Paphos Plaza Remnant
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It indicates you will need to wander around. It will get a closer or further indication as you do.
When everyone is ready, the open the door and see if they can head out and around.
Obviously, he looks anything but a thug.
Hey Kaarik, just stay close, strength in numbers.

Though sparse there are a couple humans but your group seems to attract attention as you stand apart from the "usual" creatures that walk these streets. Kaarik's acting gets a few sniggers from swaggering bugbears that pass you. Most worrying of all are the two gates you see to the east and south manned by goblins and the goblins patrolling the area. They seem to be looking you over.
If the rest agrees, he would lead the team 2 squares to the north, then turn west another two squares, and another 2 squares to the south... Finishing the first circle at the back of the room they appeated, and keeping away from guarded gates. Also trying to avoid being too close to the patrols, but not being too obvious about it. Then he asks Geis for feedback on directions.
The first stall is only mildly interesting.
Goblin’s Gear: A variety of makeshift weapons and armor, cheap but functional.
Weapons: Rusty Short Swords, Crude Bows with Arrows, Spiked Clubs, Barbed Daggers, Improvised Spears
Armor: Patchwork Leather Armor, Metal Helmets (Dented but Functional), Small Shields (Made from Scrap Metal), Studded Leather Bracers
Nearby is stall run by kobolds that seems bent on outselling the goblins
Kobold Creations: Traps and gadgets, including some unique ranged weapons and light armor.
Weapons: Small Crossbows, Poison-tipped Darts, Traps, Bone Daggers, Sling Shots with Enchanted Stones
Armor: Light Leather Armor, Scale Mail, Camouflage Cloaks, Kobold-sized Helmets, Reinforced Boots
As you head west you find a pair of similar stalls but with magic items
Goblin Enchanters: Small magical trinkets, charms, and potions. Mostly low-level enchantments.
Magic Items: Enchanted Stones, Charms of Minor Protection, Potions of Healing, Firestarter Amulets, Rings of Whispering (Allows Silent Communication Within 30 Feet)
Kobold Alchemists: Potions of healing, invisibility, and minor elemental effects.
Potions: Healing Potions, Potions of Invisibility, Potions of Fire Resistance, Acid Flasks, Smoke Bombs
Magic Items: Firecracker Beads, Sticky Bombs, Elemental Resistance Charms, Glowstones, Bags of Tricks

When you start heading south you get a message from Geis Back the other way, its more to the north and umm a bit east I think. But definitely north.
After hearing Geis, instead of turning south in that point, he leads to the north 4 squares. And waits for Geis comment.
So, how much for four cloaks for the group? Five, if Geis needs one, too. And how much for some piecemeal leather armor for Kaarik?

Oh, those magically never run out and make flash and bang when they strike something. Not enough to do much to the target but useful none the same. The color and sound vary depending on what is struck. Very useful in knowing if you hit your target or something else. Also good for finding wall and other things in the dark.
Moving north you pass a building that has guards around it and the roof has be set as a stage of some sort. As you move through the crowd you catch a bit of chatter.

As you move north then stop you hear Geis again Um... closer but not there yet? maybe east a bit? Move around and I will let you know
As you move you Skeeve looks as some of the other stalls
Goblin Supplies: Miscellaneous Goods
General Goods: Adventuring Gear (Rope, Torches, Rations), Basic Tools (Hammers, Tongs, Pliers), Goblin Brew (Alcoholic Beverage), Dried Meat and Fruit, Water Flasks
Kobold Treasures: Miscellaneous Goods
Valuables: Small Gems and Precious Stones, Gold and Silver Coins, Decorative Items (Goblets, Rings, Bracelets), Collectibles (Rare Feathers, Shells, Fossils), Ancient Relics (Dating Back to Pre-Breaking Era)
He'd love to investigate the magic more, but they can't afford the slowdown.
Also, could Skeeve tell what species was talking about "the big boss"?
The goblins are the most chatty of the groups but the comment about the big boss came from a passing orc.

yellow eye = party, green diamond = guarded platform, grey compass = starting point
"The boss? I would like to see him if possible. I am sure that you know who would like to know who leads here".
About the cloaks, he buys one anyway... He sees if wearing it as a toga makes sense. If it fits properly and he actually draws less attention, he wears it... Otherwise, he will just put it in his backpack.
Yes, I'm also curious about this boss. Let's stay afar, and wait for a moment.
Kobold Whispers: Information
Intelligence: Gossip on Rival Factions, Information on Hidden Treasures, Maps of Secret Tunnels, Reports on Monster Activity, Scrolls with Traps and Tricks
As you get closer, according to Geis, you hear a couple passing goblins comment.

Goblin Grab Bags: Unidentified Items
Mystery Items: Pouches Containing Random Items (Range from Mundane to Magical), Unlabeled Potions, Sealed Scroll Cases, Assorted Trinkets (Gems, Amulets, Figurines), Small Locked Boxes (Contents Unknown)
Kobold Curios: Unidentified Items
Curiosities: Strange Artifacts (Potentially Magical) ,Odd-looking Stones and Minerals, Enchanted Trinkets (Effects Unknown), Unusual Bones and Teeth, Tiny Statues (Depicting Various Creatures)
"And don't worry about the money. It is the cost of doing business and if we succeed along the way 20sp isn't going to matter to any of us. Consider it a gift. Hopefully, it is the worst gift you ever get."
When the item is identified, Skeeve steps up to the indicated stall, and starts checking through some of the potions, then moves on to the scroll cases, he intentionally checks multiple cases before settling on the identified one. As he is looking through the items, he is detecting for magic the whole time. He holds it up to the proprietor and asks, "How much for this scroll cases?"
He puts the money back in his pack and follows the others. When they reach the stall with the desired item he stands back a little to try and make sure they don't attract more attention than they already do
A moment later, near the goblin stall... He looks for a moment the goblin stall from afar, and when Skeeve moves to see the cases, Arc approaches to check the potions. Arc wants to provide distraction enough so that the clerk wouldn't focus too much on Skeeve. "Do you have any healing potions? If so, how much do they cost?" his voice not overly interested, just like most curious shopper looking around may be.
Goblin Scholar
The goblin running this stall looks you over with an appraising eye. Off to one side lazes a rather large bugbear who watches the stall and it's goblin staff/owner then turns his eye on your group from under its bushy brows.
Arc can roll a test to try and rattle the goblin scholar.
"Come on, let's keep going. We will not lose time and money for this. Even if it was valuable, we could obviously not afford it"
Goblin Scholar
The goblin graduates a bit then addressing Skeeve
Surely you will not let this opportunity pass you by. Once the auction is done it is doubtful this place will be able to be maintenance with all the conflict going on.
I can assure you this scroll case has not been opened but my divinations have revealed that it contains writings on magical techniques from before the Shattering.
It is doubtlessly wotth far more than I am asking. Would it not be worth at least even 450 gold to such as you?
Support Skeeve negotiation - (3d6)
(223) = 7
Goblin Scholar
Ha. 450 is already a low asking price
But I am open to trade. If you have been here for a while as we have, surely you have come across some trinket or have some information that I could profit from. Don't let mere coin stop you my friends.
Goblin Scholar
The goblin takes a look at the ring before placing it on a metal plate with a crystal platter mounted above it. Glancing through the the crystal disc a slight flicker of greed crosses his face before he regains control. Though I still feel you have the advantage of the trade the ring is quite useful. Agreed. Pocketing the ring the goblin picks up the case and holds it out while his other hand is palm up, awaiting payment.
We can pass the building we're we arrived at its west, and then go around it...
Upon arriving back at the building you arrived from you are a bit put out when you see a trail of smoke drifting out from one of the windows and several goblins loitering around the front of the door.
"Maybe we can circle around and see what's going on?" He suggests after observing the situation for a little while.
Is there any other entrance to the building?
Also, how sturdy are those walls? Can we force an opening or use a window on the far wall? I could always use the tremor talisman, but I figure that would be too loud.
The walls are made of stone about 3 feet thick.
Also, after wandering around a while, are the goblins still camped outside the door we need? If so, Skeeve is going to go up and see if he can talk to them. No, I have a better idea.
What groups are around the clear area where the door is with the goblins in front? Is there a group of a different species hanging around somewhere nearby? I need another group of not-goblins nearby. Bonus for me if both groups are talking amongst themselves. The basic idea is that Skeeve is going to use his TK to pick up some random small rocks and throw them from the not-goblins at the goblins we want to move. All we need is a bit of a distraction to get into the hut. Once inside we should be OK, unless we encounter more in there, too. And I even have a plan for that, if needed ...
Skeeve is going to remotely mess with these guys until they leave. Too bad he gave up the ring that would ensure he couldn't be spotted doing it.
Though not crowded the are does have many others loitering, selling, and strolling around. As with most goblin groups, other thatn the guards, the ones in the building are under the eye of a bunch of kobolds. The two groups have a bad history in the area and both seem to be holding the grudge. However though the kobold groups is able to see and is watching the goblings they are over 100 feet away.
There are other groups and the closest is a trio of lizardmen hanging out by a door to the SW of the building with the matrix Node.

Arc wanders off by himself till he is on the eastern side of the building in question and waits for a signal from the rest of the group that they are ready.
Lets get a basic test from Arc for performance/deception to see how well he is at getting everyone's attention. Then the "attack" from Skeeve. Feel free to add basic situational details based on existing content with minor additions. Let me know if there are any other preparations or adjustments to the above plan.
Making noise - (2d6)
(62) = 8
Here it goes ...
Test DC: 4 - TK Rock At Goblin - (2d6)
(46) = 10

The felled goblin looks angrily at the lizardmen and start muttering back and forth with each other as one slips inside.
The lizardmen settle back and his back and forth with each other, seeming unconcerned.
goblin reactions (fear - humor - anger) - (1d6)
(6) = 6
The moment the goblins, or most of them, leave the door we rush in.
Just Wait till they leave the plaza, then we can get them..
You can tell from their tone and reactions that though they are mad at the lizard men they all are more frightened of the "boss". The goblins are all on edge now but are too afraid to act out where they can get caught.
Through the buildings open windows you hear the goblins inside finishing up their cooking. Several minutes pass and they goblins get called to go back on duty and leave but from the sounds of it the building will but teaming vacant for long. You quickly slip around the building and inside the room.
Once everything is ready he steps on to the Node with the others.
end of the commute line so out of time but more details coming, any spcific direction on where you go what you do or look for inside for me to build on?
Walking up to the guarded gates you are looked over by the guards, who do not look familiar and do not react to the pary other than to relax more after verifying your invitation.
Stepping inside the remnant you look around and see it is a bit more crouded than before.
As an aside, Skeeve will want us to stay together. We need to NOT split up.
He is eager to get in and learn what is this all about. And he agrees we should all travel together as things may become complicated, and if combat ignites it better find us close by.
Aizashi agrees to stay together but hopes for less trouble.
Some of those simply seem to be loitering about, much as you are doing, while others move with purpose, and some act as if in town or at market, chatting and joking around. There are several bars, a few building seem to be staked claims by factions. Goblins continue to loiter around the building holding the civic node. The stage is still guarded by dark armored humanoids.

Give me some tests for either eavesdropping or chatting up some of those you meet.
He will also want to move past goblins groups in particular to see if he can pick up anything through eavesdropping. He will also try to see if anything can be heard by the little building with the city node in it. This, of course, is all depending on what everyone else wants to do, too. Finally, while keeping a bit of distance, he will want to see what species the dark armored humaniods are. (Orcs?)
Some rolls below. I am assuming Advantage due to Perceptive and Charismatic, depending on the specific roll. I assume Focus for the eavesdropping and identification; no focus on the chatting as that has to be "in the moment".
Chat up the goblin merchants DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6) = (223)
Chat up the kobold merchants DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6) = (555)
Eavesdrop on the city node hut DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6) = (512)
Identify the dark armored humanoids DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6) = (532)
The first stall is only mildly interesting.
Goblin’s Gear: A variety of makeshift weapons and armor, cheap but functional.
Weapons: Rusty Short Swords, Crude Bows with Arrows, Spiked Clubs, Barbed Daggers, Improvised Spears
Armor: Patchwork Leather Armor, Metal Helmets (Dented but Functional), Small Shields (Made from Scrap Metal), Studded Leather Bracers
Nearby is stall run by kobolds that seems bent on outselling the goblins
Kobold Creations: Traps and gadgets, including some unique ranged weapons and light armor.
Weapons: Small Crossbows, Poison-tipped Darts, Traps, Bone Daggers, Sling Shots with Enchanted Stones
Armor: Light Leather Armor, Scale Mail, Camouflage Cloaks, Kobold-sized Helmets, Reinforced Boots
As you head west you find a pair of similar stalls but with magic items
Goblin Enchanters: Small magical trinkets, charms, and potions. Mostly low-level enchantments.
Magic Items: Enchanted Stones, Charms of Minor Protection, Potions of Healing, Firestarter Amulets, Rings of Whispering (Allows Silent Communication Within 30 Feet)
Kobold Alchemists: Potions of healing, invisibility, and minor elemental effects.
Potions: Healing Potions, Potions of Invisibility, Potions of Fire Resistance, Acid Flasks, Smoke Bombs
Magic Items: Firecracker Beads, Sticky Bombs, Elemental Resistance Charms, Glowstones, Bags of Tricks
Goblin Supplies: Miscellaneous Goods
General Goods: Adventuring Gear (Rope, Torches, Rations), Basic Tools (Hammers, Tongs, Pliers), Goblin Brew (Alcoholic Beverage), Dried Meat and Fruit, Water Flasks
Kobold Treasures: Miscellaneous Goods
Valuables: Small Gems and Precious Stones, Gold and Silver Coins, Decorative Items (Goblets, Rings, Bracelets), Collectibles (Rare Feathers, Shells, Fossils), Ancient Relics (Dating Back to Pre-Breaking Era)
As for the figures in black armor you are uncertain. The full body armor is obviously well made and fully conceals the people within. Best guess is that they are human or hobgoblin but it could be another race.
Listening and observing goblins - (3d6h1)
(652) = 6
Listening and observing lizardfolk - (3d6h1)
(542) = 5
Listening and observing kobolds - (3d6h1)
(415) = 5
Listening and observing armoured ones - (3d6h1)
(263) = 6
"More ogres on the street, since the giants took over the castle."
"The plaza's temple to Bane is recruiting for Mace again. Grishnak won't be happy."

Potions: Healing Potions, Potions of Invisibility, Potions of Fire Resistance, Acid Flasks, Smoke Bombs
Magic Items: Firecracker Beads, Sticky Bombs, Elemental Resistance Charms, Glowstones, Bags of Tricks
- Heh. Potion of invisibility could be fun, but then they'd know we bought them. How much are they?
- What's the Bag of Tricks? Is it like the classic D&D Bag of Tricks?
I love the juxtaposition of a firestarter in one booth and a fire resistance in a neighboring booth. Just seems to be asking for problems.
Potions of invisibility cost 250 GP
Bag of tricks produces random magical single use items (think minor variant of wand of wonder ~ random spell touched level of effects)
All in the world have a vague sence of magic, and any with mystic abilities have this heightened. The ancient relics are more along the lines of archeological finds or scams
The bag of tricks is 500 GP
As you eat you overhear a variety of conversations but many are muted but soft speaking and the crowds. The orcs are the loudes and tend to sound boastful and domineering. The most discernabl point is their repeated declarations about their "boss" though others refer to him as the "Dark Lord". A few other snippets you overhear shed some light on the other races in the plaza. It seems the "boss" has been recruiting, similar to the expedition" but with much lower standards and drawing less reputabe individuals and grouops. While there is not clear focus on what the recruitment is for it seems similar to the expediton in that they are searching the regin and securing items and information. They are aware of the expedition but seem to look down on them as weak and out of the know. There is also mention of the Tower but these seen to be more of anoyance for some reason.
Also, Skeeve passes on the magic items. 500gp is quite a lot for a fun diversion. 250gp he would get it, but 500gp wipes him out, so he's not going to do it.
Speaking softly for only his friends at the table to hear...
"Shall we try a more direct approach to learn about this Dark Lord?
We may find an orc or two, with more than 3 drinks, to ask.."
He will bet what the others bet and will do his best to lose.
Pit fights - (3d6)
(525) = 12
Arc will not fight in the pit, but grab a drink and mingle, for additional information.
Check if needed - (2d6)
(51) = 6
Listening - (2d6)
(41) = 5
Arc is able to find a spot at the bar and casually watches the fight as he listens in to the other patrons. Between sips of ale and shouting encouragement to Aizashi he is able to get into snippets of conversation with a pair of nearby hoboblins who's friend just lost to the orc. He learns that the orgs ar moving into the hobgoblin teritory to the NE and have taken over one of the remnants there.
Kaarik, unfortunately, finds mingling with the tough crowd problematics and after being stared away by several groups drifts back to Skeeve and Arc.
Skeeve is the least conspicious of the trio and manages to find a spot near the pit and gets a bit of food and drink as he cheers on his friend in the pit. he is able to gleen from the mutted conversations he overhears between the shouts of the croud that tensious between the factions is rising and were it not for the iminent arrival of the "BOSS" the dominance of the orc/hobgoblin aliance would have shattered and resuled in an open 3 way conflict between them and the kobolds and lizardmen. The aution is anticipated to have several decent magic items, most will cost in the thousands of gold and is reputed to have an artifact of power that has drawn the attntion of the Boss.
Then, when Kaarik joins him, trying not to be overheard "The crystal tells me that it will be us three for a time. I trust Aizashi will be successful."
His plan is to nod or to make a sign to Aizashi if he sees that the next opponent is manageable.
looking behind the hobgoblin - (2d6)
(61) = 7
After a brief moment he sighs and shakes his head.
Thank you, but not at the moment. I'm famished. he says and makes to leave the arena.
When he joins his friends again he looks around slightly confused and asks,
Umm, am I missing something?
Arc checks the surrounding crowd, with special attention to those hobgoblins.
Spotting (with Optics) - (3d6h1)
(641) = 6
Listening (with pendant) - (3d6h1)
(113) = 3

You just watch yourself or you will end up dead. Doubtless like your foul parent! and the orc laughs and is joined in by others nearby in the throng. Apologize or I might just find out how much like chicken you taste like the orc demands as he looks Arc up and down, smacking his lips.
1st attack - (3d6h1)
(316) = 6
2nd attack - (3d6h1)
(242) = 4

The orc roars as an arrow pierces his shoulder. Lacking a ranges weapon the orc decides to take out his anger on Arc's companions while his fellows throw a few knives and bottles at Arc.
As the fight spreads an invisible force suddenly separates two Arc from the orc and both are hurled across the room in opposite directions, separating them from from their respective companions and knocking Arc from the air to fall to the floor. Meanwhile a lantern is knocked over, and a small fire starts spreading on the bar counter.
Orc Attack VS - (Aizash:3d6, Kaarik:3d6)
Aizash:3d6 : (546) = 15
Kaarik:3d6 : (111) = 3
thrown objects at Arc - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (35) = 8
2d6 : (12) = 3
2d6 : (36) = 9
Random bar fight event - (1d20, 1d20)
1d20 : (3) = 3
1d20 : (5) = 5
Shot1 - (3d6h1)
(135) = 5
Shot2 - (3d6h1)
(165) = 6
Then he starts moving through the crowd towards Arc. If anyone engages him before he gets there he will try to knock them off balance, he will however try to get there without engaging anyone if possible, trying to incorporate his newly development skill into his movement.
Reaching arc without engaging anyone else - (2d6)
(42) = 6
Knocking down, if necessary - (2d6)
(24) = 6
If he has time, he will dip one arrow into some alcohol in a glass somewhere and shoot to a wall through the fire on the counter in order to create an even bigger fire.
Shot 1 - (3d6)
(661) = 13
Shot on fire - (3d6)
(523) = 10
The open area used for the fights, towards the middle of the room where the party save Arc now stand, has been flooded by the crowd. However the gang of toughs that seem to be have been running the fights are now wading through the area laughing and roaring as they smash heads, stab random passersby, and acting like nothing more than berserkers out having a bloody good time.
Arc has completely lost sight of the orc through the thick throng of the crowd as he is now at the south and the orc went to the north. Climbing to his feet he readies his bow only to realize it is not a great weapon of choice for close opponents at this time as most targets are moving and being moves by shoves, weapon strikes, and the occasional spell. However his shout gets a returning roar over the crowd, many of whom cheer and shove Arc or open a path for him to return to the middle of the room.
Aizashi tries to shove his way through the crowd , only to wind up getting shoved back and is quickly caught up in a face off with the offended lizardman who lunges at the beastkin Monk with jaws agape.
Kaarik looses his bow at Aizashi's lizardman opponent, which is cought off guard and distracted by the arrow. Slipping through the crowd he then sends a lit arrow into the north wall. The brick walls offer no good targets so instead he selects a wooden beam that spans the roof of that side of the structure.
Focus of random event : 1=Kaarik 2=Aizashi 3= Arc 4=Skeeve
Random Attack - (1d4, 2d6)
1d4 : (2) = 2
2d6 : (46) = 10
Random Attack - (1d4, 1d6)
1d4 : (4) = 4
1d6 : (6) = 6
random event - (1d4, 1d20)
1d4 : (3) = 3
1d20 : (12) = 12
Meanwhile Arc heads back to the others, after quickly deciding flight is not a good idea due to the number of projectiles flying overhead, only to get shoved into a quivering man who screams as he falls to the ground. A vile smell instantly erupts and the man scrambles back into the crowd as an expanding mist of mixed hues rises from a puddle where the man fell. As the puddle spreads any who touch the fluids scream and jump away creating a small but expanding opening in the crown that none dare enter.
Why I ask: Skeeve has no interest in pointless fighting. He wants to teleport to somewhere he has a decent vantage point so he can try to pull his companions out. But he can't do that if he is just fighting. He needs to get out of the scrum.
The main flights are centered around the former arena, just to the north of the party. While the trouble making orc was thrown to the far north wall his bodies are still nearby and give you occasional glares and shift closer as opportunity permits through the chaos.
shot 1 - (3d6)
(215) = 8
shot 2 - (3d6)
(213) = 6
1.Where are the doors, windows and balconies?
2.What material is the roof? Wooden beans with traw on top? Could a strong flight up allow Arc to break a hole through the straws to get through?
3. About the strange liquid, exactly where is it? I understand that touching it hurts, but smelling it also hurts?

The pts have only a single door in the NW corner. All the windows, like all the buildings of the city are near the ceiling , long, narrow, and do not open, though these are larger they also have heavy metal frames between the glass panes. The entire building is made of stone and bricc save the heavy wooden beams, spanning east to west, that help support the ceiling over the large room. The strange pool that formed when the man fell to the ground is about 10' across and is steadily disolving anything that touches it. The vapors that rise from it smell foul but do not affect Arc otherwise.
Rando Event - (1d20, 1d20)
1d20 : (14) = 14
1d20 : (7) = 7
In the commotion, someone is thrown into Arc. Save to avoid falling in the pool and taking 1 damage
save test - (2d6)
(36) = 9
How many bodies on the ground between us and the door?
We have two approaches we can do:
- The bodies should all be fresh. We (Aizashi and Skeeve) should be able to heal many, if not most, of them. At least for a handful of rounds. Doing that might get us out of here without having to have a giant fight.
- Failing that, we will want to skirt the pit boss and go deal with the orcs. They're guarding the door, so we'll have to deal with them. But this depends on how many of them there are.
'These 6 ones by the door were actively trying this to happen, that's why they are by the doors. We should figure out a way for this fight to turn everyone against them 6... A way for them NOT to block the exit for the rest... Or a way for them to be trap inside too since now they are the only ones who could run away.'
Assuming we do that, what are they?
While we do that, Skeeve will look to see if there are any groups near the "door orcs". He is looking to do a subtle Push/Pull attack to get another group to attack the "door orcs". Failing that, we can try to get closer to the "door orcs" and Skeeve will see if he can get lined up to grab one and force him into the "pit boss" group. How obvious are his magical effects?
Random attacks : 1=Kaarik 2=Aizashi 3= Arc 4=Skeeve
random events - (1d20, 1d20)
1d20 : (1) = 1
1d20 : (8) = 8
Random Attacks - (1d4, 1d6, 1d4, 1d6, 1d4, 2d6)
1d4 : (3) = 3
1d6 : (4) = 4
1d4 : (1) = 1
1d6 : (3) = 3
1d4 : (3) = 3
2d6 : (44) = 8
You head towards the exit when Skeeve is struck by a wave of force magic hurled by one of the goblin sorcerers as he leads the others. Fortunately the goblin mage is not highly skilled and he manages to deflect the energies but several other nearby combatants are thrown back. On the plus side this clears the area around you of other random combatants. On the down side it resolves the chaos near the door to only the pit boss crew, the surly orc, the goblin guards and your party.

Random events - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20)
1d20 : (3) = 3
1d20 : (20) = 20
1d20 : (6) = 6
magical effect - (1d6)
(4) = 4
magical attack on Skeeve - (2d6)
(11) = 2

3 pit boss (1 troll, 1 bugbear, 1 ogre) / 4 Orc / Goblins : 2 boss, 2 mage, 6 basic
Bassic goblins are weak and usually have 1-2 HP, mages would have 1-3 HP, a boss will have 4-6 hp. But they all have the standard Duende evasion skill and both boss have shields
Each PC can test once to locate the trap door and/or release mechanism. As soon as someone succeeds you can all pass through the door and close it behind you. Each PC should also roll 1d20 for random events as the bar room brwl peaks and you slip out the back.
random bar fight events - (1d20)
(17) = 17
EDIT: Woot! Found it either way!
Search for secret door DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)
(264) = 12
Random Event - (1d20)
(16) = 16
From above you hear a melodious song being played and all sounds of combar fade and dissapear.
Skeeve will produce a light, if one is needed. I assume there is pretty much only one direction to go, so we might as well get moving, unless anyone else has a different idea.
Random event - (1d20)
(14) = 14
Could we not open the trapdoor a little bit, so one of us can hear something? Hopefully without getting noticed. After further contemplating Aizashi adds We just have make sure not light spills out.
Date&Time(Alpha): 35@12:30
Understanding the voices - (3d6h1)
(653) = 6
Before heading up, Skeeve will heal and refresh anyone needing it, including himself.
When Skeeve climbs the ladder he finds the door going up is blocked but apparently his efforts were notices as the "weight" moves off the door and it is yanked open. You find yourselves facing several tough looking individuals all gripping weapons, with a couple pointed your way, that glare at you but seem to relax a bit upon seeing your faces.

After a few exchanged words and assurances they let you out of the tunnel and send you on your way with threats if you reveal anything about its existence. You move back to the plaza and mingle with the crowds there. You have another day till the auction.
There are even more of the black armored guarda around the auction block but the glowing dome on in has shrunk down to be a small orb about 4' in diameter enclosing something within. The auction starts around mid mroning selling off odd bits and pieces, some artistic, others archeological, some books, and a few magic items of odd an unusual nature But all the items being auctioned off go for thousands of gold at the least.
Then at noon a squad of the black armored guards escords a man to the platform and he begins casting a spell as the autioneer informs the crowd that it was time for the main event. An artifact or emense power would be auctioned.
Unless we think we can steal the item. I seriously doubt that would be an option, though.
Also, do we have a better idea of what the black armored guards even are? Before the big event, Skeeve will risk getting close to one to see if he can have a better look. He will also attempt to detect magic to see how magical their equipment is (or they are). And what is the "man" casting the spell? Human? Orc? Something else?
Giving a Perception roll in case any is needed ...
Perception Attempt DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)
(251) = 8
Due to the press of bodies the gobins have given up on any attempt to isolate their little club house but have manages to be able to keep th interior to themselves.
The energy of the crowd has increased and you notice a shift where others seem like you in that they want to be present but not too close. Others look to be taking up strategic positions. As the final auction begins it seems that this items is more for those in the know as its details are not expounded on. All you can see is a metal cube about 2 '.

After that the auction begin with a bid of 100,100 god and incraments in bids of 10,000. You notice several serious participant that stand out. A contingent of hobgoblins that is comprised heavily of priests, clerics, and other clergy but have dozens of heavily armored soldiers with them. There is also a group of orcs, but they defer to a human in dark finery but functional cloths. There is also a mixed group of humanoid that makes you think of the freeholds. However after the bid exceeds 250k all the others give up and after a couple exciting minutes the dark clothed man wins the bid.
As the man and his orcs move to claim their prize there is a massive crashing sound and the entire plaza shudders. The sky above has massive cracks spider web over the entire area. The cracks spread and then pieces of the shattered sky begin dropping, revealing a massive black draconic form peering down through the gaps

I have come for my prize! Flee fools and pests
The voice booms throughout the plaza filling your ears and mind, diggingdown to trigger a primal fear within your hears. Roll a save test, 2d6, or become filled with fear and driven to flee
The dome over the plaza shatters under the dragons claws and he drops onto the wall and rooftops at the south end of the area, droping his forelegs down into the plaza as its long neck extends towards the auction block. As this happends chaos erupts as several forces unleash magic and arrows at the masive beast while most of the crowd sreams and runs in fear.
I'm rolling with Advantage because of my newest Trait.
... Yes!
Save Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(155) = 11
Save test - (2d6)
(14) = 5
Well, great idea, poor execution. :-(
Onyx Grab Arc DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(11) = 2
Other than that you are in a panicked mob fleeing the scene except for a few strong forces that are facing off against the dragon.

While Skeeve has no intention of leaving yet, he has no interest in fighting against or for the dragon. He simply wants to observe what happens. So, once he gets the group safely behind the building's "shadow", he will move back to the edge so he can watch what happens. He will attempt to make sure the goblins know he has no interest in them; he simply wants to watch the spectacle. Presumably, just like they do.
Save test - (2d6)
(22) = 4
Nice surprise.
Fear save - (2d6)
(66) = 12
Hold on to Kaarik - (2d6)
(36) = 9
He finds just enough strength to stay with his friends... And to utter but two words "the artifact?"

Roaring in anger the massive head rises up and with a great hissing sound is releases a narrow stream of liquid and gas like a black waterfall over one of the groups leaving screaming figures and melting corpses as the black mist eats away their flesh. This close, mere meters away, all of you feel the power of the dragon washing over you.
Then he notices the dragon's head, and ducks in place trying to seem smaller, trying to hide.
With Aizashi holding our companions and dragging them along, Skeeve draws his Scarlet Dagger and says to the goblins, "Let us into the hut or I will gut you like fish!"
I assume this needs a roll. I also assume it can't have Focus. If it can, I will use Focus. (This whole gambit is gonna take a lot of rolls to work ...)
Intimidate Goblins DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(355) = 13
Free from fear - (1d6)
(3) = 3
As you move around the building Aizashi notes that the fight over the box is escalating and it is still in the plaza. Kaarik is only all to eager to point out that with the dragon entering deeper into the plaza the gates to the south and or west are a viable escape path!
Moving ahead for now Skeeve reaches the door after moving past the swishing tail but knocked against the building by a shifting claws 2 damage to Skeeve, only to find it barred shut and the goblins within scream in fear as he slams into the building.

casual dragon movements hitting Skeeve - (1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (4) = 4
1d6 : (5) = 5
I'm asking because I want to use my Tremor scroll to knock out a wall or the door. Whichever has the best chance.
Just so it is out in the open, Skeeve's plan is simple and relies on a lot of good rolls. However, this is fundamentally it:
1) Gain access to the hut, thus to the teleport pad within.
2) Use telekinesis to pull/throw the chest from its far point to us.
3) Grab the chest and teleport out of here.
There is no way to get it and run away like we did last time because we'll have multiple literal armies chasing us. If we teleport, we have a chance.
The metal box is currently too far away, each large grid is one zone, and the crush of bodies blocks line of sight. If you move to the platform it will be a good place to spot and fling the box. Each Hurl can move the box one zone.
Fear test - (1d6)
(3) = 3
Invoke Tremor Talisman at Door to Hut DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(25) = 7
Fear test - (2d6)
(44) = 8
Maybe it would be easier if we tie the two of you to me?
He suggests in jest.
We have two choices here:
1) We can cut this all relatively short and get out of here. We can do that by simply using the exit, or, since Skeeve just blew the door off the hut, use the teleport pad.
2) Do the big gambit and try to steal the chest. Honestly, I wasn't even really thinking of that initially; I just wanted to watch the cool battle royale. However, if Skeeve is extremely lucky, we have a chance to actually steal it. But it would take several rolls while being in the middle of the scrum. And the dragon would be extremely unhappy about it.
Honestly, I am willing to do either, but if @Psybermagi wants to do a quick wrap up, that's right here and we can do it. This will leave plenty of adventure opportunities in the future either way!
About the side note.
Arc is happy with any option. Arc is not happy being paralyzed by fear, but well, that's how luck goes.

The loss of the prize drives the dragon into an even greater rage which he decides to vent on any and all nearby unleashing noxious vapors from his mouth, claws, wings, and tail lashing out. Those that remain all turn to run with the loss of the box, including the goblins who decide the building is not a safe hiding spot with the door blown open and they all stream past Skeeve to head towards the closest gate out of the remnant.
The goblins lay into Skevee as he stand in their way out of here while a nearby squad of monsters try to duck behind the building where the others hide and try to smash you out of "their" hiding spot only to face off against Aizashi who steps forward to safeguard his friends
panicked attacks of Skeeve - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (2) = 2
1d6 : (3) = 3
1d6 : (5) = 5
Monsters bullying - (Kaarik:3d6, Arc:3d6, Aizashi:3d6, Aizashi:3d6)
Kaarik:3d6 : (142) = 7
Arc:3d6 : (351) = 9
Aizashi:3d6 : (462) = 12
Aizashi:3d6 : (521) = 8
Attack closest enemy - (2d6)
(63) = 9
Evasion - (3d6)
(563) = 14
Assuming he can get in, he will tell Arc, Get over here and in the hut as quickly as you can!
Convince/Intimidate - (3d6)
(351) = 9
@daryen The goblins are pannicked. Do you stand in their way to intimidate or step out of the way and let them pass?
The goal is not to touch them but to intimidate them.
Intimidate with arrows - (2d6)
(11) = 2
The dragon is definitely winning the fight for the plaza but not without a taking some damage in turn. Most of the panicked masses have fled the are by this point in time, though you still hear them in the distance of the remnant, and the powerful forces are making orderly withdrawls as well. The dragon roars in rage and frustrations as it continues to spew acid and magic all around. Everyone need to roll a Save again. If you fail you take 2 damage and gain the fear effect. Succeed and take only 1 damage without fear.
At Skeeves call the others quickly rush to get into the building but your group has drawn the attention of others and the squad of 4, their greed or survival instincts peaking their curiosity and driving them to follow closely behind.
Save fear - (1d6)
(4) = 4
Skeeve will threaten the tag-alongs ... "Surrender or back off!" Throwing in an extra roll for the Intimitation attempt. Using Advantage because of Charismatic, but drop the extra die if it isn't appropriate. Also, if they do surrender, he will tell them where to stand so they can come along.
Once his team is on the pad, he will activate it. If there are tag-alongs, he will deal with them at the destination. If Aizashi fails his Save, Kaarik will have to drag them into the hut.
Save Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(463) = 13
Intimidate DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(646) = 16