Chapter 3: Level 2 dungeon

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Nov 4, 2024 2:53 am
Ixion nodded as light and fire purged the room of its immediate undead problem. He gripped his sword tight as he walked next to and inspected the funereal carriage.


Perception - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Nov 4, 2024 11:25 am
Ixion is able to realize Paintings on the chariot's body show a tall bird with a long, sharp beak to is elbis (see about Papazotl in Omu legend).

He can also approximately evaluate the treasure:
a gold torc - 250 gp
three gold cups - 75 gp each
five gold cloak pins - 25 gp each

There is also an amulet, that could probably be magical
Nov 4, 2024 1:02 pm
Seeing no urgncy Nyx offers to cast detect magic as a ritual (10 minutes) while the others search the room. He will begin casting if any others agree to wait.

I can also detect any magical spell or item quickly but have learned to save that for when time is limited. he explains to the others.
[ +- ] Magic Awareness (4/LR)
Nov 4, 2024 1:13 pm
"Seems like a wise idea to me, Nyx."
Nov 4, 2024 1:34 pm
Nyx feel the amulet is a magical item indeed. He is also able to tell you that the bronze shield radiates conjuration magic while conjuration aura is detected around any of the cauldrons.
Cool, thanks @Psybermagi. I will be describing you all the magic auras by default going further unless you happen to concentrate on any other spell.
Nov 5, 2024 10:42 pm
"So do you think we could destroy any of those bones from cauldrons before they transform into walking enemies? Could dispel magic work here? Or is this a child that triggers their waking up? What you think?" - Zean wondered out loud.
Nov 6, 2024 12:58 am
Nyx looks aound bfore asking Is there a need to resolve each rooms riddle? I admit that it seems like a possible lure to make us waste time and effort. What do we gain by overcominig it? The riddle of the room where you found me was not resolved. Have you shearched all other rooms on this level both for hidden passages and magics? While my spell is active we can check each other place.
Nov 6, 2024 9:11 am
"I think we need the support of those so called gods of this tomb, to have a chance against whoever imprisoned them here. We already have 3 of their artifacts and 2 spirits... I wouldn't be sad if we could have more of those... So probably we should focus on the sarcophagi. We found in them the last 3."
GM: am I right with the numbers?
Nov 6, 2024 11:12 am
Yes you opened 3 and each had a magic item in it. And yes two of PCs currently have some spirit in their heads "talking to them" and seldom providing useful insight. You are expected to understand by this moment that spirit inhabited you the moment you touched the magic items mentioned above.
[ +- ] Cleared
How valuable those spirits are and if you recommend other PCs to get one - that's up to you. @Pedrop @thorsman99 Feel free to share as much details about your spirit as you want. It will be player decision if they believe the spirits are good or selfish.
Nov 6, 2024 11:48 pm
I can cast an Augury if we have a choice of actions here. What do our choices seem to be? If we need to open that Sarcophagus, it would seem we will be fighting undead from the looks of those cauldrons.
Nov 7, 2024 1:29 am
"My spirit has only encouraged me to be more cautious. Given my sometimes impulsive nature, I do not see this as a burden, but a benefit."
Nov 8, 2024 9:06 am
"Mine spirit of Moa has bestowed me with a power too of turning invisible to observers. I think it's very handy. And the giant snake that this staff can turn into... seams even more useful. I would say we should get as many of those artifacts and support of spirits as we can. Don't you have a new power from your spirit Tinks, too?"

Turning back to Tante: "Yes, we have to definitely neutralize those cauldrons somehow... let me try some things."
First Zean would look again at bronze shield looking for some interesting details. If it can be moved he will try to check if there is anything on the wall behind of it. Then he would look at the bronze statues on both sides of the shield. He will also look around to check if there is something resembling a missing face of one of the statue bronze warrior in the room.

He will try on the mask we found at the beginning of the dungeon and look through it at the room, finally - if nothing changed to this point he will put the mask on the statue with a missing face. If nothing happens again - he will take back the mask.

Finaly he will try to cast: Dispel Magic on the shield - preferably as ritual (or how is it called in 5E?) so not to loose the magic slot.

Is there a way to identify what exactly this amulet does?
Nov 8, 2024 11:37 am

- Could you clarify your goal of "put the mask on the statue with a missing face". I can understand how you can put a mask on a statue WITH face, but where would you put it if there is no face?

- in 5e only spells that has "(ritual)" in their description can be case as a ritual, more over dispel magic is not guaranteed to work. Look at it's description For each spell of 4th level or higher on the target, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful check, the spell ends.

Whenever you try to dispel magic you mark off a spell slot and roll 1d20+spell casting modifier (no proficiency added). Note though that it can only end spells cast on thing. It will not turn magical item into mundane. I as a DM may rule that some magical effects other than spells may be suppressed for a period of time though.

- Identify spell exists or you can try to attune to amulet over 1 hour short rest to get an idea of how it affect you

The detail I missed to provide:
the bronze shield hangs from the wall on leather straps.
You would need to cut them loose in order to look behind. Statues are just statues no matter from what angle to look at them
Putting a mask on yourself does nothing notable . You can't see anything else in the room: neither something resembling a missing face nor anything else.
Nov 8, 2024 7:00 pm
Looking up from his examination of the chariot, where he is studying the amulet without touching it for now, Nyx comments Perhaps the mask goes on the statue without a face or if there are 3 they go on the other statues?

After examining the chariot and amulet he looks around the room for any marking of the sun or anything related to that
DM: do you want perception checks when we look, history or religion to "recall" information, or are you using passive stats?

DM sheet is not shared again

Summarized level 3 while reviewing it to catch up with events. Looks like the salt/pentagram and secret room Nyx was in are still pending resolutions after we are done here.
Last edited November 9, 2024 12:39 am
Nov 8, 2024 10:43 pm
OOC: you better describe what you mean by a statue with a missing face then? My mental picture was that the statue had a head as well as a body but that the facial features had been smashed or smoothed away either in making or over time leaving a blank where the face would be.
Last edited November 8, 2024 10:43 pm
Nov 9, 2024 8:20 am
OK, got it thanks
Zean spend some time to try to fix a mask on the faceless statue. It appears to be challenging: missing face features make it hard to properly fix the mask, it slips till meet statue torso. With a help of other characters he finally fix the mask in a way that it looks properly placed.
He takes a step back looks around and... remove the mask after a while
What else do you do?
I will answer question about ability check mechanics in OOC thread and create new thread to share what I've been keeping in DM sheet
Nov 11, 2024 12:04 am
While the others continued their searching, Ixion cut free the shield.
Nov 11, 2024 12:08 am
When describing the bird did you mean an ibis not elbis?
Assuming not markings of the sun are found on the treasure or the room
If I cast Enlarge on myself before wild shaping will the wild shape also be enlarged?
Reviewing with the others the clues and their past activities he summarizes
The ring is a path to another tomb. cylinder hallway / mirror dungeon
The dead abhor sunlight. This room or room under Demon face?
Only a jewel can tame the frog. Crystal frog eyes for secret pool room?
Bow as the dead god intoned. This room or room under Demon face?
Into darkness descend. Demon Head mouth
My guess is the bones will rise as undead and swarm us should we touch the treasure or the vases. We may as well start off by destroying the bones. The Shield is also likely involved and I suggest one of us get ready to take it up when we move to destroy the bones. I can summon one powerful or more lesser creatures to aid the fight.
[ +- ] 3 Conjure Animals
Seeing Ixion's actions he gets ready for battle, not trusting the safety of this insane dungeon
Last edited November 11, 2024 12:09 am
Nov 11, 2024 9:52 am
eblis (large Crane (bird) monstrosity that you experienced ability to speak common), for more details on god creature appearance read this. Sorry, I forgot to provide a link to newcomers

The very moment Ixion cut free the shield and it falls it falls (a feet it was above the ground) and is now heavily leaning against the wall.
Image of the Chultan warrior carrying a spear animates on the shield and warrior flings a magical spear the Ixion.
Before I resolve the magical sear throw, everyone roll an initiative. Magical spear is released on initiative count 20, so if you score 20 or more you can make your turn before spear hit (or perhaps miss) Ixion.
[ +- ] MAP
Nov 11, 2024 1:04 pm
are all characters in the story PC or are there NPC around? I though I recall some NPC with the party in the story I read. If so Where are they on the map?


Initiative = Dex(2) = - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

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