Aug 19, 2024 12:47 pm
"I... I think... I'm unable to..." - Zean said with real sad face, but no tear have left his eyes indeed.
"Uh... maybe the idols of this tomb... would help..." - he said before catching some air in his lungs and diving in the wine, so he could access his equipment.
If others would be able to see, they would see that Zean is detaching his staff that he took from the moa's tomb and getting back to the surface. Catching his breath, he used the last amounts of space and air they head to say the words:
"NOW! Friend that I didn't invite, but stayed with me! Show me how this work! AWAKE GREAT PYTHON!" - then he rises the staff above water.
As I don't think it is so strong and long to stop wine flowing in from all 4 holes?
I expect that by THE RULES probably Zean is still not attuned to the staff, but...
1. he/I proposed long rest few times:)
2. it's an extreme situtation so maybe Moa spirit will decide to help here - moved by desperate call from Zean and others or something like that? :)
I propose to roll for this("luck roll"?) to see if Moa would help with this, with odds set by you:)
"Uh... maybe the idols of this tomb... would help..." - he said before catching some air in his lungs and diving in the wine, so he could access his equipment.
If others would be able to see, they would see that Zean is detaching his staff that he took from the moa's tomb and getting back to the surface. Catching his breath, he used the last amounts of space and air they head to say the words:
"NOW! Friend that I didn't invite, but stayed with me! Show me how this work! AWAKE GREAT PYTHON!" - then he rises the staff above water.
My aim here is to call the Great Snake from Staff of the Python and order it to swim on the other side of the channel made by gargoyles heads - that he and Ixion discover and see if it it can do something about wine flowing in.As I don't think it is so strong and long to stop wine flowing in from all 4 holes?
I expect that by THE RULES probably Zean is still not attuned to the staff, but...
1. he/I proposed long rest few times:)
2. it's an extreme situtation so maybe Moa spirit will decide to help here - moved by desperate call from Zean and others or something like that? :)
I propose to roll for this("luck roll"?) to see if Moa would help with this, with odds set by you:)