Session Zero: Character Creation

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Jun 11, 2024 9:45 pm
Welcome. Excited to have you here!

You can post your ideas here.

Level 1 Characters with Max Hit points at Level one.

Character Creation books:
Core Rules
Pact Worlds
Near Space
Character Operations


(Note: Using the "Buy Abilities" method default as used in the Core Rules.)

Please include a little bit about yourself: Gaming Experience, Favorite Sport or Ice Cream, A song you've been listening to lately
Jun 11, 2024 9:47 pm
By the way, I'm Umbral Dragon. I go by Umbral most of the time, or UD.

I started playing D&D Redbox in 1981 and a plethora of other games since then.

I love Rugby, and Mint Chocolate Chip.

I've been listening to Shimmer, by Fuel - why? I have no idea, but I like it. Oh, and Burning Star by Helstar.

I like to play just as much as I like to run games.
Jun 12, 2024 3:11 am
Hey, I'm Ironmonger. Ironmonger or just Iron is good.

I have been running D&D 5e games since 2018. I mostly DM but play occasionally now that a friend of mine started DMing. Most of my experience is with D&D 5e, but I am fairly proficient with Monster of the Week and 13th age. I am familiar with Pathfinder 2e but always wanted to play in or run a Starfinder 1e game.

I like Soccer (football if not from the USA) and Cookies and cream. I like music but don't listen to music much. I like a lot of stuff from OC Remix, a community of people who remix video games music.

As for character ideas, I am trying to decide between mystic, technomancer, and mechanic. All the classes seem interesting but those three stand out the most to me. I know healing won't be vital because of how stamina works, but a mystic could be fun.
Jun 12, 2024 3:32 am
Thanks for the invite Umbral!

Started playing DnD 2e in 1997, then 3.5, Deadlands Classic, Rifts, and Palladium Fantasy. Took about 20 years off to adult, had a kid, and only recently got back into it, right before the pandemic. A bit of DnD 5e, back to Rifts and 3.5, Savage Worlds, Pathfinder, and a sprinkling of others.

Always been a devotee of tennis, and straight up strawberry is my ice cream jam.

Currently on an indie kick, Radiohead's Hail to the Thief, The Woods by Sleater-Kinney, and Dear Science by TV on the Radio is on rotation.

Not sure on character yet. I think I have some of the supplemental books you mentioned and will take a look through them for character ideas.

I highly recommend Starbuilder, a very comprehensive SF character creation app for your phone/tablet.
Jun 12, 2024 3:35 am
If starbuilder is as good as pathbuilder it should be helpful, though it isn't free like pathbuilder.
Jun 12, 2024 3:45 am
Hmmm, it's been a while, but don't remember having to pay for it.

Pathbuilder 1e and 2e are excellent as well. Kinda put a lot of other character making software to shame.
Last edited June 12, 2024 3:47 am
Jun 12, 2024 7:40 am
Please include a little bit about yourself: Gaming Experience, Favorite Sport or Ice Cream, A song you've been listening to lately
Hello Im runekyndig and have accepted that it sometimes is shorted to rune :)
I'm danish, married and father to a dauther who just turned 7 this sunday.

I have played multiple game systems during the last 29 years. This includes:
all version of D&D
Warhammer (fantacy and 40K)
World of darkness (mostly werewolf, but also some vampire and mage)
Draka och Demoner, now known as Dragonbane
Pathfinder 1e and 2e
Genesys systems, mostly Starwars Edge of the empire
Cypher systems, mostly Numenera and Strange
Kids on brooms
There are more but they don't spring to mind right now

Song: Anoara from Heilung
Jun 12, 2024 8:13 am
I have played plenty of spellcasters in starfinder, so I'm going for a melee character. I think a solarian as this feels very much on par for this adventure.
Before that meeting can happen, however, the psychic disturbance leads radicals among the telepathically sensitive Lashuntas to take matters into their own hands, closing Asanatown off from the rest of the sun-based city. Trapped, the heroes must rescue their contact and return power to the proper authorities to escape!
If I'm reading this right, Lashuntas are still playable right?
Jun 12, 2024 1:14 pm
Yes, Lashunta is acceptable and is part of the core races.

Interesting music choices. I actually have listened to a little bit of all the above - except Radiohead. Lots of Radiohead. I like them all!
My first intro to Heilung was Krigsgaldr. Kind of dark and mystical. Love it!
Jun 12, 2024 2:12 pm
Are we playing with legacy races available as well, are would you prefer we stick to more alien races? Oh, and just confirming: I don't see Galaxy magic, so I assume our 0-level spells don't scale like they do with this rule. Is that correct? Assuming they don't scale otherwise.

I'm thinking i'll play a star shaman mystic, but trying to decide the race. Leaning towards human, as boring as that might be. Might make him an ace pilot kind of character. I'm thinking he would worship Desna, focusing on her more travelling the stars aspects and less on the dreams.
Last edited June 12, 2024 7:35 pm
Jun 12, 2024 5:58 pm
I cleaned up a character sheet for us to use id you want
[ +- ] sheet
Jun 12, 2024 9:40 pm
I don't see Galaxy Magic either. But it's on Nethys, so I'm okay with it. And yes, you can use legacy races, but not legacy classes. Thanks for the character sheet
Jun 13, 2024 7:19 am
I'm spinningdice or spinny. I've been gaming since the early nineties starting with a mash up of OD&D, AD&D 1e and 2e that was basically whatever we could scrounge up with no budget from charity shops. I've played loads of RPGS including D&D, call of cthulhu, rifts, pathfinder, cypher, world of darkness, wfrp, savage worlds, tales from the loop, scion and more...

I'm from/in England, Yorkshire specifically.

I don't really do sport, except a little bit of hiking (is that a sport, or just a pastime), I like mango sorbet.

I've been listening to the Renaeiry version of Take me to Chuch, but it'll probably shift in a day or two, I've also been listening to some 90s trance (Fatihless, Robert Miles, Darude etc) . Though spotify thinks I'm super into Lofi girl because I listen to it on quiet when I'm working...

It's been ages since I've looked at Starfinder, so I'm not quite sure what to play as yet. but I'll dig in.
Jun 13, 2024 8:54 am
@umbraldragon Can you give a hit about what skills or aspects of Starfinder that will be recommended or not-recommended?
In my other Starfinder game, that is planet bound, the Pilot skill was not recommended as it would not get any use and a pilot would be bored.

I think I would be making a Operator, and I'm not sure if I should go hacker, detective or something else.
Jun 13, 2024 2:22 pm
Currently looking towards either a Lashunta Operative (possibly with Phrenic Adept Achetype?) - though it looks like Rune may be playing an Operative, or an Android Mechanic, or maybe an Envoy of some description. - though happy to delve into something else if we need to round out the party.
Jun 13, 2024 3:18 pm
So I'm working on my Mystic Human Ace-Pilot. Just got to buy items with the 1000 credits we start with. Going with longarm and spell penetration feats. Not sure how often spell resistance really comes up, but i'll keep it anyways. I'm thinking he's kind of the kocky guy who's done will most of his life and assumes things will keep going well. He became a mystic because he had a very pure wonderlust about the stars as a kid, and behind all of his bravado he still has that wonderlust. Somewhere along the way, his connection to the stars developed, and he gets these visions from a voice calling themselves Desna to travel the world and see amazing places.
Jun 13, 2024 6:41 pm
spinningdice says:
Currently looking towards either a Lashunta Operative (possibly with Phrenic Adept Achetype?) - though it looks like Rune may be playing an Operative, or an Android Mechanic, or maybe an Envoy of some description. - though happy to delve into something else if we need to round out the party.
Don't worry about being a second Lashunta Operative.
Jun 13, 2024 6:44 pm
Who Class KinTheme
RunekyndigOperative, detective (hacker?)Lashunta Solar Disciple (this might change)
Ironmonger42Mystic Human Ace-Pilot
Last edited June 14, 2024 6:01 am
Jun 13, 2024 6:51 pm
Looking at biohacker, witchwarper, precog, or nanocyte, leaning towards the first two. Thinking Vesk for race, but there are so many out there. Not sure on theme yet, still looking through the books. Should have something soon.
Last edited June 13, 2024 7:06 pm
Jun 13, 2024 7:03 pm
Are we using the Starfinder Enhanced version? Some of the classes were updated (such as witchwarper) if so.
Jun 13, 2024 8:20 pm
I don't have enhanced, but go ahead if you want. I just need the changes or a screenshot or a site that shows the details on those specifics. I tend to trust everyone. If I find something wrong, then I assume it's an honest mistake.

There will be spaceship travel. There will be combat. There will be investigation. There will be diplomacy involved. All skills, just not all the time. It's evenly spaced out as far as I can say.
Jun 14, 2024 4:09 pm
Looks like we have 4 players and 2 invited. @umbraldragon would it be good for us to already know each other before this mission? Any requests on party dynamics, not just our classes and such?
Jun 14, 2024 7:11 pm
So, decided upon the following:
Class: Biohacker
Ancestry: Samsaran (from Starfinder Enhanced - see below)
Theme: Battle Medic
Name: Not sure yet
PC portrait: see below
Last edited June 14, 2024 7:13 pm
Jun 14, 2024 8:15 pm
My character is a lashunta operative detective*, who have focused on paranormal investigations** . Mostly disproving that drayads are hunting the bio-bays and proving that the ghost in the machine, is really some kids hacking the system to spy on the girl's showers.

She has the Mysticism skill, but she has no magic ability herself. So much of her knowledge is theoretical. I could see her working with a spellcaster on previous assignments.

Finding a name is next on the to-do
* Specialisation
** theme
[ +- ] previous unedited
Last edited June 15, 2024 8:23 am
Jun 14, 2024 10:24 pm
Great character concepts! As far as knowing each other - YES.

You will need to find connections to at least two characters. A past experience or commeraderie, or an event of some sort.

Your current situation is that you pooled your money together to get a space ship. You have some money left over (your initial spending cash) and you've found a passenger contract that will make you a bit more once you reach your destination and your adventure begins.

You each are part owner of a Kevolari Venture. You can find this beauty on page 311 of the core rulebook.
Jun 15, 2024 4:19 am
[ +- ] The ship we collectively own
Oh, that is nice.

As for connecting to others, I haven't fully fleshed out my backstory, but here are some elements I think would be in there. Feel free to suggest things about your character that could make us have met already. If it seems difficult to imagine a connection, then we can work on an element I hadn't considered yet.
- Grew up on Absolom station. Always loved seeing ships take off.
- Obsessed with far away places, like stars not in near space.
- Became an ace pilot as a young age, though not any kind of protege or such
- Worked as a pilot for odd jobs for a year-ish before this mission, highly recommended but not so experienced that he charges top dollars
- Despite his cocky attitude, his wonder deep in his heart is how he developed a connection to the way of the star shaman mystics
- Surprisingly wise for someone who's education is mostly basic and otherwise about piloting
- His connection made it easier for him to some medicine and survival skills
Jun 15, 2024 8:44 am
Po'Talis changed her name to Poe after she heard humans trying to pronounce her name. They all made it sound like a root vegetable.

Poe is not a pilot, but she has a lot of other skills. Perhaps she worked with your pilot @Ironmonger42 ?

Oh and FYI @umbraldragon I have submitted my character sheet for your inspection AND know that I am going to ask for enemies CR all the time, as her Trick Attack is depending on a DC check of 20+CR. I can roll it blind, without knowing the CR, but narratively I would prefer to know so I can include failing/succeding it into my description
Last edited June 15, 2024 9:19 am
Jun 15, 2024 6:29 pm
Let me mull that CR thing over a bit. I wanted to streamline some bits and that might be part of the answer. Either way I'll dialogue with everyone before making my decision...
Jun 15, 2024 6:47 pm
The alternativ is that I would make my roll for my trick attack, if I'm over 21 then I'll assume that it worked and then add the other features (target is flatfooted -2 to AC, its the same as +2 to hit and an extra 1d4 points of damage)
Lets say that I rolled a 22, I would add +2 to hit and 1d4 to damage, but reality is that the enemies CR was 3 and therefore I did not get my trick attack, then we would have to subtract the +2 from the attack and ignore the d4
Jun 15, 2024 6:54 pm
Or you can add a reminder to the GM that if the check was high enough that the enemy is flat footed, and the GM should treat the AC as -2 less and you roll the trick attack damage every time just in case, so you don't have to maybe add a +2 to your rolls. Flat footed giving -2 to AC is functionally the same as a +2 to your rolls, but it might be better to let thr GM treat the enemy has having less AC so you don't have to worry about it you need to add 2 to your rolls
Jun 15, 2024 6:58 pm
Ironmonger42 says:
Or you can add a reminder to the GM that if the check was high enough that the enemy is flat footed, and the GM should treat the AC as -2 less and you roll the trick attack damage every time just in case, so you don't have to maybe add a +2 to your rolls. Flat footed giving -2 to AC is functionally the same as a +2 to your rolls, but it might be better to let thr GM treat the enemy has having less AC so you don't have to worry about it you need to add 2 to your rolls
good point!
Jun 16, 2024 5:20 pm
Hello I'm Yully Bear or Yully. I've been playing RPG since 1982 with the D&D, and played a large number of games alas for now I cannot play around a table, so I have about 10 games as a player, and about 8 as a GM. I like to play different kind of character, but often I end up choosing the same ones. I live in Paris.

I would like to play thinking of playing a Lashuntas Damaya Technomancer, a Scientist specialized in Astronomy. But in fine, I will take what is lacking in the group, it will get me out of my usual choices.
Jun 16, 2024 6:10 pm
While Lashunta seem in theme looking at the blurb, I'm not if 3 of them would be a bit much? I could switch out to the Android Mechanic idea? Or we could just lean into it?
Jun 17, 2024 3:56 am
Both of you: don't feel pressured to alter your character concept. Play what you want.

I think a techno mage would fit perfectly
Hanging more Lashunta just gives us more reason to go deeper into their culture and legacys
Jun 17, 2024 6:18 am
Hi all, apologies for being late to the party.

As for character creation, my first thought is a Lashunta(Korasha), Solarian, Outlaw named Grond. str 12, dex 11, con 10, int 10, wis 12, cha 18. I'm new to Starfinder, so all the details are a little overwhelming, but I do have a lot of Pathfinder experience, so I should be able to adapt. I hope to have a first draft of the character sheet within a day or two.

As for myself, I've been playing RPGs since the mid-80s. I, too, got my start with the Redbox. My favorite sport is bicycling. As for ice cream, I love how it tastes, but I hate how it sticks to my belly. As for music let's say passenger by Iggy Pop.
Jun 17, 2024 7:17 am
I have updated the list
Who Class KinTheme
RunekyndigOperative, detective Lashunta (Hunter legacy) Paranormal Investigator
nepets Solarian Lashunta Outlaw
yullebear Technomance Lashunta
ctme2000 Biohacker Samsaran Battle Medic
Ironmonger42Mystic Human Ace-Pilot
Last edited June 17, 2024 7:20 am
Jun 17, 2024 7:43 am
I too am more or less new to Starfinder - I've been using to draft a character - though I'm comparing to the rules to try and make sure I know what's going on.
Jun 17, 2024 10:14 am
As I told you, I like to play characters that I would not choose by default, so it is no problem for me, on the contrary.

Looks like we're missing some tank, I wlll take a Soldier.
Last edited June 17, 2024 10:15 am
Jun 17, 2024 10:38 am
YullyBear says:
Looks like we're missing some tank, I wlll take a Soldier.
Depending on how the Solarian is build, he/she/it can tank and melee.
Besides most of Starfinder confligts are shootouts
Jun 17, 2024 12:36 pm
From what I can tell, melee is very punishing for both the person you are attacking and the melee person. Most people have guns, so melee puts you out in the open a lot l, but unless you are fighting someone else who is also melee then there is a decent chance that you might get an opportunity attack unless the enemy just takes the step action with their move action
Jun 17, 2024 5:24 pm
Tentative character submitted, still need to do gear and add backstory properly - but draft backstory is:
[ +- ] Syr'ella
Please bear in mind I have limited exposure to Starfinder, so if anything is massively wrong whether stats or setting wise let me know.

Also I've picked the feat 'Psychic Insight' which Hephaistos tells me is from the adventure we're playing. If that's a problem let me know.

Finally, do we get any clues as to what languages might be useful, or just pick something that seems relatively appropriate (I'll be honest i'm not sure what's appropriate!).
Jun 17, 2024 6:42 pm
So far so good, I made a few correction in HP and STA, and I added your name to the top so it appears as Syr'alla instead of just an oval. I'll go through your character in more detail later. For now everything looks good. Going to wait a little longer for ctme2000, nepets, and YullyBear to post their characters.
Jun 17, 2024 8:10 pm
Ah, I think I forgot to change that from the default on the template. I'd probably have got there eventually, but thanks for checking!
Jun 17, 2024 8:47 pm
I have my character built in Starbuilder, just need to import into GP. Still working on background.
Jun 18, 2024 1:39 am
Meanwhile you can collectively come up with a name for your Space Ship.
Jun 18, 2024 6:12 am
What direction should we take our brainstorming for at ship name?

What direction should we take Multi Public

Scientific - ie Mobious
Sci-Fy trope - ie Lenceflair
Space related - ie SolarFlair, Eventhorison
Poetic - ie The Nevermore
Nonsensical - ei The Trenchacot
Silly - ei Doorkicker, Lootgrabber
Jun 19, 2024 12:13 pm
Ok my sheet is nearly finished, I chose a Human (Featherlight) born in space, a Xenoseeker obsess with alien life form, and Technomancer.

He is a fairly good pilot, and somewhat recognized in his field he immediately reach out to see if any would put a team together to explore the strange phenomena.
Jun 19, 2024 2:00 pm
Sounds like he'll be my co-pilot, as i'm the ace pilot of the team. Always good to have one.

Also, I should have made my character such that other players can view it, so if anyone wants to look at my character go ahead.
Last edited June 19, 2024 3:03 pm
Jun 19, 2024 3:19 pm
Who Class KinTheme
RunekyndigOperative, detective Lashunta (Hunter legacy) Paranormal Investigator
spinningdiceOperativeLashunta Corporate Ops
nepets Solarian Lashunta Outlaw
YullyBear Technomance Human (Featherlight)Xenoseeker
ctme2000 Biohacker Samsaran Battle Medic
Ironmonger42Mystic Human Ace-Pilot
Jun 19, 2024 5:18 pm
Added some gear, not sure what's needed? Pretty much done to a point now, aside from needing some connections with other characters and any revisions.
Last edited June 19, 2024 5:18 pm
Jun 19, 2024 6:22 pm
I asked ChatGPT
A starfinder spaceship need a name. Give me 10 examples where the name is space or scientific related
Sure! Here are 10 space or scientifically themed names for a Starfinder spaceship:

Nebula Voyager
Quasar Sentinel
Cosmic Pioneer
Galactic Explorer
Stellar Navigator
Aurora Ascendant
Quantum Leap
Celestial Odyssey
Astro Nomad
Eclipse Runner
I like Aurora Ascendant best. You guys have other or better ideas?
Jun 19, 2024 6:26 pm
These read to me more like types of ships than ship names. Based on the picture of the ship, maybe something like the Red Ranger or the Space Ruby or something like that, kid of like the ship from Pirates of the Caribbean is the Black Pearl
Jun 19, 2024 6:49 pm
try again include variations of the color red aswell
ChatGPT says:
Of course! Here are 10 space or scientifically themed spaceship names that also incorporate variations of the color red:

Crimson Nebula
Ruby Voyager
Scarlet Quasar
Redshift Explorer
Cardinal Pioneer
Vermilion Sentinel
Mars Odyssey
Garnet Navigator
Roseate Ascendant
Inferno Runner
Redshift Explorer is my favorite of this lot
Jun 19, 2024 8:14 pm
I'm ok with Redshift Explorer. Inferno Runner has a hint of excitement to it, combining red with fire in one word to make it sound like it does dangerous stuff a lot.
Jun 19, 2024 9:43 pm
I don't know I quite like Aurora Ascendant from the first batch, but I'm happy with Redshift Explorer or Inferno Runner.
Jun 20, 2024 1:01 am
It's really up to you guys, but here's some alternatives:

Name Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Alternate 3
Aurora Ascendant Aurora Inferno Aurora Explorer Redshift Ascendant
Redshift Explorer Redshift Runner Redshift Inferno
Inferno Runner Runner Ascendant Inferno Explorer
Intrepidus (Fearless)
Lux Rubrum (Red Light)
Jun 20, 2024 5:00 am
I see Rune posted a modified SF sheet, but don't see a way to save it after editing. Does someone have a link to the repository of custom character sheets? Couldn't find it in the forums.
Jun 20, 2024 5:13 am
ctme2000 says:
I see Rune posted a modified SF sheet, but don't see a way to save it after editing. Does someone have a link to the repository of custom character sheets? Couldn't find it in the forums.
Quotes it
Copy paste into character sheet
Remove quote tags
Jun 20, 2024 11:43 am
I don't know, Aurora Ascendant has a charming ring to it and is somewhat poetic.
Jun 20, 2024 9:49 pm
I'm looking at Friday to start up the adventure, this should allow for everyone to be caught up, unless we need more time. Let me know.

Once in a while I do Roll Call. That just means I'm checking to see if everyone is still with us. That can happen during holidays and sometimes due to attrition - it happens.

Anything else? Suggestions? Questions?

If not, let's see how everyone is connected. How do you know each other?
Jun 20, 2024 11:03 pm
Might be off-based but initial thoughts, I don't even know everyone's character names (unless I'm missing some obvious way to view your characters bio's I'm relatively new here), so just eyeballing really, treat these as very 'draft-relationships':

Syr'alla (Syr or Syra for short), likes to maintain a cool professionalism while on a job, though she's a keen sense of humour and taste for pleasurable things in life. She does have a bit of a chip on her shoulder about her corporate ties.

Poe [Runekyndig]: A bit of rivalry, Syr has a healthy respect for Poe's talents, perhaps a bit of jealousy over her freedom and feels the need to outdo her.

[Nepets]: Syr has little exposure to Solarian traditions, it always seemed like a bit of cult, so she's mildly suspicious.

Humphrey [YullyBear]: I feel like Humphrey and Syr have some kind of history - probably not professional, but I think they've at least shared some drinks together in the past.

[ctme2000]: I'll have a think on this one

[Ironmonger42]: Syr might well have seen need to hire a pilot for prior jobs, so they probably have a professional relationship?
Jun 20, 2024 11:08 pm
Connections are the main thing. I imagine I was someone's pilot and I was invited after that
Jun 21, 2024 6:14 am

Final pole for ship name, you get one vote

Aurora Ascendant
Aurora Inferno
Aurora Explorer
Redshift Ascendant
Redshift Explorer
Redshift Runner
Redshift Inferno
Inferno Runner
Runner Ascendant
Inferno Explorer
Intrepidus (Fearless)
Lux Rubrum (Red Light)
Jun 21, 2024 6:23 am
My suggestion of how the group came together.
Our sponsor Elder Sanka is a tecnomage who owned our ship.

Seer[Ironmonger42] was the pilot on this ship
Poe [Runekyndig] was an investigator
Humphrey [YullyBear] was Elder Sanka's apprentice
?? [Nepets] was hired on as brute but proved himself as much more that that.
Syr [spinningdice] attached herself to the crew somehow, and charmed her way in. I admit that this one is a bit thin, open for any/better suggestions

Elder Sanka have sent us on assignments a few times. But now we have been sent off to "entertain our selfs" until he calls for us.
Last edited June 21, 2024 6:24 am
Jun 21, 2024 8:53 am
Elder Sanka could have been working on something for my corporate overloads employers and I've been put on 'detached' duty to keep on eye on things.
I don't really need to relay back that Sanka has no current duties for me.
Jun 21, 2024 12:58 pm
I'm good with what was suggested. It can be hard to come up with good connections, even though they do help. It's easier to make connections when you have situations like the DM saying "you are all part of this organization" because then you can come up with why you are and then perhaps you and someone else joined at the same time or something like that.
Jun 22, 2024 4:43 am
Wasn't expecting us to be thrown straight into ship combat (presumably) guess we need to discuss starship roles?

Seer's obviously the pilot.
Syr'alla would be a decent captain, or can fill in most other roles.
Looks like Po'Talis could also fill in more or less anywhere.
I'm assuming Humphrey is going to be sensors and/or engineer?

Obviously we can move around, but it'd be nice to know which station we occupy when the alarms go off...
Last edited June 22, 2024 4:44 am
Jun 22, 2024 8:57 pm
Is nepets still around?
Jun 22, 2024 9:04 pm
Here are my suggestions:

- Seer [Ironmonger42]: I may have run into you in a couple of starship races, I like to do some from time to time, but I am not a very good racer, so may there were a couple of time when you were invited as a big shot in a couple of amateurs events. I may even had the chance to pilot against you. Then we continued been in touch

- Syr'alla [spinningdice]: We may have crossed road on a couple missions, or I may have plead with her to help me get into Castrovel industry to get enough info to avoid them destroy the last representatives of the "Hot water Delmic', a sort of rat-squirrel living in hot underground spring. Knowing that Humfrey is a pretty straight person she decided to help him. (may be little lame)

- Poe [Runekinding]: We may have worked together on a couple of cases requiring a alien life specialist, maybe even in the mission with Sy.

- [Nepet]: Humfrey finding the Solarian tradition most interested did share some times with him, may be even bugging him for information and comprehension about his traditions.
Jun 23, 2024 4:43 pm
I fear that we have lost @nepets as he have been offline for 6 days now
Jun 23, 2024 9:59 pm
Sorry y'all, haven't had time to complete the character sheet/post. Will have something soon.
Jun 26, 2024 4:41 pm
CTME2000 until you can get your character online, let's assume all skill checks 1d20+2.
Jul 3, 2024 2:11 am
Character (finally!) submitted. Thanks for your patience everyone.
Last edited July 3, 2024 2:11 am
Jul 9, 2024 5:58 pm
Sorry everyone, I'm going to have to call it quits. Work ramped up unexpectedly and it's tough to find time to focus on the game. Good luck all!
Jul 9, 2024 6:17 pm
ctme2000 says:
Sorry everyone, I'm going to have to call it quits. Work ramped up unexpectedly and it's tough to find time to focus on the game. Good luck all!
that is tough, but thank you for letting us know.
Jul 9, 2024 7:15 pm
Understandable, sorry to hear it
Jul 12, 2024 8:13 am
I may not be available until July, 21th. If I can, I will tell you tomorrow.
Jul 15, 2024 8:44 am
Ok, finally I can connect. I will not be able to connect every day, but every other day or so.
Jul 16, 2024 4:39 pm

Okey where are we with this game? Multi Public

Lets carry on!
Lets recruit an extra player
Lets close it down
I have no opinion on the matter
Jul 19, 2024 1:38 am
​Hey guys, I finally had power restored. My house was not damaged, but Hurricane Beryl took out the power lines. I have power now, only to have to leave out of town. I have to travel on family business, yet surprisingly, all is well.

I know this leaves everyone in stasis and we've only begun. I understand if you find another game or continue with another GM.

I hate to do this to anyone, but it's necessary. When I return, around August 1st, I will contact each of you.

Keep the Faith,
A. Umbral
Jul 19, 2024 11:51 am
No worries, stay safe and hope it isn't too bad a setback.
Jul 19, 2024 2:30 pm
Glad you are ok. That's what is most important.

I'm ok waiting until august 1st. If others are not, oh well that's how it goes.
Jul 22, 2024 10:02 pm
glad you are well.

Ready to wait as long as needed.
Jul 30, 2024 6:59 pm
I'm not going to continue this game. I fear I might have committed to too many games, so I'll step out.
Aug 5, 2024 1:30 am
I just arrived from Florida this Saturday. I am still exhausted from travel - but I guess I'll catch up on my sleep when they bury me in the cold ground, LOL! So...

Let's get a status check for now. If you want to continue, let me know. If you want to exit stage left, let me know. I will understand. I don't hold grudges (as he opens his book of grudges and whets his plume in ink - just kidding!) and well, it won't surprise me.
Aug 5, 2024 7:13 am
Ready to continue the adventure.
Aug 5, 2024 12:04 pm
Ready to continue
Aug 5, 2024 10:48 pm
I'm here and ready to continue!
Aug 6, 2024 2:30 am
Awesome. I need a day or two to reaquaint myself with the overall story. I say Wednesday will be good for a continuation...
Aug 6, 2024 3:26 am
Sounds good. Looking forward to it. The Starfinder 2e free playtest is out, but I've still always wanted to play 1e.
Aug 10, 2024 1:41 am
I am waiting for the actual 2e to come out. I REALLY want to get the set once it's out.

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