Paphos Plaza Remnant
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Nov 21, 2024 3:06 pm
You ander around a bit and get a feel for the area then find a quieter building you might be able to rest in but decide to return to the residential remnant to sleep. Returning in the morning you notice the are is much more crowded and the number of people continues to grow as the you near noon.
There are even more of the black armored guarda around the auction block but the glowing dome on in has shrunk down to be a small orb about 4' in diameter enclosing something within. The auction starts around mid mroning selling off odd bits and pieces, some artistic, others archeological, some books, and a few magic items of odd an unusual nature But all the items being auctioned off go for thousands of gold at the least.
Then at noon a squad of the black armored guards escords a man to the platform and he begins casting a spell as the autioneer informs the crowd that it was time for the main event. An artifact or emense power would be auctioned.
There are even more of the black armored guarda around the auction block but the glowing dome on in has shrunk down to be a small orb about 4' in diameter enclosing something within. The auction starts around mid mroning selling off odd bits and pieces, some artistic, others archeological, some books, and a few magic items of odd an unusual nature But all the items being auctioned off go for thousands of gold at the least.
Then at noon a squad of the black armored guards escords a man to the platform and he begins casting a spell as the autioneer informs the crowd that it was time for the main event. An artifact or emense power would be auctioned.
Let me know where you are on the map, how close to the autoin block, are you togethr, etcNov 21, 2024 8:49 pm
Skeeve recommends that we stay together and we try to be at the periphery. Again, if possible, we will try to be as close as we can to the hut with the teleportation pad.
Unless we think we can steal the item. I seriously doubt that would be an option, though.
Also, do we have a better idea of what the black armored guards even are? Before the big event, Skeeve will risk getting close to one to see if he can have a better look. He will also attempt to detect magic to see how magical their equipment is (or they are). And what is the "man" casting the spell? Human? Orc? Something else?
Giving a Perception roll in case any is needed ...
Unless we think we can steal the item. I seriously doubt that would be an option, though.
Also, do we have a better idea of what the black armored guards even are? Before the big event, Skeeve will risk getting close to one to see if he can have a better look. He will also attempt to detect magic to see how magical their equipment is (or they are). And what is the "man" casting the spell? Human? Orc? Something else?
Giving a Perception roll in case any is needed ...
Perception Attempt DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)
(251) = 8
Nov 22, 2024 1:33 am
The black guards are heavily armored and carry a fain sense of magic. They seem to be ethere lean orcs, or heavily muscled hobgoblins or humans.
Due to the press of bodies the gobins have given up on any attempt to isolate their little club house but have manages to be able to keep th interior to themselves.
The energy of the crowd has increased and you notice a shift where others seem like you in that they want to be present but not too close. Others look to be taking up strategic positions. As the final auction begins it seems that this items is more for those in the know as its details are not expounded on. All you can see is a metal cube about 2 '.
The auctioneer anounces And now for our final item we ask that only the serious members speak up. To ensure this is the case we will only respond to those that hold and bid plate which must have ben purchased prior to this event. At thie time we wil have the item verified by an independant party known and respected by many who know them. He then bows to a figure in the crown.
You see an elven female ascend the stairs. She moves up to the box with 3 of the black guard surrounding her and the box as she slides open a small pannel on the top and peering in before chanting several spells. After completing this she nods to the auctioneer and signs a sheet of paper before turning to adress the crowd. The artifact has been verified and has a Order essence.
After that the auction begin with a bid of 100,100 god and incraments in bids of 10,000. You notice several serious participant that stand out. A contingent of hobgoblins that is comprised heavily of priests, clerics, and other clergy but have dozens of heavily armored soldiers with them. There is also a group of orcs, but they defer to a human in dark finery but functional cloths. There is also a mixed group of humanoid that makes you think of the freeholds. However after the bid exceeds 250k all the others give up and after a couple exciting minutes the dark clothed man wins the bid.
As the man and his orcs move to claim their prize there is a massive crashing sound and the entire plaza shudders. The sky above has massive cracks spider web over the entire area. The cracks spread and then pieces of the shattered sky begin dropping, revealing a massive black draconic form peering down through the gaps

I have come for my prize! Flee fools and pests
The voice booms throughout the plaza filling your ears and mind, diggingdown to trigger a primal fear within your hears. Roll a save test, 2d6, or become filled with fear and driven to flee
The dome over the plaza shatters under the dragons claws and he drops onto the wall and rooftops at the south end of the area, droping his forelegs down into the plaza as its long neck extends towards the auction block. As this happends chaos erupts as several forces unleash magic and arrows at the masive beast while most of the crowd sreams and runs in fear.
Due to the press of bodies the gobins have given up on any attempt to isolate their little club house but have manages to be able to keep th interior to themselves.
The energy of the crowd has increased and you notice a shift where others seem like you in that they want to be present but not too close. Others look to be taking up strategic positions. As the final auction begins it seems that this items is more for those in the know as its details are not expounded on. All you can see is a metal cube about 2 '.

Elf Lady
After that the auction begin with a bid of 100,100 god and incraments in bids of 10,000. You notice several serious participant that stand out. A contingent of hobgoblins that is comprised heavily of priests, clerics, and other clergy but have dozens of heavily armored soldiers with them. There is also a group of orcs, but they defer to a human in dark finery but functional cloths. There is also a mixed group of humanoid that makes you think of the freeholds. However after the bid exceeds 250k all the others give up and after a couple exciting minutes the dark clothed man wins the bid.
As the man and his orcs move to claim their prize there is a massive crashing sound and the entire plaza shudders. The sky above has massive cracks spider web over the entire area. The cracks spread and then pieces of the shattered sky begin dropping, revealing a massive black draconic form peering down through the gaps

I have come for my prize! Flee fools and pests
The voice booms throughout the plaza filling your ears and mind, diggingdown to trigger a primal fear within your hears. Roll a save test, 2d6, or become filled with fear and driven to flee
The dome over the plaza shatters under the dragons claws and he drops onto the wall and rooftops at the south end of the area, droping his forelegs down into the plaza as its long neck extends towards the auction block. As this happends chaos erupts as several forces unleash magic and arrows at the masive beast while most of the crowd sreams and runs in fear.
Nov 22, 2024 2:04 am
Freaking awesome!I'm rolling with Advantage because of my newest Trait.
... Yes!
EDIT: How does the sky crack and shatter?Rolls
Save Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(155) = 11
Nov 22, 2024 11:36 am
What?? Alright!!!OOC:
edit: Oh no... Arc is in fear... Can't do muchLast edited November 22, 2024 11:37 am
Save test - (2d6)
(14) = 5
Nov 22, 2024 1:54 pm
Skeeve will attempt to grab Arc before he can get away, using his Onyx powers. Just as if he was going to throw him, but without actually throwing him; just grabbing him.
Well, great idea, poor execution. :-(
Well, great idea, poor execution. :-(
Onyx Grab Arc DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(11) = 2
Nov 22, 2024 4:05 pm
Arc prepares to leap into the sky but a tug form Skeeve is enough to remind him of his companions. Though the urge to flee is strong he also does not want to abandon his friends . . .
Other than that you are in a panicked mob fleeing the scene except for a few strong forces that are facing off against the dragon.
Those that fail their save cannot approach the dragon willingly. This means you cant head towards where you know the portal is. In addition when you face the dragon you have disadvantage on all rolls. Other than that you are in a panicked mob fleeing the scene except for a few strong forces that are facing off against the dragon.
[ +- ] general dragon attack map

Nov 22, 2024 8:51 pm
We will still try to use the hut as a "shield" against the onrush of the flee-ers, so we don't lose our position.
While Skeeve has no intention of leaving yet, he has no interest in fighting against or for the dragon. He simply wants to observe what happens. So, once he gets the group safely behind the building's "shadow", he will move back to the edge so he can watch what happens. He will attempt to make sure the goblins know he has no interest in them; he simply wants to watch the spectacle. Presumably, just like they do.
While Skeeve has no intention of leaving yet, he has no interest in fighting against or for the dragon. He simply wants to observe what happens. So, once he gets the group safely behind the building's "shadow", he will move back to the edge so he can watch what happens. He will attempt to make sure the goblins know he has no interest in them; he simply wants to watch the spectacle. Presumably, just like they do.
Nov 23, 2024 8:24 am
This was unexpected :DLast edited November 23, 2024 8:25 am
Save test - (2d6)
(22) = 4
Nov 23, 2024 9:15 am
better late than never. Nice surprise.
Last edited November 23, 2024 9:16 am
Fear save - (2d6)
(66) = 12
Hold on to Kaarik - (2d6)
(36) = 9
Nov 23, 2024 11:31 am
Arc is confused, his mind fighting itself between the urge to flee and defend his friends.
He finds just enough strength to stay with his friends... And to utter but two words "the artifact?"
He finds just enough strength to stay with his friends... And to utter but two words "the artifact?"
Nov 25, 2024 2:50 am
You all quickly move to the building, with Skeeve and Aizashi grabbing their fellows to direct them, as the panicking crowd flees screaming as heavily armored and magical figures advance to face off against the dragon as arrows and spells begin to fly.
Skeeve peeks around the corner of the building just as a massive head moves into view followed by a claw and shoulder. The massive form of the great wyrm is moving past but halted by spell and weapons that assail it. The clank of armor alerts you and you not that several of the groups moving to confront the dragon are drawing closer to your position as they maneuver to surround the dragon.

Roaring in anger the massive head rises up and with a great hissing sound is releases a narrow stream of liquid and gas like a black waterfall over one of the groups leaving screaming figures and melting corpses as the black mist eats away their flesh. This close, mere meters away, all of you feel the power of the dragon washing over you.
Psybermagi sent a note to Cathamber
[ +- ] map

Black Dragon
Roaring in anger the massive head rises up and with a great hissing sound is releases a narrow stream of liquid and gas like a black waterfall over one of the groups leaving screaming figures and melting corpses as the black mist eats away their flesh. This close, mere meters away, all of you feel the power of the dragon washing over you.
Nov 25, 2024 6:03 am
Arc, after hiding well and pulling with all his will force, manages to say... "Auctioneer and winner's groups are about to clash for the prize."
Then he notices the dragon's head, and ducks in place trying to seem smaller, trying to hide.
Then he notices the dragon's head, and ducks in place trying to seem smaller, trying to hide.
Is there some time after which Arc is rid of the fear effect?Nov 25, 2024 4:39 pm
OK, having this laid out like this, I now have to ask, How big is that chest with the trophy? More to the point: Can I teleport while holding it?Nov 25, 2024 4:46 pm
Those who are afraid of the dragon already can attempt to save each round but suffer disadvantage while the dragon can be seen or heard. Nov 25, 2024 8:42 pm
Ok, let's go for it. No reason to be timid!With Aizashi holding our companions and dragging them along, Skeeve draws his Scarlet Dagger and says to the goblins, "Let us into the hut or I will gut you like fish!"
I assume this needs a roll. I also assume it can't have Focus. If it can, I will use Focus. (This whole gambit is gonna take a lot of rolls to work ...)
Intimidate Goblins DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(355) = 13
Nov 26, 2024 10:53 am
Arc attempts for focus on the situation.
He is trying to get rid of his fear, at disadvantage.OOC:
EDIT: Not successful. But, can Arc give Skeeve his potion of invisibility? I guess that Skeeve has a way to leave the place, but this potion may allow him to better approach the prize.Last edited November 26, 2024 10:56 am
Free from fear - (1d6)
(3) = 3
Nov 26, 2024 3:18 pm
Circling the hut to get out of the fight you make to the back of the building and back to the far corner just fine but is is here that you encounter a snag. While Arc is able to calm somewhat enough to hand over his potion of invisibility just the sight of the dragon hindquarters and tail sends him back into a panik as stories of a dragona legendary senses makes him sure that if they "sneak up behind it" to get closer to the door the dragon will know and lash out with breath or spiked tail. Both Kaarik and Arc need to make a Save or be forced close enough to enter the room
As you move around the building Aizashi notes that the fight over the box is escalating and it is still in the plaza. Kaarik is only all to eager to point out that with the dragon entering deeper into the plaza the gates to the south and or west are a viable escape path!
Moving ahead for now Skeeve reaches the door after moving past the swishing tail but knocked against the building by a shifting claws 2 damage to Skeeve, only to find it barred shut and the goblins within scream in fear as he slams into the building.
As you move around the building Aizashi notes that the fight over the box is escalating and it is still in the plaza. Kaarik is only all to eager to point out that with the dragon entering deeper into the plaza the gates to the south and or west are a viable escape path!
Moving ahead for now Skeeve reaches the door after moving past the swishing tail but knocked against the building by a shifting claws 2 damage to Skeeve, only to find it barred shut and the goblins within scream in fear as he slams into the building.
[ +- ] Area Map

casual dragon movements hitting Skeeve - (1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (4) = 4
1d6 : (5) = 5
Nov 26, 2024 3:50 pm
How sturdy does the hut look? It just took a tail slap!I'm asking because I want to use my Tremor scroll to knock out a wall or the door. Whichever has the best chance.
Just so it is out in the open, Skeeve's plan is simple and relies on a lot of good rolls. However, this is fundamentally it:
1) Gain access to the hut, thus to the teleport pad within.
2) Use telekinesis to pull/throw the chest from its far point to us.
3) Grab the chest and teleport out of here.
There is no way to get it and run away like we did last time because we'll have multiple literal armies chasing us. If we teleport, we have a chance.
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