After a long rest and more hours of travel, the adventuring party come to an inn built into the remains of a crumbling stone tower. This is Inn Plain Sight, the place the party has been requested to meet the townsfolk about their problems with the great red dragon Cinderhowl. The Inn is well-known for its delicious hot wings that the proprietor, Alax Jadescales, makes fresh to order. Alax is also one of the townsfolk to be met, as noted in the gold advance received before arriving.
The gnomish paladin, Derv, ties his summoned steed up at the hitching post, fresh water bubbling from the fountain next to it. He secures his steed enough so that it does not wander, but can get loose and run away if needed.
The human sailor, Hindle, looks about, and seems to be mumbling to himself again, much as he has done throughout the journey so far. The halfling rogue, Merton, walks alongside Hindle, but seems to keep his distance.
The dwarf wizard, Enigo, and human druid, Leana, still seem a bit distracted discussing her home. Enigo seems eager to learn more about her world and Leana has much to say about her world before they met.
Peeking inside the Inn, it appears to be empty and almost deserted. However, as the group walks in, they smell the most delicious hot wings of their lives.
What memories do the smells evoke?