desekat / Zevakyn

May 31, 2024 12:28 pm
Welcome @desekat

This thread is for your character creation. Take a look at welcome and character creation.



Jun 1, 2024 2:16 pm
desekat says:
Hi there, thanks for having me in the game. Hmm, I'm still in the character creation section, and wanted to check on a character concept before submitting.

I have an idea where an orphan character found and was 'raised' by an ancient sentient sword, so she only knows how to interact as a sword would (i.e., writing by using the sword's edge to carve letters into stone, accepting a bag of coins by using the hilt of a sword and not grabbing it, etc). No one else can hear the sword, so it's unclear whether its actually possessed or if she's just mad. The sword itself appears to be just an old, if well kept sword.

It's abit of a wild idea, so I wanted to check first in case. I've got other character ideas too if it doesn't work out! Not super sure if this is the correct forum to ask this, lemme know if i should post somewhere else.



Jun 1, 2024 2:17 pm
daryen says:
Sounds interesting! You need to remember that they have to operate in society well enough to get things done, or they just won't be able to interact. So, while the character might have a strange viewpoint, they will need to be able to pick things up with their hands and such. (No reason to be literate. She doesn't need to know how to read or write.)

As for a talking sword, we have one active character that has a chess piece inhabited by a dead ancestor that talks to them, and another one that has a dead ancestor's spirit that talks to him. We not too long ago had a different character with a different chess piece that also talked with them. Having worked with these, I do have some suggestions on the sword:
1) Think about the desires and goals of the sword. In all three cases above, the voices are friendly, helpful, and don't really have any ulterior motives other than to help their charges. Is this true of the sword, or does it have goals other than just helping the character?
2) What is the personality of the voice? Are they haughty? Proud? Kind? Quiet? Talkative? Knowing what their personality is helps with how they will operate. One of the characters with a chess piece was played as incredibly naive. So, the chess piece basically served as his "common sense". Meanwhile, the character without a chess piece's dead ancestor was just there to get the character out of a rut and into adventuring and decided to just stick around. You can do anything, but you do need to pick something.
3) Do you want to run the voice, or do you want the GM (or someone who is not you) to run the voice? If the voice is just in you character's head, then you should run the voice. However, if the voice is an independent entity, then letting someone else run the voice gives more opportunities for interesting things to happen. You'll want to pick the direction you are looking for.

So, the concept actually sounds pretty cool. Just don't handicap your character too much, and have an idea of how the sword is to operate.

And welcome to the game! I look forward to seeing this character in action!
Jun 1, 2024 2:21 pm
@desekat : Please put your character creation specific communications in this thread. The Q&A is for general questions that everyone might benefit from.

I see no problem with this. A bit different but workable. The sword spirit can simply be a bit egotistical and/or eccentric so as it raised the character it explained thing like the "a true warrior will only use their chosen weapon for xxxx"



Jun 1, 2024 2:21 pm
desekat says:
Thanks for the welcome! Hmm seems the possessed object/ancestor story is fairly common. The Orphan is able to do basic functions and such from living on the streets and watching other people, so she'll be able to do that. She's fairly naive as she's still a teen, probably around 15?

For the 3 points:
1) The sword wants to be laid to rest next to its previous wielder. The Orphan treats the sword as her 'mother' and is currently travelling to find this previous wielder's grave to lay it to rest, but she herself isn't sure if she really wants to lay the sword down. She's going with it for now, but maybe she'll grow out of it later?

2) The sword is more of an object granted sentience rather than a human personality, so it's abit robotic and very literal in speech. Most of its knowledge of people, sword sharpening, and battle comes from being wielded by the previous wielder, who was a charlatan of a knight (with some actual sword skill). Because of this, the Orphan is also very literal in words.
They've never heard of common sense, they just go around stabbing things and accidentally conning people by solving problems, just not in the way people expect.

3) Hmm, the current idea is that its only heard by the Orphan, so no one else in the party can hear it. I do plan to have the Orphan talking aloud to her 'mother' alot, so it might be a little taxing if someone else is playing it, which I'm abit worried about. Maybe in this case it might be better if I run it?
It does sound alot more chaotic if someone else was running it though, and more chaos is always better so...
Jun 1, 2024 2:42 pm
Even though an object only talks with the user, we generally don't keep that communication secret. We just expect the other players to remember that they only hear what the owning players says. We can use hidden notes when needed, however. If you want to handle the sword yourself, then only ever providing your character's side of the conversation is perfectly fine, too. In that case, everyone has to do a "Kenny" or "Groot" to figure out what the sword is saying.

And you have the sword and character with goals that align now, but can diverge over time. Excellent! That is great.

On the sword's goal, does it have any idea of where the prior wielder was buried or died? Or is it just wandering in hopes of finding clues in order to track it down? Even if the specific spot isn't known, does it know that the wielder was buried "in the kindom of Far Far Away", or interred at "the catacombs of Arkham"? (I'm just playing with the names. You'll choose your own.)

Also, do you want the place to be found quickly, much later, or never? (In the case of never it because an "eternal quest" that is there but mostly doesn't impact anything other than for color.)

And do remember that "I don't know; surprise me," is always an acceptable answer!
Jun 1, 2024 3:09 pm
@desekat If you want it to be private and run both as the item and character that is fine. The DM may occasionally insert comments via the item but if you add other bits on your own it will keep the sword spirit more in the foreground of the story and it will definitely give your character a unique flair.
Jun 1, 2024 10:47 pm
Just to clear something up, I worded things poorly on my part. I was just expressing how we have previously done hidden voices. You certainly don't have to do it that way; it is just what was done before. So, if you want a hidden voice, that is completely doable!

Your character sounds fun. I look forward to seeing how you put it together!
Jun 3, 2024 1:00 pm
Ah didn't see this thread earlier, thanks for moving it here!

It's good to hear how it was done in the past too, gives me some idea of how it would go. Hmm it'll probably be a groot situation for now with some hidden notes here and there. I've thought about the sword more, it'll probably be the typical very proper knight voice, only it thinks conman tactics are a perfectly acceptable form of knighthood. Totally cool with the DM inserting comments and such too!

They both also have no idea where the previous wielder is, so surprise me! =owo=/ Having it found later in the game sounds good too, maybe gives her more time to separate herself from the sword
Last edited June 3, 2024 1:03 pm
Jun 3, 2024 2:21 pm
You can submit your character as soon as you create it and this will let us view it to help give feedback and/or adjust the sheet
Jun 11, 2024 2:00 pm
I will add detail to your traits later tonight
Looks like you want to start with weapon mastery instead of a 2nd trait. That is fine.

If you sword is sentient then that fills in as you magic item so no crystal.

I will get you a story started tonight or tomorrow morning
Jun 12, 2024 4:07 am
The ~Tiny Info~ also has a bunch of information for quick reference and can be accessed by tapping the grey button below the Rolls section or opening it from the Characters menus at the bottom of the page. Additional information can be added here upon request.

Common queries are added to Tiny Q&A
Jun 12, 2024 4:16 am
Updated your sheet

Do you have an image of your sword? Just to make an NPC tag for when the GM want to "speak as" the sword spirit

By "Nimble did you mean
A : Acrobat: You gain Advantage when Testing to do acrobatic tricks such as tumbling, long-distance jumps, climbing, and maintaining balance.
B: Nimble Fingers: You gain Advantage when Testing to pick locks, steal, or do sleight-of-hand.
Jun 12, 2024 4:19 am
When you are ready to join the story introduce your character in the Who's Who thread and select an option on the Posting Rate Poll

These just give me an idea about your character for setting up their intro story and your posting preference. Not needed but helpful to me..\
Jun 15, 2024 1:52 am
Hey there, sorry been busy with work the past few days, cool with the sword being the only magic item, I'll add a drawing later of the character and the sword
Going for Nimble fingers! I'll add something to the Who's who thread and rate poll later too
Jun 15, 2024 1:07 pm
No worries, life happens.
Jun 16, 2024 9:35 am
Posted on the other two threads, thanks for all the help so far!

Here's a pic of the sword and the link for it:
Jun 17, 2024 12:17 pm
Your story starts HERE
Sep 1, 2024 2:46 am
Hey there, not sure if this is the right place, let me know if it isn't. Sorry I haven't been around the past week. Hmm, I'm actually thinking of bowing out of the campaign. Grandparents have some medical issues right now so I've got more commitments right now, think it's best if i don't keep the others waiting for me.

Thanks much for GMing for us! I'll let the others know too, not sure if I should do it on the stormy beginnings thread?
Sep 1, 2024 3:40 am
Go ahead and post OOC on your story thread.

Take care of yourself and family. Find the joy you can where you can.
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