Arriving at a grand-but-somewhat disused sewer entrance, Elysia easily picks the lock on the gate and the party slips through. Descending the stairs, you see that this part of the sewer was built for ease of access and maintenance: the stairs are wide enough for a work crew to descend with tools to clear obstructions or tunnel collapses and lug in sledges bearing masonry to rebuild walls and supports. The contrast between the streets above and the sewers below is stark: the sound of the crowds above dulls as the party proceeds. While the stench of the sewer is an assault on the sense of smell, but it's actually not so bad, at first. It's not that dissimilar to the smell in the tannery's basement, after all. It's just a bit stronger, which is a testament to the engineering that keeps water flowing through the underground tunnels to keep the waste matter of the nation's capital moving.
Soon the party reaches another locked door - an ominous sign: is it to keep especially determined people out, or to keep something in? Once again, the lock is trivial for Elysia to open, and now the party enters the sewer proper. Here, the sewer is a well-mortared stone tunnel that proceeds in five directions. Each tunnel has a central channel with flowing water with a walkway on one side or the other. Every several paces, there is a sloped chute perhaps a foot wide for effluence to pour/slide down into the channel. These are easily stepped over. Here, by the entrance, the air is thick but not overwhelming and the walls are dry. Orienting themselves, they decide which way to go.
Everyone in the party can see well enough to proceed through the dark tunnels, but to read, you will need light once you move away from the entrance.
What is the light source, and will you keep it lit, or only light it when you consult the map?
Secret Roll
Secret Roll
Secret Roll
Secret Roll