Paphos Plaza Remnant
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May 25, 2024 8:57 pm
which stones? quote the original text please. If you mean the "Sling Shots with Enchanted Stones" that was asked about then it is a pair set of sling and stone pouch for 50 GP. If you just want some stones then he does not have those and you would have to order some but that price sounds more than for a simple pop rocks sling stone May 25, 2024 11:42 pm
Skeeve says, "Let's focus. I got the cloaks and helmets for cover, not because they are cool. We need to get the item and get out. Yes, it would be cool to see 'the boss' and have fun shopping, but that's all secondary to finding the item and getting out. Keep focused."
May 26, 2024 8:26 am
Aizashi accepts the cloak from Skeeve in surprise "um, thank you. You are worried about our appearance without these?" he asks as he looks through his pack to to find 5 SP to pay back Skeeve.
May 26, 2024 4:49 pm
While the "new" cloaks do not really change that much of your appearance there are other of the type around so it does make you stand out less, as does your browsing of the stalls. Following the Servitor's prompts you head further west moving causally and if just taking it all in. Passing a kobold who proclaims his services you wonder if they are worth their price or just fabrications
Kobold Whispers: Information
Intelligence: Gossip on Rival Factions, Information on Hidden Treasures, Maps of Secret Tunnels, Reports on Monster Activity, Scrolls with Traps and Tricks
As you get closer, according to Geis, you hear a couple passing goblins comment.
Moving on Geis indicates you are close and has Kaarik turn around so he and Servitor can peek out the pack flap. The then sends a message Its that scroll case on the goblin stall to the left
Goblin Grab Bags: Unidentified Items
Mystery Items: Pouches Containing Random Items (Range from Mundane to Magical), Unlabeled Potions, Sealed Scroll Cases, Assorted Trinkets (Gems, Amulets, Figurines), Small Locked Boxes (Contents Unknown)
Kobold Curios: Unidentified Items
Curiosities: Strange Artifacts (Potentially Magical) ,Odd-looking Stones and Minerals, Enchanted Trinkets (Effects Unknown), Unusual Bones and Teeth, Tiny Statues (Depicting Various Creatures)
Kobold Whispers: Information
Intelligence: Gossip on Rival Factions, Information on Hidden Treasures, Maps of Secret Tunnels, Reports on Monster Activity, Scrolls with Traps and Tricks
As you get closer, according to Geis, you hear a couple passing goblins comment.
Goblin says:
More ogres on the street, since the giants took over the castle.
Goblin Grab Bags: Unidentified Items
Mystery Items: Pouches Containing Random Items (Range from Mundane to Magical), Unlabeled Potions, Sealed Scroll Cases, Assorted Trinkets (Gems, Amulets, Figurines), Small Locked Boxes (Contents Unknown)
Kobold Curios: Unidentified Items
Curiosities: Strange Artifacts (Potentially Magical) ,Odd-looking Stones and Minerals, Enchanted Trinkets (Effects Unknown), Unusual Bones and Teeth, Tiny Statues (Depicting Various Creatures)
May 26, 2024 5:26 pm
Skeeve whispers to Aizashi, "We don't look right and we don't smell right. By using these cloaks we blend in better. I'm still obviously a human, and you are still obviously and animalkin, but with these cloaks, we become the correct background color and have a more appropriate smell to the surrounds. Likewise, the helm will disguise Kaarik enough that they won't be able to immediately tell if he is human or elf. It's just designed to keep us from being too obvious.
"And don't worry about the money. It is the cost of doing business and if we succeed along the way 20sp isn't going to matter to any of us. Consider it a gift. Hopefully, it is the worst gift you ever get."
When the item is identified, Skeeve steps up to the indicated stall, and starts checking through some of the potions, then moves on to the scroll cases, he intentionally checks multiple cases before settling on the identified one. As he is looking through the items, he is detecting for magic the whole time. He holds it up to the proprietor and asks, "How much for this scroll cases?"
"And don't worry about the money. It is the cost of doing business and if we succeed along the way 20sp isn't going to matter to any of us. Consider it a gift. Hopefully, it is the worst gift you ever get."
When the item is identified, Skeeve steps up to the indicated stall, and starts checking through some of the potions, then moves on to the scroll cases, he intentionally checks multiple cases before settling on the identified one. As he is looking through the items, he is detecting for magic the whole time. He holds it up to the proprietor and asks, "How much for this scroll cases?"
May 26, 2024 8:00 pm
Oh, I thank you. And here I thought I was the only one noticing the smell. Aizashi says in response to Skeeve.
He puts the money back in his pack and follows the others. When they reach the stall with the desired item he stands back a little to try and make sure they don't attract more attention than they already do
He puts the money back in his pack and follows the others. When they reach the stall with the desired item he stands back a little to try and make sure they don't attract more attention than they already do
May 26, 2024 10:14 pm
Arc is relieved that all the effort to blend in a bit better is working so far. So when Sleeve mentions something about having fun, Arc doesn't really understand him.
A moment later, near the goblin stall... He looks for a moment the goblin stall from afar, and when Skeeve moves to see the cases, Arc approaches to check the potions. Arc wants to provide distraction enough so that the clerk wouldn't focus too much on Skeeve. "Do you have any healing potions? If so, how much do they cost?" his voice not overly interested, just like most curious shopper looking around may be.
A moment later, near the goblin stall... He looks for a moment the goblin stall from afar, and when Skeeve moves to see the cases, Arc approaches to check the potions. Arc wants to provide distraction enough so that the clerk wouldn't focus too much on Skeeve. "Do you have any healing potions? If so, how much do they cost?" his voice not overly interested, just like most curious shopper looking around may be.
Goblin Scholar
May 28, 2024 4:47 am
Goblin Scholar
The goblin running this stall looks you over with an appraising eye. Off to one side lazes a rather large bugbear who watches the stall and it's goblin staff/owner then turns his eye on your group from under its bushy brows.
Skeeve says:
How much for this scroll cases?Arc says:
Do you have any healing potions? If so, how much do they cost?Arc can roll a test to try and rattle the goblin scholar.
May 28, 2024 11:35 am
You have noticed that many of the other patrons of stakes you passed would not take the first asking price and instead negotiate a lower price.
Who's good at haggling? May 28, 2024 11:36 am
How much gold did Dean give us? Honestly 500gp sounds fair, but he will haggle. I just need to know how much I am playing with.May 28, 2024 12:12 pm
Servitor has multiple tiny diamonds each worth 25 GP for a total of 300 GP. He has limited stores of wealthe and deamed that few others besides himself would recongnize the value of what he sought. And should they then he doubted they would sell for what he could afford.
May 28, 2024 2:56 pm
Kaarik comes closer to Skeeve and says at loud.
"Come on, let's keep going. We will not lose time and money for this. Even if it was valuable, we could obviously not afford it"
"Come on, let's keep going. We will not lose time and money for this. Even if it was valuable, we could obviously not afford it"
Goblin Scholar
May 28, 2024 3:25 pm
Goblin Scholar
The goblin graduates a bit then addressing Skeeve
Surely you will not let this opportunity pass you by. Once the auction is done it is doubtful this place will be able to be maintenance with all the conflict going on.
I can assure you this scroll case has not been opened but my divinations have revealed that it contains writings on magical techniques from before the Shattering.
It is doubtlessly wotth far more than I am asking. Would it not be worth at least even 450 gold to such as you?
May 28, 2024 3:56 pm
Skeeve scoffs and says, "How about 250gp? That seems fair for a mystery scroll case. I might win, I might lose, but you still win either way at 250gp."
I have to pick an opening bid, but not be insulting with it. Skeeve has at least another 100gp of gems on him, so he's just trying to get the value down enough to let the goblin "win" the counteroffer, but get it low enough they can afford it. He also has the unused psionic crystal on him that Grin gave him and I forgot to include in my inventory. I think you said it was like 25gp, too, correct?May 28, 2024 4:51 pm
Arc listens to Skeeve .. Really? 250 for a wooden box? It could have a shining shopping list for all we know! Nice looking I'd grant you that, but utterly useless. You are offering too much.
Last edited May 28, 2024 4:52 pm
May 28, 2024 9:17 pm
For the record, Skeeve did make sure it was the correct scroll case beforehand. Don't want to spend that much money on the wrong scroll case. He will also detect magic to make sure it really is magic. (I am assuming that most of this is pretty much all radiating magic.)May 28, 2024 10:04 pm
come on guys give me some rolls with your play.May 28, 2024 11:18 pm
Arc is only trying to diminish any negotiation leverage the goblin may feel he has, Arc is no doubting Skeeve.OOC:
Arc has Shop Trader background, I'm not sure if it gives him advantage so I'll roll 3d6 (if it doesn't just ignore the third die. Since Arc had some time looking at the goblin and how he reacts to Skeeve, I'm trying to roll with focus.OOC:
After roll edit: How lucky! Seems like Arc retreats a few steps back... he won't be buying anything this day.Last edited May 28, 2024 11:22 pm
Support Skeeve negotiation - (3d6)
(223) = 7
Goblin Scholar
May 29, 2024 12:23 am
Goblin Scholar
Skeeve says:
"How about 250gp? That seems fair for a mystery scroll case. I might win, I might lose, but you still win either way at 250gp."Ha. 450 is already a low asking price
Arc says:
Really? 250 for a wooden box? It could have a shining shopping list for all we know! Nice looking I'd grant you that, but utterly useless. You are offering too much.But I am open to trade. If you have been here for a while as we have, surely you have come across some trinket or have some information that I could profit from. Don't let mere coin stop you my friends.
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