Scene 1: Inn Plain Sight

May 27, 2024 2:45 pm

After a long rest and more hours of travel, the adventuring party come to an inn built into the remains of a crumbling stone tower. This is Inn Plain Sight, the place the party has been requested to meet the townsfolk about their problems with the great red dragon Cinderhowl. The Inn is well-known for its delicious hot wings that the proprietor, Alax Jadescales, makes fresh to order. Alax is also one of the townsfolk to be met, as noted in the gold advance received before arriving.

The gnomish paladin, Derv, ties his summoned steed up at the hitching post, fresh water bubbling from the fountain next to it. He secures his steed enough so that it does not wander, but can get loose and run away if needed.

The human sailor, Hindle, looks about, and seems to be mumbling to himself again, much as he has done throughout the journey so far. The halfling rogue, Merton, walks alongside Hindle, but seems to keep his distance.

The dwarf wizard, Enigo, and human druid, Leana, still seem a bit distracted discussing her home. Enigo seems eager to learn more about her world and Leana has much to say about her world before they met.

Peeking inside the Inn, it appears to be empty and almost deserted. However, as the group walks in, they smell the most delicious hot wings of their lives.

What memories do the smells evoke?
May 27, 2024 5:25 pm
Looking into the window Merton gets a whiff of the hot wings and can't help but think of THAT job.

He was offered "work" which required him to go undercover at a restaurant that served exclusively hot wings. His target unknown but would be revealed later. He stayed undercover for 6 months waiting, but no order ever came...except for the Lousianna Rub and Spicy Korean Q flavored wings. But he waited...until he didn't and the smell of grease was too much.

The memory distant but still potent. He will never forget the time at that Wings Stop....
May 27, 2024 5:34 pm
This smell... what is it? It is an irresistible blend of savory, spicy and ... slightly sweet aromas. Leanas stomach makes a loud growling noise as she walks towards the scent. The young druid smells chicken, something ... sharp, chili peppers ... honey .... she sniffs loudly, following her nose much like stalking prey ... what else? ... ah garlic, onion and ... and ... something...

"Hallo!" she all but shouts. Leana has taken step after step in pursuit of the heavenly smell and stands before a sparsely decorated counter. "Where is the chef? What herbs do you use? Where do you get them from? Is there any ... food for us?" She looks left and right expectantly.
May 28, 2024 4:44 am
As Hindle opens the door to the inn, a tangy pungent aroma wafts out, stinging the inside of his nose. Taking a step inside, his foot hits cold water and sand as the wind carries news of a coming squall past his face. He can see young Merowen youths catching rock hoppers chicks nearby. There will be a hakari tonight with the arrival of the Yagar's Harem. Another step carries him past the young women around the firepit pulling the leaf wrapped birds from the coals. Waimarie is beautiful in the light of the setting sun, but the smell of the manaaki bubbling away nearby...
Leana's brash call shatters the reverie as she shoulders past him on her way to the counter.

Seating himself at a table nearby, Hindle watches Leana's antics hopeful that they will be productive. Given the lack of custom, perhaps the food isn't ready despite the delicious smells.
Last edited May 28, 2024 5:34 am
May 28, 2024 1:56 pm
Chicken! How dare they eat chicken? Didn't they understand?

No of course they didn't, he could go and flip the tables but they would still return to chicken as it was all they knew. He could show them the better way but he didn't have time that was a job for someone else.

Perhaps today, he checked his rucksack, he was Indeed out of those flat round disks their lord had gifted them. Pizza he believed they were called. That was what one was meant to eat, yet today he tried his best to look disappointed today he would have to eat chicken.
May 28, 2024 4:14 pm
Next comes in the dwarf. Stout, broad-shouldered, no-long traditional beard but a nicely trimmed black moustache. Raven black, long, curly hair. Clad in blue travelling clothes, with a nice wizard's hat and a shiny scale mail. Enigo Brickoswky presents an eclectic mix of traditional wizard and modern dwarf.

The smell of spicy food in his nostrils he waltzes behind the rest of their group and beelines directly to the bar. "A foaming mug of your best, good man." the wizard makes his wishes known. "And a bucket full of tendies, for my friend here." Brickoswky adds caringly, ordering some meat for his most trusted companion. A grey-tigered tomcat aptly named Roaring Kitten, who loves stock (mostly chicken) and tendies. Satiesfied that his order will be met, the dwarfen wizard turns around, looking where the rest of their small group can be found. Slowly setting one foot in front of the other, Brickowsky closes the distance and lets himself fall with an "humpf" into a creaking chair and stretches out his weary legs. "Better" he announces content, already looking for his beer.
Last edited May 28, 2024 4:22 pm
May 28, 2024 7:34 pm
The door to the back room swings open, and a human innkeeper comes out behind the bar. He appears to be the most average-looking man the party has met yet. The only noticeable features are the large mass of messy black hair on top of his head and a jingling as he walks, perhaps from his keys or the large strangely shaped pendant he wears around his neck. The man gives a cheesy smile behind a black beard and mustache.

"Oh, I’m afraid you’ve come at a bad time! We’re closed for renovations actually. I’m the chef here, but I can’t go around givin' away my trade secrets. I’ll be happy to make you some hot wings and drinks to help you on your journey though, wherever you are goin'."

He turns around and starts grabbing bottles of beer off the shelves and carelessly shoving them into a crate. One bottle tips and falls onto the floor. The glass can be heard breaking behind the bar. However, the man seems to barely acknowledge the breakage as he continues grabbing bottles off the shelves.
May 28, 2024 7:50 pm
are you ok? Do you need help cleaning that up?

Merton steps forward a but and offers his hand to help
May 28, 2024 9:14 pm
Sparing a sideglance to his friends, Brickowsky seems alarmed by this behaviour, as his brows creep closer together and he sits up. "You spilled good beer." he brings to the innkeeper's attention. "Is something bothering you?"

Looking around, the wizard checks the room for anything out of the ordinary.


Perception (darkvision) - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

May 29, 2024 5:07 am
The barkeep oddness alone kindles Hindle's suspicions, but adding the fact that they were specifially summoned here raises them to an open flame. "That is unfortunate, but we are hungry. Please bring us some of those delicious wings."

Sending the invisble sprite to have a look in back if the door is open or to have her sneak through when the barkeep goes back there.

Hah! Kindles Hindle's!! Say that three times in a row! :D
Last edited May 29, 2024 5:08 am


Steath - (1d20+8)

(20) + 8 = 28

May 29, 2024 5:34 am
Merton eyes the barkeepers closely as he awaits response
making a roll for good measure. Note my psi-dice only get expended if it turns a failure into a success.


Insight - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Psi-bolstsred knack - (1d8)

(5) = 5

May 29, 2024 11:14 am
"Where can we go then?" Derv ask straight to the point, he doesn't mind taking his lodging elsewhere but didn't think the town had another place to stay.
May 29, 2024 1:57 pm
"What do you mean: wherever we are going? We were summoned here by the good townspeople, no?" Leana raises her hands, then looks at her companions. Are they making fun of her again? Is this the wrong town? She tries to remember the wording of the letter, but it had shiny gold in it and it was ...soo...long. Besides Enigo is the one who bothers with such trivial things as books. And he surely wouldn't play tricks on her. She nods to herself and decides that they are where they are supposed to be.

"Surely we haven't received a golden advance just to come help renovate your house? Although I suppose we could? What do you have in mind?" She turns around in a circle and eyes every corner of the inn sharply. Then she looks at the unwelcoming man. "What upgrades do you require, sir? Out with it." She rubs her hands together and some green sparks dance over her skin.
May 29, 2024 5:31 pm
"Oh no no no, I am quite all right. Just tired from all these renovations that need to be done."

He then unceremoniously shoves the crate of beers into Merton’s arms, the box taking up a third of his height.

"Here are your drinks, kid."

Merton stumbles back with the crate, but takes the time to check on the innkeeper’s responses. Though the innkeeper has a cheesy smile, the smile clearly does not go up to his eyes.
May 29, 2024 5:31 pm
As Enigo looks around during this encounter, he sees relatively new notices on the noticeboard and a shiny plaque next to the fireplace in the room. Crates are piled around the entrance, perhaps sign of the renovations, but they look rather dusty. A set of stairs sits across from the fireplace, also looking rather dusty.
May 29, 2024 5:33 pm
Invisible to all but Hindle, he watches something behind the innkeeper and settles his gaze at the back door before returning to scrutinizing the man.

May 29, 2024 5:35 pm
After "handing" Merton the drinks, the innkeeper turns towards Derv and Leana.

"Yeah yeah, if you’re tryin’ to get to the town, that’s down that rocky pathway to the valley. I’m sure the mayor has room for all of you."

As he sees the sparks come out of Leana’s skin, he gulps a little.

"I’m sure the advance was for something else, not renovating my inn. You should check with the mayor. Tell him Merry Rumwell sent you. Let me get you those hot wings so you can be on your way."

He hastily rushes through the back doors. He shouts back through them:

"Feel free to look around, make yourselves feel comfortable until you go."

May 29, 2024 6:07 pm
Was the lack of "smile in the eyes" seem malicious at all? or was it more of concern/need help? Did the 21 on the role/psi-dice change the result from what I would have got from a 16? I have something if I got a good read on his intentions at all more than a fake smile.
Merton will take the crate to whatever proper place there is for it and smile back at the innkeeper.
May 29, 2024 6:41 pm
valdattaMadun says:
Was the lack of "smile in the eyes" seem malicious at all? or was it more of concern/need help? Did the 21 on the role/psi-dice change the result from what I would have got from a 16? I have something if I got a good read on his intentions at all more than a fake smile.
Good point!

The smile not only appears insincere, but there is a cruel sneer to it. Clearly, the innkeeper Merry does not like your party and you suspect it is because he wants you to leave. All the more reason to check out what is going on at Inn Plain Sight!
May 29, 2024 7:52 pm
Merton will take a seat at the bar while Merry gets the hot wings.
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