Scene 1: Inn Plain Sight

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Jul 16, 2024 6:14 am


Dex VS ? - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Jul 17, 2024 2:08 am
Oh yes, opposing dexterity roll for the bed mimic!


Mimic Dexterity - (1d20+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Jul 17, 2024 2:12 am
Brickowsky is too nimble and quick-thinking for "Bye" the bed mimic! As he attempts to climb on top of the bed, he feels the movement and nimbly jumps back far away enough to avoid the green tongue that snakes out to grab where he was just moments before.

"Aw shucks, can't blame a mimic for trying."

Hello the chest mimic grins at Brickowsky, but neither of the mimics make further attempts to eat anyone...yet.

"We answered your questions. You gonna feed us or be the food?"
Jul 17, 2024 2:22 am
Does anyone have those chicken wings?

Merton asks over the psychic link
Jul 17, 2024 5:26 am
"The barrel is downstairs. I'll go collect some." Hindle trundles off back down to the kitchen.

Unsure how hungry the thing is, Hindle loads up two large plates to heaping with wings ladeled from the barrel. He carries the back up to the room with the intentions of sliding each across the floor to the creature using his telekinesis.
Jul 17, 2024 6:12 am
"That's rather naughty." the wizard scolds the bed with a raised finger. Thanking Merton for his quick thinking, the dwarf finally climbs the munching mimic himself to solve the mystery of the stuck picture.
Jul 19, 2024 4:47 pm
The two mimics munch down happily on the chicken wings that Hindle telekinetically slides over to them. Merton and Leana keep a close eye on them as Brickowsky quickly climbs on the far end of the bed mimic to unhook the stuck picture. A key wrapped in paper behind the picture is stuck on the nail and Brickowsky takes that along.

The four adventurers gather near Roaring Kitty's corner as they peer over the picture, the key, and the paper it is wrapped in.

Brickowsky turns over the picture and on its back, in elegant cursive, is written "To Alax, all our love, Mom and Dad"

Merton examines the key. It is large in his halfling hand and the brass has darkened to almost a black with age. No unusual magic properties are detected as Hindle and Brickowsky take a closer look at it.

Leana unwraps the paper the key was wrapped in and a diagram for the secret passage they found in the basement is revealed! In the same cursive is written on the paper "Caution in the tower. Only venture inside when you are ready with your party."
We're about to move onto Scene 2! Anything else you guys want to do in Scene 1 before we move on? And how would you like to move onto Scene 2, through the tunnel in the basement or outside of the inn and tower?
Jul 21, 2024 6:54 am
Maybe we should use the tunnel Leana found. :)

Does anybody need a short rest? Brickowsky is good to go, but wouldn't mind eating some chicken wings and drinking a beer or two at the bar before venturing deeper into this adventure. ;)
Jul 22, 2024 6:30 am
Perhaps our short rest could be had discussing the "plan" as well as muching on wings and beer.

Hindle will opt for the tunnel first and tower second.
Jul 22, 2024 6:38 am
I'll lose thw fox after an hour, so I'd prefer a short rest after dealing with the spiders :)
Jul 22, 2024 8:24 am
Then let's kill some spiders and celebrate this great victory with beer & wings!
Jul 22, 2024 3:24 pm
I like the spider dealing with idea
Jul 22, 2024 4:54 pm
Sounds good, we’ll finish dealing with the spiders in scene 1 and you guys will short rest after as scene 2 prepares! I’m guessing Leana’s fox is still there as the hour hasn’t finished and then you guys can recover during the short rest.
Jul 23, 2024 8:46 pm
The adventuring group quickly agree to follow the note to the tower by heading through the basement. They'll secure the tunnel entrance before having a short rest in Inn Plain Sight. They hurry down the stairs while the mimics are still busy eating the hot wings. Brickowsky carefully places the picture on the table next to the bed while he folds away the note and key into the ugly bag.


Back in the basement, with a nod to Oswin's bones, they return to the tunnel entrance. Leana's shadowy fox is still standing guard and the entrance is still covered with ice. The spiders are nowhere in sight, but there is still skittering sounds indicating they are probably nearby. Perhaps some bait or a change in the situation will bring them forth.

Leana looks about while they walk around the Inn and the basement, but Derv is nowhere in sight. Perhaps he found another way into the tunnel or he went outside?
Jul 25, 2024 8:12 am
Waiting for his friends to come up with a quick strategy to attack to spiders while avoiding as much risk as possible, Brickowsky would send Roaring Kitty in. Together with Leana's shadowfox as a bait. As soon as the spiders appear, he would bamff the familiar out of the danger zone and start laying down magical hurt on the beasties. If there is a chance to find cover somewhere he would be most happy.
Maybe we could use the summoned creature(s) as bait to get the spiders in the trap and then attack them with ranged attacks?
Jul 25, 2024 8:58 pm
Roaring Kitty paws at the ice barrier, ready to join with the shadowy fox to mess with the spiders and bring them closer to the party.
Jul 26, 2024 12:02 am
Merton rigs a cauldron full of the hot grease above the sewer entrance using rope and a cauldron/pot from the kitchen. He will climb to a high position out of sight of the entrance with the rope ready to pull it when the spiders enter.
rolled with advantage in case you think it is suffienctly sneaky
Last edited July 26, 2024 12:04 am


Teh roll - (2d20h1)

(165) = 16

Jul 26, 2024 3:05 am
valdattaMadun says:
Merton rigs a cauldron full of the hot grease above the sewer entrance using rope and a cauldron/pot from the kitchen. He will climb to a high position out of sight of the entrance with the rope ready to pull it when the spiders enter.
rolled with advantage in case you think it is suffienctly sneaky
Excellent and definitely sufficiently sneaky! You can describe the amazing success Merton has with his build once the spiders pass under with that roll.
Jul 26, 2024 7:57 pm
Leana bids the shadowy creature to advance into the darkness. It growls and should draw the arachnids' attention. Meanwhile the young druid melts some of the water, so a vertical gap appears that is big enough to allow the fox to come out and two of the spiders at a time. In case there are too many, she reckons she can close the gap in time.

With an eerie clicking of her tongue against her teeth Leana whispers in the language of the beast: "Come out, come out. Or are you scared?" She steps back and waits for any sound, so she can be sure she calls back her animal spirit soon enough before it takes serious damage.
Jul 28, 2024 2:04 am
As Leana opens the vertical gap, Roaring Kitty bounds through and joins the shadowy fox into the darkness.

Brickowsky, Leana, and Hindle prepare for whatever comes out as Merton crouches out of sight, ready to douse the spiders in hot grease. Brickowsky takes extra care to crouch behind one of the barrels for extra cover.

Leana whispers in the language of the beast and Roaring Kitty and the fox can be heard scratching and making noises. The skittering heard faintly before now increases in frequency and volume and the two creatures swiftly move back out to join the adventuring party as two spiders scramble and spill out of the narrow gap.

@valdattaMadun Go ahead and describe your amazing success with the spiders!
@Dhakhan, I have assumed your character is preparing with the others on the ground to take on the spiders, but please let me know if you want Hindle to do anything else.
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