So long as I can get some shut eye..." Nightcrawler piped up with one eye open, happy to get on with it and strike quickly while the iron was hot. "And I'm thinking there are more people to save?"
"Meaning we’ll need space in this thing." Wolverine relents. Speed was one thing, but they couldn’t exactly leave a bunch of mutants stranded after their rescue. Nor could they release these goons back to their superiors quite so easily…
"Alright, let's drop off Hannah and the goons, then head to the island," Scott says as he guides the Blackbird toward a space where he can land near a police department or something similar to make sure the FoH bozos were put away and Hannah could get back to her life.
The X-men drop off the FoH members at the closest police precinct along with Hannah who gives her statement about the kidnapping and rescue. The team takes flight to the Ivory Coast which takes about 9 hours. Once they see the African coastline in the distance, a small island comes into view. A voice comes over the radio. "Unidentified aircraft, please identify yourself."
Scott waves off Logan's insistence as he re-checks the Blackbird's heading. "We really should get Forge to put in some upgrades." He flicks on the comm to respond to the demand, "Oh, thank God! I've been trying to hail somebody for an hour! I'm low on fuel and really, REALLY need somewhere to land!"
Scott mutes his headset and looks back at the team, "Anything that gets us closer, am I right?"
It is almost eleven at night. Jubilee can see the island is not very big, occupied by a single large runway, a control tower, several squat white buildings, a large cylindrical fuel tank, and everywhere is dotted with utility lights which cast bright pools of light.
Over the radio comes the response. "Roger, emergency noted. The runway is clear. We have a small fuel depot at the far end. We can spare enough fuel to get you to the mainland airport. Please stay on board."
"Oh, thank you sooo much! You're a real good Samaritan!" Scott says to the control tower as he guides the Blackbird down to the landing strip. He turns off his headset mic and looks at the team, "Let's check the place out on the way down. Once we land, they'll be watching to see if we come out and this is our ride home, so I'd like Kurt to help us get out without being noticed. Any other suggestions?"
"That actually worked?!" Nightcrawler was grinning, but incredulous.
"Scott, so you're thinking to leave them scratching their heads over an empty jet while we take cover in whichever building I jump us into? Then let's identify possible location targets." As they began their descent he urged everyone to take note of the various buildings along the landing strip so as to figure out which one they'll want to infiltrate.
There are two larger hangar-sized buildings, probably used to store airplanes, supplies, and equipment. The other half dozen smaller buildings are likely barracks, offices, and other necessary buildings to do...whatever it is people do here.