Need testers for some big changes on staging

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Sep 19, 2024 8:13 pm
Chalrytharendir, yup, we're ignoring avatars. I haven't moved them over and don't plan to, for these tests. It's irrelevant to the database and won't be affected at all. As for the emoji issue you brought up, I accidentally ran the conversion script on forum titles twice, which is what caused that. It's a big part of why we'll do one more data dump, and follow the steps I'll follow on prod to the letter, so we know exactly what the result will be. You can avatars entirely, and you can ignore emoji issues in forum titles for now (until the data load).
Sep 19, 2024 8:47 pm
Keleth says:
... accidentally ran the conversion script on forum titles twice ...
Can you not automate running the conversion scrip on all 'text' columns of all tables? That way it is guaranteed to not run twice and will, presumably, cover every possible place it might be needed?

Maybe see Data Dictionary Schema?
Sep 19, 2024 10:31 pm
vagueGM says:
Keleth says:
... accidentally ran the conversion script on forum titles twice ...
Can you not automate running the conversion scrip on all 'text' columns of all tables? That way it is guaranteed to not run twice and will, presumably, cover every possible place it might be needed?
I have a HUGE sql file I've been compiling for this project. It already has all the conversion queries in there. But I accidentally just hit one twice. It happens during development, and thus why I want to do the data load when we're done with bugs to make sure the script works as a standalone.

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