Session Zero: Character Creation

Jun 11, 2024 9:45 pm
Welcome. Excited to have you here!

You can post your ideas here.

Level 1 Characters with Max Hit points at Level one.

Character Creation books:
Core Rules
Pact Worlds
Near Space
Character Operations


(Note: Using the "Buy Abilities" method default as used in the Core Rules.)

Please include a little bit about yourself: Gaming Experience, Favorite Sport or Ice Cream, A song you've been listening to lately
Jun 11, 2024 9:47 pm
By the way, I'm Umbral Dragon. I go by Umbral most of the time, or UD.

I started playing D&D Redbox in 1981 and a plethora of other games since then.

I love Rugby, and Mint Chocolate Chip.

I've been listening to Shimmer, by Fuel - why? I have no idea, but I like it. Oh, and Burning Star by Helstar.

I like to play just as much as I like to run games.
Jun 12, 2024 3:11 am
Hey, I'm Ironmonger. Ironmonger or just Iron is good.

I have been running D&D 5e games since 2018. I mostly DM but play occasionally now that a friend of mine started DMing. Most of my experience is with D&D 5e, but I am fairly proficient with Monster of the Week and 13th age. I am familiar with Pathfinder 2e but always wanted to play in or run a Starfinder 1e game.

I like Soccer (football if not from the USA) and Cookies and cream. I like music but don't listen to music much. I like a lot of stuff from OC Remix, a community of people who remix video games music.

As for character ideas, I am trying to decide between mystic, technomancer, and mechanic. All the classes seem interesting but those three stand out the most to me. I know healing won't be vital because of how stamina works, but a mystic could be fun.
Jun 12, 2024 3:32 am
Thanks for the invite Umbral!

Started playing DnD 2e in 1997, then 3.5, Deadlands Classic, Rifts, and Palladium Fantasy. Took about 20 years off to adult, had a kid, and only recently got back into it, right before the pandemic. A bit of DnD 5e, back to Rifts and 3.5, Savage Worlds, Pathfinder, and a sprinkling of others.

Always been a devotee of tennis, and straight up strawberry is my ice cream jam.

Currently on an indie kick, Radiohead's Hail to the Thief, The Woods by Sleater-Kinney, and Dear Science by TV on the Radio is on rotation.

Not sure on character yet. I think I have some of the supplemental books you mentioned and will take a look through them for character ideas.

I highly recommend Starbuilder, a very comprehensive SF character creation app for your phone/tablet.
Jun 12, 2024 3:35 am
If starbuilder is as good as pathbuilder it should be helpful, though it isn't free like pathbuilder.
Jun 12, 2024 3:45 am
Hmmm, it's been a while, but don't remember having to pay for it.

Pathbuilder 1e and 2e are excellent as well. Kinda put a lot of other character making software to shame.
Last edited June 12, 2024 3:47 am
Jun 12, 2024 7:40 am
Please include a little bit about yourself: Gaming Experience, Favorite Sport or Ice Cream, A song you've been listening to lately
Hello Im runekyndig and have accepted that it sometimes is shorted to rune :)
I'm danish, married and father to a dauther who just turned 7 this sunday.

I have played multiple game systems during the last 29 years. This includes:
all version of D&D
Warhammer (fantacy and 40K)
World of darkness (mostly werewolf, but also some vampire and mage)
Draka och Demoner, now known as Dragonbane
Pathfinder 1e and 2e
Genesys systems, mostly Starwars Edge of the empire
Cypher systems, mostly Numenera and Strange
Kids on brooms
There are more but they don't spring to mind right now

Song: Anoara from Heilung
Jun 12, 2024 8:13 am
I have played plenty of spellcasters in starfinder, so I'm going for a melee character. I think a solarian as this feels very much on par for this adventure.
Before that meeting can happen, however, the psychic disturbance leads radicals among the telepathically sensitive Lashuntas to take matters into their own hands, closing Asanatown off from the rest of the sun-based city. Trapped, the heroes must rescue their contact and return power to the proper authorities to escape!
If I'm reading this right, Lashuntas are still playable right?
Jun 12, 2024 1:14 pm
Yes, Lashunta is acceptable and is part of the core races.

Interesting music choices. I actually have listened to a little bit of all the above - except Radiohead. Lots of Radiohead. I like them all!
My first intro to Heilung was Krigsgaldr. Kind of dark and mystical. Love it!
Jun 12, 2024 2:12 pm
Are we playing with legacy races available as well, are would you prefer we stick to more alien races? Oh, and just confirming: I don't see Galaxy magic, so I assume our 0-level spells don't scale like they do with this rule. Is that correct? Assuming they don't scale otherwise.

I'm thinking i'll play a star shaman mystic, but trying to decide the race. Leaning towards human, as boring as that might be. Might make him an ace pilot kind of character. I'm thinking he would worship Desna, focusing on her more travelling the stars aspects and less on the dreams.
Last edited June 12, 2024 7:35 pm
Jun 12, 2024 5:58 pm
I cleaned up a character sheet for us to use id you want
[ +- ] sheet
Jun 12, 2024 9:40 pm
I don't see Galaxy Magic either. But it's on Nethys, so I'm okay with it. And yes, you can use legacy races, but not legacy classes. Thanks for the character sheet
Jun 13, 2024 7:19 am
I'm spinningdice or spinny. I've been gaming since the early nineties starting with a mash up of OD&D, AD&D 1e and 2e that was basically whatever we could scrounge up with no budget from charity shops. I've played loads of RPGS including D&D, call of cthulhu, rifts, pathfinder, cypher, world of darkness, wfrp, savage worlds, tales from the loop, scion and more...

I'm from/in England, Yorkshire specifically.

I don't really do sport, except a little bit of hiking (is that a sport, or just a pastime), I like mango sorbet.

I've been listening to the Renaeiry version of Take me to Chuch, but it'll probably shift in a day or two, I've also been listening to some 90s trance (Fatihless, Robert Miles, Darude etc) . Though spotify thinks I'm super into Lofi girl because I listen to it on quiet when I'm working...

It's been ages since I've looked at Starfinder, so I'm not quite sure what to play as yet. but I'll dig in.
Jun 13, 2024 8:54 am
@umbraldragon Can you give a hit about what skills or aspects of Starfinder that will be recommended or not-recommended?
In my other Starfinder game, that is planet bound, the Pilot skill was not recommended as it would not get any use and a pilot would be bored.

I think I would be making a Operator, and I'm not sure if I should go hacker, detective or something else.
Jun 13, 2024 2:22 pm
Currently looking towards either a Lashunta Operative (possibly with Phrenic Adept Achetype?) - though it looks like Rune may be playing an Operative, or an Android Mechanic, or maybe an Envoy of some description. - though happy to delve into something else if we need to round out the party.
Jun 13, 2024 3:18 pm
So I'm working on my Mystic Human Ace-Pilot. Just got to buy items with the 1000 credits we start with. Going with longarm and spell penetration feats. Not sure how often spell resistance really comes up, but i'll keep it anyways. I'm thinking he's kind of the kocky guy who's done will most of his life and assumes things will keep going well. He became a mystic because he had a very pure wonderlust about the stars as a kid, and behind all of his bravado he still has that wonderlust. Somewhere along the way, his connection to the stars developed, and he gets these visions from a voice calling themselves Desna to travel the world and see amazing places.
Jun 13, 2024 6:41 pm
spinningdice says:
Currently looking towards either a Lashunta Operative (possibly with Phrenic Adept Achetype?) - though it looks like Rune may be playing an Operative, or an Android Mechanic, or maybe an Envoy of some description. - though happy to delve into something else if we need to round out the party.
Don't worry about being a second Lashunta Operative.
Jun 13, 2024 6:44 pm
Who Class KinTheme
RunekyndigOperative, detective (hacker?)Lashunta Solar Disciple (this might change)
Ironmonger42Mystic Human Ace-Pilot
Last edited June 14, 2024 6:01 am
Jun 13, 2024 6:51 pm
Looking at biohacker, witchwarper, precog, or nanocyte, leaning towards the first two. Thinking Vesk for race, but there are so many out there. Not sure on theme yet, still looking through the books. Should have something soon.
Last edited June 13, 2024 7:06 pm
Jun 13, 2024 7:03 pm
Are we using the Starfinder Enhanced version? Some of the classes were updated (such as witchwarper) if so.
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