In the commotion, someone is thrown into Arc. Save to avoid falling in the pool and taking 1 damage
Paphos Plaza Remnant
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Nov 5, 2024 1:17 pm
A bard by the bar tries to calm everyone with a spell, but it backfires and creates strobing lights that spit sparks, adding to the confusion.
In the commotion, someone is thrown into Arc. Save to avoid falling in the pool and taking 1 damage
In the commotion, someone is thrown into Arc. Save to avoid falling in the pool and taking 1 damage
Nov 5, 2024 1:20 pm
Arc will ready a shot in his bow and fly to join his friends trying to avoid anyone specially dangerous. He will even forgo his shooting action if avoiding dangerous enemies needs him to use a longer route to join them.
save test - (2d6)
(36) = 9
Nov 5, 2024 1:46 pm
Arc manages to take flight and leap across the puddle. After a bit of maneuvering he makes it back to the others
Nov 6, 2024 1:47 am
Yeah, the plan to split up is now out the window.OOC:
It sounds like the circle of destruction is near by where Arc was, so it shouldn't be in our way to get out.OOC:
How many and what bodies do we see? While his initial inclination is to just get out of here, maybe we can make some inroads if we heal some people along the way.Nov 6, 2024 2:49 am
There are about 150 people in the room but many are clustering along the walls leaving the middle to the more "eager" individuals and groups. Between you and the door you see 2 major groups, the pit boss pack stand in the middle roaring challenges to one and all while the antagonistic orc and his cronies loiter near the door shoving any who try to leave back into the middle of the room.
Assume fore each standard move (25') you encounter 1 aggressive group. Bypass them, fight your way through, or move to the side and wait for things to calm down. Nov 6, 2024 4:25 am
How many in each of the two groups?How many bodies on the ground between us and the door?
We have two approaches we can do:
- The bodies should all be fresh. We (Aizashi and Skeeve) should be able to heal many, if not most, of them. At least for a handful of rounds. Doing that might get us out of here without having to have a giant fight.
- Failing that, we will want to skirt the pit boss and go deal with the orcs. They're guarding the door, so we'll have to deal with them. But this depends on how many of them there are.
Nov 6, 2024 5:17 am
There are 4 in pit boss group but 2 look very tough, including the one that talked with Aizashi, another larger individual you guess to be an ogre that has no difficulty handling any opponent he faces and is the obvious leader of the crew, and the last is a shorter cloaked figure that does not get involved in the fight. The orc by the door has 6 companion and all bluster and glower at any nearby. There are only 3 or 4 bodies on the ground. Two are obviously dead while the others are uncertain.
Nov 6, 2024 6:43 pm
I'd wager we can at least attempt to check on the 2 bodies we have no certainty on and heal those 2, if possible.Nov 7, 2024 10:49 am
Using the telephatic crystal to avoid the hubgoblins to hear, he tells Skeeve:
'These 6 ones by the door were actively trying this to happen, that's why they are by the doors. We should figure out a way for this fight to turn everyone against them 6... A way for them NOT to block the exit for the rest... Or a way for them to be trap inside too since now they are the only ones who could run away.'
'These 6 ones by the door were actively trying this to happen, that's why they are by the doors. We should figure out a way for this fight to turn everyone against them 6... A way for them NOT to block the exit for the rest... Or a way for them to be trap inside too since now they are the only ones who could run away.'
Nov 7, 2024 10:18 pm
Skeeve says, "Let's check the two unknown bodies." If we can get to them reasonably easily, then Aizashi and Skeeve will try to heal them. Not completely; just enough to avoid death and regain consciousness.
Assuming we do that, what are they?
While we do that, Skeeve will look to see if there are any groups near the "door orcs". He is looking to do a subtle Push/Pull attack to get another group to attack the "door orcs". Failing that, we can try to get closer to the "door orcs" and Skeeve will see if he can get lined up to grab one and force him into the "pit boss" group. How obvious are his magical effects?
Assuming we do that, what are they?
While we do that, Skeeve will look to see if there are any groups near the "door orcs". He is looking to do a subtle Push/Pull attack to get another group to attack the "door orcs". Failing that, we can try to get closer to the "door orcs" and Skeeve will see if he can get lined up to grab one and force him into the "pit boss" group. How obvious are his magical effects?
Nov 8, 2024 3:27 am
As you discuss your plans the door bursts open, shoveing the orc and his cronies furthr into the room. A sqad of goblin guards dill the doorway, shouting for everyone to stand down. The spearmen move to start arresting anyone still fighting while several mages and heavily armored goblin sergents take on anyone resisting. The unexpected arival of the gobins stirs up the taveern thugs and all the ones who had been avoiding combat rush the door, deciding to join the brawl, swinging at anyone nearby and escalating the chaos. You are caught up in the mad rush, with several oportunistic attacks thrown your way but thankfully with no ill effect, and can either fight against the crush towards the door or go with the flow.
Random attacks : 1=Kaarik 2=Aizashi 3= Arc 4=Skeeve
Random attacks : 1=Kaarik 2=Aizashi 3= Arc 4=Skeeve
random events - (1d20, 1d20)
1d20 : (1) = 1
1d20 : (8) = 8
Random Attacks - (1d4, 1d6, 1d4, 1d6, 1d4, 2d6)
1d4 : (3) = 3
1d6 : (4) = 4
1d4 : (1) = 1
1d6 : (3) = 3
1d4 : (3) = 3
2d6 : (44) = 8
Nov 9, 2024 10:26 pm
Skeeve whispers, "Stay tight and go with the flow. With luck we can slip out of here."
Nov 10, 2024 10:22 am
At Skeeve's suggestion Aizashi stays close to the others in an attempt to be swept out the door by the masses.
Nov 10, 2024 9:25 pm
Kaarik follows, trying his best to stay with the group and if possible hide behind big orcs.
Nov 10, 2024 10:39 pm
Random attacks : 1=Kaarik 2=Aizashi 3= Arc 4=Skeeve
You head towards the exit when Skeeve is struck by a wave of force magic hurled by one of the goblin sorcerers as he leads the others. Fortunately the goblin mage is not highly skilled and he manages to deflect the energies but several other nearby combatants are thrown back. On the plus side this clears the area around you of other random combatants. On the down side it resolves the chaos near the door to only the pit boss crew, the surly orc, the goblin guards and your party.
One of the pit boss crew, a large surrly bugbear roars out in anger at the orc crew. I don't care if the boss is an orc. You think you can throw your weight around here after getting tossed out by his new guards the giants? and launches himself at the orcs and soon the two crews are fully embroiled in a no hold bar battle royal leaving only the goblin guard with their bosses and mage as an obstacle to your exit that way. They block the door and you can not get out of the room without moving or killing them.
Kaarik, who stands near the back of the party notices the are near the bar is becoming depopulated and a quick survey reveals that most of the bar employees have vanished and he catches a glimpse of several sly looking goblins slip behind the bar and disappear leaving the bar abandoned.
You head towards the exit when Skeeve is struck by a wave of force magic hurled by one of the goblin sorcerers as he leads the others. Fortunately the goblin mage is not highly skilled and he manages to deflect the energies but several other nearby combatants are thrown back. On the plus side this clears the area around you of other random combatants. On the down side it resolves the chaos near the door to only the pit boss crew, the surly orc, the goblin guards and your party.


Goblin Rogue
Random events - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20)
1d20 : (3) = 3
1d20 : (20) = 20
1d20 : (6) = 6
magical effect - (1d6)
(4) = 4
magical attack on Skeeve - (2d6)
(11) = 2
Nov 11, 2024 12:23 am
How many goblins are present in the group barring our way out? I have an idea that might be pretty cool ...Nov 11, 2024 12:32 am

3 pit boss (1 troll, 1 bugbear, 1 ogre) / 4 Orc / Goblins : 2 boss, 2 mage, 6 basic
Bassic goblins are weak and usually have 1-2 HP, mages would have 1-3 HP, a boss will have 4-6 hp. But they all have the standard Duende evasion skill and both boss have shields
Nov 11, 2024 5:09 am
We hurry to follow the sly looking goblins out of the building. Hopefully, the scrum between the pit crew and the orcs will keep the guard goblins busy.
I was thinking of pulling the dagger and trying to intimidate the goblins, but that is highly risky, particularly with the big fight going on right there. Let's instead avoid the fight entirely and get out of here. Let's take our chances intimidating the sly goblins instead, if we even need to.Nov 11, 2024 1:16 pm
The group quickly shifts targets towards the bar. As you do some of the lanterns suspended from the ceiling beams collapse to the ground, their ropes having been burned thorugh. The crash and subsequent eruption of flames as the oil from the fallen lamps ignites from the skoking rope draw much unwanted attention to your area as you dive behind the bar. The area is vacant of any employees or goblins and yousearch for th door and release mechanism.
Each PC can test once to locate the trap door and/or release mechanism. As soon as someone succeeds you can all pass through the door and close it behind you. Each PC should also roll 1d20 for random events as the bar room brwl peaks and you slip out the back.
Each PC can test once to locate the trap door and/or release mechanism. As soon as someone succeeds you can all pass through the door and close it behind you. Each PC should also roll 1d20 for random events as the bar room brwl peaks and you slip out the back.
random bar fight events - (1d20)
(17) = 17
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