- Lille -
The dog is still a puppy, all sound and fury, signifying nothing. It has not yet learned to keeps it master's secrets and joyously expounds upon the many (more than a score!) people who all live in this wondrous village. He spends most of his time telling you about the best person in the world, his bestest-bestest friend, —the girl behind him, who looks on happily as her dog rolls over and kicks his legs in the air while getting his belly rubbed.
There is the heavy-voice who lives here, and the light-voice who comes over from across the road to move things around in the house and make dust, and the other light-voice who brings wonderful smelling bowls that he gets to lick ... after, and the grumpy dog who chases him when he ventures too far down 'that way' but can never catch him because he is the fastest dog ever!
Your dog-friend knows nothing about strange people, like you, who suddenly appear, he thought he knew everyone in the world! But he is thrilled that there is more out there, maybe his bestest-bestest friend will want to go exploring and meet everyone else.
The dog is young, so can not tell you about more than a year ago, and, being a dog, he does not have much memory retention, but there does not seem to be a mother in the house, and the village has not received outsiders in that time.
Feel free to expound on the other members of the small village. Or add details about this house and family.
What do you do?