1 Walking the Fire

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Jun 25, 2024 1:10 pm
The information that comes back from the 1st Scan on the Fire Whale appears on the screen:

Tier: 1/2
Not a starship, but a Small starship sized magical beast (extraplanar)
Speed 8;
Maneuverability good (turn 1)
AC 14
TL 13
HP 40
DT —
CT 8
Shields basic 30 (forward 8, port 7, starboard 7, aft 8)
Power Core augmented elemental heart (90 PCU)
Some computer augmentation has been added to this creature.
Anyone else may try to Scan the wounded vessel. Scan DC10 vs Computer Skill as above, repeated below for your convenience:
Class Skill 1D20+skill rank+3+ability mod
Trained Skill 1D20+skill rank+ability mod
Untrained Skill 1D20+ability mod
Jun 25, 2024 1:33 pm
I'll be piloting, so no computers checks for me. Based on the distance, I don't think there are any stunts worth doing right now. Our weapons consist of some guns on the front (where we are facing) and a turret (which works on all arcs), so facing shouldn't matter too terribly much.

Question, as I'm not confident I know from reading. When you fly, does turning cost speed, or is it something you can do as part of moving forward at no extra cost? For example, we have a speed of 6 and a turn rating of good (1), so I can turn turn after we move forward 1 hex. If i fly us forward and turn us, did that cost 2 speed (1 for forward 1 and 1 for turning 1 face) or just 1 for going forward and the turn was part of that?
Jun 25, 2024 1:35 pm
Round 1
Seer - Will need to make a Pilot skill check for Initiative and choose a Pilot Action
Humfrey - Ran 1st Scan on Fire Whale
Po'Talis - Could make a second Scan on the wounded ship (1d20+6 vs DC 10)
Syr'alla - Could take a Captain role and Encourage the Crew (1s20+6 vs DC 10)
I will make a Pilot Skill check for the Wounded Starship and the Fire Whale.
Pilot Actions:
Fly (move, no skill checks needed)
Maneuver (Pilot skill check, add more movement hexes)
Stunt (Pilot skill check, Back Off, Barrel Roll, Evade, Flip and Burn, Fly By, Slide, Turn in Place
You can encourage another member of the crew to give her a +2 bonus to her action. This works like aid another.

A skill check is required and uses the same skill as used by a crew action. In this case a Pilot skill or Computer Skill, or you can wait till Gunnery Phase which is next phase. If you succeed at a DC 10 check using the same skill, the bonus is granted.

Alternatively, you can grant this same bonus by succeeding at a Diplomacy check (DC = 15 + your starship’s tier of 1).
You can’t encourage yourself.


Fire Whale - (1d20+10)

(18) + 10 = 28

BoE - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Jun 25, 2024 1:41 pm
Rolling Piloting check. As far as movement, for now I'd say just fly and get between the whale and the damaged ship, hopefully so the damaged ship can't be shot at (if possible, if not still in character to try that). I'll use full speed
Last edited June 25, 2024 1:43 pm


Piloting - (1d20+7)

(13) + 7 = 20

Jun 25, 2024 2:02 pm
Ironmonger42 says:
I'll be piloting, so no computers checks for me. Based on the distance, I don't think there are any stunts worth doing right now. Our weapons consist of some guns on the front (where we are facing) and a turret (which works on all arcs), so facing shouldn't matter too terribly much.

Question, as I'm not confident I know from reading. When you fly, does turning cost speed, or is it something you can do as part of moving forward at no extra cost? For example, we have a speed of 6 and a turn rating of good (1), so I can turn turn after we move forward 1 hex. If i fly us forward and turn us, did that cost 2 speed (1 for forward 1 and 1 for turning 1 face) or just 1 for going forward and the turn was part of that?
You must move forward 1 hex in order to make 1 facing change. This facing change (1 hex side) does not count towards movement.

The KV (don't remember what you guys decided on a ship name) has a movement of 6. So you could move 1, turn 1 (that means make a facing change, 1 hex side), move 1, turn 1, etc. for your movement, up to 6 times.

You're basically going in a straight line for six hexes even though your facing can change once for every one hex you move forward.
I hope that makes sense. These rules can be found on p. 319 Star Finder Core Rules (SFCR)

Note: I updated the Ship Sheet. I mistakenly made movement 1 instead of 6. It's corrected.
Jun 25, 2024 2:11 pm
Whale moves 8 in a straight line closing the distance to 7 hexes away from the Wounded Vessel.
Your move.
Jun 25, 2024 2:14 pm
I'm thinking this. Does this make sense and seem legal? I'm hoping to face left at the end in case anyone wants to use the front guns.
[ +- ] Movement
Jun 25, 2024 3:20 pm
Poe focuses on the other ship. She want to know everything about it, before it gets eating by the fire wale.


Computers: Scan other ship DC10 - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

Jun 25, 2024 11:24 pm
With Seer's move, I believe that just pulls us into range for the Light Laser Cannon, if no-one else wants to open fire I can do it? We don't appear to have a dedicated gunner at the moment
Jun 25, 2024 11:26 pm
can pilots fire forward facing guns, or are guns only usable by gunners no matter the type? I assume if we used tiny ships like the little fighters that we would both pilot and gun, but not sure about big ships we can all fit into
Jun 26, 2024 6:34 am
@ctme2000 character should be in the gunners chair?
Jun 26, 2024 3:17 pm
Sure, as long as that gun is a needler, lol. I'll take Gunners Chair.
Jun 26, 2024 4:32 pm
Okay cool, in that case who needs a buff this round? CTME for shooting?
Jun 26, 2024 4:40 pm
Seer desperately maneuvers around the wounded vessel hoping to draw fire, as closer inspection shows major damage to the ship itself. A Scan by Po'Talis reveals more information, only this time about the wounded vessel. As the crew mans the weapons pods Seer keeps the Aurora Ascendant steady despite his reluctance to face this beast of a creature, that's been techno modded.

Medium transport
Speed ?
Maneuverability ?
Drift 1
AC ?
TL ?
HP ?
DT —
CT ?
Shields: basic shields ?
Power Core Arcus Heavy (130 PCU)
Interference detected
Data not accessible
Data not accessible
Data not accessible
Data not accessible
Note: Great job with the ship rules and the graphic! Thanks Ironmonger!
Jun 26, 2024 4:46 pm
The Fire Whale roars (inaudible - in space no one hears you scream...) and a gout of flame erupts from it's huge maw!! Fire roasts the shield of the Aurora, but she holds strong!
Range is short so Aurora gets +2, as well as the Whale.


Gunnery - (1d20+9)

(11) + 9 = 20

Possible Damage - (3d4)

(111) = 3

Jun 26, 2024 4:50 pm
You get to fire next. Damage is applied after everyone attacks.
Jun 26, 2024 5:49 pm
Assuming the pilot cannot fire the forward facing weapons, we have 2 weapons (the one I just mentioned and a turret) so anyone who has not acted yet can take one of those
Jun 26, 2024 8:44 pm
Gunnery Check = 1d20
+ the gunner’s base attack bonus or the gunner’s ranks in the Piloting skill
+ the gunner’s Dexterity modifier
+ bonuses from computer systems
+ bonuses from the captain and science officers
+ range penalty

Note: in this case the Range Penalty is actually a +2 bonus.
Jun 26, 2024 8:50 pm
The Gunnery check could be a control panel that operates all the weapons, so ctme2000 can make both checks one for the Lascanon and one for the Missile Launcher.

So let's say 1d20+2+2+2 = 1D20+6 vs AC 14

Note: No Encouragement from the Captain as yet.
Jun 26, 2024 10:27 pm
That's 1d20+6 for each of the weapons?
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