While Wandering the Wilds

Jun 14, 2024 3:12 am
Welcome to the story @dirtyglass,@Arrcher101
[ +- ] Serig
[ +- ] Dree
Jun 14, 2024 3:18 am
The forest around you grows dim as the sun gets lower on the horizon. As it is time to make camp you look around for a likely spot. The tall trees and occasional stream with scattered bushes gives plenty of cover but out here in the wilds bedding down for the night without precautions can be deadly.
Whichever of you posts first set up a camp. Feel free to describe the area you "discover" and choose to make you camp. The second can come find the others campsite and join them for the night. You can add one or two other characters you may be traveling with, minstrel, tinker, trader, woodmen etc., but it should be reasonable for them to be out in the wilds away from any major trade route or settlement.
Jun 14, 2024 4:06 am
The waning sunlight casts long shadows through the dense woods as Dree emerges into a small clearing. A towering wall of smooth, grey stone dominates one side of the clearing. Worn by time and the elements, it offers a formidable windbreak and a sense of security. Moss and lichen cling to its surface, adding a touch of green to the cool stone.

Dree finds it a good place to rest for the night and builds, against the base of the outcrop, a small fire pit to set glowing with a welcoming warmth. A carefully chosen collection of firewood, gathered from the wood, she stacks nearby, promising a crackling fire throughout the cool night. A bed of soft pine needles, gathered with practiced hands, insulates the ground near the back of the outcrop.

The ground around the firepit shows only faint boot prints but the rest of the earth is undisturbed, speaking of a traveler who respects the forest floor and knows how to hide tracks. This campsite, with its natural stone haven, offers a sense of security and comfort.

Dree has been traveling alone thus far but is not a posed to company, she just hasn’t found any yet.

Dree is silent as she works to set up her camp the last thing she does is walk down to the nearby stream and gather some water to heat up her rations and make some tea.
Last edited Jun 14, 2024 4:35 am
Jun 14, 2024 7:33 am
While his face is inscrutable as usual, Serig's ears twitch in annoyance as the young man who followed and clung to him like a persistent tick continue to yap about the most inane things like his hope of being an adventurer—so much so that he's somewhat starting to regret saving this hapless guy from the pack of bandits that would've gutted him for his non-existent valuable belongings.

Well, whatever. He can leave him—Alben his name was—in the next town he comes across. But first, he has to find shelter now that the sun's starting to set. Hmmm... From what I recall there should be a glade nearby that's perfect for the night.

The two of them continue towards the clearing, but just right before they arrive there, Serig immediately clamped his thick paws onto Alben's mouth. "Quiet. There's someone else here." Alert, he sniffed the air, investigating, carefully prowling towards the glade. There's only one and it's a human... no, an elf?

Once they arrive, Serig scrutinizes the woman gathering water in the nearby stream. A fellow hunter from the looks of it. His guard relaxes, every so slightly, dropping the paw shutting Alben up. The other, of course, takes it as his cue to start talking again.

"Hello miss!" he said with a friendly wave. "Don't suppose we could share this shelter for the night? The name's Alben by the way, and he's Serig!"
Feel free to use Alben whenever!



Jun 14, 2024 1:18 pm

The friendly and energetic young man glances around the camp. Are you alone? Isn't that dangerous? When I met Serig he was traveling alone as well so I asked to join him . You can travel with us too Where are you heading? I've just started adventuring but Serig seems better at the traveling the wilds than I and says I talk too much . . . Um . . blushing he falls silent and looks around for something else to talk about or do
Where's your tent? If you don't have one you can use mine tonight. . . .Um . . . I of corse will find other accomodations. and again blushes as he stammers it the last
Jun 15, 2024 4:12 am
Dree's heart starts to race as she sees the strangers aproch, she shifts her water skin to her non dominant hand, and she takes a cautious look around. 'Two might just be a distraction for more.' But she sees no sign of others, then the human opens his mouth and doesn't shut it, 'Quite the chatterbox.' She thinks and tries to hide a smile as he babbles on. I had a tent but it was... lost in the last town I visited. If you two gentlemen are looking for a camp and plan on being plesant, than I would welcome a bit of company. I was going to make tea, would you both like some?

If they accept, she will make everyone tea. She is welcoming but she is also cautious.
Jun 15, 2024 8:32 am
Serig notices the elven woman's vigilance and nods in thanks at her suggestion while glancing at Alben. "Thank you. That guy probably needs it with all the yapping he does."

Now, he's self-aware enough that he's not the best company at the best of times. Thankfully, Alben is here to liven things up, even if his incessant chatting is a bit tiring to keep up with. So he simply says, "Gonna look around for a bit," and walks out of the clearing to patrol its perimeter.

Serig doesn't expect any danger here, but he concentrates and sniffs the air with intent, taking in all the smells of the forest. Because of the elven woman's offer, he feels the need to reciprocate. Foraging for something edible would be enough. If we're lucky, there might even be some small game hanging around.
Rolling to sniff out some tasty food haha. Gonna be using Focus plus the Sensitive Nose trait which gives me advantage!


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)


Jun 15, 2024 2:39 pm

Alben shifts uncomfortably as Serig departs before looking around I'll . . uh . just set up the tent then? And tea would be great, thanks. Moving to do just that he finds a flat area, where Dree spread her bedding, and proceeds to clear the cluttering leaves and set up the oiled canvas tent. Apparently unable to stay silent only a shoult minute passes before he begins chattering again about his life in his village, being apprenticed to a smith but always wanting to go out and see more of the world until he forged his sword as his journeyman's work and then set out to try his hand at adventuring.

Meanwhile Dree has put enough water on to boil in her leather cooking pot. Seasons of using it for just such a task has let the flavor of the tea soak into the leather so the boiled water has a better taste than that of chewing on an old boot.

Serig moves around the camp and notes that the woman had already scouted the area before setting up camp and even picked a few local plant that are edible. He finds a few more berries and some edible plant growing in and near the stream that he knows mix well with some preserved meats to make a decent soup. By time he gets back the water is done boiling and he adds what he found to the cooking pot and hands over a portion of the berries to Dree.

With spring well and gone the night looks to be pleasant and with no signs of nearby major predators the camp should be safe for the night. The sounds and smell of the stream drift over the camp as the evenings insects flit about to with a few bats and birds swooping to feast on their bounty. The fire is allowed to dwindle low as you prepare for sleep.

Any preparations or arrangements before you go to sleep
Jun 15, 2024 3:53 pm
Dree listens to Alben’s stories and thanks Serig for his finds with a smile. It’s quite nice to have company. Before bedding down on the bed she made Dree offers to the others, If we split the night up we could all sleep sound knowing someone is looking out. I can take first watch.
Jun 15, 2024 4:13 pm
Serig gives a curt nod and replies, "I'll take second watch right after you. I'll wake up Alben for third watch." Not that he's planning on doing the latter. Not only was Alben still wet behind his ears, Serig has long gotten used to not sleeping for long periods—less nightmares that way—so he might as well do third watch as well.

Finding a comfortable spot just a few steps away from the other two, Serig plops himself down and casually leans back to rest on the outcrop and closes his eyes to get some fitful rest.
Jun 15, 2024 6:27 pm
The night passes with no more event than Alben staying up late to chat with, or at, Dree for about an hour before retiring. In the morning you wake and break your fast and camp, cleaning your traces before preparing to move on. As None of you had a particular destination you make your way to an old and forgotten highway that Serig and Alben had notice the day before.

The highway is make of magically shaped stone slaps of a size and weight to make it last for centuries. Now covered is dust and errant weeks the road is often straight but at times curves and other sections are rent entirely, likely from the Shattering that ended the last age. By noon you reach the lip of a bluff that the road descends as it heads towards what looks to be the remains of city from the Dawn Age. As with most such relics of the age it is greatly damages and the wilderness has invaded it. Though the Shattering ended the Dawn Age and great war with the Immortals was less than a century ago all the ruins from that time are in such a state. A few cities were protected by the Gods, Titans, or greater Mortal powers and such are the seeds of modern countries. Looking down over you sprawling and dead city you doubt you are the first to find it but you see no signs of it being reclaimed and wonder what traced of the Mortal Peoples histories you might find therein. You see 3 great edifices that still tower over much of the city. A tower which is the ancient symbol of scholars and wizards that looks untouched, a massive pyramid that matches what you know of temples to the Deity worshiped before the birth of the Gods at the end of the first age, and what looks to have been a palace. The rest of the building are crumbling ruins long taken and broken down by plant and weather.
Which shall you explore? Tower, Temple, Palace?
Jun 15, 2024 6:55 pm
Just wanted to add that as the others sleep Dree took out a bit of wood and started carving a little bird to keep her hands busy on watch.
Last edited Jun 15, 2024 7:12 pm
Jun 15, 2024 8:50 pm
In play by post you should feel free to post big plans with specific detail. This lets the DM move things though minutia. However if you want a more detailed story then you can either go back and forth with smaller exact steps and DM responce or list multiple small steps with guidelines on when you might break off.
Retroactive actions that don't' impact the story are usually not an issue but that depends on the DM and other players.
Jun 15, 2024 9:14 pm
Well gentleman, looks like we might need to look around a bit, anything calling out to either of you, or shall we flip a coin?
Jun 15, 2024 10:10 pm
The massive pyramid immediately catches Serig's attention—he's come across a few of them before in his travels. He's always explored them desperately hoping for something—an ancient artifact, long forgotten magics, anything that can help him uncover the details of his pack's slaughter and find their killer. He's always come out of them disappointed, but that hasn't really stopped him from getting tempted every time he comes across another one.

Serig takes a glance towards his current companions. While Dree seems competent enough to keep herself alive at the very least, Alben is a complete greenhorn. But his thirst for the truth—and for revenge—was too hard to pass up, and so he replies, "Let's go to the temple. I've been to a few of them before."
Jun 16, 2024 2:17 am
Dree notices Serig's cautious treatment of Alben, not having him take a watch and his seeming reluctance to take him into the ruins of the city, and decides to keep an extra eye on the man as well. Would you prefer to lead or take rear guard, Serig?
Jun 16, 2024 6:51 am
Serig narrows his eyes, staring at Dree. This woman is more perceptive than I thought. Still, he ignores it and replies, "I'll lead." and then points to Alben. "As for you, stay behind me. If you insist on coming with us, don't act like a reckless fool thinking you can fight just because you forged your own sword," he adds with a snort of contempt, recalling the pathetic way Alben attempted to deal with the bandits that tried to rob him.

As they were traversing the road towards the ruined city, Serig suddenly asks Dree, "You're a hunter as well, right? What's the most dangerous prey you've hunted?" Now that they're heading to potentially dangerous territory, he wants to gauge this elven woman's strength in detail more beyond his first impression.
Since I'm a bit new to pbp I'm not entirely sure yet on what or what not to write on my posts lol. So if I do something off, please don't hesitate to tell me!
Jun 16, 2024 2:32 pm

Annoyed at his treatment Alben retorrs Just because I am less experienced at traveling the wilds does not mean I am unskilled. I am no fool and probably know how to wield my weapon at least as well as you wield yours.
Still he does follow your instructions.

The thick and tall trees give way to more brush and grass as you near the city. There are a few trees in the city but most are younger or in clusters. The majority of the buildings are shattered and tumbled so that few are still hole.
You're doing great dirtyglass. It's all about having fun and building interesting stories.
I'll wait for Arrcher101 before taking you deeper into the city
Jun 16, 2024 4:29 pm
Dree is quiet for a few minutes, one might think she wasn’t going to answer Serig’s question. Then quietly not to draw attention as they walk she says, The clan I grew up in didn’t much care for the fact that my mother was an elf. I never was exactly excluded but I never fit in really either, but I did have one friend, Lilly. She was sweet and kind to everyone and didn’t look over me when the other children played, she made sure I was invited too. Her parents owned the tavern and as we got older she helped in the kitchen sometimes. Two men from out of town got drunk and mad one night and killed Lilly and her parents. They are the first humans I hunted, and killed. I left our village soon after that.
I figure two bandits are not to outlandish right?
Jun 16, 2024 5:32 pm
First two kills are revenge murder? That's perfect!
load next

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