Need testers for some big changes on staging

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Aug 30, 2024 12:03 am
I know absolutely nothing about database structures, but does this shed any light whatsoever?
Last edited August 30, 2024 12:04 am
Aug 30, 2024 12:06 am
So I just did as raw a test as possible. I created a script that created a database connection, queried for forum 8003, and got back '💡 Gamers' Plane development'. That means it's not a retrieval issue.
Aug 30, 2024 12:13 am
So here's a great confusing example: That's the raw data from the database just printed out. It does not print out an emoji, as you can see. Why not?
Aug 30, 2024 12:14 am
Avraham says:
I know absolutely nothing about database structures, but does this shed any light whatsoever?
I appreciate the link, and actually found it earlier today. It both added info and confusion.
Aug 30, 2024 12:49 am
Might it be possible to update incrementally, instead of 5.5 to 8.4 directly? Maybe the jump is what's causing the issue?

I also found this article which contains a detailed instruction on updating utf8 to utf8mb4: link. Perhaps it can be of use? It has pretty detailed steps.
Aug 30, 2024 12:50 am
Keleth says:
Avraham says:
I know absolutely nothing about database structures, but does this shed any light whatsoever?
I appreciate the link, and actually found it earlier today. It both added info and confusion.
Sorry. My thought was that if it is an issue with "regular" utf8 in 5.5 being brought into 8.4, the perhaps converting everything in place in 5.5 and then bringing it in to 8.4 may circumvent whatever is corrupting the translation. But as I said, I know almost nothing about databases per se. I just have some experience with general problem solving. Thanks.
Aug 30, 2024 12:57 am
Avraham says:
Sorry. My thought was that if it is an issue with "regular" utf8 in 5.5 being brought into 8.4, the perhaps converting everything in place in 5.5 and then bringing it in to 8.4 may circumvent whatever is corrupting the translation. But as I said, I know almost nothing about databases per se. I just have some experience with general problem solving. Thanks.
A thought I shared earlier today too, leading me to that article. I actually did try that, and updating utf8 to utf8mb4 in 5.5 worked. Moving past 5.5 did not.
Aug 30, 2024 1:00 am
FlyingSucculent says:
Might it be possible to update incrementally, instead of 5.5 to 8.4 directly? Maybe the jump is what's causing the issue?
Maybe? But utf8mb4 should be the same regardless of version.
FlyingSucculent says:
I also found this article which contains a detailed instruction on updating utf8 to utf8mb4: link. Perhaps it can be of use? It has pretty detailed steps.
I actually found that and that led to me doing my earlier test of utf8 on 5.5 to utf8mb4 on 5.5. As you link see from the link above, I think it actually has something to do with getting PHP to show emojis. I think the fact that it's working now may be conincidental/accidental.
Aug 30, 2024 1:10 am
I've been attempting to look for various update instructions, and it looks like 5.7 is something of a barrier. One article actually claimed that you can't update 5.6 (and below, presumably) to 8.0 directly (which is questionable :'D). Maybe you can try go 5.5 to 5.7 to 8.4, since it's just one extra step? Maybe it tries to convert something along the way because 5.7 used different defaults.
Last edited August 30, 2024 1:11 am
Aug 30, 2024 2:11 am
5.7 is currently running on staging, and you can see it isn't working :/ I'll try something different tomorrow in regards to 5.7 (putting 5.5 utf8 on staging, upgrading to 5.7, then going utf8mb4). But 5.5 utf8 -> 5.5 utf8mb4 -> 5.7 apparently broke stuff.

I'm wondering if there's something different in how PDO communicated with 5.5 vs 5.7+? Honestly, I'm running out of ideas, and no one online seems to have answers besides "This is clearly a UTF-8 issue you're not handling properly" and "Have you tried (insert all the things I've mentioned here I've tried)".
Aug 30, 2024 2:21 am
At least we know that it breaks at this point, it's already new information!

And yeah, there isn't a lot on this topic online. :( I'm mostly running into your own posts and old Reddit/MySQL threads with not a lot of actual answers. I saw a Reddit instruction about updating from 5.1 to 8.0 incrementally, but it had no mentions of specific stuff regarding Unicode, unfortunately.

(By the way, I feel your pain in getting responses like "You asked wrong", it's really unhelpful even when done with good intentions.)
Aug 30, 2024 2:46 am
Also, an interesting piece of information I found:
MySQL 8.0 changed the utf8mb4 default collation from utf8mb4_general_ci to utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
This has a very significant impact - if the utf8 update if performed on a MySQL 5.7 server, without specifying the collation, and then the server is upgraded to v8.0, the collation of all the data structures will not match the default.
It’s crucial to be aware of this, because most of the online information about the utf8 conversion has been written when MySQL 8.0 was not released yet, so it holds the outdated assumption that the default utf8mb4 collation is utf8mb4_general_ci.
- Source
utf8mb4general_ci is indeed used in a lot of aforementioned sources. That might be part of the problem too if you're using it instead of utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci? It is about 5.7 to 8.0, but still.
Aug 30, 2024 10:21 am
Keleth says:
So I just did as raw a test as possible. I created a script that created a database connection, queried for forum 8003, and got back '💡 Gamers' Plane development'. That means it's not a retrieval issue.
Keleth says:
So here's a great confusing example: That's the raw data from the database just printed out. It does not print out an emoji, as you can see. Why not?
Interesting. Running the same query on the command line shows that php may be breaking things? Command line mysql prints the correct emoji.
Aug 30, 2024 12:00 pm
vagueGM says:
Keleth says:
So I just did as raw a test as possible. I created a script that created a database connection, queried for forum 8003, and got back '💡 Gamers' Plane development'. That means it's not a retrieval issue.
Keleth says:
So here's a great confusing example: That's the raw data from the database just printed out. It does not print out an emoji, as you can see. Why not?
Interesting. Running the same query on the command line shows that php may be breaking things? Command line mysql prints the correct emoji.
But as far as I can tell, prod is just taking the data and dumping it out in the same way, so why does it work? Why does prod work but a test on prod doesn't?
Aug 30, 2024 12:10 pm
Keleth says:
... But as far as I can tell, prod is just taking the data and dumping it out in the same way, so why does it work? Why does prod work but a test on prod doesn't?
Given that mysql appears to be returning the correct data on both prod and staging (I get the same output shown in the screenshot above from both), and the php script turns it into garbage on both, it looks to be php related, especially since you noted that where angular was involved it displayed correctly [ref].

If possible, can you spin up a container with newer php and see what your oneRunScripts/check_data.php does with that? Even if new php does not run the site, it will tell us if old php is doing this.

It may be a php setting in the container, and a fresh container with php8 (and no special config) would reveal some of that and tell us where to look next.
Aug 30, 2024 1:42 pm
Yah, I'll try that. So for example, I got MySQL 5.7 working with the existing data. I then updated to MySQL 8.0, but that failed. So there's definitely SOMETHING up between 5.7 and 8 and PHP.
Aug 30, 2024 8:23 pm
Ok, someone gave me a suggestion, and I've added it to the forum title of forums. Can someone check if titles are showing up ok, but posts aren't? If it's working as I hope (and my initial tests seem to suggest), then we know the problem and now have to figure out how to make a final solve. Also, if someone could make a forum with an emoji with it, it should not show up correctly. Let me know.
Aug 30, 2024 8:29 pm
💡 Gamers' Plane development now shows all the emojis in the thread names.

A thread with emojis does not show them [ref].
Keleth says:
... Also, if someone could make a forum with an emoji with it, it should not show up correctly. Let me know.
When you say make a 'forum' do you mean a 'game'?
Aug 30, 2024 8:40 pm
I create a game with an emoji in the title, it shows up correctly.

See the Game List and the Game Details page.

Let me know if that was not what you meant, or if that 'should not show up' was meant to be 'should now show up'. :)
Aug 30, 2024 8:49 pm
The email about the new game calls it 'New Game: ⠌ emoji game' in the subject line, messing up the emoji.

In the body of the email is displays the emoji correctly as 'game for 2 players called " emoji game".' ... which did not copy paste correct? Strange? The text is actually 'game for 2 players called "â\235\214 emoji game".' but gmail is sorta fixing it to display?
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