Chapter 2: The Gorgon Queen's Lair

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Jul 5, 2024 2:48 pm
Having revealed herself, Chironides bolts into action, keeping his eyes downward he moves across the ceiling and down one of the supporting columns to face off with the aberration.


Ends Move in P15


Warhammer +2 to hit (disadvantage) - (2d20L1+11)

(710) + 11 = 18

Warhammer +2 damage - (1d8+6)

(5) + 6 = 11

Warhammer +2 to hit (disadvantage) - (2d20L1+11)

(47) + 11 = 15

Warhammer +2 damage - (1d8+6)

(8) + 6 = 14

Warhammer +2 to hit (disadvantage) - (2d20L1+11)

(95) + 11 = 16

Warhammer +2 damage - (1d8+6)

(4) + 6 = 10

Hooves to hit (disadvantage) - (2d20L1+9)

(311) + 9 = 12

Hooves damage - (1d6+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Jul 5, 2024 4:22 pm
MaJunior says:
Moving towards the voice, Kadmos runs down potential strategies in his head. Hastily he forms a checklist of sorts, and settles on what he's starting with.

Once he gets close enough to Hythonia, the ground beneath their feet rumbles and a huge hand made of earth and stone erupts, attempting to grab the medusa queen.
[ +- ] Maxamillian's Earthen Grasp - STR Save, DC 16
Double checking -- Are M14 and M15 considered adjacent to Hythonia? Assuming they are, just checking for placement.

Also, based on her circle, I assume she is a large creature?

Unless either previous assumption is wrong... Kadmos moves to M15, and the hand erupts from M14 to catch Hythonia.
Just a note, I am experimenting with an alternate version of Legendary Resistance, which she definitely has. If she is not below half her max HP, just automatically succeeds on any saving throw or ability check she is forced to make. Knowing that, do you still want to cast that spell?

Since this would restrain her, if she failed in the old system there is a good chance she would spend a legendary resistance on it anyways.

Also, M14 and M15 are adjacent to her, yes, though i will say with Hythonia where she is standing, M14 doesn't have enough space for a medium person to stand (only half of it is filled with stairs, so you'd probably risk falling into the water if you stood there), but M15 should be fine.

And yes, she is large.

@MaJunior making sure to get a confirmation before I narrate, just in case any of this affects your decision.
Jul 5, 2024 4:27 pm
valdattaMadun says:
is the confusion considered a charm effect? it doesn't sound like it but might as well ask

[ +- ] Aura of Devotion
Something is a charm effect specifically if it inflicts the charmed condition, like Hypnotic pattern gives you the charmed condition and then inflicts more things for the charmed duration. Confusion does not inflict the charmed condition, so no.



Jul 5, 2024 4:52 pm

Basil says:
Having revealed herself, Chironides bolts into action, keeping his eyes downward he moves across the ceiling and down one of the supporting columns to face off with the aberration.


Ends Move in P15
Chironides swings, but luck is not on his side. Hythonia dodge the blind swings, though one of them hits her bracers but slide off before inflicting harm. Even his hooves swing windly. He is safe from petrification, but not from what happens next. With Chironides looking away, Hythonia uses a legendary action to reach out with her snakey hair. Unluckily for Chironides, the hair connects.
Chironides take 36 bludgeoning damage from a 29 to hit. Advantage from him averting his gaze.


Hythonia Snakey Hair vs Chironides AC 25 - (2d20H1+13, 4d12+7bludgeoning)

2d20H1+13 : (1016) + 13 = 29

4d12+7bludgeoning : (9983) + 7 = 36

Jul 5, 2024 5:02 pm
Chiron has the starry cloak up, should give her disadvantage/thus canceling out her advantage... normal roll. Correct? Also with Haste aC +2
Jul 5, 2024 5:04 pm
Oh yeah, kinda forgot about that... can't burn out here resistances if she has unlimited... ok, changing the plan some. Still moving to M15.

If @Basil agrees Kadmos goes first, he benefits from the extra 1d4 on each weapon attack.

As Kadmos moves towards Hythonia, he casts...
[ +- ] Crusader's Mantle
Jul 5, 2024 5:30 pm
Fine with Kadmos going first
Jul 5, 2024 6:15 pm
Right, yes, she had disadvantage, but advantage cancelled that out, so she got a 23 to hit, not 26. Even with the 26, the 27 AC from haste would have blocked it. Not complaining, but artificers are generally pretty weak except in 1 area and that is having AC higher than the gave ever had to think a player could have. this is why armorer artificers lost the shield spell, hahaha.

As for Crusader's mantle, all good. Chironides did not hit with any of the attacks, but I'll expect players to remember they can add it or that Kadmos will say "hey, you did 1d4 extra damage for each of those hits" if they forget, but i'll add it to the tracker to be safe.

Having Kadmos go first isn't an issue, except in 1 way that players could not have known about. Hythonia was going to use her legendary actions to attack the first person that attacked her and then move without opportunity attacks. If Kadmos went first, but Hythonia attacked Chironides, then the only other legendary action she could take would have been before that attack, and if she moved she could not have made that other attack. If I say it was against Kadmos after all, he will be forced to use his reaction to cast shield and spend the spell slot even though it was declared against Chironides. If you guys are ok with a little suspension of logic, I'm going to have Hythonia do her original plan, but somehow it all worked out since dice have already been rolled, so while it doesn't quite make sense, I'll say Kadmos and Chironides ran up at the same time, then Kadmos did his action, Hythonia attacked and missed Chironides, then Chironides attacked, then Hythonia moved.



Jul 5, 2024 6:27 pm

As Hythonia charges towards the rest of the party, she looks at those around her. She sees 2 dangerous heroes, and one weaker looking hero. She also sees one flying out of range. She ultimately decides to go after the triton, and attempts to constrict him.
Note, it seems the petrification occurs at the start of your turn, but can occur later if you looked away and then look back for any reason before your next turn. As such, Kelnes did not have to already look away, so she does not have advantage, but he will have to decide that later.
With Kelnes wrapped tightly by her snakey lower half, she swipes her claw at him and decides to get Omeros with her hair, not yet knowing about the icey armor. She lands all of her attacks, though is startled by the icy armor that is now shadered but protected Omeros from some of the damage while harming Hythonia.
Note: the automatic damage to Kelnes is from this part of Hythonia's constrict ability: "Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and takes 15 (3d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns, and Hythonia can’t constrict another target."

In summary:
Kelnes is now restrained and took (has not raged yet) 17 bludgeoning, 17 slashing, and 9 poison damage for 43 total.
Omeros took 35 bludgeoning damage, though he had 25 temp hp so actually only took 15. Hythonia took 25 in the process.


Deciding who Hythonia should go after (11+ Kelnes, 1-10 Omeros) - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Hythonia Constrict vs Kelns AC 17 - (d20+13, 2d10+7bludgeoning)

d20+13 : (9) + 13 = 22

2d10+7bludgeoning : (55) + 7 = 17

Hythonia Claws vs Kelnes AC 17 - (2d20H1+13, 1d8+7slashingplus1d8poison)

2d20H1+13 : (1520) + 13 = 33

1d8+7slashingplus1d8poison : (4) + (2) + 7 = 13

Hythonia Snakey Hair vs Omeros AC 18 - (1d20+13, 4d12+7bludgeoning)

1d20+13 : (13) + 13 = 26

4d12+7bludgeoning : (81253) + 7 = 35

Hythonia Constrict Auto Damage to Kelnes - (3d6+7bludgeoning)

(252) + 7 = 16

Critical Hit damage against Kelnes - (1d8slashing, 1d8poison)

1d8slashing : (6) = 6

1d8poison : (7) = 7

Jul 5, 2024 6:36 pm
Just a reminder, Chiron does have an antitoxin in effect
Jul 5, 2024 6:43 pm
Basil says:
Just a reminder, Chiron does have an antitoxin in effect
Noted. that's not resistance to poison damage, just advantage on save that involve poison.

The rest of the party may go. Note: Omeros and Kelnes are unable to act this turn due to the lair action. I'm not sure how that effects their ability to look away, so I'm going to assume they are still able to make that choice. Kelnes may as well look down since he is restrained. Omeros can't act so it is up to him if he wants to look away or not.

I will have the ranger go last unless someone wants him to go before them and he will look down. he was stone before and doesn't want to do that again. Reminder that everyone is within 30 feet of Hythonia so the gaze affects everyone at the start of their turn. The earth elemental is immune to petrification so it doesn't have to look away.
Jul 7, 2024 7:53 am
Isaiah averting his ayes takes time to answer Hythonia.
You are a Monstrosity and your ayes are monstrous, no reasonable person would look at them. Your confusing existence ends today

as he fly up down and moves to flank Hythonia from west

Since I've delivered lengthy speech no spells this turn,
Action: dash up I23 (and land)

EE though moves to O23 and attack


Elemental slam - Attack - (1d20+10)

(16) + 10 = 26

Elemental slam - Damage - (1d10+8)

(4) + 8 = 12

Elemental slam - Attack - (1d20+10)

(13) + 10 = 23

Elemental slam - Damage - (1d10+8)

(7) + 8 = 15



Jul 7, 2024 7:33 pm

Hythonia takes her legendary actions. First, she uses her hair to lash out at Omeros and Kelnes again. Then, after the elemental finishes its attacks, she moves (no opportunity attacks, and taking kelnes with her) towards Isaiah, as she can tell he is the source of the elemental.


Hythonia Snakey Hair vs Omeros AC 18 - (2d20h1+13, 4d12+7bludgeoning)

2d20h1+13 : (127) + 13 = 25

4d12+7bludgeoning : (121044) + 7 = 37

Hythonia Snakey Hair vs Kelnes AC 17 - (2d20h1+13, 4d12+7bludgeoning)

2d20h1+13 : (122) + 13 = 25

4d12+7bludgeoning : (10953) + 7 = 34

Christos Cosmilis


Jul 7, 2024 7:34 pm
Christos Cosmilis

The ranger takes two shots at hythonia, looking away, and misses with both shots despite one having his archer's eye.


Ranger Longbow - (1d20+6+1d8, 1d8+4)

1d20+6+1d8 : (12) + (2) + 6 = 20

1d8+4 : (6) + 4 = 10

Ranger Longbow - (1d20+6, 1d8+4)

1d20+6 : (11) + 6 = 17

1d8+4 : (6) + 4 = 10

Opps forgot disadvantage - (1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (1) = 1

1d20 : (4) = 4

Jul 7, 2024 7:42 pm
With these actions completed, Hythonia's lair takes effect. It seems all of the statues in her throne room start to animate. Some run other to players, while others simply lash out from where they are. Each hero, other than Kelnes who is already coiled by Hythonia herself, is attacked by one if they are on the ground. If the statues hit, they wrap their arms around the hero's waist and try to keep them in place.
If you are averting your gaze, you don't see the attack coming and thus advantage. Any attack that hits also grapples. The grapple is a DC 15 to escape, and lasts until the top of the next round (next lair action).
Chironides: Miss
Isaiah: 12 damage & grappled
Kadmos: 11 damage & grappled (unless he uses shield spell reaction, if not already in effect)
Omeros: 13 damage & grappled
Ranger: 10 damage & grappled
Elemental: 14 damage & grappled


Petrified Victim vs Chironides AC 27 (adv. & dis. adv. cancel) - (1d20+11, 3d6bludgeoning)

1d20+11 : (7) + 11 = 18

3d6bludgeoning : (364) = 13

Petrified Victim vs Isaiah AC 20 - (2d20h1+11, 3d6bludgeoning)

2d20h1+11 : (1617) + 11 = 28

3d6bludgeoning : (435) = 12

Petrified Victim vs Kadmos AC 20 (no dis. adv. due to blindsight) - (1d20+11, 3d6bludgeoning)

1d20+11 : (11) + 11 = 22

3d6bludgeoning : (353) = 11

Petrified Victim vs Omeros AC 18 - (2d20h1+11, 3d6bludgeoning)

2d20h1+11 : (519) + 11 = 30

3d6bludgeoning : (562) = 13

Petrified Victim vs Ranger AC 16 - (2d20h1+11, 3d6bludgeoning)

2d20h1+11 : (1510) + 11 = 26

3d6bludgeoning : (514) = 10

Petrified Victim vs Earth Elemental - (1d20+11, 3d6bludgeoning)

1d20+11 : (15) + 11 = 26

3d6bludgeoning : (644) = 14

Jul 7, 2024 9:26 pm
I’ve got several things I want to do all contingent that I am successful before moving on to my next action. In a Nutshell I’m going to try and disable the statues affecting Chiron and Kelnes and then moving on to a third target.

Chiron Stows his hammer, freeing up a hand. Reaching out he grabs hold of the statue attacking him and drops it into the pool - If he fails tries again.


DM Edit: this turn is being reworked due to new information.


Athletics - (1d20+9)

(2) + 9 = 11

Athletics - (1d20+9)

(6) + 9 = 15

Athletics - (1d20+9)

(10) + 9 = 19

Jul 8, 2024 12:11 am
Shield as a reaction.
Jul 8, 2024 1:18 pm
Basil says:
I’ve got several things I want to do all contingent that I am successful before moving on to my next action. In a Nutshell I’m going to try and disable the statues affecting Chiron and Kelnes and then moving on to a third target.

Chiron Stows his hammer, freeing up a hand. Reaching out he grabs hold of the statue attacking him and drops it into the pool - If he fails tries again.

So, not sure how we should handle this. You are attacking the statue that tried to grab you? The statue was animated only for a moment and then returned to be inanimate. it isn't a new combatant in the fight. also, did you do that to the statue that missed you, or were you trying to help Kadmos? Lastly, I see 3 rolls, but unless you are attempting to initiate a grapple, breaking someone out of a grapple is your entire action. If you are initiating a grapple, you get 1 attempt per attack in the attack action, so just 2. Please confirm what exactly you were doing so we are on the same page.
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