Paphos Plaza Remnant

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Jun 2, 2024 6:10 am
Skeeve tells the group his plan, and asks for their input. "What I want to do is have someone, probably Arc, move away from our group (to basically the right edge of the mini map directly above. The rest of the group stands on the side of me farthest from Arc. Arc then drops something to make a loud noise, which he can then immediately pick back up. This should cause everyone to momentarily look in his direction before turning back away. At this point I magically pick up a rock next to the lizardmen and throw it at one of the goblins. Hopefully that should get something started.
This also, of course, assumes I make my roll!
Jun 2, 2024 12:43 pm
Listening intently to Skeeve's plan Aizashi tries to suppress a smile at the potential mischief and simply says "That sounds like a plan."
he also hopes that Skeeve's rolls will be good.
Last edited June 2, 2024 12:44 pm
Jun 2, 2024 1:58 pm
The area has ebb and flows of traffic by various factions, races, and individuals, that move through and around the stalls that are scattered around the plaza. As you plan all this you hear a loud noise behind you and to the north. A quick glance indicates what looks to be a bar with some kind of comotion inside.

Arc wanders off by himself till he is on the eastern side of the building in question and waits for a signal from the rest of the group that they are ready.

Lets get a basic test from Arc for performance/deception to see how well he is at getting everyone's attention. Then the "attack" from Skeeve. Feel free to add basic situational details based on existing content with minor additions. Let me know if there are any other preparations or adjustments to the above plan.
Jun 2, 2024 7:43 pm
Could end perfectly or tragically, love it! :D
Jun 3, 2024 5:01 pm
Sorry, hard to come online this weekend. But Arc is back!
Arc walks to the planned place. Attracting some attention shouldn't be too hard. He grabs a big rock, and after he receives the sign he drops it in an abandoned shield (for more noise).
Since they were able to plan it, Arc considers this roll focused.


Making noise - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Jun 3, 2024 6:06 pm
With his distraction in action, Skeeve telekinetically picks up a convenient rock by the lizardmen while they are looking at Arc (which doesn't require a roll) and throws it at one of the goblins. He does focus with this effort and hopes for the best. At the least, he should be able to throw the rock, whether it goes where it should, or whether he is detected is determined by the roll and the GM.

Here it goes ...
... a success! I paused at the button, hoping for the best!


Test DC: 4 - TK Rock At Goblin - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Jun 3, 2024 10:04 pm
The rock rises slightly behind one of the lizardmen then flies through the air going right where Skeeve aimed it. The force of the unanticipated attack knocks the goblin off its feet. The startled warborn scrambles back to his feet to look back where the rock flew to see the lizardmen pointing and laughing to each other.


The felled goblin looks angrily at the lizardmen and start muttering back and forth with each other as one slips inside.


The lizardmen settle back and his back and forth with each other, seeming unconcerned.
more later


goblin reactions (fear - humor - anger) - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jun 4, 2024 5:58 am
Kaarik whispers to Skeeve. "Well done! That was impressive!"
Jun 4, 2024 12:39 pm
After a couple moments more goblins come outside, glaring at the lizard men, and glance at one of the passing goblin patrols. The gathered goblins mutter to each other with the one struck being the most agitated.
Jun 4, 2024 1:06 pm
While waiting for things to escalate, Skeeve takes his crystal and tells Arc (since Skeeve and Arc are conveniently the two with the communication crystals) to loop around and meet up with the group n the other side of the building. Then the group loops around the little building to be on the "back side" of the goblin group so that if/when they approach the lizardmen, we don't have to go through them to get to the door.

The moment the goblins, or most of them, leave the door we rush in.
Jun 4, 2024 3:39 pm
You move in but the goblins aren't rushing to attack the lizard men. You hear the goblins grumbling and overhead over say If we get caught the boss will skin is alive. We can't just go rushing at them in bread daylight.

Just Wait till they leave the plaza, then we can get them.

You can tell from their tone and reactions that though they are mad at the lizard men they all are more frightened of the "boss". The goblins are all on edge now but are too afraid to act out where they can get caught.

Through the buildings open windows you hear the goblins inside finishing up their cooking. Several minutes pass and they goblins get called to go back on duty and leave but from the sounds of it the building will but teaming vacant for long. You quickly slip around the building and inside the room.
Jun 4, 2024 3:49 pm
Once inside, Skeeve says, "Block the door!" He then immediately uses the technique provided by Dean to make contact with him.
Note that while Skeeve has to focus on making contact, everyone else can see if there is anything worth taking ...
Once he makes contact with Dean, Skeeve will have him wait a moment while everyone gets onto the Node. Once he is sure everyone is on the Node, he asks Dean to transport them back.
Jun 5, 2024 11:27 am
Aizashi stands guard at the door to make sure they do not receive any surprise visitors while Skeeve is focused on making contact with Dean.
Once everything is ready he steps on to the Node with the others.
Jun 5, 2024 1:00 pm
The room is much as before, littered with scraps save the for pits hand fresh soot and embers. Moving to the Node Skeeve contacts Dean and after conferring a moment you all move to the Node and are pulled through to the little basement home of the Construct.
Jun 5, 2024 1:07 pm
Date&Time(Alpha): 30@14:15
Story continues here
Oct 15, 2024 2:32 am
Story Continues from HERE
end of the commute line so out of time but more details coming, any spcific direction on where you go what you do or look for inside for me to build on?
Date&Time(Alpha): 35@9:30

Walking up to the guarded gates you are looked over by the guards, who do not look familiar and do not react to the pary other than to relax more after verifying your invitation.

Stepping inside the remnant you look around and see it is a bit more crouded than before.
Oct 15, 2024 2:32 am
Skeeve will want to look at the market place again, this time without a specific target we have to get. He also wants to make sure of where the teleport node is, so they can easily reorient themselves as needed. Then, he wants to figure out where the stage will likely be so they can plan on where they want to be to watch the big presentation. Again, he will try to eavesdrop on goblin guards to see if he can find out any juicy details.
Oct 15, 2024 2:33 am
Is there only one gate? If not Kaarik would want to look at the others and also at specific places where it is obvious that people come and left, like some stands or rooms that would seem to attract more movement than the others.
Oct 15, 2024 2:33 am
I believe there are four gates. Last time we were here getting rejected, we went to at least two of the gates. So, I am pretty sure there are four gates. (They may not all work, mind you, but I am pretty sure there are four. We do know that at least two of them work.)

As an aside, Skeeve will want us to stay together. We need to NOT split up.
Oct 15, 2024 2:33 am
Arc seem to remember that one of the doors was 'distorted' with shattering veil... so only 3 usable. But with the invitation, it shouldn't matter much.
He is eager to get in and learn what is this all about. And he agrees we should all travel together as things may become complicated, and if combat ignites it better find us close by.
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