Paphos Plaza Remnant

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Oct 31, 2024 5:07 pm
Seeing Kaariks signal Aizashi looks at the Hobgoblin as if contemplating.
After a brief moment he sighs and shakes his head.
Thank you, but not at the moment. I'm famished. he says and makes to leave the arena.
Nov 1, 2024 5:38 pm
You hear some muttering and grumblings as well as a few chuckles that accompany exchanges of coin

The hobgoblin shrugs, as Aizashi moves away, and calls out with a bit of an evil grin. Very well but if you return to the pit you will have to face a higher tier opponent.
Nov 1, 2024 10:53 pm
While walking away Aizashi turns his head, confidently smirking at the Hobgoblin but never stopping.
When he joins his friends again he looks around slightly confused and asks,
Umm, am I missing something?
Nov 2, 2024 12:01 pm
"The next ones to fight you were all looking like this guy. I am sure you would do fine but I was a bit concerned about things getting a bit heated here."
Nov 2, 2024 2:48 pm
"You have already left a very good impression, they were preparing big guys against you. Let's have a drink, and listen around."
Arc checks the surrounding crowd, with special attention to those hobgoblins.
Last edited Nov 2, 2024 2:48 pm


Spotting (with Optics) - (3d6h1)


Listening (with pendant) - (3d6h1)


Nov 2, 2024 11:23 pm
As Arc looks around one of the more drunken patrons stumbles and slams into him.

Watch where you going you daft fool! and he slams Arc with a meaty hand, knocking him back.
You just watch yourself or you will end up dead. Doubtless like your foul parent! and the orc laughs and is joined in by others nearby in the throng. Apologize or I might just find out how much like chicken you taste like the orc demands as he looks Arc up and down, smacking his lips.

Nov 3, 2024 5:13 pm
"So, the fool wanted fight me one way or another!!... We will see if his friends are brave and let him fight one on one!!" Arc shouts, as he jumps up a meter higher than his melee weapons.. and fires to the orc in his head.
Last edited Nov 3, 2024 5:15 pm


1st attack - (3d6h1)


2nd attack - (3d6h1)


Nov 3, 2024 11:15 pm
Skeeve quietly swears to himself, then quietly starts moving closer to provide support if needed.
Nov 4, 2024 3:22 am
Arc launches up but the ceiling prevents any real altitude. However hovering over the crowd does allow him to flap his wings and drift from side to side. Arc lack the ability to hover so must always move as he flies At Arc's attack the nearby individuals start to flee, move in to encircle the fight, take advantage of the chaos to start trouble to their own advantage and within moments the entire room erupts into a chaos of melee, tossed objects, and arcane energies!
OK, this is too chaotic to have a single or even multiple targets as the crowd moves so much that you will rarely be facing the same opponent for more than a round or two. Each round declare 2 action and describe any intent you have in performing them. Roll at least once each round. I will narrate NPC that target you

The orc roars as an arrow pierces his shoulder. Lacking a ranges weapon the orc decides to take out his anger on Arc's companions while his fellows throw a few knives and bottles at Arc.

As the fight spreads an invisible force suddenly separates two Arc from the orc and both are hurled across the room in opposite directions, separating them from from their respective companions and knocking Arc from the air to fall to the floor. Meanwhile a lantern is knocked over, and a small fire starts spreading on the bar counter.


Orc Attack VS - (Aizash:3d6, Kaarik:3d6)

Aizash:3d6 : (546)

Kaarik:3d6 : (111)

thrown objects at Arc - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (35)

2d6 : (12)

2d6 : (36)

Random bar fight event - (1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (3) = 3

1d20 : (5) = 5

Nov 4, 2024 6:03 am
I understood this place as being an open pit, without roof. Sorry!
Arc shoots 2 more to the same orc, and lands between him and his friends. "Let's continue IN the pit! You bag of flies!"


Shot1 - (3d6h1)


Shot2 - (3d6h1)


Nov 4, 2024 6:43 am
is this an all out brawl and Arc is on one side of the room and the orc in the other side? The orc who originally attacked me got flung away, right? Assuming that is correct...
Aizashi turns to Kaarik, Damn it, we've gotta get to Arc!
Then he starts moving through the crowd towards Arc. If anyone engages him before he gets there he will try to knock them off balance, he will however try to get there without engaging anyone if possible, trying to incorporate his newly development skill into his movement.


Reaching arc without engaging anyone else - (2d6)


Knocking down, if necessary - (2d6)


Nov 4, 2024 7:23 am
Kaarik shoots an arrow at random to the closest opponents he sees.
If he has time, he will dip one arrow into some alcohol in a glass somewhere and shoot to a wall through the fire on the counter in order to create an even bigger fire.


Shot 1 - (3d6)


Shot on fire - (3d6)


Nov 4, 2024 12:52 pm
The pit is a large structure with an above average ceiling hight supported by arcing beams. Multiple tables, benches, crates, and a wide variety of assorted objects used as furniture. The "bar" is along the west side of the room and is quickly turning into a small fortress where all the employees are beating of anything that gets within their weapon reach.

The open area used for the fights, towards the middle of the room where the party save Arc now stand, has been flooded by the crowd. However the gang of toughs that seem to be have been running the fights are now wading through the area laughing and roaring as they smash heads, stab random passersby, and acting like nothing more than berserkers out having a bloody good time.

Arc has completely lost sight of the orc through the thick throng of the crowd as he is now at the south and the orc went to the north. Climbing to his feet he readies his bow only to realize it is not a great weapon of choice for close opponents at this time as most targets are moving and being moves by shoves, weapon strikes, and the occasional spell. However his shout gets a returning roar over the crowd, many of whom cheer and shove Arc or open a path for him to return to the middle of the room.

Aizashi tries to shove his way through the crowd , only to wind up getting shoved back and is quickly caught up in a face off with the offended lizardman who lunges at the beastkin Monk with jaws agape.

Kaarik looses his bow at Aizashi's lizardman opponent, which is cought off guard and distracted by the arrow. Slipping through the crowd he then sends a lit arrow into the north wall. The brick walls offer no good targets so instead he selects a wooden beam that spans the roof of that side of the structure.
In this chaos I am not going to enforce round tracking and will post as I have time.
Focus of random event : 1=Kaarik 2=Aizashi 3= Arc 4=Skeeve


Random Attack - (1d4, 2d6)

1d4 : (2)

2d6 : (46)

Random Attack - (1d4, 1d6)

1d4 : (4)

1d6 : (6)

random event - (1d4, 1d20)

1d4 : (3) = 3

1d20 : (12) = 12

Nov 4, 2024 12:58 pm
Skeeve somehow ends up the brunt of two random attacks, getting slammed from both sides 2 damage.

Meanwhile Arc heads back to the others, after quickly deciding flight is not a good idea due to the number of projectiles flying overhead, only to get shoved into a quivering man who screams as he falls to the ground. A vile smell instantly erupts and the man scrambles back into the crowd as an expanding mist of mixed hues rises from a puddle where the man fell. As the puddle spreads any who touch the fluids scream and jump away creating a small but expanding opening in the crown that none dare enter.
Nov 4, 2024 3:29 pm
Ok, before Skeeve does anything, I need to get an idea of the building. Are there any balconies? How far away are the others? Can he even move through the crowd, or is it just a mass of people with fights literally everywhere but the stinky circle?

Why I ask: Skeeve has no interest in pointless fighting. He wants to teleport to somewhere he has a decent vantage point so he can try to pull his companions out. But he can't do that if he is just fighting. He needs to get out of the scrum.
Nov 4, 2024 6:18 pm
The large single story building looks more like a warehouse converted into a massive tavern hall. Made it brick, as all buildings seen to be, it has a 12' ceiling with stout wooden beams going east west. The room is littered with patrons, combatants, and furniture but not packed right. While not all are fighting even those that are not fighting are ready to fend off any that get too near, making movement hazardous. Arc is about 30' to the south from the rest of the party. The puddle is currently about 10 in diameter and spreading.

The main flights are centered around the former arena, just to the north of the party. While the trouble making orc was thrown to the far north wall his bodies are still nearby and give you occasional glares and shift closer as opportunity permits through the chaos.
Nov 4, 2024 9:07 pm
Aizashi tries to get out sight of the Lizardman and then look for either Skeeve or Arc. He then moves towards which ever one he sees first, since he doesn't know about the plan to split up yet.
Nov 4, 2024 9:44 pm
Kaarik is a bit overwhelmed, so he will just shoot to arrows at random at whoever is aggressive next to him, hoping that it will at least give him some air and a moment to see what's going on.


shot 1 - (3d6)


shot 2 - (3d6)


Nov 5, 2024 9:42 am
About the place...
1.Where are the doors, windows and balconies?
2.What material is the roof? Wooden beans with traw on top? Could a strong flight up allow Arc to break a hole through the straws to get through?

3. About the strange liquid, exactly where is it? I understand that touching it hurts, but smelling it also hurts?
Nov 5, 2024 1:11 pm
[ +- ] map
Aizashi, Kaarik, and Skeeve gather together, there are many such groups throughout the room and fend off any who get too close as they make to either leave the place or hunker down and wait for things to die down. As this thought runs through your minds you notice that not everyone involved is settling for a punch or poke here and there as several bodies already itter the floor.

The pts have only a single door in the NW corner. All the windows, like all the buildings of the city are near the ceiling , long, narrow, and do not open, though these are larger they also have heavy metal frames between the glass panes. The entire building is made of stone and bricc save the heavy wooden beams, spanning east to west, that help support the ceiling over the large room. The strange pool that formed when the man fell to the ground is about 10' across and is steadily disolving anything that touches it. The vapors that rise from it smell foul but do not affect Arc otherwise.


Rando Event - (1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (14) = 14

1d20 : (7) = 7

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