Scene 1: Inn Plain Sight

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Jun 1, 2024 4:37 pm
Looking unhappy and undecided for a long moment - maybe they could spare him? Yes? - Brickowsky would love to follow the track of the little kitten. This sounds like an easy win. And the dwarfs loves to cross things from his to-do-list. Instead he falls in behind Leana and makes ready to see what it is, that should be dead, but isn't.
Jun 2, 2024 12:43 am
Merton will follow the group. Hiding behind them when possible


Stealth (Expertise) - (1d20+8)

(9) + 8 = 17

Jun 2, 2024 3:16 am
As Hindle and Miet deal with hiding from Merry, the other four venture together to the kitchen. As Derv pushes the swing door open, he can hear Merry violently sneezing again. He also smells the foul odor much stronger, though it does not seem to come from Merry. The violent sneezing and Merton's excellent sneaking skills allow him to crouch down behind the partially open trapdoor and remain unseen by everyone.

"Oh, oh my! It's against health code to have non-employees in the back! Let me get you those hot wings so you can be on your way."

Merry hurries back to the bowl of hot wings tossed in sauce and hastily dumps them into a nearby empty rice flour sack. He pushes the sack into Derv's hands and makes a shooing motion at Derv, Leana, and Brickowsky.
No worries, kitty will be OK while you resolve what's going down in the kitchen.
Jun 2, 2024 6:11 am
Are the hotwings ready to be eaten?
Jun 2, 2024 7:29 am
soises says:
Are the hotwings ready to be eaten?
Only if you want to dig them out of an old sack…
Jun 2, 2024 7:29 am
Hindle bids Miet to have a look down in the area the trap door leads to.
If it’s dark, sprites not having darkvision, he will discorporate her, and recall her to his shoulder. And then seeing the others bunching up at the door to the kitchen, will get up and follow behind.
Last edited June 2, 2024 7:37 am
Jun 2, 2024 10:23 am
"You're healthcodes cannot be very strict....we smell something rotten." Leana sniffs the man and states: "Sweat and old grease. It must be something else." She looks around the kitchen and tries to follow the stench to its source.
Jun 2, 2024 4:01 pm
"What is your name barkeeper?" the wizard asks suspicously. This can't be Alax Jadescales. And he never told them his name. And world-famous hotwings unfinished in an old rice sack? Leana is right. Something is more than fishy here.
Jun 2, 2024 7:47 pm
"Not Dead Meat Also Not In Health Code, And Against My Code. We Remove For You."

Derv says looking around for whatever and wherever the undead thing, whatever and wherever it might be.


Investigation - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

Jun 2, 2024 11:50 pm
"Well, I don't smell anything bad thanks to these allergies. I'm Merry Rumwell, this is my Inn, and I need you out of this kitchen. I'm sure the mayor is waiting for you. The drinks and hot wings are free of charge so I think you've got everything you need for your journey."

Merry crosses his arms and huffs a little.

As Derv and Leana circle around the kitchen during Merry's exchange with Brickowsky, they end up meeting at the trapdoor. With only an exit to outside the Inn and back into the dining area, this appears to be the only other place the rotten smell could be from.

Hindle/Miet tries to fly deeper into the wine cellar. Miet hops between wine bottles, trying to stay hidden. She is only able to go about 5 feet away from the stairs, but she does not see anything out of the ordinary. She does feel a chill though and gladly appears back on Hindle's shoulder. Hindle and Miet enter the kitchen just as Leana and Derv look at the trapdoor then nod at each other.
Unfortunately, I think the hot wings Merry prepped are covered in uncooked rice flour now in the sack, but if you can get Merry out of the kitchen, perhaps you can try the hot wings that are stored in the barrel. Don't forget the hot sauce!
Jun 3, 2024 11:00 am
Derv reaches down and rips at the trapdoor waiting for one of the peices to detach.

Must be down there, you'll be paid back if I'm wrong."

He looks towards each of the others, "You are joining?" he asks though it sounds less like a question and more like a command.
Jun 3, 2024 5:26 pm
Merton will scully to the side of the group and hide around something obstructive in the kitchen during the commotion. Being sure to keep an eye on Merry Rumwell but out of sight
rolling another stealth check in case needed


Stealth (Expertise) - (1d20+8)

(8) + 8 = 16

Jun 3, 2024 5:39 pm
valdattaMadun says:
Merton will scully to the side of the group and hide around something obstructive in the kitchen during the commotion. Being sure to keep an eye on Merry Rumwell but out of sight
Just to clarify, does Merton want to hide on the way down to the trapdoor, going last, or is he hiding in the kitchen while the others head down, with Merry none the wiser?
Jun 3, 2024 8:01 pm
Hide in the kitchen with Merry none the wiser. And actually as I do that I would use Psychic Whispers. Have a 1mile telekinetic speak with them for number of hours equal to the roll of my psi-dice
Merton reaches out into the mind of Leanna, Brickoski and Hindle. We should be able to communicate silently for awhile now. I will stay up here and be try and keep an eye on this inkeeper
[ +- ] Psychic Whispers


Psi-dice - (1d8)

(6) = 6

Jun 3, 2024 8:13 pm
Leana jumps a mile, then tries to be inconspicuous like Merton has asked her to be in case he talks to her with his magic. She has not gotten used to this trick of his and shakes her head once or twice before she gets a grip. What a strange thing to do...
She breathes in and out then goes to talk to the inn keeper, whose sanctum they seem to disturb.

"Sir, I know what it's like to take care of a special place and I don't want to threaten it. However, there is something unnatural in your cellar. Something my friends and I believe is walking, although dead. It is our duty to end the creature and restore balance. I am sure your kitchen will be better for it." Leana rummages around her bag and produces a small pouch. "My dwarfish companion over there suffers from allergies as well. I have mixed something together to help him on our journeys and offer you the same remedy."

The young druid produces a small, fluffy object that has the distinct smell of rosmary and ... something. She offers it to the agitated man. "Chew this, friend, and your allergies will be gone for a while. Surely you will be able to smell the foulness in here. We aren't robbers or hooligans, but we must free your place of the evil downstairs." She puts the fluffy gum like ball into his hands and starts decending into the darkness.
Jun 3, 2024 10:27 pm
During all the hullabaloo, Merton is able to sneak from behind the trapdoor to some barrels by the exit out of the Inn's kitchen. He has a perfect view of the swing door and the hot sauces where Merry is standing now.

As Leana hands Merry the allergy remedy, he seems to unconsciously hold his hand out to take what she offers. As he sniffs the remedy, he smells something distinctly not rosemary and makes a face. He doesn't do anything though as he watches the group descend down to the wine cellar.
Jun 3, 2024 10:49 pm
Telepathically Try and be sure to keep the cellar's door open as you go down. I will be sure it stays open with the Innkeep up here
Jun 4, 2024 6:01 am
Hindle looks curiously at nothing as Merton's words intrude upon his mind. Replying telepathically to Merton, "Hmmmmm. This is what it must feel like for others when I talk at them...".

"What's all this talk of stinks? I can only smell this tangy wing sauce?" Following behind the others as if he understands what's going on, Hindle mumbles, "Oh, right. Sneezes." and bamfs Miet away.
Jun 4, 2024 4:58 pm
Coming down the hatch as last, the dwarfs eyes roam around the place and pierce the darkness. Is this just a cellar - or something much older?
Stonecunning (Dwarf racial)
Looking at their resident paladin, Brickowsky awaits his comment where the undead is to be found.
Jun 4, 2024 5:14 pm
I presume all but Merton descend down into the wine cellar.

Sorry, I can't tell, does Hindle have any type of darkvision? Also, does he want to use "One with Shadows" as he enters the wine cellar?
Derv, Leana, Brickowsky, and Hindle descend the stairs through the trapdoor into the wine cellar. Derv, Leana, and Brickowsky are able to use their darkvision to look around the dimly lit room. Wine racks line the walls and the cellar seems to be dusty like the crates were in the dining room. Just around the stairs, Leana is able to find the source of the foul smell, a spilled bottle of wine. Three big rats take advantage of the contents. Derv notices the foul odor from his Divine Sense seems to be stronger further in.
Each square equals 5 feet. The map is not very colorful due to darkvision. I can't seem to get OTFBM to work for me so just uploading an image. Let me know what can be improved for maps for next time.
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