OOC + IC: 7.1B - Entrepreneurs

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Jul 19, 2024 3:39 am
Getting a equipment list and game plan together sounds good to me
Jul 19, 2024 8:52 am
Edited the mercenary list to include Notice rolls for all of them now. I haven't originally rolled anyone with a high Notice (2d6+1 or more), that's why I didn't include it.

For encumbrance, Lucia can carry a total of 15 and Song 18.

htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist,arthur12320
Jul 19, 2024 5:16 pm
Ok yeah, will goe with the above choices.
I am considering a list for each of us and the hires:
Masks: already bought
Powercell, A: 4
Stun Baton: 1
Armored Undersuit: 1
Lazarus patch: 2 ea
Lowlight goggles;: 1 ea

Combined armorment: 2 thermal pistols, 1 laser pistol, Mercer will bring a spike thrower.

On bike: extra masks, 2 metatool, 1medkit, 6 Apowercells, 2 B powercells.
I am not sure if the "15 min a move" was for the pair, or each? Assuming it's each I say we move along and search each square in parallel. Search, move, search, move. That's 4 squares per 2 moves. If we want to be more sure we can switch to pairs moving together; that's 2 squares for 2 moves
Last edited July 19, 2024 5:20 pm
Jul 19, 2024 7:25 pm
Great list, i'm not sure if we need to add, but i would say some food, enough to sustain us four for two days. @htech i'm not sure you specified the size of the parts, would it be something we could easily carry in the bikes or in backpacks? or do we need some extra equipment for it?
Jul 20, 2024 12:36 am
I am not sure if the "15 min a move" was for the pair, or each? Assuming it's each I say we move along and search each square in parallel. Search, move, search, move. That's 4 squares per 2 moves. If we want to be more sure we can switch to pairs moving together; that's 2 squares for 2 moves
It's for the group. If you split (move into two distinct grids) each subgroup can search their own square simultaneously. If you all stick together, you can only search one square and it takes 15 minutes, no matter how many people do this. More people can aid in the roll/encounter, though, so splitting is a trade-off.

This is because the "search" time also includes handling random events (combat, dismantling some useful tech, talking to people, etc) and aiding someone else rolls.
Jul 20, 2024 12:41 am
About the hovercycles... If you put 2 people in each, there is no extra cargo capacity left, just what those people can carry.

If you put only one person, the hovercycle can carry an extra 20 encumbrance in items.

What do you do? How are you going to split the groups + bikes?
Jul 20, 2024 1:16 am
I advise searching in pairs, a balance of speed and reliability.

Can we use the gravsled? If not I guess we have to rent something?
Can we get a gravsled if not?
Jul 20, 2024 1:26 am
I advise searching in pairs, a balance of speed and reliability.
Sounds good. Arthur12320 do you agree? Can you choose the pairs? 1 PC + 1 NPC each?
Can we use the gravsled? If not I guess we have to rent something?
Can we get a gravsled if not?
Unfortunately no, it stayed near the Forbidden Regions. You can buy a gravsled for 10,000 credits.
Jul 20, 2024 1:32 am
I guess when we find the item we'll have to send someone to drop it off? I don't see another affordable option?
@arthur12320 ?
Jul 20, 2024 3:57 am
"I agree let’s split up in pairs, I think from a security point of view it would make sense if I went with Lucia, and you with Liu? Your combat seems to be more close quarters, it would be good to have someone that can shoot a bit further."

I agree that 10k is out of the budget, but I did not understand the plan for when we find something.

"We can send one of the two back with the parts on the bike, but where would we send it to? Do we have some kind of safe place?"
Basically, once one pair finds a piece one would go back with it, leave it somewhere and go back to the pair, my question is where would that drop off point be? Are we close enough to the factory to leave it there? Because the pieces would then be unguarded while we search
Another option but I think it would underutilize the hired crew would be: one person would setup, a safe place on the outskirts and stand guard setting up our rally point, a pair would go out in a hover bike and search, once they found one and secure it they would call for the last person to come and transport it with the other bike, and leave it in the rally point. Not sure if it is a great plan because two people would be just standing guard and delivering not searching.
Jul 20, 2024 4:46 am
I dont see a solution except getting lucky. If we do have to search all 80 squares, and assume each one only takes 30 min(15 for travel, 15 for searching) and we move in pairs to deal with any bad rolls (if we miss it, that would make the mission impossible), it would take 20 hours, if we had a perfect searching pattern. ... we cant search for 20 hours straight... physically...
Do we have to just hire all the people and get it done en masse? That would take so much of OUR time transporting people unless we spend the 2k to rent a vehicle.
This doesnt seem worth it.
If we assume it averages 40 tons/ month & it sells at 50/tonn = 2000 / month
But we get 1k/month, not counting any operating costs.
If we assume a generous 20% operating cost, that's 400.
We put in about 15k if we rent a vehicle.
That's 3 years & 2 months before we get a profit.
Would our game even run that timeline?

And that's assuming we can even be lucky enough to find the parts before we search the whole area, because we dont have enough time to?

What am I missing?
Last edited July 20, 2024 4:46 am
Jul 20, 2024 9:22 am
What am I missing?
Sorry if it was not clear, you're not actually looking for large/heavy ship parts like the drive core. You're looking for Elders parts like the ones used for modding gear. It takes 1-2 encumbrance each, 5 total, to carry it back. There will be an In Character post with the patron to explain this, I was waiting for the crew setup to do it together with the hirelings.

It won't be a completely blind search as well, there's tips, terrain limits and other stuff scattered around. Moreover, if you search the correct grid, you don't need to roll for the parts. The dice will be used in all other squares (there are threats and other optional bonuses scattered around for you to find)
Jul 20, 2024 1:51 pm
Initial loadout for the Refinery Mission
Please check below. Is everything all right? How should we split the filters?

Ready items (Characters have up to half their strength in slots. N/A = Not available, not enough strength)
Slot Peter Lucia Mercer Song
0 Armored Undersuit Armored Undersuit Armored Undersuit Armored Undersuit
1 Stun Baton Stun Baton Stun Baton Stun Baton
2 Thermal Pistol Laser pistol Thermal Pistol Spike Thrower
3 Atmofilter + chemical protection Atmofilter + chemical protection Atmofilter + chemical protection Atmofilter + chemical protection
4 Low-light goggles Low-light goggles Low-light goggles Low-light goggles
5 Powercell, A Powercell, A N/A Powercell, A
6 N/A N/A N/A Lazarus patch

Stowed items (up to strength slots. Blank = slot empty)
Slot Peter Lucia Mercer Song
1 Lazarus patch Lazarus patch Lazarus patch Lazarus patch
2 Lazarus patch Lazarus patch Lazarus patch Powercell, A (pack with 3)
3 Powercell, A (pack with 3) Powercell, A (pack with 3) Powercell, A (pack with 3) Powercell, A (pack with 3)
4 Powercell, A (pack with 3) Metatool Metatool Powercell, B
5 Powercell, B Powercell, A Medkit
9 N/A
10 N/A
11 N/A N/A
12 N/A N/A N/A
Jul 20, 2024 1:59 pm
Ready items (Characters have up to half their strength in slots. N/A = Not available, not enough strength)
Slot Peter Lucia Mercer Song
0 Armored Undersuit Armored Undersuit Armored Undersuit Armored Undersuit
1 Stun Baton Stun Baton VibroBlade Stun Baton
2 Thermal Pistol Laser pistol Thermal Pistol Spike Thrower
3 Atmofilter + chemical protection Atmofilter + chemical protection Atmofilter + chemical protection Atmofilter + chemical protection
4 Low-light goggles Low-light goggles Low-light goggles Low-light goggles
5 Powercell, A Powercell, A Force Pavice Powercell, A
6 N/A N/A N/A Lazarus patch

Stowed items (up to strength slots. Blank = slot empty)
Slot Peter Lucia Mercer Song
1 Lazarus patch Lazarus patch Lazarus patch Lazarus patch
2 Lazarus patch Lazarus patch Lazarus patch Powercell, A (pack with 3)
3 Powercell, A (pack with 3) Powercell, A (pack with 3) Powercell, A (pack with 3) Powercell, A (pack with 3)
4 Powercell, A (pack with 3) Metatool Metatool Powercell, B
5 Powercell, B Powercell, A Medkit
9 N/A
10 N/A
11 N/A N/A
12 N/A N/A N/A

On that note, I was pretty sure we decided to bring the gravsled with us to the ship.I thought part of the whole point was to get /everything/ back, bikes and sled included.
We did kill three people for it...
Last edited July 20, 2024 2:02 pm
Jul 20, 2024 2:43 pm
Mercer wanted to, but Hank was piloting and didn't come back. It was risky.
Since Maya and RB are gonna dip out, Hank can't come back for the sled, so that's likely a loss. I doubt it's worth the risk to come back for it. Pity, but it is what it is. Even if the core drive is unrecoverable, its value is unimaginable. The sled isn't even a rounding error. Since the bikes fit, no reason not to.
You got the hovercycles, the 300k Core Drive and the priceless AI.
Jul 20, 2024 4:00 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
Ready items (Characters have up to half their strength in slots. N/A = Not available, not enough strength)
Slot Peter Lucia Mercer Song
0 Armored Undersuit Armored Undersuit Armored Undersuit Armored Undersuit
1 Stun Baton Stun Baton VibroBlade Stun Baton
2 Thermal Pistol Laser pistol Thermal Pistol Spike Thrower
3 Atmofilter + chemical protection Atmofilter + chemical protection Atmofilter + chemical protection Atmofilter + chemical protection
4 Low-light goggles Low-light goggles Low-light goggles Low-light goggles
5 Powercell, A Powercell, A Force Pavice Powercell, A
6 N/A N/A N/A Lazarus patch
Mercer only have 4 ready slots, otherwise he will be encumbered and with a reduced combat speed. Will you move something to stowed or are you reducing that speed?

The pavice is usually restricted for the military and police forces, but I will let you pass with it this time. Let's say that they didn't realize what it actually is when you passed through customs.

Moreover, the group is missing 8 chemical refills (1 slot each). Are you splitting evenly or giving someone a couple of extras?
Jul 20, 2024 4:42 pm
I think we decided to split them in the bikes 4 for each bike.
Jul 20, 2024 4:44 pm
The bikes are not been used as transportation for the NPCs? They can't carry 2 people + extra cargo...
Jul 20, 2024 5:05 pm
Ohh ok, we can split it evenly then, even with that we would still be able to carry the found pieces, and we can discard the used refills when they are spent
Jul 20, 2024 5:11 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
I dont see a solution except getting lucky. If we do have to search all 80 squares, and assume each one only takes 30 min(15 for travel, 15 for searching) and we move in pairs to deal with any bad rolls (if we miss it, that would make the mission impossible), it would take 20 hours, if we had a perfect searching pattern. ... we cant search for 20 hours straight... physically...

What am I missing?
I'd like to come back to this?
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