopy the medication and slowly reversing the cryostasis effects should fully revive him. Curious Alandra returns to the pod for an updated analysis and though the pod remains sealed she is able to perform a scan using her portable equipment and determines that the crystal is mimicking or even enhancing the captains biological functions, blood is being pumped, air exchanged as needed, etc. However she notes that the crystals are drawing and conducting electrical energy throughout the body and using this to power their functions.

Sam does a quick check, after noticing the earlier alterations to the ship, and verifies that the captains quarters are indeed currently physically and electronically isolated. Though the crystallization has definitely fulling "infected" the cryo pod and is slowly spreading to connected systems in the captain's quarters it will have a harder time spreading to the rest of the ship if it follows its current growth pattern of following circuits and cables. With a few tests Sam also confirms that she can clean off the crystallization but the process is tedious and she is uncertain if she can stay ahead of the whole thing. However if you can continue to direct it to one location she might be able to contain it and clear the rest fo the ship. The problem would be that the captains quarters are a bit big and even dumping the cryo pod would require cutting open the hull, though Sam knows exactly where she would need to cut to do so without affecting ship systems.

Chronometer(Odyssey): 08:00 @ 2236-10-04
Jul 13, 2024 7:42 pm
Alandra coms the crew, "Everyone. I think we could revive the captain and maybe talk to him or the virus controlling him. This maybe useful although it will be dangerous. Before we do so, I want to take a look through his effects to see if he has any indication of what was happening before he locked himself in his own private med pod. I can't fully remember, but I would say it is unusual for him to have one. Avro, can you remember anything before the Captain entered the pod?.

She says and closes coms. As she awaits for Avro's response, she starts to go through files.
I don't think we investigated these yet? I'll go back and look to see if we did.
Jul 13, 2024 7:45 pm
Ok, we reviewed the official logs.
After Avro responds, Alandra starts to read the Captain's personal Journal, targeting the days leading up to pirate's attack and mutiny
Jul 13, 2024 8:36 pm
I trust you ladies, but if you are not confident we can completely recover the captain and his quarters... I would prefer to isolate the pod in one of the moons and secure the ship's integrity. Then we could do something about the captain without risking the ship and the rest of us crew...
Jul 14, 2024 7:07 pm
"That sounds like the better choice, do you think that's posiible, Sam? Maybe with Krom, Avro's or CZ530's help?", Alandra broadcasts over the coms.
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