[ +- ] Tests
When you attempt to accomplish tasks your performance is determined through a test. A test is made by rolling two six-sided dice (d6). If any of those dice roll a '5' or '6', you've accomplished your task!
[ +- ] Advantage
If a Trait, tool, or situation would grant you a bonus, you get advantage. This allows you to roll with 3d6, instead of 2d6!
[ +- ] Disadvantage
If you would be hindered or set-back, you have disadvantage. This forces you to roll with 1d6!
[ +- ] Focus
By spending an extra action you can increase you chance of passing your next test. Tests succeeded on a 4, 5, or 6
[ +- ] Save Tests
These occur when something undesirable happens to your character and are handled just like regular Tests unless otherwise noted by the rules or the Game Master. A failed save will have effects as determined by the GM or the adventure.
Basically default Tests are 2d6, Advantage = 3d6, Disadvantage = 1d6, Success = Test with at least 1 roll 5 or higher, with Focus Success = Test with at least 1 roll with 4 or higher. Focus does not affect the # of Dice
Zeva spins full circle but can not locate the source of the laughter. You continue to search then see a flicker out of the corner of your eye and see a creature running on all four but as it nears it slows and rises to walk on its hind feet.

The creature is catlike in appearance but weas a simple brown vest and a belt. The air around it shimmers causing its figure to blur and shift. Stopping some 40 feet from you it bows low and speaks a flowing melodic language. Though you know you do not understand the words you somehow still understand what it says.
I do apologize for the theatrics but I felt your presence and quickly determined you were lost so I contrived to meet with you. Thank you for accepting my invitation.