Zevakyn's Pilgramage

Jun 17, 2024 12:16 pm
@desekat Your story begins. Welcome
[ +- ] Zevakyn
Jun 17, 2024 12:30 pm
Zevakyn look down the road and back the other way she came from. Hopefully the sdistanc is not too great. In their haste to find the old knights burial site preparations for the road may have been a bit brief. Chcking her pack she confirms that ther is enough hard tack and jerky for a few more days of travel. But the mead is all gone and there hasn't been enough money for good wine for a while. Water is is then and hopefully the next town isn't too far. Trouble is which way to go now?

She stands at perhaps one of the worst "crossroads" she has ever seen. Three roads meet with a triangle of sorts conncting the three and a large stelle in the middle. Perhaps at one point in time it contained useful marking but the Shattering took care of that and Zevakyn's memory comes up blank as she tries to recall any mention of a fork in the road.

Behind her are the rolling gentle hills, ahead to the left a narrow track wide enough for wagons but with little signs of trafic and to the righ a wider road for a couple of waons but no recent signs of use.
Jun 17, 2024 1:52 pm
Zeva stares blankly at the roads. "Mother, which road should we take?"

There's a moment of silence. She pulls off her sheathed sword, and places the tip of the scabbard on the ground, one hand on the top of the hilt. Zeva lets go and sees it fall towards the wider road.

Dusting off the dirt, she ties it back on. "Okay, Mother."
Jun 18, 2024 3:39 am
Zeva heads down the wider track keeping an eye out for signs of water, civilization, or just some other people.
Roll a observation test
[ +- ] Tests
I will walk you through a couple simple mechanics of this system as we get your story ramped up
Jun 20, 2024 12:23 pm
Zeva's wide, wide eyes stare at the world. She holds Mother above her head, so Mother can see too.
Last edited June 20, 2024 12:26 pm


Observation test - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Jun 20, 2024 12:52 pm
[ +- ] Focus
Focus is typicaly a combat action but I also allow the effect out of combat if you have time to be careful and rety on failures.
As Zeva walks along something begins to bother her but she can't quite put her sword tip on it. The road continues in a fairly strait line but does curve a bit to move with the land. After walking along the road for several hours the road ahead come to an abrupt dead end. Slightly confused Zeva looks around and wonders . . . Perhaps the Shattering broke the road, there are stories of the land moving during that time.

Then you stop and look around more, spinning full circle. Ther is no longer a road at all. You stand in the same place as before but the road is nowhere to be seen. As you stand ther confused as to what has happened you hear a slight chuckle to one side. Turning to look you see nothing but get the feeling you are being watched.
Jun 20, 2024 3:29 pm
Zeva tilts her head. Cute, like a slightly deranged, featherless owl with soulless pupils would at midnight. She whirls around faster, still holding Mother above her head.
Is 2d6 used for focus too?


Focus test - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Jun 21, 2024 3:24 am
[ +- ] Tests
[ +- ] Advantage
[ +- ] Disadvantage
[ +- ] Focus
[ +- ] Save Tests
Basically default Tests are 2d6, Advantage = 3d6, Disadvantage = 1d6, Success = Test with at least 1 roll 5 or higher, with Focus Success = Test with at least 1 roll with 4 or higher. Focus does not affect the # of Dice
Zeva spins full circle but can not locate the source of the laughter. You continue to search then see a flicker out of the corner of your eye and see a creature running on all four but as it nears it slows and rises to walk on its hind feet.


The creature is catlike in appearance but weas a simple brown vest and a belt. The air around it shimmers causing its figure to blur and shift. Stopping some 40 feet from you it bows low and speaks a flowing melodic language. Though you know you do not understand the words you somehow still understand what it says. I do apologize for the theatrics but I felt your presence and quickly determined you were lost so I contrived to meet with you. Thank you for accepting my invitation.
Jun 21, 2024 4:14 am
Zeva lowers Mother, searches the... once laughing meat for a weapon. "The speechful flesh has given an invitation to duel, Mother, but no weapon is bared." She blinks, "Is the flesh wishing for a duel of words?"
gotcha, thanks for the info!
Jun 21, 2024 4:39 am

Not a duel but a hunt, for I am Rau, Huntmaster of the Mirage Plains. And I have more weapons than you and your master silly girl. Now be silent whilst I speak with your master. and so saying he half closes his eyes and stretches out a hand. Both Zeva and Mother feel a mental touch as their thoughts are left bare.
Telepathy to Mother says:
Come now will you not let me pit my students against yours? What say you? If mine win then your student will do a task for them. Shall yours win I can give you directions for I sense that you are lost by more than my illusory road or my students will perform a service for you and yours.


Reading surface thoughts - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Jun 21, 2024 5:05 am
Mother hears these words. The sword appears to have been in the midst of speaking to Zeva.
Why, the speechful flesh is a Wielder, it says! Just as you are, Zeva. So odd, that so many of these Wielders do not wish for a duel of blades when they provide invitation. Wielder Rau must not be a very good Knight-

...My, my, the Wielder Speaks! How very exciting. A duel! How could my Wielder and I ever turn that down! Forgive, Knight Rau, I have misjudged you. We accept with great relish. To a knighthood full of courage I say!
Last edited June 21, 2024 5:12 am
Jun 21, 2024 12:35 pm

Smilling Rau speaks and both Zeva and Mother continue to instantly understand the foreign words he speaks.
Most excelent! Now then to make things fun and fair I will explain. My students are the cubs of one of my sister wives and in dire need of practice and humility.

To this end I propose that you and your wielder be tasked as the "prey" of their hunt. All you must do it to either leave the gounds of the hunt or defeat half of the pursuit, they will number three. They on the otherhand must disable you any way possible. This is not to the death so any two hits of great strentgh or 4 normal strikes will mark you as disabled and half of that for the hunters. At any time should any participand declair forfeit they are out. However as a true test of the young I must insist that during the trial you may not advise your student in any way. What say you then?
Jun 23, 2024 2:27 am
A fine sounding duel! Shall we espouse the great values of knighthood and take on their proposition, Zeva my Wielder?
Zeva ties Mother back onto her belt. "Yes, Mother. I look forward to this duel with your Apprentices, Knight of Hunting Rau."
Jun 24, 2024 12:01 am
Rau calls out and 3 smaller figures that resemble him closely but have fewer clothes and adornments blur into sight and bound down the hill. Rau explains as the trio move closer that they are fiercely competitive so will try to tackle you one at a time to prove superiority but should you prove too formidable they may team up.

The three first face off in a game that looks to resemble a common game between children where the # and arrangement of fingers thrown out determines the winner. (ro sham beaux) The winner then faces off with you and the rules are quickly explained to you. You face off and immediately set off as the hunt/duel begins as soon as the throw is cast. Should you attack immediately all 3 may fight you at once. Otherwise your throw results determine how much of a head start you have before each additional hunter can begin the chase.
Roll a 1d6 and call high or low (don't edit your post or they will call that as you delaying and cheating and halve your lead time) If you call high then I will subtract your roll from 10 if you call low I will add 3 to your roll.
The result is multiplied by 30 to indicate the # of seconds you have to act before the next hunter begins. Each successive hunter flips the High/low call for calculating their start time.

Defeat all 3, leave the area (about 10 mile radius), or survive till dawn
Let me know if you have any questions.
Jun 24, 2024 2:32 am
Zeva unsheathes Mother, breaking into a run and looking for a place to ambush Knight Rau's first apprentice. This one calls Low.


Head start - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jun 24, 2024 12:48 pm
Gaining a 6 minute head start Zeva rushes to find a place to fight. Rau alraady sowed an ability with illusion so it is likely that his students have similar skills. The slowly rolling hills are note too great an advantage but there have been occasional streams and there are brush and some trees as well as the odd rock formation. . . .
Any particular feature you are looking for? large open space, small and confined, large variety, water . . . ? It just anything that looks good?

In the future, any time you do something that might be random or possibly fail you should roll a test. Some DM like to call for a roll but I think that is a waste of time in play by post. So just roll if you think there might be a need and I will use the results as appropriate.
Jun 24, 2024 3:29 pm
Zeva heads for the trees, looking for thick foilage or shrubbery so she can use her small size to hide within. If Knight Rau's Apprentice finds her, she could use that to her advantage. More obstacles might make it harder to cast convincing obstacles at least.
Gotcha, Zeva's either going to be hiding in bushes or tree branches that are hopefully on the thicker side. She's used to being small and outpowered so she tends to attempt an ambush where possible. I'll just roll here to see if she does find any good shrubbery or trees.


Finding a hiding spot - (2d6)

(54) = 9

Jun 25, 2024 5:06 am
Zeva suspects the cats may move better high up in trees so it would need to be low enough to drop from or hiding up a tree may be more a trap to her then to the hunter. Unsure how well they can track by scent, not something cats are known to excel at, but better safe than sorry, you move across hard packed ground and stones and avoid brush as much as possible while you seek . . . then see it. A small stream bed, currently dry, meanders between a pair of hills. Trees and bushes cluster thick around the streambed making it a natural funnel. Making your way to the dry creek you make you way up looking for a good tree or bush . . .

Go ahead and create your situation. With the roll lets say you have a decent hiding spot, either in a tree, thicket, bush, or rock. Describe your choice and how you plan to use it to your advantage. Then give me 1 or more rolls for hiding, observing, etc depending on you plan of action.
Jun 25, 2024 1:04 pm
The Apprentices were made of flesh that smells. Zeva tugs her ragged, heavy cloth off her shoulders. She looks for a tree to hang it off so it's half hidden by foilage, hanging in the wind so the scent would draw the Apprentice here. There's thick bushes nearby. She could hide, hidden from both wind and eyes. Should the apprentice come, she could strike.


For looking for a good tree to hang the cloth off - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Hiding in bushes - (2d6)

(41) = 5

Hunter 1


Jun 26, 2024 4:34 am
Hunter 1

Several minutes later pass as Zeva waits patiently senses stretched. Suddenly you hear movement yet see nothing. Noticing the sounds are that of someone moving closer, following your path along the dry streambed. The sounds stop a bit away from you, just where someone might catch sight of your cloak . . .

You know many fey possess the ability to go invisible but there are often limitations, such as not being able to fight, hide their shadow, or reflections . . . and indeed you spot a faint shadow now that you think to look for it.

If you wish to attack the invisible figure you will have to roll with disadvantage.
[ +- ] Disadvantage


Hunt - (Track:2d6, Alertness:2d6)

Track:2d6 : (55) = 10

Alertness:2d6 : (43) = 7

stealth - (2d6)

(34) = 7

load next

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