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Jul 31, 2024 1:54 pm
"We have them." Nightcrawler was safely on board the Blackbird and updating status not just to Cyclops but also to Jean on the comms. "I have the conn if you want to do something about that." Kurt indicated that the plane had taken a nosedive! "I can bring our people back but won't be able to save everyone on board."
Jul 31, 2024 1:57 pm

Jubilee scrambles to pick up the yoke and stick it back in. That is, if she can stay upright.


ROLLS - AGILITY - (3d6+3)

(266) + 3 = 17

Jul 31, 2024 2:38 pm
quilltid says:
Will attempt to help Wolverine with reaction if appropriate.
Change of Plans only works when an ally has trouble on a roll so it doesn't apply here. But good thinking!
Wolverine gets clipped by the shifting pallet and his feet get knocked out from under him. The rest manage to stay on their feet. Jubilee grabs the broken yoke and realizes that the bolts holding the yoke in place have snapped and it is unfixable in the few minutes remaining before the airplane crashes to the ground!
The plane will crash in 3 minutes. That's more than enough time to teleport everyone off if Nightcralwer wants to do that.
Jul 31, 2024 3:08 pm
"Really? You guys have enough money to make a gazillion Sentinels, but not for equipment that isn't junk?"

Jubilee tosses the yoke to the ground and begins scanning the controls for alternate ways to level out the plane's fall.



ROLLS - LOGIC - (3d6+1)

(542) + 1 = 12

Jul 31, 2024 3:36 pm
Never having taken piloting classes, Jubilee looks around at the literally hundreds of toggles, switches, buttons, and levers and has no idea what autopilot looks like or how it works.


Jul 31, 2024 4:05 pm
Comic book nonsense ahead: Wolverine could try sticking a claw in and using that as the lever with which to level the ship again? Become the machine!
Jul 31, 2024 4:20 pm
"Jubilee," Cyclops says over comms. "You need to (some words about engaging an autopilot that are general and likely not specific to this plane)."
Can Cyclops try to pilot here, or help Jubilee do so?
Jul 31, 2024 5:14 pm
Jubilee blinks at Cyclop's technical explanation.

"...What? Nevermind, let's get a second opinion."

Reaching over, Jubilee hefts up the pilot and plops him back in the seat.

"Okay, so, big ask, but can you bail us out here? I know you don't like us for being mutants and all that, but don't you have something to come home to? Family, friends, pets?"


ROLLS - EGO - (3d6+7)

(225) + 7 = 16

Rolling Edge - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jul 31, 2024 6:53 pm
As the rest of the X-Men focus on preventing the plane from crashing, Gambit makes sure to stay out of the way of the full cockpit. He notices a nearby mook sliding past and checks to see if they have any parachutes or devices to help them escape the plane safely. He also looks to see if there are any identifiers that can help them figure out who this plane belongs to or what these people wanted.



(263) + 3 = 14

Aug 1, 2024 5:51 am
KCC says:
Comic book nonsense ahead: Wolverine could try sticking a claw in and using that as the lever with which to level the ship again? Become the machine!
While that is creative I don't think it will work lol.
orklord says:
Can Cyclops try to pilot here, or help Jubilee do so?
Yes, but it seems Jubilee has temporarily solved the problem.
The pilot recoils as Jubilee manhandles him. "Don't touch me! Fine, I'll do it." She presses a button that looks like any other to Jubilee and the plane rights itself. "This won't last forever. We can't land without a yoke so we'll just keep flying until we run out of fuel or crash into something."
Aug 1, 2024 9:50 am
"Do we want to bring everyone over?" Kurt suggested.
Aug 2, 2024 2:41 am
Worry crosses Jubilee's brow.

"Do you have enough 'bamf' juice in the tank there? I mean, we're going to be coasting to our destination anyways."

Jubilee eyes the pilot.

"...That's how autopilot works, right?"
Last edited August 2, 2024 2:42 am
Aug 2, 2024 3:01 am
"I'm still fresh!"
In game terms Kurt is at 60/90 Focus. GM, how much to ship everyone over, given that a single use is 10 Focus?


Aug 2, 2024 3:17 am
Wolverine towers over the pilot, not liking the lip he’s giving one bit.

"Ask nice, and we might bring you with us." he says, wondering how they would extract all these ‘innocents’ off the airplane.

Innocents… insofar as the news coverage after all this was done was concerned anyway…
Aug 2, 2024 5:15 am
Searching around the cargo hold, Gambit finds a parachute under each seat that is bolted to the wall. Nightcrawler looks around and counts twelve Friends of Humanity members. That's not good.

The pilot looks at Jubilee but refuses to answer.
It'll take exactly 60 Focus to get all the FoH members off, but will leave all of you stuck on the plane to find another way out. Or you could just strap parachutes to them and hope they wake up and jump out before the plane goes down. Or any other creative solution you all can think up!
Aug 2, 2024 2:54 pm
Well, Teleport Object seems to be a cheap way of teleporting a lot of people at once. Tie up all the FoH, everyone else clings to the bundle and gets teleported for 10 Focus. Or maybe teleport the whole plane for shenanigans.
Aug 2, 2024 3:27 pm
I had looked at Teleport Object. Nightcrawler being rank 4 can teleport an object up to 4 sizes bigger than them, which on the Objects and Sizes table works out to be a cruise ship! (Or an airliner if you read the '4 sizes' rule more conservatively.) So RAW Nightcrawler can teleport the entire plane for just 10 Focus, 400 spaces or 2000 feet each time, though that somehow feels wrong.


Aug 3, 2024 1:38 pm
"Cyclops, you there?" Logan speaks into his presumed headset. "Can you get our bird under this hunk of junk and guide it down slow?"
Maybe we can use our plane as a kind of guide plane. We descend slowly, with this place on our ‘back’, thereby reducing their velocity and avoiding a crash and burn situation?
Aug 3, 2024 1:59 pm
Lol I'll let you teleport the plane as an object...but people are not objects, so they will just be freefalling in air as the plane bamfs from around them haha. Wolverine's plan could work, but you'd have to disengage autopilot and the landing would probably crash both planes, but you could get it to descend that way.


Aug 3, 2024 2:18 pm
What would Homelander do? Let these rubes fall with style!!
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